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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Formation of VSS + 4 more

Formation of VSS


In those early days, when Baba formed Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha in 1955, there was no VSS. Baba would graciously deliver His discourses at DMC and general darshan (GD) etc, and He would manage everything. There were no formal guards to protect or shield Him.

Baba's supreme vibration attracts all

At the same time, when Baba was convening DMC or GD, He would simultaneously emanate His divine vibration all around. Every Ananda Margii who has ever attended DMC or general darshan can attest to this. And with that sublime vibration, everyone was feeling charmed and attracted.

Naturally, many sadhakas were yearning for His close proximity. Indeed everyone was feeling so much attraction that they wanted to go physically close to Him. That is why all the way up to1990 nearby His dais or seat, there was a much larger crowd - far more than in any other section. VSS was needed to keep those sadhakas from madly rushing towards Baba. If you watch videos of Sadguru Baba’s darshan / DMC today you can see this. There was the presence of VSS to keep those bhaktas at bay. Yet in those early days, only self-imposed discipline was keeping those sadhakas from rushing up to Baba's feet etc - and, verily many could not maintain such restraint.

So you can imagine what the situation was like when there was no VSS. It was very difficult for Baba to manage and keep everyone at a distance. During some occasions people came so close, and they not only touched but they grabbed Baba's feet. And, on other occasions, with His supreme attraction, some margiis lifted Baba up and started dancing. They did this unwittingly under the deep spell of attraction. Indeed, who can forget the occasion when one bhakta lifted Baba up in the Jamalpur ashram and ran away out of the jagrti carrying Baba. He ran with Baba approximately 100 yards, then put Baba down and tried to run away but was caught by various margiis. Those margiis were going to beat that person, but Baba intervened by telling that it is ok because the person could not control himself. These types of incidents were a big problem for Baba so to control the situation He formed VSS.

Margiis would try to jump or lunge to touch His feet

When Baba used to pass by then many margiis would try to jump or lunge to touch His feet. This regularly happened up to 1990 - at airports, different reception programs, going out and coming in from fieldwalk, and during various types of programs. But VSS was alert and able to deflect and manage the situation - though sometimes it was with great difficulty they were keeping margiis distant. It was a tug of war between VSS and margiis / Wts. Those sadhakas were anxious to jump toward Baba and VSS was forcibly pushing them away. So one can imagine if there was no VSS what would have been the situation.

How attraction theory works

Actually, once Baba told me personally about this attraction theory. He explained that in this entire universe, Parama Purusa is the most attractive One; He is the nucleus of all charm. And those who think about and love Him inherit that attribution or charm, according to their degree of love towards Parama Purusa. In which case, other people naturally get attracted towards them.

Anyone may have seen how other people feel natural attraction towards and like to go close to bhaktas. Because Baba is the Parama Purusa and the nucleus of all attraction. Naturally, those close to Him begin to exude that same charm, by His grace.

So the formula is very simple and convincing. Those who have love for Baba become reflected with His divine charm. And this magnetism has nothing to do with educational qualification, social status (post etc or color of the cloth), or money etc. Rather this charm depends exclusively upon the degree of love that they have for Baba. So sincere bhaktas have a more charming personae than others.

Baba explained that by this way one can understand how far the next person or any margii is pure or impure in their thoughts, longing, and ideation. If they have more love for Baba, their existence will be sweet, and others will be attracted to them.

Because Baba is the nucleus of all charm that is why He is the most attractive, unparalleled Entity. Even today, by thinking and loving Him, ordinary human beings become extraordinary.

When bhaktas see Baba they feel attracted

This attraction theory is very simple. When a flower blossoms naturally people get attracted and desire to go close to that flower. People will bask in the fragrance of that flower and follow that sweet smell up to its point of origin, i.e. the flower itself. So people get pulled towards that flower and desire to go close. Whereas nobody gets attracted to dry leaves. The whole idea is that whatever human beings get attracted towards they like to go close to that. When bhaktas see Baba they feel His exquisite vibration and strongly desire to have His closest proximity. And that was the problem those days: There was no VSS; and, sadhakas were going very close to Baba and trying to grab Him.

