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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Most important thing + News: revolution... + 2 more

Most important thing


We have come on this earth for a very short time. In this brief period there are many things to be done. Indeed there are many great works to do. All Ananda Margiis - family person or Wt - are aware about this fact.

"You have been speeding towards the funeral pyre"

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The only duty of one who has attained human body in whom human potentiality is present, is to progress on the path of sádhaná. No one of intelligence should waste even an iota of time. With every respiration your longevity is diminishing. From the day of your birth as an infant you have been speeding towards the funeral pyre. Every moment is taking you closer and closer to death. So I say do not waste your time.” (1)

#1: Yet in various conversations sometimes you can hear people saying, “kill the time”, or “pass the time”, or so many things they say. Or by their action they say like that. Plus to cure their boredom they may involve in so many activities just to pass the time. We see this in various ways whether one is playing a traditional meaningless games like checkers or chess, or passing the time by computer gaming or surfing the web in degrading or senseless ways.

#2: Then there is a second type of person that acts as though what they are doing is very important, when in their heart of hearts they know they are just wasting away their time. To justify their actions they convince themselves that what they are doing is really important. For example, there are some people who watch degrading TV programmes. And some margiis raise the matter by saying, "Brother, please such films are against the word and spirit of moral codes."

However, those people justify that they must watch such programmes and films to understand the mindset of the people and establish Prout. It is clear they are viewing those programmes and movies for their own personal entertainment but they convince themselves that, "I am watching these degrading TV programmes and experimenting with other vices to establish Prout." This type of hypocrisy you may have seen or heard about now and again.

In any event, in both of the above cases, one’s time is not being properly utilised - though for obvious reasons the second case is worse than the first as that wastage of time is intertwined with self-deception and hypocrisy.

Time: once passed, it does not return

About maximizing our use of time we should refer to Baba's poignant guideline. Sadguru Baba guides us, "I advise you not to waste your time any longer. Utilise your time in worthwhile pursuits...While you are executing your noble task do not waste your time. In this practical world, in this relative world, the most valuable relative factor is time. Once the time has passed and gone, it does not return again, so never misuse time." (2)

By this guideline it is quite clear that Baba directs us not to waste the time - period. So who has time to waste in any type of personal entertainment such as watching degrading TV programmes, reading junky romance novels, and gossiping. When one has been blessed with the inclination for sadhana and social service - as every sadhaka has - then time should be spent in higher pursuits not degrading ones. For a sadhaka, the time should be spent in serving and pleasing Parama Purusa and His creation - not just in ways to entertain oneself etc.

Goal-less pursuits are not at all appreciated in our Ananda Marga. Baba is very strict on this point as it makes the mind dull and soft and one loses their inner vision of life.

Valuable time wasted in undesirable thoughts / psychic extravaganza

Here it is important to note what happens when one wastes their time in idle and useless pursuits like petty games like chess and other forms of entertainment. They become dull-minded and lethargic. Actually this is the speciality of materialism - entertainment for entertainment's sake. In that case one has no higher goal; life is just an aimless journey filled with useless entertainment.

Unfortunately these days many are involved in such activities such as going to the cinema, joining in gossip, and participating in various other pursuits with no greater goal in mind. Just they waste away their precious time - time just gets utterly wasted. See here Baba's distinct warning.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Now, everywhere, in cent-per-cent of the cases, there is wastage of human psychic potentiality. The psychic potentialities of human beings are immense, but people do not utilise them because most of their valuable time is wasted in undesirable thoughts, in psychic extravaganza." (3)

Baba is says that we must not waste our time in useless pursuits such as chess, wandering==websites, playing computer games, watching degrading TV programmes. The tragedy here is that even sadhakas do such things yet convince themselves that what they are doing is really important. We must not fall into such an unfortunate circumstance. Rather cent-per-cent honesty is needed.

Conclusion: “I must not bother about petty things”

Baba guides us that direct intervention is need to stop this degenerating free-fall into crudity.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "This psychic extravaganza should be checked either by physical approach, or psychic approach, or by spirituo-psychic approach." (4)

So Baba strongly commands us not to waste our psychic faculty because if anyone fails to stop such type of mental extravaganza, then ultimately they cannot follow the path of sadhana - they will become totally lost.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your Sádhaná. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, “How much money has he left behind?” Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent.” (5)

in Him,

Story of the king

Here is the historical account how one king was intoxicated and addicted to chess to such a degree he lost his freedom and kingdom.

One story comes to mind of one debauched king who was deeply involved in the game of chess. The king would wallow away his time all day long playing chess. Several weeks ahead of time, the king got an important report from his ministers that the British army was going to raid his kingdom. But when the king got this information from his intelligence officers then his only answer was: “How far are they?” And then after that the King again joined his chess game.

