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Friday, June 7, 2024

Why praise Parama Purusa + 5 more

Why praise Parama Purusa


Ananda Marga ideology states, "If people do kiirtana [praising Parama Purusa] sincerely and wholeheartedly even for five or ten minutes, Parama Puruśa becomes pleased. So it is not difficult to please Him – any person can satisfy Him easily...If people do kiirtana [praising Parama Purusa] for a few minutes only." (1)

The central idea is that Parama Purusa wants that He should be praised.

#1: So on the one side Ananda Marga ideology guides us that Parama Purusa longs for praise. He wants that He should be praised, i.e. that people should do kiirtana (i.e. praise Parama Purusa). 

#2: And on the other side Ananda Marga ideology also guides us that one must not long for praise.

So the question stands, why does Parama Purusa long for praise. He wants that He should be praised, i.e. that people should do kiirtana (i.e. praise Parama Purusa).

The answer is this: Parama Purusa wants people to sing His kiirtan (i.e. praise Parama Purusa) because by this way His created beings - sadhakas - are becoming elevated and gaining spiritual progress. It is similar to how parents want their child to do well. 

Top of all, every sadhaka knows that Parama Purusa is not hungry for His own praise, rather He wants His progeny well-served and progressing towards their final supreme destination by imbibing the idea of Cosmic Consciousness through kiirtan, sadhana, seva, and service. That is why Parama Purusa wants sadhakas to do kiirtan and become one with him. 

in Him, 
Atheists bring these types of questions and we have to be ready to debate with them to rationally convince them with points of AM ideology. Lastly, every sadhaka knows that Parama Purusa is not hungry for His own praise.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana

== Section: Important Teaching ==

See who is culprit


Intro: Kindly read the below quote from Baba's teachings. At the end of the quote a question has been posed. If your answer to the question is correct then it means you read Baba's books carefully; and, if your answer is wrong or you do not know the answer, then it signifies that you need to pay more attention when reading Guru's teachings. After all, if sadhakas are not diligent in studying Baba's books then who is going to read them - non-margiis?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "What a horror! Such false philosophies have taught, “Well, if we exploit the people with our intellect, what’s the harm? It is also a labour to apply the intellect, and we have the right to do so!” On the basis of this argument a handful of parasites have gorged themselves on the blood of millions of people, while countless people have been reduced to living skeletons." (1)

Quiz: Who is Baba referring to in the above quote?

Most probably, as an Ananda Margii, you know what the answer is. But if not, or if you want confirmation, read below for the answer.

Greedy, blood-sucking capitalists

Answer: In our Proutistic outlook, Parama Purusa is seen as the Cosmic Father and all are part of His creation. Flora and fauna, plants and animals, and humans, all are part of His universal family. And we must not infringe on the rights and well-being of others, whether they be human, animal, or plant. All have their intrinsic right to live and progress. There is no scope to exploit those who are less strong or less intelligent.

Capitalism works in the exact opposite direction. Top capitalists commonly use their intellect to exploit, cheat, suppress, and oppress the masses. This is the standard approach in capitalism. Those using their intellect to profit off the backs of others are lauded.

Prout wholly rejects this greed-based approach of capitalism as immoral and unjust.

In answer to the quiz, Baba is talking about those greedy, blood-sucking capitalists.

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

सर्वनाश हो गया

“भक्ति-विहीन मनुष्य ज्ञान की चर्चा कर रहे हैं, लोग कहते हैं---"बड़े ज्ञानी हैं, ख़ूब जानते है |" तो ज्ञानी से कुछ होगा ? नहीं होगा | क्यों नहीं होगा ? यह जो ज्ञान, परमार्थ-विहीन ज्ञान, यह तो एकदम जड़ ज्ञान | और जड़ ज्ञान भी आख़िर तक मनुष्य को जड़ बना देगा, और कुछ नहीं | जड़-दर्शन मनुष्य को जड़ बना देता है | Last एक century में इस तरह के [जड़]दर्शन के कारण मनुष्य-समाज का सर्वनाश हो गया | मनुष्य जड़ता की ओर गए, materialism की ओर अधिक झुके, सही बात उन्हें मालूम नहीं हो सकी | अब, मानवता को इस ख़तरनाक जड़-दर्शन से बचाना है | लोग ज्ञान समझ लिए इसी को | यह ज्ञान नहीं है, यह ज्ञान का जञ्जाल है |

