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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Refugee: peril - Prout


Refugee: peril - Prout


This letter is comprised of two components. The case studies presented in component 1 are essential to better understanding the Proutistic theory, teachings, and solution given in component 2.

~ Component - 1 ~

Now many English speakers are losing their jobs because they are not bilingual. Due to very cheap Hispanic labour, capitalists want supervisors who are bilingual (English / Spanish) in order to control the workforce, This is the difficulty facing the local, English-speaking population in the host country. Hispanic refugees come in huge numbers and do not want to learn the local language. Now it is the duty of host citizens to learn their language. This is a case where people became foreigners on their own soil. That is why those in border states of the host country are feeling overwhelmed by the Hispanic immigration situation. Capitalists want cheap labor but locals are losing their jobs and seeing their pay cut in half. Side by side they are witnessing a huge influx of Hispanic students into the host country’s public school system, and that is costing local taxpayers huge money. That also makes the situation more tense.

At the same time it should be noted that the cause of the Central American refugee crisis is the host country itself. The host country has a long history of never allowing those Central American nations to flourish. Time and again the host country toppled their democratic governments and inserted their stooges as the head of state. Finally, the corruption became so extreme that Hispanic youths formed gangs and started looting etc. That is the reason for all the chaos. In the end the only big winners are the capitalists. Everyone else suffers including the local host population, and refugees who have to leave their homeland etc. Capitalists are the sole victors.

Difference between refugees?

Question: Some think that there are various grades of refugees - some are good and some are bad. Economic migrants are looked upon as being worse than those who became refugees due to persecution and war.

Answer: The central ideas regardless of the type of refugee, the end result is the same. With regards to the US, most came from Britain to escape religious persecution. They were refugees, but the end result is that they occupied the country. In various places, due to man-made calamities (war etc) or natural calamities (drought etc) people go to a new land and ultimately occupy the place. With regards to the Gorkhaland problem in India, Baba explains how they were refugees from Nepal and came to India to escape the drought. And now there is chaos and and bloodshed and they are controlling that part of India, ie Gorkhaland, and kicked out native people with terror. Sudan is also a current example with its Civil War. Those refugees running from their home due to war or famine, or any other type of calamity, should be provided a place to live in a safe zone near, in or around their country where they are given shelter and food etc. And then return back to their native place when there is peace.

~ Component - 2 ~

Nowadays a big crisis is mounting in the US and throughout Europe with regards to refugees and undocumented immigrants. This is a serious issue and people do not know what to do. However, the stand of Prout is extremely clear. Kindly continue reading.

Ways to capture a country

First we should understand that history bears testimony that a country can be captured in various ways.

(#1) By Force: The military can be mobilised to fight and capture a foreign land or country and rule over that population.

(#2) By Soft Means: Countries send their own people / population to live in a particular region or foreign land until gradually over time they become the dominant group in that area. This approach was done in the following cases:
(a) The Chinese sent their citizens to Tibet and ultimately captured Tibet.
(b) The Britishers sent their citizens to Ireland, Australia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and the US, and ultimately captured those areas.
(c) The Nepalese sent their citizens to eastern India / Gorkhaland and ultimately captured those regions.
(d) The state of Bengal sent their citizens to Sri Lanka and ultimately dominated Sri Lanka.
(e) The state of Kashmir was a longtime place of Hindus that Muslims came to occupy. 
(f) Muslims of Bangladesh left their home country and have occupied bordering states of India. 
(g) Spain sent their citizens to Central & South America and ultimately took control over that entire land mass.

In all the aforementioned cases, those outsiders ultimately outnumbered, dominated, and even killed the local population. The native people were pushed down, beaten, and forced to live in a compromised way whereby they became alienated and depressed, or were killed in large numbers

This occurs with one country capturing another country, as well as within a given country also. For instance, north Bihariis went south and captured the state of Jharkhand. In all these types of cases, this has a very negative effect on the native people. Those locals are treated as inferior, and they lose their place, status, and culture. They become a become an outsider in their own homeland. And the peace and tranquility of the society is lost.


The way things are shaping up a similar event will unfold across the entirety of Europe and the US also. We should beware and avert such a disaster.

Question: What then should be done about the current refugee crisis?

