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Friday, July 19, 2024

Spiritual reflection + 3 more

Spiritual reflection


From time to time the question gets raised, "Who is an Ananda Margii?" And this question is certainly an important one which holds deep significance. Baba has magnificently taken advent and clearly presented the spiritual cult for all to follow. This is His great boon upon us all.

AM practices: process for immersing in bliss

Within the practical cult of Ananda Marga, Baba has given all the particulars for moving ahead on the path. And by following Baba's selected teachings of dos and don'ts, one is able to move with ever-accelerating speed-- thereby feeling bliss.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In Ananda Marga this divine flow of Brahma is embedded in different lessons of spiritual meditation. Those who practice this meditation, whether in the present or the future, whether within time or beyond time, will certainly cry, sing and dance with exquisite spiritual joy, and advance steadily towards the blissful Macrocosmic stance. Advancing thus, establishing oneself in yama and niyama, and becoming a true sadvipra, one will attain oneness with the Supreme Entity. Developed human beings will have to move along this Macrocosmic flow of Brahma. One who tries to remain aloof from this divine flow does not deserve to be called a human being. One should bear in mind that the highest fulfillment in life lies in movement in the Cosmic flow. The path along which this movement takes place is called the path of bliss, the path of Ananda Marga." (1)

Following Baba's teachings of yama and niyama and Sixteen Points etc are requirements for advancing on the path. Keeping away from these practices only means inviting one's degeneration. And incorporating those AM practices into the life will enable one to move ahead-- in a speedier and speedier fashion, feeling an ever-increasing amount of bliss.

Ananda Margii: one who is immersed in Supreme bliss

To appease that special ákuti (longing) of human beings, Baba has graciously created Ananda Marga - literally meaning, the 'path of bliss'. So Ananda Marga is that blissful movement to the Cosmic Entity, to Supreme blessedness.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The path which leads to supreme bliss is a singular one; there is no second path. The path is one, and only one. If this universe is considered as a circle, its nucleus is the blissful Purusottama to which every point on the circumference is connected. If any microcosm located on any point of the circumference wants to reach the Nucleus, he will have to move with Cosmic ideation, floating on the divine waves of bliss. From no matter what point on the circumference one measures the distance to the Nucleus, that radius will always be the same. This radius is termed the Ananda Marga-- the path of bliss." (2)

This movement on the path of Ananda Marga starts with human life and culminates in eternal bliss. And along the way, along that radius while moving on the path, one is "floating on the divine waves of bliss". So, per Baba's guideline, feeling and receiving bliss is part and parcel of the movement on the path of Ananda Marga. Indeed it is an essential element of that journey. It is just like if one is walking down the street that is lined with fish markets then one will certainly be immersed in the smell of fish. And when walking down a street lined with pubs, then one will certainly be immersed in the smell of alcohol. And when walking down a street with flower shops then one will certainly be immersed in the smell of flowers. Likewise when marching down the path of bliss one will certainly be ensconced in bliss. Those moving on the path of Ananda Marga naturally feel more and more bliss as they progress along the path toward the Supreme One. This 'bliss' is a natural outcome of one's movement on the path of Ananda Marga. Thus each and every true Ananda Margii feels a blissful vibration as they journey forward.

We should gauge our movement

Ananda means bliss and the degree to which one is feeling that bliss in their life is that degree to which one is an Ananda Margii. Instead those who are ardent followers will zealously ask themselves how far they are really getting bliss. And He has graciously given the perfect formula: By following His teachings one will get bliss. So if one is not feeling any bliss or if one wants to feel more bliss, there is tremendous hope as well as a practical approach. Because as we engage more and more in His devotional-cum-spiritual practices and incorporate these divine ideals into our heart then naturally bliss and nectar pours throughout one's entire being-- until one is fully drenched in that supreme bliss.

Conclusion: “Am I really an Ananda Margii”

By all this we can understand that an Ananda Margii is one who actively feels that bliss which is an inherent quality of traveling the path of Ananda Marga. By this way we should gauge ourselves. Because entering onto the path and plumping oneself down and sitting still is not enough. That stagnant position does not qualify one as an Ananda Margii. Rather one will have to move, and by that movement one will receive bliss - one will be "floating on the divine waves of bliss". This is part and parcel of being an Ananda Margii. So we should gauge ourselves. We should see if we are moving fast or slow. The speed of one's movement is measured by the amount of bliss one feels. In this way we should frankly question ourselves: “Am I really an Ananda Margii? Am I feeling that bliss which Baba says is an inherent aspect of moving on the path.” That is the cornerstone or defining point of one's movement along the path of Ananda Marga. We should all ask ourselves in our heart and truthfully evaluate how far we are Ananda Margiis.

In Him,
Satya Deva

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga: path of infinite happiness - bliss

No human being is satisfied by limited happiness gotten by fleeting pleasures. Humans want something more than that. When they are drenched in the thought of Parama Purusa then they are floating in His eternal bliss. This is what Baba describes in the below teaching of Ananda Sutram:

“2-3. Sukhamanantamánandam. [Infinite happiness is ánanda (bliss).]”

