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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Why right time for Pure book: AV 1 & 2


Why right time for Pure book: AV 1 & 2


With the recent release of the Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2, we should pause and reflect. As Ananda Margiis and disciples of Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, it is our bounden duty to both safeguard and spread His divine teachings to all corners of the cosmos. This is our central mission while on this earth.

Naturally then, we need the right tools to gain success. Just as one cannot use a broken, pulverized hammer when doing carpentry work, similarly, one cannot use books plagued by distortions and omissions to propagate Sadguru Baba’s teachings. In both instances, one will not be successful. Reason being, a proper tool is needed.

The new Pure edition of AV 1 & 2 is an exact rendition of what Baba spoke, in the original language that He spoke those teachings. So this is the right tool. Indeed, such a publication is an absolute boon for AM pracara. Yet this merely stands as the first of many upcoming Pure editions of AM books. Without an accurately printed body of AM shastra, it will not be possible to propagate His teachings. That is why this new Pure edition is the need of the day.

Here is more about this new English / Hindi edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2:
“This is the opportune moment to ensure His timeless discourses are accurately rendered in book form, propagated among the common people, and safeguarded for the generations to come. And that is what this English / Hindi edition seeks to achieve.

“This English / Hindi edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2 is a tiny step forward in the monumental task of printing exact transcriptions of all of Bábá’s discourses from His audio recordings and spreading His authentic words and teachings throughout the cosmos." (Excerpt from the Preface)
This pure edition of the English / Hindi of Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 1 & 2 was sold at the New Year’s Ananda Nagar DMS and is available at most seminars, and through a growing number of margii distributors. Call for more info: +91 99670 14550

Reserve yours today:

Note: The discourses are 60% in Hindi & 40% in English.

In Him,
Mugdha Dev

Pracara for New Book

Friday, February 28, 2020

New Pure AV 1 - 2 book: unique way it is made


New Pure AV 1 - 2 book: unique way it is made


The main quality that makes this new English / Hindi edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2 so unique is the way in which it was made. Every word Baba spoke was transcribed from the audio cassette. What Baba spoke in English was perfectly transcribed in that script. And what Baba spoke in Hindi was correctly transcribed in that script. That makes the book an exact rendering of what Baba actually said.

This approach of direct transcription stands in stark contrast to prior versions of these books. In those earlier editions of AV 1 & 2, the publishers would summarize what Baba spoke in other languages - or just skip those sections entirely. So what you are reading in those books may not even be Baba’s words. The front cover of the book has Parma Purusa Baba’s name on it, but often you are reading the words of those human publishers. That is both shocking and deceitful, not to mention faulty and inaccurate. And in many cases, what Baba spoke was left out entirely. These are the ills of the past versions of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2 etc.

So this new Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2 is vastly different from those old books. The main thing is that you can read this new Pure book with 100% confidence that you are reading Baba’s actual words in the very language that He spoke them. That is what makes this Pure edition so unique, and verily this is the manner in which His divine discourses are meant to be published.

Here is more about this new English / Hindi edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2:
"The name of this new book is Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2. “Pure” means publishing the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti jii in their correct form. It means all that Bábá spoke on the audio cassette has been transcribed in its entirety, just as Bábá said it. All that Bábá spoke has been included, in His own, exact words, without any translation, retranslation, alteration of words, or restructuring of sentences. That is how this volume has been made.

"This edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2 is a transcription of what Bábá spoke. In these discourses, Bábá primarily spoke in Hindi, English etc. In each case, the original language was maintained; nothing was translated. For example, if, in a particular discourse, Sadguru Bábá spoke in five different languages, then all those terms and phrases were transcribed directly—not translated.
This pure edition of the English / Hindi of Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 1 & 2 was sold at the New Year’s Ananda Nagar DMS and is available at most seminars, and through a growing number of margii distributors. Call for more info: +91 99670 14550

Reserve yours today:

Note: The discourses are 60% in Hindi & 40% in English.