From that point forward, the king's military advisers were constantly giving him updates and info about the advancement of the British army. Yet the only thing the king continued to tell them was, “Ok, the enemies are far off, let me continue my chess - the enemies are far away.” Like this the king was responding.

And when the situation developed to such a degree that the British soldiers reached just nearby in the local area. Then the king's intelligence advisers were giving more and more warnings. And the king replied, “It is okay, I can still play chess till they come closer.”

Then when upon hearing the news that the British army actually reached to the door of their fort / kingdom, all the other chess players quickly left the king's palace. In fear they escaped. And the king remained there alone.

The king was completely oblivious of the impending threat. Instead the king was just calling out to those chess players who left. The king was yelling and abusing those who escaped, “Why have you left! Come here and play chess.”

Finally on that fateful moment when the Britishers reached into the compound itself and actually entered into the king's room, then the British Army personnel surprisingly exclaimed, “O, King, you are alone here.” And the British commanders saw that next to the king was his chessboard. And the king was still busily yelling into the void at those who had left the chess game.

This was the way the British Army officials were introduced to that King. And the king said, “There were many persons here but they escaped.”

Then the senior British officer asked, “What are you doing here alone?”

Then the King replied, “I am waiting for them to return in order to resume our chess match.”

In the last the British arrested the king and took him away to the jail. And they told the king, “Finish your chess game here; indeed here you will get a lot of opportunity to play chess.” And so accordingly the king passed the whole rest of his life locked up there in the jail.

~ For in-depth study ~

Do glorious deeds

Ananda Marga philosophy states, [When you came to this world, it smiled and you wept. Continue your noble deeds so that when you die, you will laugh and the world will weep.] “When a child is born, the members of the family laugh joyfully, but the child itself cries. You should live such a benevolent life and do such glorious deeds that when you leave this world, smiles will blossom on your face while the people mourn your departure with copious tears. The people will feel bereaved at the loss of a person who truly helped them in their hour of need. All of you should take such a vow to do noble deeds as long as you are alive, and thus leave this world with a smiling face.” (6)

Here, Baba guides that we should always cleanse the mind of needless thoughts and mental engagements.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "From the psychic sphere also, unnecessary waves are to be removed. This will remove many burdens from the mind. 'I must not bother about petty things, because that will waste my time' -- people should remember this. This removal or rather withdrawal of unnecessary and undesirable thoughts emanated from the mind, will help you in rationalising the major portion of your mental faculty, and so this must also be practised." (7)

Make life meaningful by your sádhaná, service & sacrifice

Baba guides us how when good sadhakas gather for satsaunga then they never like to waste time in useless activities like chess or needlessly roaming the web, rather they prefer to goad their minds toward that Supreme entity, the Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Whenever the devotees of Hari assemble together they do not like to gossip, but prefer to do Hari Kirtana, and nothing else." (8)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "So kiirtaniiyah sadá harih – that is, you are not to engage your mind in any psycho-physical or physical pabulum. Utilize that time, utilize each and every aspiration of your existence, in doing the kiirtana of the Supreme." (9)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You have come for a very short span of time. Therefore utilize the time to the maximum. Serve the world with the feeling of service. Render service in all the spheres of life – physical, psychic and spiritual." (10)

Ananda Vanii states, "After millions of animal lives, created beings attain human forms. That is why all the scriptures speak of the rarity of human life. The wise make proper utilization of all objects - this utilization alone makes the existence of the object worthy. You have achieved human frame – you must make it meaningful by your sádhaná (spiritual practice), service and sacrifice. Engage yourself in such useful pursuits that even your worst enemies hardly has any chance to despise you; utilize yourself in such a manner so as to have satisfaction in your mind also, that you never wasted your time uselessly on this earth." (11)

When to procrastinate

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The sixth and last defect is procrastination – the psychology of delaying tactics: not today, but tomorrow always tomorrow. Defer everything until tomorrow. Though procrastination is a very serious defect according to the scriptures, personally, I do not totally accept this view. In my opinion, the capacity to delay noble deeds is a vice, but the capacity to delay sinful deeds is a virtue. If I waste time and postpone good deeds until tomorrow, it is extremely bad. But if I postpone bad deeds until tomorrow, it is good. While delaying something bad, one's mind may change and one may decide not to do it after all. Hence, procrastination in the case of bad deeds is a virtue." (12)

Proper restraint

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “'One must have restraint over one’s sensory and motor organs.' 'I must not see that object, that may pollute my mind. I must not hear that sound, that may pollute my mind.' These are all restraints over sensory and motor organs"

Cakkhuna' sam'varo sa'dhu

"O sa'dhu, O spiritual aspirant, you should have proper restraint over your eyes [and all your motor and sensory organs]" (13)