Solution: Those refugees and victims of war or natural calamities should be set up to live in a safe zone in their country or nearby. It is the duty of every country to provide those refugees humanitarian relief (food, clothing, shelter, medicine etc) until their problem is solved. Then they can return to their homeland once peace has been restored. Everyone loves their homeland.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Historical cases: Sending citizens to overtake countries

Baba’s following teachings give more in-depth analysis and detail. (Note: The below bulleted points are from discourse - “The Short History of Ireland”, printed in Prout in a Nutshell part 19)
  • “Although Britain recognized the independent status – the state – of Ireland, as you know the British followed the policy of “divide and rule”.
  • “As a result of continuous fighting for over 60 years, Britain recognized the independence of India, but while leaving the country, Britain divided India into India and Pakistan.”
  • “The case with Ireland was similar. When the British handed over power to Mr. De Valera, they divided the country into Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. Many settlers came from England and settled down in the extreme northern portion of the country.”
  • “In the same way the Chinese sent many people to settle in Tibet so that the Chinese population would outnumber the population of Tibet, and finally Tibet would become a part of China.”
  • “When Manchuria was occupied by Japan it was renamed Manchu-ko, and many Japanese settlers were sent there so that the Manchurians would be outnumbered by the foreigners.”
  • “The same thing happened in the case of Ireland. England sent many people to settle in the northern corner of the country.”
(Note: The above bulleted points are from discourse - “The Short History of Ireland”, printed in Prout in a Nutshell part 19)

And the same thing happened with in Ukraine. Russians settlers progressively occupied some of the major cities until finally they outnumbered the local population. This as especially the case in eastern Ukraine. That is why civil war erupted as those Russian settled did not want to remain part of Ukraine.

Much of the southwestern region of the US was originally part of Mexico. With the rising immigrant population in that area, Mexico is bound to take it back because so many Mexicans living there. In today’s socio-political climate we cannot think that really this will happen, but by seeing the history it is obvious that the whole situation is moving in that direction.

More case studies

Here are more of Guru’s teaching on this matter:

Prout philosophy states, “In Angadesh, many Bhojpurii speaking settlers have come into Bhagalpur and Purnia Districts, and there is a chance of them becoming the majority community, outnumbering the Angiks. Many Bhojpurii speaking people have come to the Jamui sub-division of Magadh, and there is a chance of the Magadhis being outnumbered by the Bhojpuris. In the Manerampir Thana, Bihar area and Chor area, many Bhojpurii speaking people are coming from Ara and Satra, and there is a chance that the Magadhi people will be outnumbered by the Bhojpuris who may take the area as part of Bhojpuri. Many Bhojpurii speaking people have settled down inside those districts and there is every chance they may outnumber the local people.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “The Gorkhaland movement, which is demanding a few districts in the northern part of West Bengal, has reached a climax. The Gorkhas, who had settled there from outside the state, are now demanding the formation of a separate state by taking advantage of their Indian citizenship. They have launched regular agitations, called strikes, looted, plundered, burnt property, murdered and virtually brought the law and order situation to a stand still. In fact, the barbaric call for “An eye for an eye” has been the dominant political slogan, and now there is no rule of law in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal. (2)

From Wikipedia: “The 19th century saw a dramatic increase in the urban Russian population in what is now Ukraine, as ethnic Russian settlers moved into and populated the newly industrialised and growing towns. At the beginning of the 20th century the Russians were the largest ethnic group in almost all large cities.” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 19, The Short History of Ireland
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 19, Talks on Bengal – Excerpt B

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Absolute knowledge vs relative knowledge

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Common people usually live their lives according to absolute knowledge and become noble and great. That is why we see people like Kabir and Ramakrishna, who even without formal schooling, were highly regarded by tens of thousands of people. In fact, it is doubtful whether learned scholars could bring about even a small fraction of the spiritual progress these great people brought to society…”
   “Social progress is achieved to some extent through relative knowledge, but here also there is a great possibility of conflict between relative knowledge and absolute knowledge. Relative knowledge  often encourages divisive ideas and the propagation of narrow sentiments such as casteism, nationalism, communalism, provincialism, etc., by extolling the greatness of caste, community, creed, colour, etc. It often tends to suppress other castes, communities, creeds, etc., or wants to annihilate them completely. On the other hand, absolute knowledge teaches human beings that the Dharma of all humans is one and the same. The Supreme Entity is the Universal Father. All the human beings of the world are brothers and sisters. All are equal – no one is low, no one is high.” (1)