In Him,
Mugdha Dev

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Aim of new Pure book: access to Bábá’s original words


Aim of new Pure book: access to Bábá’s original words


This newly published Pure edition of Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 1 & 2 is entirely novel. It is wholly unlike the prior books of this same title. Tragically, those earlier versions were plagued by gross inaccuracies and outright deletions. Hence, what was on those pages did not accurately reflect Sadguru Baba’s actual spoken discourse. So this new Pure edition is not just a “re-do”, but rather represents a revolutionary approach for rendering Baba’s dharmic discourses.

Here is more about this new English / Hindi edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2:
"Since the very beginning, the purpose of making audio recordings of Sadguru Bábá’s discourses was to print AM books in their unadulterated form. Unfortunately, prior to this printing, there was not a version of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1 or Part 2 which is a word-for-word rendition of what Bábá actually spoke. This is the first volume which is an exact transcription of His recordings.

"In listening to the corresponding sound file of any of the discourses included in this edition, you will find that His words have been precisely reproduced from the very beginning of the discourse to the end. In result, each chapter is an accurate depiction of what those disciples heard when they were sitting before Bábá the day He blessed humanity with that discourse. Readers experience the authentic version He gave years ago. And that is the aim of this volume: to offer sádhakas intimate access to Bábá’s original words, creating the feeling of being in His presence and listening to what He is saying.
This pure edition of the English / Hindi of Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 1 & 2 was sold at the New Year’s Ananda Nagar DMS and is available at most seminars, and through a growing number of margii distributors. Call for more info: +91 99670 14550

Reserve yours today:

Note: The discourses are 60% in Hindi & 40% in English.

In Him,
Mugdha Dev

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Why this new Pure book was needed


Why this new Pure book was needed

Note: Those who purchased this new book and compared it with past editions of AV-1 of AV-2 quickly realized that dramatic difference and how significant passages and sections of Baba’s original discourse were simply missing in the previous editions.


The English and Hindi editions of Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 1 & 2 were published decades ago. But, it became clear that those editions did not properly reflect what Sadguru Baba actually spoke. Rather large swaths of His original discourses were systematically being eliminated. That is why this completely new and pure edition was the need of the day. Here is the early story of how this came to be:

This following account shows how discrepancies in AM books were first discovered, as well as how some people aimed to malign the whistleblower and repress the matter.
One avadhúta would regularly listen to the audio cassettes of Sadguru Bábá’s discourses. While listening to Bábá’s Bengali discourses and following along with the AM Bengali books, Dádá was pleased to find that a high percentage of the sound files of the Bengali discourses matched the AM Bengali books. However, when trying to critically match the original audio of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti jii’s English discourses with the printed AM English books on a sentence by sentence basis, quite quickly it became apparent that what was printed in the majority of the AM English books did not match what Bábá spoke. In that same vein, most of the AM Hindi books also did not match what Bábá spoke... 
This edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2 is a tiny step forward in the monumental task of printing exact transcriptions of all of Sadguru Táraka Brahma Bábá’s discourses from His audio recordings and spreading His authentic words and teachings throughout the cosmos.

Reserve yours today:

Note: The discourses are 60% in Hindi & 40% in English.

In Him,
Mugdha Dev

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Announcement: New Pure Ananda Vacanamrtam book just published


New Pure Ananda Vacanamrtam book just published


Sadgru Baba has given dharmic discourses for the welfare of humanity. Yet to date, it is well-known that Baba's printed discourses have been distorted. To remedy the situation, Ac Maniiśananda Avt made tremendous efforts and has now started printing Baba's original discourses as pure books.

The first book of this pure series is the English / Hindi "Ananda Vacanamrtam (Pure) parts 1 & 2". The text is 348 pages, and the cost of the book is only Rs 100 in India, and is available for overseas sadakas as well. The text includes many sentences and sections of Baba's discourses that were not printed in earlier published editions. And what was printed contained many distortions and errors. In total, the book offers 46 discourses, including 3 "never-before-printed" discourses. So these three original discourses are entirely new in book form.

Verily, this pure Ananda Vacanamrtam book has been printed in an "as-is" manner. Whatever Baba spoke in His general darshans has come in a pure way for the first time in printed form.