“Purport: No living being is content with a little, not to speak of human beings. And so, small happiness fills nobody’s bill. One wants endless happiness. This endless happiness is a condition beyond the precincts of weal and woe, because the sense of happiness that is perceivable with the help of the senses oversteps the limit of the sense organs when established in limitlessness. This limitless happiness is what is known as ánanda [bliss].” (3)

Next Baba guides us that the infinite eternal bliss is Brahma, that eternal Divine Entity:

“2-4. Ánandaḿ Brahma ityáhuh. [This ánanda is called Brahma.]”

“Purport: The limitless object is one, not many. Many-ness can have no quarter in endlessness. That self-same blissful entity is indeed Brahma, which is the composite of Shiva and Shakti.” (4)

Dry mind, devoid of any bliss

Question: Who is an Ananda Margii?

Answer: One who feels the divine bliss that naturally comes from travelling on the path of Ananda Marga, i.e. following His guidelines of sadhana, yama and niyama, kiirtan etc. Those are the tools for feeling His bliss.

By this way we can easily understand that a simple farmer who sincerely does his sadhana practices etc may be feeling tremendous bliss in his life and qualify as a top-grade Ananda Margii; whereas, someone else may be holding the top post of Purodha Pramukha or GS etc but they may be drowned in their own ego and ignorance, thus having a dry mind devoid of any bliss. In that case we cannot call that post-holder an Ananda Margii.

So it varies from person to person depending on what they feel in their heart. And the best judge of this is oneself.

As some may remember, initially Baba called the path as 'the straight path' or Rju Marga:

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The meaning of the word rju is 'one who moves straight ahead' or 'that which is straightforward'...Rju path means 'straight path', one that does not bend right and left." (5)

So at the outset, those who followed Baba's tenets were the adherents of the straight path or Rju Marga. However, being that omniscient Cosmic Entity, Baba knows that "straightness" alone does not satisfy the infinite longings of the human heart. Human beings want something more - humans want bliss, eternal bliss.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, The Macrocosmic Stance and Human Life
2. Discourses on Tantra - 2, 'Sadhana'
3. Ananda Sutram, Sutra 2 - 3
4. Ananda Sutram, Sutra 2 - 4
5. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Rk to Rkśa (Discourse 11)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Purify my mind

"Prabhu, tumi a'sabe ja'ni a'ma'r maner madhuvane..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4301)


O' Prabhu, I have the feeling in my heart that You will come in my mental madhuvan*. My mind feels that we will see each other in my madhuvan. I am preparing and cleaning my mind for You with the help of shravan, manan, and niddhidhyasana; secretly so no one else will know. 

By Your grace, I go on practicing meditation on the 9** cakras in preparation for Your arrival. Baba, in the temple of this body where You are keeping me, I always keep it clean and decorated; I maintain it properly so that anytime You can come. I purify my body with the help of 16 points, asana, pranayama, and by making it as You want so that this body will be useful in Your physical, psychic, and spiritual service. 

Baba on this earth only You and I are there-- everyone else has gotten lost into You. They are now with You. 

Baba, please come in my mental madhuvan...

Madhuvan: Literally meaning "sweet forest". That remote, isolated garden filled with spring blossoms, sweet fragrance, with a gentle & aromatic breeze. That garden is surrounded by flowers and very isolated, where nobody is present except the bhakta and the Lord. They sit in that very divinely intoxicated atmosphere and share the loving feeling of their heart in a very close, intimate, and loving way.

Madhuvan: In spiritual parlance, this is Guru cakra.

** 9 cakras: muladhara, svadisthan, manipur, anahata, vishuddha, lalana', ajina, sahasra'ra & Guru cakra.

*** This is the state when the mind reaches beyond the shuddhis. 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sin: two types

In our Ananda Marga philosophy, sin comes in two forms: (a) doing destructive deeds and (b) not doing our assigned deeds. Here below Baba explains further.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Sin is also of two types. An action of yours that brings harm to others and brings about your own downfall is called pa´pa [sin]. In this kind of karma, harm to others goes hand in hand with your own degradation. Humans become far removed from Parama Purus´a by such actions. I said before that pa´pa is also of two types - pa´taka and pratyava´ya. An action that should not be done but that is nevertheless done, is called pa´taka. And an action that should be done but is not done, is called pratyava´ya. For instance, one should not steal; so if anybody steals, that will be pa´taka. And if one knows full well that nursing a patient is good, but refrains from doing so, that will be pratyava´ya." (1)

By the above we can easily understand that not doing things that ought to be done is also a type of sin known as pratyava'ya. And here below Baba clarifies this crucial matter.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "That which is not done but should be done is called Pratyava'ya." (2)

1. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, 'Bhajate Ma'mananyabha'k'
2. Prout in a Nutshell-12, 'Sin, Crime, & Law'

== Section: Prabhata Samgiita ==

पतित साधक का पश्चाताप। “हे बाबा ! तुमने मुझे पाप कार्यों से क्यों नहीं रोका ?”