People waste time in useless thinking

Ananda Marga ideology says, “[Tadekam japáma.] You say so many things, and major portions of what you say are meaningless, simply a wastage of time and energy. And not only do you say things, but you speak in your mind. And that is also a wastage of energy. Before going to Stockholm, you may say within your mind a thousand times, “I have to go to Stockholm, I have to go to Stockholm, I am to go to Stockholm” – a mere wastage of time and energy. “

“What is thought? Thought means to speak within. Thought is closely related to soliloquy. Suppose there is nobody to hear you and you are speaking. What is that? It is just like a thought. When you are speaking to yourself, it is called “soliloquy”. Thought is also like that. Some of your thoughts are of such a nature that, if others hear them, they will say you are insane.”

“So here the Tantric says, “Look, what I am to say within my mind, speak to myself, I should speak regarding You, and not regarding this or that, that or this; so my time will be properly utilized – there will not be any wastage of time and energy.””

“Tadekam' smaráma. You may be remembering, “Oh, when I went to Alaska, my host served me a very delicious menu.” You are thinking like this – a story of, say, twenty, or perhaps twenty-five or thirty, years ago. You are remembering – what? It is a sweet memory. What is the necessity?”

“Memory should be of – what? A tactual experience that took place in my mind in the course of my sadhana, or the bliss that I enjoyed during kiirtana. Memory should be like this. “My memory should also be centred around You, so there will not be any wastage of time and energy.” What do people do generally? People generally remember past stories of pain and happiness, sweet stories of near and dear ones. But all those things are a mere wastage of time and energy.” (14)

Worse than not doing sádhaná at all

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The first mental faculty is that the mind thinks: the mind discovers and invents newer modes of thinking, the mind thinks with concentration, that is, the mind meditates. Regarding this faculty of thinking, if it is done in a methodical way, the result is certainly positive: a negative result is achieved only in certain rare cases. But if it is not done in a methodical way, the general result is negative: only in very rare cases do we get a positive result. So our students, our boys and girls, our ladies and gentlemen should be taught how to think in a methodical style, otherwise there will be wastage of mental potentialities. We do not want such wastage to take place in this age of science." (15)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Unless there is genuine love for Parama Puruśa, the repetition of holy chants is useless and leads to wastage of both time and energy. Moreover, if during the repetition of holy names, Parama Puruśa is not the goal of one's mind, then the power attained from that japa or repetition may also be misused. Suppose someone is sitting in meditation for one or two hours and thinking all sorts of undesirable thoughts – this is worse than not doing sádhaná at all because in this way the Sádhaka's mind becomes even more degraded. There is a local proverb, “Gela bhaesá pánii me khuńt́ásamet” – when the buffalo runs into the pond, it drags its binding rope and stake with it." (16)

Start sadhana early in life

Ananda Marga philosophy states,"Now everywhere, in cent per cent of the cases, there is wastage of human psychic potentiality. The psychic potentialities of human beings are immense, but people do not utilize them because most of their valuable time is wasted in undesirable thoughts, in psychic extravaganza. Suppose human life is an average of sixty years. Twenty years of that is spent in sleep, and the remaining forty years are wasted in petty or useless activities. How much time do people really get to devote to worthwhile tasks?" (17)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The human body is the rarest of all, and thus the most difficult to acquire. Only after passing through millions of lives, through constant clash and cohesion, does one attain a human body. Human life is rare, but rarer still is the person who has realized the meaning of life through spiritual practice. Thus, Narada, human beings should start spiritual practices as early as possible in their lives. They should not waste time by waiting until old age. That would not be wise. Hence it has been said, “Durlabham' mánuśam' janma tadapyadhruamurthadam”." (18)

Purify the mind with sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Learned people know that the requitals or consequences of deeds (karmaphala) are inevitably bound to follow one's actions, and so they do not waste time uselessly thinking about them. Fortified with courage and instilled with Brahmabháva they face all calamities of retribution bravely. They always consider themselves pure, for they have purged their minds of the past. Those who have tasted even a little of the flowing nectar of Brahma, know that they can never be impure. This constant thought of self-purity greatly helps to exhaust their sam'skáras or reactive momenta, as a result of which the sam'skáras held in the sthirabhúmi of their práńa are gradually destroyed. With the help of sádhaná or spiritual practice the spell of pleasurable and painful requitals ceases both internally and externally. Sádhakas call it the combustion of the seed of action in the fire of sádhaná." (19)

Baba has graciously blessed us with all the psycho-spiritual tools to become 100% successful in life. Toward this endeavour His varabhaya mudra remains eternally with us by His grace.