In Him,
Mugdha Dev

Contact us today:

Monday, February 17, 2020

Kind of bribe + 3 more


Kind of bribe


Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "If, in consideration of the power of your post, anyone offers you a present, that should count as a bribe [or tip]." (1)

Just imagine if the tips are extended to teachers in schools. In that case, if you do not give a huge tip, then those teachers will not teach your child. Here the point is that whatever field of life incorporates tips, then a few wealthy people will get special, preferential treatment. That is why as Ananda Margiis we should not be involved in giving tips for work rendered.

Similarly, if judges and police officials are not paid properly and are instead depending upon tips [financial gifts], the entire justice system will become corrupt. Robbers, criminals, and others who have access to huge amounts of stolen funds, will give large monies to judges and police officials as a "tip" in order to gain their favour. The end result will be that justice will not be served. That tip is the equivalent of a bribe; there is no difference.

Who suffers the most?

The ones who suffer the most are those who cannot afford to give a big tip. Just as with bribes, it is the common person who gets neglected and pushed aside while the "wheelers & dealers" like big business and mafioso types get the best of everything. Where there are tips there is partiality, and where there is partiality it is the "common man" who is left behind. That is what tips do: They alienate and block the regular people from getting what they need. Those ordinary citizens are the ones who suffer the most.


As Ananda Margiis we should refrain from giving tips or gratuities to anyone for their work. Rather we should raise the slogan that those people should be paid more by their employers. No doubt this may feel uncomfortable to forgo giving someone a tip, but this is the work of the pioneer. And society will benefit greatly in the long run.

If people do not want to perform certain works for you because they know you are not going to tip them, then get your work done by other agencies or businesses. Supporting the system of tipping is not good as it leads to partiality and injustice for the common people. Those who tip big get special preference and those who do not have the money to tip large sums are overlooked. Plus the one receiving the tip becomes degenerated as they are always thinking about money. This is not the way to build a healthy society.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "If, in consideration of the power of your post, anyone offers you a present, that should count as a bribe [or tip].” (2)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

If you are robbed, the police will do nothing unless

Every Ananda Margii understands that accepting or giving a bribe is against our moral principles and societal regulations.

Here are Baba's teachings towards employees of different institutions:

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Do not, on any account, accept or offer a bribe." (3)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "If someone, through pressure of circumstances compels you to offer or accept a bribe, do not forgive that person till he/she is reformed." (4)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "If, in consideration of the power of your post, anyone offers you a present, that should count as a bribe [or tip]." (5)

In the workplace, any financial or material gift that is associated with one's professional standing should be considered a bribe.

Regarding householders, Baba has given the following teaching:

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Do not offer a bribe to anyone. If someone through pressure of circumstances forces you to offer a bribe, do not forgive that person till he/she is reformed." (6)

Whether in our professional life or personal life, whether at work or at home, in no such circumstances are we to indulge in any form of tips or bribery. As Ananda Margiis we should refrain from giving or receiving bribes and side by side we should raise awareness that bribes lead to the degradation of society. In that sense it is just like tipping - it is to be wholly avoided and public education is needed.

In certain countries one cannot get the basic necessities of life (such as electricity, water, heat etc) without bribing local officials and administrators. Or if your house is robbed, the police will not do anything unless you offer a bribe or tip. Then and only then will they start their investigation, otherwise not. In such situations, due to pressure of circumstances, one will have to pay a bribe. At the same time it is imperative to take a strong stand.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "If someone through pressure of circumstances forces you to offer a bribe, do not forgive that person till he / she is reformed." (7)

Medical industry: tips and bribes

Next Baba shows how in some places the medical industry is riddled by bribes.

Ananda Marga social philosophy guides us, "Countless complaints can be made against doctors and the medical profession. Although it would take a lot of space to list them all, let me briefly mention a few: patients have to settle for adulterated medicines unless they bribe the pharmacist; sweepers, orderlies and nurses do not take proper care of a patient's needs unless they are tipped; a patient writhing in pain may be rebuked instead of being given medicine; if one does not call the doctor at least once for a personal consultation so that that doctor can earn some extra money, one may be unable to secure a bed on one's next visit to the hospital; a medicine that is supposedly out of stock in the hospital can be illegally purchased in a nearby shop at an exorbitant price; without bribing the doctor a sick patient will not be admitted to the hospital; during the compulsory medical examination for a new job, all the medical staff put out their hand for a bribe; the doctor in collusion with the optician fails many people in their eye tests so that they will have to buy glasses; hospital patients are served food which is cheaper and of poorer quality than what they are entitled to; milk and fruits reserved for patients are consumed by the hospital staff; spurious drugs and injections are administered to patients. Such grievances are endless. Some are extremely serious, involving accusations of such irresponsibility that it is difficult to believe that people actually have these experiences." (8)

Accepting a bribe may kill your son

Here Baba guides the negative reactions that come when one takes bribes.