प्रभात संगीत 1050 आमि तोमाय भूले आँधार तले , तलिये कोथा गिये छिनु .. ..... ...

परिचय-  इस गीत में उस भक्त की दशा  के सम्बन्ध  में बताया गया है जो कभी भूतकाल में बहुत ही अच्छा था परन्तु  बाद में अनेक पाप कर्म किये , बड़े बड़े  अपराध किये और अब अपने कृत्यों पर पछता रहा है...।


हे परम सत्ता ! तुम्हें भूलकर मैं गहरी अन्धकार भरी गन्दी  खाई में डूब गया। मैंने भावजड़ता अर्थात  स्थान, जाति ,समाज और भाषा से जुड़ी  भावनाओं और सिद्धान्तों का प्रचार करना प्रारम्भ  कर दिया। तुमने जो पाठ मुझे धर्म और नव्यमानवतावाद का पढ़ाया था उसे दूर फेक दिया । मैंने अपनी महानता स्थापित करने के लिये  लोगों के मन में  भाषा और स्थान विशेष से जुड़े भावजड़ता भरे विचारों वाले  समूहों का निर्माण करने का काम किया। मैंने  भावजड़ता के पोसने का कार्य कर उन्हें मूर्ख बनाया । इतना ही नहीं मैंने कहे गये  पवित्र स्थानों-तीर्थों  को भी बना डाला।  हे बाबा ! तुमने मुझे इन निचले स्तर  के  पाप भरै  कामों  को करने से क्यों नहीं रोका ?

हे बाबा ! मैंने अपनी सरलता और दयालुता खोकर, अपने को एक दुष्ट दैत्य बना डाला। मैंने अपने अनेक निरपराध भाई बहिनों को सताया, धमकाया, अपशब्द कहे, और नुकसान पहुँचाया । मैंने अपनी वास्तविक  मानवता को खो दिया। जो मूल्य तुमने मुझमें भरे थे, वे सब मैंने त्याग दिये, और पाप के रास्ते पर चल पड़ा। हे बाबा ! तुम इतनी शान्ति पूर्वक मेरे इन कुकर्मों  को क्यों सहन करते रहे ?

बाबा, मेरा ध्यान परमपुरुष की आभा की ओर बिलकुल नहीं था। न ही विवेक भरे  रास्ते पर चलता था। अपने पद , शक्ति और प्रतिष्ठा के गहरे आकर्षण से अहंकार में अन्धा  होकर, मैं सोचने लगा कि मैं तो सबसे बड़ा  हॅूं।  सबसे अच्छा हूँ, इसलिए  मैं कुछ भी गलत नहीं कर सकता। जिन्होंने मेरा विरोध किया उन्हें मैंने नष्ट कर देना चाहा। दूसरों की विवेकपूर्ण आपत्तियों को मैंने अनसुना कर दिया। इतना ही नहीं उन्हें कष्ट पहुँचाया।  तुम्हारे सिखाये गये आचरण नियमों , आदर्शों  और नीतियों के विपरीत ही चलने लगा। मैं एक अन्धे  व्यक्ति की तरह अपने ही अहंकार  में डूब गया।  बाबा ! हे प्रभो ! तुमने मुझे इन पाप कार्यों को करने से रोका क्यों नहीं ?

बाबा, हे परमपुरुष ! मैंने अपनी गलतियों को नहीं सुधारा। अपनी इच्छापूर्वक मैं और अधिक पाप कर्म करता रहा। मैं यह मानने लगा कि मैं तो आचरण नियमों   से ऊपर हॅूं। मैं अपने आप को सदा ही सही  ठहराता रहा कि मैं तो धर्म  का आचरण  कर रहा हॅूं। मैं यह अनुभव करने लगा कि मैं सही गलत जो कुछ भी करता हॅूं वह सब कुछ धर्म  है। मैं यह अनुभव करने लगा कि मैं तो सब  से ऊपर हूँ  मैं कोई पाप कर ही नहीं सकता। अपनी पतित अवस्था में, मैं सोचने लगा कि मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हॅूं।  इतना तक सोचने लगा  कि अपने स्वार्थ के लिये दूसरों की जान भी ले सकता हॅूं। मैं जोर देकर  इन सभी कार्यों को सही ठहराता रहा। मैंने अपनी गलतियों को छिपाया, परन्तु दूसरों की छोटी छोटी गलतियों  के लिये भी  मैंने उन्हें  गालियाँ दी। उनकी हँसी  उड़ाई, आलोचना की, और छोटी छोटी सी गलतियों को बड़ा बनाकर बदनाम  किया। प्रभु ! तुमने मेरे इस प्रकार के वर्ताव को क्यों नहीं रोका ?

बाबा ! तुम्हें भूलकर मैं दुख भरी अपार गहरी खाई में गिर गया, तुमने यह क्यों नहीं रोका ?