Baba says, "Inner channelisation and one-pointed conversion into psycho-spiritual pabulum brings about radical changes in individual and collective life. The psycho-spiritual approach makes a person deeply introversial, one-directional, strong and dynamic." (20)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 5, The Chariot and the Charioteer
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sadvipra, Táraka Brahma, Sadáshiva and Shrii Krśńa
3. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
4. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, What Should Human Beings Do?
7. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
8.. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Hari Pari Mańd́ala
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, The Best Mental Engagement
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Three Factors for Spiritual Elevation
11. Ananda Vanii #33
12. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Bad Habits Which Should Be Given Up
13. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, How to Concentrate
14. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, What Are You
15. Yoga Psychology, The Mind Grows in Magnitude
16. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Path of Salvation
17. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
18. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Earlier One Starts Dharma Sádhaná the Better
19. Subhasita Samgraha - 4, The Chariot and the Charioteer
20. A Few Problems Solved - 8, The Transformation of Psychic Pabula into Psycho-spiritual Pabulum

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I am singing for You

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Je gán tomáke shonái,tumi ki shono ná priya..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4471)


Parama Purusa, my Dearmost, don't You listen to the song which I am singing for You? That tune which is coming from my heart, is that to be neglected? The song which expresses my innermost, heart-felt longing and yearning for You, is that to be ignored? Please tell me, Dear.

Divine Entity, the flower blooms and blossoms on this earth and emanates a sweet aroma all around. But after some time that same flower is just lying in the dust crying. Then can this be overlooked - should it just be forgotten?

Baba, Parama Purusa, after showering all sorts of blessings upon me, if You make me impoverished then please remember the request of that impoverished fellow sometimes. In the past we were close, but now, because of my shortcomings, You have forgotten me. Our love should be beyond all merits and demerits, so kindly don’t neglect me. I humbly request You not to forget this request...

== Section 3: News ==

News: revolution in AM starts
(WTs were not invited from any group - All margiis attended kiirtan)

*Dear All, Cordial Namaskar...🙏*

By the grace of ever-present Almighty Baba, we just concluded 24hr Akhand Kirtan and Margii Meeting at Katihar, on 21st & 22nd September, 2019, is a land mark event, which will write a new chapter in AM history. Bro. Ajay Dev, BP and Katihar Bhukti took a strong ideological stand calling margiis from all factions including Ac.' Visheshwarji, Araria, Sri Sushil Ranjan, GS, PSS, Rajesh Singh, PF and Shivnarain ji, President, PBI Bihar along with Bro. Chandrashekhar ji, Gorakhapur, Bro. Dharmendra ji, Jamshedpur, Bro. Diwakarji, BP, Bokaro, Sri Kalicharan Ranaji, Hajipur. Margiis from near by Bhuktis attended the program in large numbers, nearing 300.*

*One more bold decision was, keeping Margii Meeting in mind, not to invite any of the WTs. After a vibrant, charged and devotional Kirtan and DC, Sushil ji spoke on organizational situation and Margii rights. After that, Rajesh Singh elaborately described difference between Anand Marga and AMPS, causes of division, deletion of chapter 'AM a revolution' and distortion in other discourses, destroying  every Grihii institution- ACB, creation of Grihii Acarya and Tattviks and LFT structure.*

*Margiis were in tears when "Baba" and HIS disciples ordeal was shared by Rajesh Singh. Margiis vowed to work for Prout and to celebrate 100th 'Anand Purnima' in 2021 unitedly and at grand scale.*

*I take this opportunity to thank Ajayji, Katihar Bhukti, Chandrashekhar ji, Diwakarji, Dharmendra ji, Kalicharan Rana ji and everyone present.*

at Baba's feet,

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Key point to escape cycle of life and death

Here below Baba warns us that every action that is tied to the unit ego brings one deeper into bondage. To engage in so-called service for one's own glory or joy is binding. And one will have to undergo that reaction. In that case, liberation cannot be attained; instead one will have to undergo the reaction of those original actions.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "An original action begets a certain reaction, and simultaneously brings one within the bondage of actions. Unless those bondages are broken, the microcosms will have to keep moving in a cycle of action and reaction – they will have to be reborn again and again on this earth." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Where there is selfishness there is no love

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Suppose you rear hens, you feed them rice and of course you love them also. If someone takes one of your hens, you will fall out with him, and even come to blows. But it is that out of selfless love? Love must be untarnished and free from the least bit of selfishness. You feed the hens for your benefit; you are motivated by the thought that one day the hen will lay eggs and you will earn money by selling them. "Nija sukha la'gi ye kare pirite se ja'ni garala kha'ye" -- One who loves others for self-interest, swallows poison." (1)

Note: Everyone knows that this above teaching from Baba is the idea of 2nd lesson. But whether one follows or not one should ask oneself, and try to perfect it.         