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, "When people rob others, or indulge in hypocrisy, or cheat people, or indulge in tall talk day after day, they are committing original actions. When a dishonest government employee accepts a bribe it is an original action, and when his son gets sick and has to be rushed to the doctor it is the reactive action (the reaction to the original action). When his son dies he laments, “I haven’t knowingly done anything wrong. Oh, Lord, why have you given me such severe punishment.” But God did not give him any punishment – the deep sorrow he felt at the death of his child was the result of his past original actions." (9)

Tips effectively work in the same way as a bribe. Those who are known to give generous tips get treated differently from others. They are given the "royal treatment." Viewing the situation in this manner, it is very evident that tips bring injustice and stagnancy in the society, just like bribes. Preferential treatment becomes the rule of the day, not true human feeling.

1. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #23d
2. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #23d
3. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #23b
4. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #23c
5. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #23d
6. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #24c
7. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #24c
8. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
9. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Sádhaná

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Viina of my inner core

"Adrira ma'jhe tumi himagiri, pus'per ma'jhe pa'rija'ta..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1685)


Parama Purusa, You are the Greatest among the great, the Sweetest among the sweet. Amongst all the mountains, Your status is like the towering, snowy Himalayas. Of all the flowers, You are like the most brilliant pa’rija’t flower with its intoxicating aroma. With Your own hand You are touching and playing the strings of the viina of my inner core and infusing bhakti. With Your soft, loving touch, You are arousing the divine ecstasy in my mind.

Baba, I have come on this earth again and again and have loved You in so many ways. My whole existence has always revolved around You. All along You were with me by my side; but, even then my heart could never be satiated to its full content. At this time, You have brought me again on this earth. And, You also have brought a basket full of love for me. Now, please remain along with me always - day and night. 

Among all the things which are dear, You are the Dearest. You are my Priyatama, the innermost One of my core. Of all those whom I love, You are the most precious and always reside inside my heart. I love You so much. Baba, what way You are, it is impossible to explain through language. I do not have any words to express Your glory. So I do sastaunga pranam to You - thousands of times, infinite times, again and again. 

Baba, please keep me at Your lotus feet...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Way to please Him

Ananda Marga ideology states, “We are all the progeny of Parama Puruśa. He is creating each and every thing. There is no need to worry about the man-made distinctions between tall and short, black and white, male and female. Identify your mind with the Cosmic Mind and see whether that pleases Parama Puruśa or not. Do whatever pleases Him.”

“No father wants to see his child die of starvation or one of his children eating or accumulating more than required. You will have to develop the economic sphere to ensure that these things will never happen. In social life no father would wish to see his widowed daughter forced to dress in an austere fashion, persecuted socially, or debarred from attending social functions. You must not support these things. Rather, you must provide equal opportunities for all.”

“Parents hate to see their children weep. If they do, they take them on their lap and comfort them with love and affection until their tears stop. You will have to build a society in which no one is forced to weep, where everyone smiles joyfully all the time and gets ample scope for laughter. Seeing such mirth and merriment, Parama Puruśa will feel immensely pleased. By giving joy to Parama Puruśa you will feel even more joyful and will feel His close proximity. This is the actual social code. And the actual spiritual code is the one that helps humans move towards Parama Puruśa. Under no circumstances should one create unnecessary controversies. The social code aims at bringing a broad smile to the faces of the progeny of Parama Puruśa. You should all move along this path – you are sure to meet with success.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Which Is the Right Path?

== Section: Important Teaching  ==

Your permanent home

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Smara nitya anityatám. You should remember always that you have come here for a short span. You won't remain in this world for a long period. You may remain here, say, for ninety or a hundred years, or say for 150 years. Some saints like Traelauṋga Svámii lived here for 350 years. He lived in Varanasi in India and died in this twentieth century. But you are to live under certain limitations – limitations of time, space and person."