प्रेयस्करा ह्येषा बुद्धिः सा बुद्धिः प्राणघातिनी |
श्रेयस्करा ह्येषा बुद्धिः सा बुद्धिः मोक्षदायिनी ||

यह जो बुद्धि, यह जो ज्ञान, यह प्रेय की ओर मनुष्य को ले जाएगा | केवल खाना-कपड़ा | अरे खाना-कपड़े के ऊपर में भी एक मनुष्य है---जिनके दिल की भूख मिटानी है | इस [जड़]दर्शन से सो होनेवाला नहीं है |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  (1)

1. GD 13 September 1978 Patna

== Section: Prout ==

Why capitalism is a psychic ailment

Prout philosophy states, “Human expressions are trifarious. Human beings have unquenchable, infinite physical longings and out of these physical longings capitalism came into existence. Capitalists toil day and night for money. This may be a natural desire but physical objectivity is finite, hence the infinite desire to accumulate finite physical objects is a psychic ailment.”

“Human beings also have unquenchable, infinite psychic longings, and out of these excessive psychic longings psychic ailments arise and people become abnormal. The object of psychic longings associated with physicalities is also finite, but the object of pure psychic longing is infinite. Your psychic body and physical objectivity are always separate and so the seed of dualism arises. But the attainment of spiritual objectivity means bridging the gulf between the self and the object, and in this attainment lies peace. The psychic ailments mentioned above also lead to clash with others and create many have-nots. We have to divert physical longings to psychic and spiritual longings to avoid a fratricidal war, and thereby safeguard human rights.” (1)

1. Talks on Prout

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

The only spiritual approach

“Those who can maintain their restraint in spite of intense provocation are the real spiritual aspirants. They alone have overcome anger. Inspire those who are liars and criminals to live honest lives by pointing out their defects. This is the only spiritual approach to punish wrongdoers. Supreme truth is ever resplendent and can never be tarnished by false propaganda.” (Ananda Vanii #8)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

তুমিই আমার

“নিবেদয়ামি চাত্মানং ত্বং গতিঃ পরমেশ্বরঃ |” তাহলে এইটাই একমাত্র পথ; এ ছাড়া অন্য কোনও পথই নেই | ৰাকী জিনিসগুলো কাজ নয়, অকাজ | এইটাই একমাত্র কাজ | আর সৰ সময় তাই এই মনে রেখে অন্যান্য জাগতিক কাজ করতে হয় | কি মনে রেখে ? না, “নিবেদয়ামি চাত্মানং ত্বং গতিঃ পরমেশ্বরঃ |” আমি আমার সমস্ত শারীরিক, মানসিক, আত্মিক সত্তা তোমাকে সমর্পণ করে দিলাম | তুমিই আমার একমাত্র গতি | তুমিই আমার পরাগতি | ৰাঁচৰার, আগে চলৰার নিজের অস্তিত্বকে জ্যোতিতে ঝলমলিয়ে দেওয়ার এই একমাত্র পথ |  নান্যঃ পন্থা বিদ্যতেঽয়নায় |”
কল্যাণমস্তু |” (1)

1. SS-15-10 जड़ और उसके साथ चितिशक्ति का सम्पर्क, DMC 1 January 1982 Ananda Nagar

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Why people buy harmful and useless things

Please convey to the writer/ brother Dharma that what he has written sorely the economic wastelands of the world of starvation and extreme excess.

We now have what appears to be a great humanist Bernie Sanders..running for President of the United States. It is the first time in my 67 years that I hear a message the comes from a moral human mind and heart.
I am hopeful that he can advance...but the political machines driven by corporate and abject individual greed is being  promoted knowingly and unknowingly by a corporate run media.

Even African American politicians who are supposed to protect and defend their poor and middle class constituents are supporting the other Big money controlled candidate Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has raised money ONLY from individuals...and refuses to take a penny from the Oligarchy.
You can see he speaks in terms of WE...than other candidates who only use the egoistic "I"word

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Why people buy harmful and useless things.

== Section 3: Links ==