1. Tattva Koumudi

== Section 4: Links ==

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Can we forgive Dadas S & R + 3 more


Can we forgive Dadas S & R


Forgiveness is an admirable quality and one of the ten wonts of dharma. If one is dharmic they should have a forgiving nature. However, according to the law of dharma one must be very careful when to apply this rule - and where not. The wrong application of forgiveness will destroy the peace and harmony of individual and collective life. This letter addresses under which circumstances the tenet of forgiveness should be applied - and when not. All the guidelines presented herein are based on the teachings of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji.

We all know that we have to bring our AMPS back onto the proper path by adhering to Sadguru's dharmic guidelines. At the same time we have to know how to address those who created the very issues and problems that need fixing.

Sadguru’s do’s and don’ts of forgiveness

In this below guideline, Baba delineates who can be forgiven.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Ks'ama', or forgiveness....What is forgiveness?...How should a virtuous person behave? If one is satisfied that the wrongdoer's habit has been rectified, one may pardon him. If someone is perpetrating atrocities on thousands of Ananda Margiis, however, one has no individual right to excuse the wrongdoer because that wrongdoer has harmed thousands of innocent people. But if a person commits atrocities on me alone, and if I am satisfied that his nature has been transformed, it would be proper for me as dharmika to show forgiveness. However, if his nature has not been rectified, my forgiveness may result in that person becoming even more of a reckless scoundrel and in such a case forgiveness would be considered as a sign of my weakness. This is the dharmik interpretation of ks'ama'." (1)

And here is another of Sadguru's teachings on the point of forgiveness.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In collective life one has no right to forgive anyone...Forgiveness is something personal; it is not a collective matter. Suppose you are an inhabitant of India. If someone harms the collective life of India, you must not forgive them. Likewise, as you belong to the entire human race, you must not forgive anyone who harms humanity." (2)

In these above guidelines Baba is instructing us that:
1) There is no forgiveness in collective life. If someone has harmed the society no individual has the right to forgive them.
2) Forgiveness is limited to individual life only - under certain conditions: Only if the person’s nature has been rectified.
3) Rectification is a prerequisite for forgiveness in individual life. If the wrongdoer has not corrected their defective behavior they cannot be forgiven.
4) Premature forgiveness results in further harm to the society.

Forgiveness can only be extended under limited circumstances. It is not something that can be handed out indiscriminately. Doing so will undermine the society, create more problems, and lead to more injustices.

Beware: people have tendency to wrongly forgive

The following teaching given in Hindi is on one of the Baba pravacan cassettes issued by PRS in the 1990s. Many may have this and can listen to this teaching in Baba's own voice. Here Baba is issuing a special teaching on forgiveness that applies especially to the population of India, as well as other communities.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Ks'ama' vaeyas't'ik jiivan ke liye maha'n gun' hae. Sa'muhik jiivan ke liye maha'n dos' hae. Sa'muhik jiivan me bha'ratva'sii is dos' se grast haen. Atah satark rahoge. Yah dos' bahut khara'b dos' hae; Sa'muhik jiivan men agar yah kiya' gaya'." (3)

Here is an English summary of the above Hindi teaching.

In individual life forgiveness is a very good quality. In collective life it is very bad. The inhabitants of India are suffering from this defect in collective life so be aware. If it (forgiveness) is done in collective life, this defect is disastrous.
With regards to our organisational life, if someone is claiming that we should "forgive and forget and start afresh" then we should apply our vivek. Since 1990 countless misdeeds and unjust dealings have been committed by certain group leaders and to date not a single wrongdoing has been corrected.

Perpetrators of margii rights

Here is a list of injustices and contraventions of margii rights carried out by the various top group leaders including:

  • Avadhutas: Sarvatmananda, Shraddhananda, Rudrananda, Nigmananda, Keshavananda, Ramananda, Vijayananda, Mantreshvarananda, Tadbhavananda, Ravishananda, Vicitrananda, Jagadiishvarananda, Sambhutyananda, Viitamohananda, Samanvayananda, Shambhushivananda, Cidananda, Aksaraananda, Parameshvarananda, Samanvayananda, Yatiishvarananda, Svarupananda, Bhaveshananda, Nityashuddhananda, Dhruvananda, Jagadishvarananda, Citkrsnananda, Tiirthananda, Vimalananda, Nirmohananda, Pranavananda, Pranavatmakananda, Tiirthananda, Citsvarupananda, Vicitrananda, Vratiishvarananda, Sarveshvarananda, Kalyaneshvarananda, Parmeshvarananda, Vandanananda, and all central workers and others.
  • Avadhutikas: Ananda Giita, Ananda Sampurna, Ananda Karuna.
  • Family Acaryas: Raghunath, Candranath, Pratapaditya, KS Sood
  • Margii stooges: Shrii AR Sanangii, Mangal Bihari, Shudhanshu, SS Goyanka, Vishvadeva (NY), Dhruva (NY), Narada (Suva)