"So you should always remember that you have come here for a very short span. It is just like a waiting room of a railway station. You remain there for a short period and when the train comes, you leave the waiting room. This world is just like that waiting room. You are to remain here for a very short span."

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "You should always remember this fact – “I have come here for a short span and I won't remain here for a very long period. My home is elsewhere. I am just like a tourist.” You should always remember this fact. And as a universal tourist, you, while leaving for your permanent home, will not require a passport." (1)

1. 25 May 1979 evening, Rotterdam

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Sampurnananda fell into sewage


Sampurnananda fell into sewage


It is well known that caste marriages run contrary to the ideological fundamentals of our Ananda Marga teachings. Such caste marriages are condemned by Sadguru Baba because they breed divisions, fissures, and balkanisation in the society. Yet recently, Ac Sampurnananda conducted a caste marriage in Tatanager. 

Cowards do caste marriage

A caste marriage is when both bride and groom are of the same so-called caste. This is against Baba's revolutionary marriage system and an essential point for breaking the caste dogma. For decades, margiis have bravely had revolutionary marriages. Only Baba, being the dharma Guru, could infuse a system to tear down the caste dogma. In the past no one could do so - not Buddha, not Shankaracarya, not anyone. And margiis courageously followed Baba's order and did a great sacrifice by going against the caste dogma. By Baba's grace, in a short time period the caste dogma was broken. Baba's given revolutionary marriage system was an instrumental factor. So it is shameful that now this recently held marriage conducted by Sampurnananda was plunged in caste dogma.

The case of Acarya Ram Tanukji & caste marriage

Everyone knows that Family Acarya Ram Tanukji was a top lawyer in AMPS who tried the famous court cases. So Ram Tanukji would regularly meet with Baba for advice and counsel.

That time Ram Tanukji was also trying to arrange a marriage of his family member, and he was explaining to everyone that he could not find a match. In the end, Ram Tanuk arranged for a caste marriage in his family.

As soon as that was arranged, Baba declared that He does not want to see the face of Ram Tanukji. So Ram Tanukji was not allowed to see Baba - just he was crying outside in despair. Baba gave guidance on the legal cases to him via others. Ram Tanukji was not allowed inside.

This gives the clear-cut guideline that Baba is very strict on this point of caste marriages. Even though those court cases were highly important, Baba would not speak with the main lawyer because he performed a caste marriage.

Caste dogma & bastard

In His teachings, Baba furthermore states that those who are followers of caste dogma do not believe in God because every person is a child of God. When Parama Purusa is the Father of the entire creation, then how can there be different castes. The children of the same Father cannot be of different caste.

Baba even states that those who follow caste dogma do not believe in the Cosmic Father. And since they do not feel they have a Cosmic Father then they themselves are bastards. Because those in the society who do not believe in their father are bastards. Verily they do not have a father and that is why they are bastards.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “दो भाई का दो जात नहीं हो सकता है | यह common sense है | यह साधारण बुद्धि से ही मनुष्य समझेंगे, कि—एक पिता है, दो भाई हैं, राम और श्याम; राम का एक जात, श्याम का एक जात नहीं हो सकता है | कभी नहीं हो सकता है | कोई अगर बोले कि—राम और श्याम दो अलग जात हैं, तो बाप भी दो हो गए तब | तब वह तो बाप को नहीं मानता है |


आँऽ ? जो बाप को नहीं मानता है, वह तो जारज [bastard] है | तो, जो बाप को मानते हैं, परमपिता को मानते हैं, वे जात नहीं मानेंगे |

[मार्गी लोग---"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]

जो परमात्मा को मानते हैं, जो धार्मिक हैं, उनके पास जात नहीं है |” (1) (V28-19, GD 2 January 1970 Patna)

Why would Sampurnananda do this?

It is most tragic and shocking that certain Dadas travel great distances to attend dogmatic caste marriages. Each and every aspect of their life is to be an expression of the ideological fundamentals as given by Guru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. They know that caste marriages are wholly forbidden in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. We do not in any way subscribe to the caste dogma. So it is absolutely mind-boggling that Sampurnananda conducted this caste marriage and that other Wt Dadas also attended.