1. Tattva Kaomudii - 2, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya

== Section 2: Links ==

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Ignorant salute humans + 3 more


Ignorant salute humans


In our Ananda Marga, our goal is Parama Purusa – not any second or third entity. Parama Purusa is the focus of our each and every thought, word, and deed. He is our ideal. Naturally then, when we do namaskar, we are paying salutations to Him, i.e. to that Supreme Consciousness residing within another unit being. We are not saluting any unit individual, per se. Only we are paying our respect and homage to Parama Purusa, in the form of that person, when we use the namaskar greeting.

Unfortunately, some completely misunderstand this basic aspect of our Ananda Marga way of life. They think that during the namaskar salutation (a) others are saluting them, or (b) they are saluting another human being. This wrongful approach leads to ego and vanity in the mind of those receiving namaskar. And those doing namaskar develop feelings of inferiority, and all kinds of complexes in the mind. In addition they are doing the namaskar greeting improperly. In that case the whole namaskar salutation is ruined and one will be degraded. The aim is to save anyone from degradation and keep all moving on the sentient path.

Dogma: people bow & salute other humans

Although we use the namaskar greeting on a daily basis, here is Baba’s clear-cut guideline about this practice. After reviewing this guideline we will apply our litmus test and see who is misguided and ignorant about the namaskar salutation.

Baba states that when doing namaskar, we are paying salutations to Parama Purusa – The Divine Entity. In the dogmatic religions and in the kingdoms of old, people would bow and salute other human beings. Our namaskar mudra is not at all like this.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Tadekam’ jagatsa’ks’iiru’pam’ nama’mah. “If there is anyone to whom spiritual aspirants should surrender, if there is anyone to whom they should pay salutations, it is Parama Purus’a.” The system behind salutations is to look for the Supreme Being that is the inner essence of a person, and to pay salutations to that Parama Purus’a.” (1)

So when doing namaskar we are recognising the Supreme within another jiivatman, we are not bowing or greeting another human being.


This is the fundamental guideline about doing namaskar: we are saluting Parama Pursua in the form of a unit being. For others it may look like we are saluting human beings, but that is not what we are doing. When we do namaskar, we are paying salutations to Parama Purusa, not x, y, z.

at His lotus feet,

Namaskar to whom

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is our style of extending goodwill? We do, Namaska'r. That is, “I pay respect to the Supreme Entity residing within you.” You should remember this. “I concentrate all the good feelings of my mind here in the trikut'i [between the eyebrows].”

“In your mind there are so many propensities. Propensities are called vrtti in Sanskrit. So there are so many vrttis, so many propensities..."

"So many thoughts are in your mind. But you should concentrate all your thoughts at a particular point, here – that is, with all the strength and goodwill of your mind you are doing this – you are touching these two palms here [trikut'i]. That is, you are concentrating all your goodwill here, because you are paying respect to Parama Purus'a residing within this body...[pointing to different people]. First do this."

"And not only mental concentration, you are human beings, you have got so many sentiments also. Human sentiment, you know? When you feel much joy you burst into tears, when much sorrow you burst into tears. These are sentiments. And human beings are guided by sentiment, more by sentiment than by logic, you must not forget it – more by sentiment than by logic. So your sentiment is also there, so with all the concentration of your mind and with all the sweetness of your sentiment, from the very core of your heart, you are paying respect to Parama Purus'a residing within human structure. So you do this [palms together at mid-point of chest], and say, Namaska'ra." (2)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Intuitional Science of Tantra
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Parama Puruśa within Everyone

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Suddenly You arrived

“Aandhakár ghare mor,ke go ele tumi ke go ele,
dekhite páini jánite párini, kemane ele kakhan ese chile...” (Prabhat Samgiita #3042)


Most Brilliant Effulgent Entity, who are You who came into my dark cottage, that mind devoid of bhakti which was filled with ignorance and dogma. I was there by myself in a lonely, depressed state, thinking that nobody cares about me and that I do not have any future. Then suddenly You arrived. I did not see by which path You came. Your arrival was a surprise and unknown to me. Charming One, how and when did You get here. Please tell me about Yourself.