Margii rights snatched away:
1. The destruction of BP rights and imposition of the Fake BP Manual.
2. The ruination of the ACB system by putting “yes men” on the post.
3. The curtailment of margii rights with no scope to protest in writing or discussion etc.
4. Not recognising silent action as a fundamental right.
5. Elimination of freedom of speech to control and manipulate margiis and Wts.
6. In Suva sector, Manavendrananda, by order of Sarvatmanana, created the fake SPB and got rid of the ACB.
7. The PKB (Purna Kalika Bandhu) system was exploited and rendered defunct.
8. The victimisation of countless whistleblowers - i.e. Ananda Margiis and Wts who spoke out.
9. Inimical expulsion of innocent margiis and wts.

Scripture distortion:
10. The Bangalisation of Ananda Marga discourses.
(a) Countless intentional scriptural distortions were done such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of many Ananda Marga books, even if those discourses were not given by Baba in Bangla.
(b) Only translating Bengali portions of Baba's holy DMC discourses which were given by Baba in three languages.
11. The insertion of the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas as the Caryacarya part 1 Appendix.
12. Removal of the paragraph on margii rights from Ananda Marga: A Revolution discourse.
13. Invention of Fake Ananda Vaniis.

Injunction of dogma
14. The agenda to exploit margiis by imposing so-called pilgrimages / tiirthas in Ananda Nagar, Kolkata, and Jamalpur.
15. The introduction of the dogmatic mahaprayan, i.e. the yearly death day celebration and feast that is held annually on the death day 21 Oct. This is against Caryacarya.
16. Recitation of the shraddha mantra for the eternal Parama Purusa Baba during the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas gathering.
17. The propaganda of making Purodha Pramukha dada into a Holy, Divine Being in order to magnify and exploit the power of the PP post.
(a) The propaganda that PP Dada need not sing Prabhat Samgiita or kiirtana because PP dada is divine and far above the level of mortal humans.
(b) Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule that PP need not attend dharmacakra in order to show that PP is great and spiritually exalted. Only mortal humans have to attend, and PP is above. This is the dogma they propagated and which was followed by their stooge PP.
(c) Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule that PP need not attend paincajanya because he is spiritually elevated and far above. Only mortal humans have to attend, not  PP. This is the dogma they propagated.
(d) Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda imposed the practice at DMS etc that PP does Guru puja while sitting up on his dais, not on equal seats.
18. The construction of dogmatic memorials and tiirthas to limit omnipresent Sadguru Baba and tie Him to a particular land or place, such as Jamalpur, Tiljala, and Ananda Nagar.

Miscellaneous wrongdoings
19. Group leaders allegedly ordering vicious, even deadly, physical attacks on innocent Wts who were not in their group.
20. Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule that Wts are forbidden to write to other Wts if not in their direct chain of command. This was  followed by their stooge PP.
21. Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule of not sharing archive materials with sincere margiis, and taking the spiritual treasures from margiis such as discourse cassettes and letters from Baba etc.
22. Changing the names of roads in Ananda Nagar. AMIT Road was changed to Memorial Road.
23. Sale of Ananda Marga properties and land holdings around the globe & pocketing the profits in their personal bank accounts etc.
24. Raising the Jai slogan, and salute to the Divine Father for PP Dada. (Note: In India, all monks are commonly known as Baba. So when the Jai slogan is raised then PP just keeps mum, smiles, and brings his hands to his heart. By this way, the general populace and naive margiis think that the Jai slogan is raised in PP Dada’s honour. Whereas if PP raises the slogan then people will not think that PP is being revered. They will think that Baba must be someone else. So for the sake of his prestige PP does not raise the slogan. They also implemented the bogus system that the jai slogan should be at the railway platform when PP Dada’s train arrives. They gather all sorts of stooges and sycophants to stand on the platform to raise jai slogan for PP - but good mariis would never do this.)
25. Turning the treasure of Prabhat Samgiita into a money-making venture where for the sake of profits Prabhat Samgiita is placed in the hands of the degraded film industry. This was done in the 1990’s.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “You are to attend Dharmacakra weekly. These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous…One may be a king or may be a very poor man, but the code of dharma is equally applicable to all. In this matter, nobody can claim any special concession or favour.” (4)

But Sarvatmananda with the support of Rudrananda and Nigamananda made the rule that PP need not attend dharmacakra.