Our Dadas should not lend their support in any way for such a marriage that is unideological and based on caste dogma. So it is very perplexing why some Dadas are willing to perform and attend caste marriages when such marriages are such a blatant contravention of Baba's teachings and mandates. Indeed, why would any Dada / Wt be eager to attend?

Caste marriages not allowed in AMPS

In Baba’s below Hindi teaching, He is speaking out against the dogma of caste marriages.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage करा लो | और जो हिम्मतवार लड़के हैं, वे, उनके guardian, उनके माता; वे लोग क्या करें ? जात-पाँत को लात से ख़त्म कर दो, चूर-चूर कर दो | एक दल, एक मज़बूत समाज बना लो | और हम लोगों को दुनिया के कोने-कोने में आनन्दमार्ग का पैगाम पहुँचा देना है | इसलिए अधिक से अधिक सङ्ख्या में whole timer worker की भी जरूरत है | कोई whole timer worker बनो | कोई revolutionary marriage करके समाज को मज़बूत बना दो |” (2) (NP (Not Printed), 1/14/1984 Patna)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “तुम लोग dogma के ख़िलाफ़ सङ्ग्राम करते रहोगे | केवल—मुँह से बोलोगे कि dogma ख़राब है—सो नहीं | अपने करके दिखला दोगे कि—तुम dogma को नापसन्द करते हो |

हम तो सबसे कहेंगे कि हम लोगों को जल्द से जल्द समाज बना लेना है | और, दुनिया में सर्वत्र आनन्दमार्ग का प्रचार और-ज़ोरदार करना है | समाज बनाना है, इसलिए अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage चाहिए | …

जो लोग guardian हो, माता-पिता हो, अपने बटे-बेटी को revolutionary marriage करके दिखला दो कि—तुम dogma के ख़िलाफ़ हो |

घबड़ाओ नहीं, किसी से डरो नहीं | अपने वैयष्टिक प्रयास से अगर नहीं हुआ, सामूहिक प्रयास से करो | घबड़ाने की कोई बात नहीं है | और हम तोरा सिनी रो साथ छियो |”

क्रान्तिकारी विवाह " (3) (NP (Not Printed), 1/8/84, General Darshan)

in Him,

Note: According to Ananda Marga teachings, casteism and racism are just like sewage.

Just donkey marriage nothing more

The aforementioned marriage conducted in Tatanagar is nothing but a donkey marriage. Superficially, they have everything ready in terms of proper outfits and acaryas on hand etc, but upon closer examination the foundations of this marriage are completely bogus as it is wrapped up in caste dogma etc and contravenes the tenets of Ananda Marga. On the outside it looks like Ananda Marga, but in reality it is not Ananda Marga. That is what is meant by donkey.

It is just like if one is doing sadhana sitting in a very erect position hoping that someone will notice him in sadhana and be impressed. But internally, that "meditator" is just thinking about himself, not Parama Purusa. So this is not real sadhana; it is just donkey sadhana. It looks like sadhana but on closer look it is clear it is just donkey sadhana.

Same is the case with the aforementioned marriage in Tatanagar To the untrained eye and non-sadhaka, it may look like an Ananda Marga marriage, but to every sincere Ananda Margii it is evident that this is just a donkey marriage.

Silent action: Wts not up to the mark

Ananda Marga ideology states, "If the conduct of senior persons, or táttvikas or ácárya/ás or avadhút/ikás, goes against the Sixteen Points, then you should take silent action. What is silent action? Suppose there is an ácárya/á who delivers sermons about the dos and don’ts, and issues different decrees. But suppose he or she does something which merits criticism by society – suppose, for example, that he or she secretly investigates the caste of the potential marriage partner for his/her son or daughter. If this happens, it will be the duty of the Acárya or Avadhúta or Táttvika Board to take suitable action. However, it will take time to initiate the action, because facts, evidence and many other things are needed. Until an action based on facts and evidence is taken, you can take silent action against the party." (4)

1. V28-19, GD 2 January 1970 Patna
2. NP (Not Printed), 1/14/1984 Patna
3. NP (Not Printed) 1/8/84, General Darshan
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action

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