My Most Radiant Entity, You did not knock on the door. Without any hint and unbeknownst to me, with Your silent footsteps, You entered into my home and came into my heart. Shining One, with Your splendid and exquisite, beauty, You brightened everything with Your auspicious presence. With Your grandeur, You showered Your divine krpa' - causeless grace - on an undeserving sadhaka like me who is worthless, and does not follow Your dharmic guidelines. Please tell me why You care for and love me so much, and came running to rescue me.

Parama Purusa Baba, upon noticing Your presence, seeing You I became captivated by Your unparalleled beauty. I gazed in awe of You. I was ensconced in the bliss of Your liila rasa. Mohan, I got You. It is Your grace. You are the ocean of liila. This is what is called Your karuna. You are Karunamaya - compassion personified. I do not have words to express my feeling. Only one wish I have: Please keep me forever in Your shelter, and allow me to touch Your feet...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3042

Krpa' & Karun'a' Not Same

[1] Krpa & Karuna: When a sadhaka does sadhana, follows Sixteen Points, and adheres to all conduct rules etc, and Parama Purusa is satisfied by his efforts, then He showers His grace. That is krpa'.

When a sadhaka tries to follow Guru's teachings and He blesses that is His krpa. Without His krpa', one cannot reach the Goal. So to get His krpa one must do sadhana. But even then it is not a guarantee. And without doing anything, you may not get His grace / krpa'.

But, no matter how much sadhana one does, one cannot challenge or demand that Parama Purusa must shower His grace / krpa'. For instance, one has no recourse to say, “Parama Purusa, I did this, this, and this so You must grace / krpa' me.” One cannot put forth such a demand. The showering of krpa is His sweet will.

Karuna is different. If you do not do anything and you are in a terrible state and suffering a lot, then by seeing your suffering if He showers His blessing then that is called His karuna - divine compassion. That is also per His wish. Nobody can say, “I am suffering so much so You must shower Your karuna on me” - as if this is one's expectation. Only one may plea unto Him, “Parama Purusa, please shower divine, causeless karuna if You so wish.”

Thus no one has any logical claim or just cause to demand His karuna. It is not based on cause and effect - or some type of barter system. No matter how much social service one renders, no matter how much sadhana one does, and no matter how terrible a situation one endures, no one can therefore say, “Now You must grant me Your karuna.” There is no bartering involved; that is why His karuna is causeless. But after all, every bhakta has the right to ask for His grace.

So both His krpa and karuna are non-causal.

Making A Joke About Krpa
Here below Baba is making a joke about krpa to make us laugh; it is not our real philosophy - just humour. Many will recall how after composing every song then Baba would request everyone’s permission for that song to be included in the Prabhat Samgiita collection - otherwise He said He would throw the song away. Those days all understood that this was Baba’s humorous approach. Nobody thought that really if they did not approve then that song would be tossed away. In the same light, Baba has shared this below joke with His bhaktas.

   “What is krpá? You know, Ramakrishna Paramahansa was not a learned man in the mundane sense. Once upon a time a very learned man said, “Oh, Ramakrishna, people say everything depends on His krpá.” …. “So, what is the meaning of krpá?””
   “Ramakrishna said, “You know, I am an illiterate fellow, but according to my view, krpá is made of two syllables, kr and pá. Kr means Karo, karo, karo – ‘Do, do, do – Do your sádhaná, do your sádhaná, do your sádhaná.' And pá means Páo – ‘Get'. ‘Get it, get it, get it, get it.' That is, ‘Get it by doing sádhana' – Kr-pá.”” (1)

In the above quote, Baba is making a joke because krpa is not attained by doing and receiving. It depends exclusively on His will.

Liilá Rasa & Rásaliilá Not Same

[2] Liila Rasa: This literally means the flow of liila. When Parama Purusa makes His bhaktas dance there is a mental flow. The mind reaches a certain stage, by His grace. The bhakta feels unfathomable bliss and that flow continues on. In that sweet flow, one cannot forget Parama Purusa as the bhakta is ensconced in His ocean of bliss.

In mundane life, you can think of it this way. Suppose someone is involved in a worldly problem and the mind is completely consumed by that tragedy such as a death of loved one. Then one is immersed in that loss and one cannot think of anything else. In contrast, in spiritual life when one is wholly ensconced in His divine bliss then we can say that the bhakta is floating in His liila rasa.