Example how Lord Mahaviira (Jain) harmed the society

To date, none of the guilty persons have taken responsibility for their misdeeds, admitted their mistakes, or rectified themselves. Yet day after day there has been opportunity to correct these crimes and sins, but not one wrong has been undone. There has not been any mention about this from those responsible for doing that damage. Those who are at fault for taking away margii rights and those who are to blame for not reinstating those rights do not express any iota of repentance for their wrongdoing. Yet they want that we should support and respect them.

From time to time someone is calling out that "so and so number of group leaders should be given a blanket pardon and forgiven entirely." Or sometimes innocent persons think we should "forgive and forget and start afresh". By overlooking wrongdoings, they are thinking that they can bring peace, harmony, & unity etc.

Baba's clear-cut guideline is make a careful evaluation of the situation. Offering forgiveness to those who are unrepentant and granting pardons arbitrarily when collective harm has been done will prove to be disastrous. See here below what happened when Mahaviira Jain preached a faulty doctrine of forgiveness.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Mahaviira's [propounder of Jain religion] philosophy of nirgrantha vada never gained mass support. Secondly, he placed too much emphasis on forgiveness and mercy. He taught people to forgive their worst enemies, even if they were as deadly as scorpions and snakes. As a result of this teaching, people lost the will to fight against the enemies of society." (5)

You cannot forgive those...

We should be alert and stand firm to Guru's guidelines. Baba pointedly tells us not to forgive those who have harmed society and not to forgive those who have failed to rectify their behavior. Such wrongdoers must not be pardoned. So when there has not been any hint at rectification and when not an iota of repentance has been expressed, then in that case where is the scope for forgiveness. Rather under such conditions we should pay heed to Guru's stern warning.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Do not forgive till one's nature is reformed. Immediate forgiveness is a special weakness of mind. It results in worse harm to society." (6)

Baba's key point is that there must be repentance and rectification by those group leaders etc. Without that forgiveness should not be done. One other thing to mark: When anti-social elements commit injustices for years on end then their whole being becomes distorted: Their heart becomes hard and their skin becomes thick. In that situation, it becomes almost impossible to repent and rectify oneself. So we should beware, keep sharp eyes, and not get befooled.

Following and adhering to Baba's do's and don'ts on forgiveness is one mandatory point for building up a healthy, well-knit human society.

In Him,

Two names that will go down in history

The tearing down of the Bhukti Pradhan system, victimising and expelling innocent margiis, distorting Baba's teachings, across the board in all these realms huge damage has been done by a few self-serving group leaders. These key figures working behind the scenes these days are Sarvatmananda and Rudrananda etc. Those who are hungry for power and post never show repentance or remorse for their unjust and sinful actions. In that case, how can they be pardoned.

Forgiveness blunder by Prithviraj Chauhan

~ Courtesy of Wikipedia ~

Prithviraj Chauhan was the Hindu king of Chauhan dynasty in the 12th century. He is famous in Indian history for his bravery and courage. He was born in 1168 at Ajmer. His father was Someshwar Chauhan, the king of Ajmer and mother was Kamala Devi.

He defeated the king of Gujarat, Bhimdev only at the age of thirteen. For his bravery, his maternal grandfather Angam declared him the king of Delhi. He built a strong Rajput empire and his empire was expanded mainly in the northwest of India. His empire included Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

Prithviraj Chauhan defeated the Evil Central Asian Muslim King Mohammed Ghori 16 times. Time and again Prithviraj defeated Ghori but due to his forgiving nature he pardoned him again and again and eventually the 17th time in 1192 Ghauri re-invaded India and attacked Prithivi's kingdom at night and defeated him. He took Prithviraj as a prisoner to Afghanistan and took out his eyes and tortured Prithviraj severely. But Prithviraj’s poet friend Chand Bardoi came to Ghauri's kingdom and convinced him to engage Prithviraj in a game in which he would hit a target blindfolded with a bow and arrow. Ghauri being a lover of any new skill or a game was convinced and allowed Prithviraj to engage in that game. As the game ended Prithivi took a shot on Ghauri as he called out to hit on a target and killed Mohammed Ghauri. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

From this above story there are a few key teaching points about forgiveness.

#1: Actually, Prithviraj had no right to forgive the Muslim aggresor Ghori as he (King Ghori) had done collective harm. So many suffered and so many died at the hands of Ghori. So it was a crime against humanity. Thus, as a king - on behalf of his subjects - Prithviraj cannot forgive Ghori for harassing, injuring, maiming, and murdering countless innocent people. Yet Prithviraj forgave him.

#2. Secondly, Prithviraj was wrong in repeatedly and blindly forgiving the Muslim aggressor sixteen times when Mohammed Ghori had not taken steps to rectify himself.