Baba: the Supreme Commander of VSS

Baba is the Supreme Commander of VSS, the World Peace Militia. In the beginning of its formation, Baba used to come to the parade grounds to carry out inspections and witness the flag hoisting. On such occasions, one special high chair was arranged where He used to sit for the flag hoisting. In that moment, all present would pay their grand salutations to Revered Baba: 'Salute to the Divine Father...Salute'.

Baba's special visit & divine message

A short time after VSS was created, Baba graciously visited Acarya Ram Bahadur Singh's residence in Barahi - Block: Riga; District: Sitamarhi; State: Bihar - on 27 Dec 1959.

Ram Bahadurji had taken the duty of managing VSS so Baba visited him on various occasions to communicate different points, oversee some works, and give His blessings. On this particular occasion of 27 December 1959 in Ram Bahadurji's house Baba gave one very special blessing which is called as 'Voice of BABA'.

In that very house Baba has given:

~ Voice of Baba ~

As a soldier you must not search for worldly pleasure or comfort. Be ready for all sorts of sufferings. Let suffering be your asset. Suffering will help you in establishing the Sadvipra ra'j. You must not argue - You must think twice - You should "do" or "die". I don't want to see the face of a defeated son in flesh & blood.

Yours affectionately,



Handwritten original of the "Voice of Baba"

Note: The above is the exact quote as given by Baba - (see note 3 below to download scans of Baba's own handwritten original of the "Voice of Baba"). Some have changed this in their publications or edited it and rationalise the meaning in their own way. But Sadguru's Baba's own handwritten statement should stand as is. Specifically by the line - "You must think twice" - Baba is guiding us that before jumping into action one must carefully, yet quickly, consider whether it is dharmic or not - i.e. for a groupist agenda, or a noble and justified cause. Just as the military takes the oath to do as per the Constitution etc, similarly we are to do and die for ideology, not any narrow-minded agenda. That is why it is important to swiftly, yet consciously, think twice before diving into action.

Central theme of VSS camp

In VSS camp the 'Voice of BABA' is used in the evening parade. It is the concluding blessing of the program and everyone present at the camp has to repeat it when it is called out.

The Meaning of Vishva Shanti Sena':

Vishva = World;  Shanti = Peace;   Sena' = Militia or Army

So the English meaning is World Peace Militia. And the name 'Volunteers for Social Service' was introduced for those who would be horrified by the name Vishva Shanti Sena', World Peace Militia.

Using rajasik force to protect sentient quality

With the establishment of VSS, those volunteers would surround Baba and protect Him. They established law and order wherever He went.

In one famous discourse, Baba Himself describes how nature creates a hard, protective covering to safeguard the tender inner portion. This is the case with coconuts, wood apples, even tortoises. If there was not an outer shell around the coconut, crows would come and eat the tender fruit before it even had the opportunity to grow. Wood apples are preserved in a similar manner, and verily without their outer shells, no tortoise could survive. Without that hard, outer shell, the soft, inner aspects of these natural expressions would be ruined. Same is the case with the human brain; it is encased by the skull.

Here the point is that an outer sheath is needws to protect the inner softness. With sadhana, one develops a soft, sentient quality and that needs to be protected by an outer covering. In our social life, that outer shell is the VSS. In this way the sentient force is protected by the rajasik principle.

Use their ksattriyan qualities to serve & protect others

One of the central duties of VSS is to take action in a firm and strong manner and protect that most sentient Nucleus - Baba the Parama Purusa. Side by side, those same VSS members are to uphold the honour and dignity of all from demons. So VSS must support and protect mothers, kids, the elderly, and the infirmed. That is the duty of the VSS, i.e. to use their ksattriyan qualities to serve and protect others. This is part and parcel of their mission: To perform collective social service (CSS).

To that end, VSS commanders and battalion leaders would regularly raise the following slogan:

Who will save the dignity of mothers and sisters? - VSS! VSS!!

Who will serve the society? - VSS! VSS!!

Who will save the society? - VSS! VSS!!

The above slogan was done in call and response format. The battalion leader would raise the question and all the platoon members would cry out the answer: "VSS! VSS!"

To capture and maintain that dharmic spirit, Baba has directed that VSS camps should be convened every six months for training and strategic planning etc. It may be that not all spiritual or religious organisation have their own militia, but our Ananda Marga certainly does. And the name is VSS.

