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Friday, March 3, 2023

Bebé llorando


Bebé llorando


Una vez visité a uno de mis amigos que trabajaba en la estación de policía. Mientras estuve allí, un ciudadano preocupado trajo un bebé a la estación. El bebé se separó de su madre en un mela (festival) local y lloraba y lloraba, añorando a su madre. Los oficiales de policía estaban tratando de ayudar al bebé ofreciéndole chocolate, frutas, dulces, dulces, etc. Pero todos sus intentos fueron en vano. Seguía preguntándome: "¿Por qué este bebé llora sin parar?" ¿Qué es lo que falta? ¿Qué es lo que necesita el bebé?

Como todos sabemos, ese bebé no necesitaba nada más que su madre. ¿Por qué madre? Porque el bebé se siente seguro cuando está al abrigo de su madre. ¿No has visto en tu infancia o en tu barrio que cuando 2 niños pequeños de diferentes familias se pelean, dicen: "Le diré a mi madre y ella te golpeará". El punto es que esos niños pequeños piensan que su madre va a resolver todos sus problemas. De esa manera, los bebés pequeños no tienen preocupaciones. No tienen ningún problema porque confían en su madre para que se encargue de todo.

Importancia del refugio bajo Parama Purusa

Todo el concepto de refugio es muy significativo. Tomar el refugio de Guru tiene un valor tremendo en la vida de un aspirante espiritual. La vida está enredada en problemas; sin embargo, aquellos que dependen cada vez más de la Entidad Suprema están comparativamente libres de estrés y relajados. La vida es dichosa. En cambio, los que carecen del sentimiento de refugiarse en Dios, viven en un aguantadero de problemas. A pesar de tener todos los lujos mundanos, todavía viven en el infierno, en tensión. Para quitar eso, se vuelven adictos al alcohol y otros vicios. Así que refugiarse en Guru es muy significativo en la vida cotidiana.

Está ilustrado en la ideología de Ananda Marga, "Mahat prpaeva bhagavat krpaleshadva", lo que significa que la gracia del Gurú lo es todo.

Podemos decir que Sadguru otorga Su gracia especial cuando un bhakta se refugia en Él. En la vida espiritual, Su gracia lo es todo. Entonces, cuando la gracia lo es todo y la gracia está relacionada con el sentimiento de refugio bajo el Gurú, y cuando el sentimiento de refugio está asociado con el sentimiento de la presencia del Gurú, entonces sentir la presencia del Gurú es primordial. Porque sin sentir Su presencia no se sentirá Su amparo.

Para el bhakta, la presencia de Guru significa "muy cerca de mi propia existencia". Entonces, para refugiarse en Él, se requiere la existencia tanto del Gurú como del bhakta.
Los que no tienen cobijo se aterrorizan ante las dificultades y adversidades. Mientras que aquellos que se han refugiado bajo Parama Purusa nunca se sienten impotentes o asustados por las caídas de peligro porque piensan que la Entidad Todopoderosa va a resolver todo.

A Sus pies,
Satya Prakash

En la actualidad, todos y cada uno de los margii conocen Guru sakash. El sadhaka siente: "Baba está muy cerca de mí, derramando Su gracia sobre mi". En Ananda Marga, todos y cada uno de los días comienzan con Guru sakash.

En un resumen en español de Yoga Psychology, "Under the Shelter of the Guru", Baba nos dice: Gurusaka'sha significa 'cerca del Gurú, bajo el paraguas del Gurú, bajo las alas del Gurú, en el refugio del Gurú'. (resumen en español)

Guru sakash solo se puede hacer cuando uno tiene este sentimiento o idea básica: "Estoy bajo Su refugio" o "Él es, es por eso que Él me dará refugio", y "Él está aquí conmigo". Sadguru ha dado Su gracia a cada bhakta para que sienta: "Parama Purusa es fácilmente accesible, Él está a mi alrededor. No solo a mi alrededor, sino muy cerca e íntimo". Este sentimiento especial es una gran bendición en la vida de cualquier sadhaka: Experimentar lo que es vivir bajo Su protección.

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Crying baby

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

How to occupy other countries


How to occupy other countries


One nation sends its people to a neighbouring region or country, and then takes aim to control that place on the false justification that, “Most of the residents are our citizens, and we are merely protecting their rights.” This card has been played numerous times in the distant past and in our more modern history as well, notably with Russia’s takeover of Crimea in 2014, among numerous other examples. And, given the current global climate, this is bound to occur more in the future, and veritably is going on right now once again, so we should know Prout’s position on this burning issue.