#3: Because of these two blunders, Prithviraj ruined his own life and did irreparable harm to his kingdom. That is the tragic history. Nobody should make such a mistake, otherwise they will invite terrible destruction.

Similarly, nobody can those who committed the aforelisted sins and injustices in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Because of such devious behaviour, countless margiis are suffering now and for decades, centuries, and even for thousands of years, innocent people will be harmed. So long as these dogmas are in vogue, people will suffer.  That is why no one can forgive such persons. How can one forgive wrongdoers on behalf of the child who has yet to be born and who will suffer from such dogmas. Under such circumstances, one had no right to forgive them.

~ Photo courtesy of Wikipedia ~

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, The Ten Characteristics of a Dhármika
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
3. 30 Dec '70, Patna, AV-28 (H) Samgrame Vaepariityam ('Opposite Stance in Battle')
4. Subhasita Samgraha – 24, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B
6. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #6

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुम आए और मुझे समझाए कि तुम परमपुरुष हो, और तुम मेरे हो।

प्रभात सङ्गीत  1516 तुमि एसेछो , भालो बेसेछो मन जिने नियेछो ...


हे परमपुरुष ! तुम  कितने कृपालु हो। तुम आ गए , तुमने मुझे प्रेम किया और मेरा मन चुरा लिया। मेरा मन केवल तुम्हारे बारे में ही सोचना चाहता है। तुम अपनी ही इच्छा से बिना किसी के बुलाए, आ गए । तुम स्वयं लय और ताल के साथ आ गए। कितना आनन्द  है ! तुम कैसी ईश्वरीय लीला कर रहे हो।

हे प्रभु ! तुम्हारे शुभ आगमन के पहले मैं तुम्हारे सम्बन्ध में कुछ भी नहीं जानता था। मैं यह नहीं जानता था कि परमपुरुष पूरी सृष्टि में व्याप्त हैं। मैं यह समझता ही नहीं था कि तुम क्या हो। हे दिव्यसत्ता, बाबा ! तुम आए और मुझे समझाए कि तुम परमपुरुष ही हो, और तुम मेरे हो। तुम हमेशा मेरे सबसे अधिक पास  रहते हो।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा ! मैं तो असहाय था। अपनी ही निराशाओं  में घिरा  हुआ था। अपनी करनी पर रो रहा था। मैं सोचता था मेरा कोई नहीं है। मैं बिलकुल निराश था। लगता था कि कोई भी प्रकाश दिखानेवाला नहीं है। पर, तुम कृपा कर आए और मेरे मन के अँधेरे  में आध्यात्म के प्रकाश  का दीप जला दिया। तुम मेरे पास में बड़ी ही आत्मीयता से आए और मेरा हृदय भक्ति की आभा से लबालब भर दिया। अब मैं समझ गया हॅूं कि केवल तुम ही मेरे हो।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा ! तुम मेरे पास आए और मेरा पूरा अस्तित्व चमका दिया।

1. Hindi purport translated by Dr. T.R. Sukul from original English purport by Ananda Marga Universal.
2. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Unique capability of human thinking

Ananda Marga ideology states, "So the characteristic of the human mind to attract or to be attracted depends on mental tendency. If there is a glandular change in the physical structure there will be a corresponding change in the saḿyojanii or vibhájanii forces of the mind. Even if the mind thinks deeply about a person of the opposite sex, its own inherent saḿyojanii or vibhájanii shakti gets changed to some extent. If there is a major change in either of the forces there will be a corresponding change in the physical body. As a result, males can be converted into females and females into males." (1)

According to Ananda Marga ideology, the mind has enormous capacity. As one thinks so one becomes. With this theorem, a person can actually change their gender: Males becoming females and females becoming males. There is no operation involved, just by mere thought this transformation of gender can occur. Such is the incredible capacity of the mind. Naturally then, if one thinks about animalistic desires then their personae will be shaped in that way. They will take on those qualities. So one should be very careful about the thoughts they harbour, and recognise the enormous capacity of the mind and goad it toward the Supreme.

1. Form and Formless, 11 November 1957, Nathnagar

Self Aggrandizement is Despicable

Ananda Marga ideology states, "शराब पीना जितना गर्हित कर्म है, अभिमान उतना गर्हित कर्म है | "गौरवं रौरवं ध्रुवम्‌"---Aggrandizement, अपने को बड़ा बनाने की जो चेष्टा---"मैंने किया, मैंने किया, मैंने यह किया, मैंने वह किया", बहुत आदमी कहता है देखोगे | यह जो गौरवं, यह क्या है ? न, "रौरवं ध्रुवम्‌" | यह रौरव-नरक के समान नीच है |" (1)

1. S22-08 DMC 19 February 1965 Bhagalpur