Rásaliilá: Controlling Entity Standing In The Middle Of This Divine Ocean

So liila rasa and ra'sa liila are not the same thing. Here below Baba describes the former - i.e. rasa liila.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “This entire Cosmological order is an infinite ocean of divine nectar. And the so many vibrations created in this universe, so many waves are different devas. And the life of an individual moves---goes up and down---just like the boat in a sea, according to the rhythms of the waves. This rhythmic expression of the divine nectar, of the divine wave has got an acoustic counterpart also. It is not only moving, it is not only dancing, it is singing also. And these movements, these vibrations, these waves, these acoustics are being controlled by the divine flute of the Controlling Entity...”

“...according to the rhythms created, according to the rhythms emanated from His divine flute. And He is in the center of this ocean of divine nectar. In the ocean, this kśiirasamudra, in sudhárasam. So He is standing in the center playing on this divine flute, and all the jiivas are dancing according to His desire. One will have to dance according to that Cosmic rhythm. One may or may not like it, but one will have to dance. This liilá of that Parama Puruśa, who is the controlling entity standing in the middle of this divine ocean, is known as His rásaliilá.” (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Rádhiká Shakti
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Cosmological Order

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How to boost your sadhana

Here is the English summary of Baba’s below Hindi teaching.

After involving in mundane works one is generally plunged in worldly thoughts. So then if one sits in sadhana, in the mind you will think that 'Tomorrow I will go to Arariya town. Indeed I have to go in the morning. I will have to catch the first bus'. You will sit in sadhana and go on thinking like this. In this situation what should you do? Before sitting for sadhana you should do kiirtan-- either 2 min, or 5 min, or 10 min. So first one should do kiirtan. Because by doing kiirtan the mind will get elevated. After that immediately one should sit in sadhana. Then you will see that there will not be any worldly thoughts. Then sadhana will be proper...Do not worry you have learned sadhana and I am always ready to help and serve you.

Ananda Marga ideology states, ““अधिक दुनियावी चिन्तन के बाद जब साधना में बैठता है, उस वक्त होता है---बैठे हुए हैं, तो भी मन में सोच रहा है कि---'कल तो अररिया जाना है, morning में जाना है, first bus से जाना है' | साधना में बैठ गया, और यही सब सोच रहा है | तो, इसलिए क्या करना चाहिए, साधना में बैठने से पहले, दो मिनट हो, पाँच मिनट हो, दस मिनट हो, कसकर कीर्त्तन कर लो | कीर्त्तन करने से, कीर्त्तन के प्रभाव से मन ऊपर उठ जाएगा | उसके बाद फ़ौरन साधना में बैठ जाओ, देखोगे दुनियावी चिन्ताएँ नहीं रहेंगी |”

“तो, यह तो सब ठीक है | और {घबड़ाने की भी} घबड़ाने की कोई बात भी नहीं है | साधना तुम लोग सीख ही लिए हो | और, तुम लोग को help करने के लिए, सेवा करने के लिए, हम तो तैयार हैं |” (1) Átmatiirtha, V24 25(H), 22 Nov 71 Purnea, Bihar AV 24-25

Note: Every sincere Ananda Margii wants to do sadhana. Yet most of the time this aforesaid problem occurs. And our Guru understands this. That is why He has graciously given such a beautiful solution-- as mentioned above. I think many may be following His divine guideline; and for those who are not, they should do so from now onwards, i.e. sing kiirtan before doing sadhana.

1. Átmatiirtha, V24 25(H), 22 Nov 71 Purnea, Bihar AV 24-25

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Benefit of kiirtana

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The benefit of kiirtana is that one whose mind is dirty becomes purified and one whose mind is already pure becomes even purer. One whose mind is holy becomes even holier. One whose mind was soiled but is no longer so is vimala, and one where it is not known if there was dirt in his or her mind or not, but at present there is not, is called nirmala.” (1)

Note: In the mirror of a pure mind Parama Purusa can be visualised. In this above teaching Baba is giving the way how to clean that mind by kiirtan. That is why after one after kiirtan, sadhana is better.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Source of Internal Stamina

== Section 4: Links ==