How this took place in the past

First, let's go back in time to review similar events from our past. Such hostile takeovers are quite common. History bears testimony to this, but we must no longer tolerate such injustices. Several thousand years ago, the Aryans marched into India, labeled the locals as being asuras (demons), and established control of the region by inhabiting and dividing that land. This has described this in detail in various discourses.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The Aryans divided the indigenous population of India into these three categories [of shudras], although these so-called shudras were the original inhabitants of India and the Aryans were the outsiders." (1)

More recently, the British established their empire around the globe. In places like Australia, the British utterly wiped out the indigenous Maoris; in the US, the British settlers wreaked havoc on the Native Americans; and in South Africa, the British politically and economically enslaved the local peoples. In all such circumstances, the British sent English settlers and over time those settlers outnumbered and eventually wiped out the local people and indigenous cultures; in turn, those lands became full-fledged British colonies.

And in certain places where the British could not swallow up the local people, such as in Ireland and India, then the British artfully employed their devious tactic of divide and rule. Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has detailed this in a few key discourses as well. (2)

Throughout history, so many other nations have swallowed up tracts of land and smaller countries by sending their people to live in that area. Plus, various religions have done similar things. The Muslims have gone to lands and with the strength of their polygamy and numerous offspring, they created a burgeoning population that eventually took over that area. This happened in Afghanistan, Pakistan, as well as in various Middle-eastern and African nations, and in so many places that are now present-day Muslim areas. Likewise, the Christians went into South India and elsewhere and established their dominant presence over time.

Stalin learned from the British

Knowing this history, Stalin and his ruthless USSR cadres swallowed up so many neighboring lands by following this same type of approach. They sent a 'floating population' of Russians to some of those lands like Georgia, imposed their language in the schools, and established a Russian presence in that place. Furthermore, Stalin drew up boundaries of those satellite nations that were sure to create ethnic tension, thus ensuring those countries would never be able to rise up and dethrone Russia.

Even after the USSR crumbled, still those beleaguered satellite countries were in dire straits due to Stalin's approach, such that still today, even though they are independent nations, they still live in the shadow of Russia. Ethnic and racial tensions abound, and those peoples can never be adequately united to withstand Russia's military offensives. So when Russia invades places like Georgia and Crimea etc, all done in the name of coming to the defense of Russians living there, Russia can easily exert its will.

This entire practice of creating ethnic divisions stands on the heels of what the British did in Ireland and India. (3)

This is going to happen in future also

And if we are not careful and we allow other populations to enter local areas, we are destined to see more of the same in the future. And they will come and capture the area, wherein one nation is having its citizens reside in other countries, just like Muslims did in Jammu-Kashmir. Just a few hundred years ago those were entirely Hindu states, but the Muslims have, over time, captured parts of that region leading to ongoing rifts and hostility. That is why Prout has a policy of 'no outsiders' in any samaj.

Prout philosophy says, "Outsiders [or a floating population] must be strictly prevented." (4)

Otherwise we will continue to see more and more offensives, war, bloodshed, divide and rule, and military operatives, and ethnic cleansing, such as in Crimea, Darfur (Sudan), Xinjiang province (China) and countless other places around the globe etc. Initially, it seems harmless enough to allow outsiders, but invariably over time it leads to the mutilation of the local population as well as untold aggression and hostility toward innocent people. Rather, one must become one with the socio-economic structure of that samaj in order to reside there-- one must merge their interest(s) with that place.

Prout philosophy says, "Local people are defined as those who have merged individual socio-economic interests with the socio-economic interests of the socio-economic unit they live in." (5)

They live in that area, learn the language, do not send money to outside places, and identify with that land. But that is not the case with the hundreds of thousands of Chinese who are now inhabiting large parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. Nor is it the case with the millions of Indians residing in Africa. Nor is it the case with the tens of millions of Mexicans and Central Americans residing in the USA. Here it should be noted that often the US has exploited its neighbors to the south and often supported dictators whereby life for the local people becomes unbearable. In that case, the innocent people wish to immigrate north to the US. But this is not the real solution; rather, their home nations should be transformed into liveable nations, economically and socially, where one’s security is assured.

But the way things are going now, in all these places, it is a sure bet that at some point in the future, the Chinese, Indian, and Mexican governments will start to exert their will in the name of defending their people. That is what history has shown and that is what the future holds, which is why a floating population must not exist in any area - no outsiders are allowed. Only in extreme cases can they be considered.

In His Proutistic teachings, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has clearly identified the causes, cited historical precedents, and given the solution. By analysing current issues and providing rational solutions, we will be able to propagate the pragmatic ways of Prout within the general society, amongst intellectuals and lay people alike.

Terrorists & neighborhood gangs

This trend is not just prevalent among nation states, but among smaller bodies as well. For instance, Islamic terrorist forces have employed a similar strategy to take over various cities and regions. They enter a locale and make life terrifying and miserable for the local people, thereby forcing them to the fringes and ultimately forcing them out. This has happened throughout parts of the Middle East, and in Africa as well. As soon as they gain a plurality or majority, they exert their will on the existing population. That is why there has been such a stark decline in the number of Jews and Christians in the Middle East, and there are some regions where innocent Muslims are the victims. But, by and large, Islamic terrorists have used this strategy to establish any type of stronghold.

And gangs in the US follow a similar pattern. They come into an area in small numbers, and increase their own population until it reaches a critical threshold. Then the gang can employ its muscle and harass and victimise locals. Naturally, the inhabitants will feel threatened and be forced to shelter in fringe, outlying areas or leave altogether. Verly, this is a common approach amongst human groups on so many levels. That is why there is such a dire need to establish neo-humanistic principles around the globe as that is the only panacea to this type of ruthless exploitation.

Tried & true formula

The basic rule of the history of exploitation is that to take over any land, first a country, group, or religion will send their inhabitants or followers (i.e. a floating population) to a particular place. Second, when a critical population mass  is attained then they will capture that land. Third, if capturing that place is not feasible, then they will plant the seeds of dissension by inserting a communal award and elements of ethnic tension, and then execute their policy of divide and rule.

Yet now in this modern era, we should not allow such bullying tactics and coercive occupations that destroy humanity. Just like slavery is no longer allowed and female suppression is not tolerated, similarly we must not allow military takeovers.

A review of the history

Verily, throughout the course of history, the establishment of a floating population-- a.k.a. outsiders-- in any foreign land has led to terrible tragedies. In extremely rare cases, the initial settlers arrived with peaceful intentions, but even then over time, tensions mounted and the locals got annihilated.

When the first European settlers started to arrive on the shores of the USA. Four hundred years ago, there was a thriving Native American community of 100 million or more, and now that once-thriving community has been nearly banished from this earth. All because, little by little, those settlers outnumbered the native inhabitants, until finally it became a full-fledged colony of the British. Later, the early US government finished the job that the British started, and the backbone of Native Americans was crushed.

And there are so many cases where the insertion of outsiders has created hell and chaos. Before the Muslims began sending their people into Jammu-Kashmir, it was a peaceful place existing as a Hindu-run state with a deep tantric culture. And now there is fighting and bloodshed in Jammu-Kashmir each and every day. And we can say the same thing about Xinjiang province China as well as Tibet. In both those places, China sent nationals to occupy those lands. Thereafter it was not long before the Chinese government cracked down on the local inhabitants and brought them under Chinese rule.

Indeed there are cases like this in the backyard of each and every nation, wherein outsiders, or a floating population, was sent to a particular region as an initial move for a country to take over that area. There are thousands of years of examples of this occurring: From the early Aryans to the British Raj, and countless cases in between.

Everyone should be alert

So then what is the solution to these ongoing conflicts, where one country is imposing its unholy will in the name of defending their nationals living in a neighbouring state.

Everyone should be alert because most often the local inhabitants lose not just their autonomy, but all their basic rights as well. This is the dark history that has occurred wherever imposing forces have exerted their will. The captured people and land get suppressed and are harshly ruled by outside leaders.

To prevent this, outsiders should not be allowed in any area. To date, countries like Japan and Bhutan have had degrees of success in maintaining social harmony by not allowing outsiders, i.e. those who were not willing to become part of that socio-economic region. That means governments have to be strict to safeguard their nations from outsiders. Floating immigrants are not welcome to walk into those nations and live. Rather, to work and live in any place, one must demonstrate a long-standing commitment to the welfare of that region and be ready to live there like any responsible citizen. Not merely as one who is hoping to make some money and then leave, or establish their own community.

Unfortunately, nowadays, many countries are dealing with large influxes of peoples and contain huge segments of outsiders and that spells disaster for that area. Already South Africa has undergone untold torment due to the presence of English outsiders. And presently, due to so many Chinese living in Thailand, the Thai are experiencing more and more troubles. Likewise, it is not far off, when even the imperialistic United States will undergo the ill-effects of having so many outsiders within its borders. There will be more and more social unrest and economic strife. That is the way it happens as jobs are lost, insular communities are built, and money pours out of that land etc.

These are two key points for a universal recipe that applies to all communities and all peoples, Failing that, wherever a floating population (i.e. outsiders) is allowed to exist and wherever a totalitarian regime is allowed to get a foothold by dividing the local people, then in due course that area will be under great duress and struggle.


~ In-depth study ~

Prout is not against refugees, but refugees have their own drawbacks. As long as refugees are in the minority the situation is fine. However, when those refugees become the majority then problems arise. For details about this, please read discourse in Prout in a Nutshell - 19, “Talks on Bengal – Excerpt B” about Gorkhaland.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 3
2. Reference: 'A Short History of Ireland', 'The Dangers of Communalism'
3. Reference: 'A Short History of Ireland', 'The Dangers of Communalism'
4. Prout Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Movements