By this way the inner, sentient sadhu-mentality of bhaktas is protected by the rajasik quality of the VSS.

Overall duties & responsibilities of VSS

Those days VSS had multiple types of work:

(a) Giving security to Baba. Verily, Baba was always joking how the VSS is very alert to provide security to Him. There are many stories about this. Because after all when Baba Himself is the Saviour of all, then there is no need for anyone to save Him. See note 1.

(b) To give security to margiis at different programs in various ways.

(c) To serve the society at large by relief, CSS (collective social service) etc.

(d) Maintain law and order and bring peace around the globe etc.

Parama Purusa is that most attractive Entity

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Parama Puruśa is attracting all entities by dint of His love for all, by dint of His personal relationship with all. So Parama Puruśa alone is the presiding Entity of mohana vijinána, and not any other entity. When jiivas feel this attraction in the heart of their hearts, they think it is an excellent idea to draw all human beings to His charming sweetness by their loving hearts, and then guide them along the path of supreme beatitude, the path of all-round perfection, just as Parama Puruśa attracts all by the radiance of His unbounded love and affection. So those who love the Supreme, those who are genuine devotees of Parama Puruśa, are bound to love all and attract them to the path of supreme blessedness." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Parama Puruśa is the nucleus of this universe. Each and every object of this universe is attracted to this nucleus and orbits around it. Attraction, not repulsion, is the natural law. Each microcosm, characterized by its acquired samskáras constantly moves around this nucleus." (2)

In Him,
Nitayaniranjan Deva

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “According to our philosophy, when consciousness arises in individual life then a person begins to move in accordance with certain instructions, certain guidance. In collective life as well, when this stage comes, those who are well advanced, who understand better, who are more courageous, more firmly established in morality, who are truly righteous, they have to take the lead, to assume the mantle of leadership. In such times those who worry about what others will say or think, or worry about being criticized, and due to this fear hide behind closed doors thinking that if they take action their good name will be tarnished, such people are not true human beings. They are beggars, begging for reputation. They have no manliness; they have lost the courage to move ahead. At that time those who come forward and say – “Let’s go. I’m with you. If trouble comes, let it come. I’ll take it on my shoulders” – such people I have given the name sadvipra.”
   “This is the way it has been and the way it will always be. However, in collective life at the critical juncture between one great age and another, in this transitional stage of great change, when it becomes impossible for the common man or even ordinary sadvipras to take up the leadership, then Parama Puruśa through his special grace arranges that leadership. At this time on the earth humanity is witnessing such a yuga sandhi. On one side there is the rubbish heap of the past and people are clinging to that rubbish heap because they have not yet been shown the way out. And on the other side, there is the call of the new. Under such conditions what will that Mahásambhúti do who gave guidance to the human race in the past? With courage he will call to human beings and declare: “Give up the rubbish of the past. It can only harm you and lead you to your death. Move ahead. Answer the call of the new. I am with you. There is no reason to be afraid.” (3)

~ In-depth study ~

Note 1: Baba is the Saviour of all

In the below quote, it is said that Parama Purusa is the Saviour of all. Then we know that human beings are in no position to save Him. Although the VSS was created to protect Him, that was just part of His divine liila. Because when Baba being the Parama Purusa is the Protector and Saviour of all, He needs no protection from anyone.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Rakśakaḿ rakśakánám. In various spheres of life, we look upon various objects or persons as our saviours or protectors. But “those very persons whom we looked up to as our saviours or protectors, themselves look to Parama Puruśa for protection.” However cautious one might be, there can never be any absolute security for anyone without the protection of Parama Puruśa." (4)

Note 2: Special VSS discourse

Baba has given one special discourse related with VSS. This discourse has never been printed.

Click here to read the discourse in its original language

Note 3: "Voice of Baba" - handwritten original

View or download scans of Baba's own handwritten original

1. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 27
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, Vaedhii Bhakti and Shuddhá Bhakti
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Intuitional Science of Tantra

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Solution to depression & suicidal thoughts

Due to lack of a higher goal, if even a small problem arises, people get frustrated and lose interest in life. Those without a spiritual goal lack higher values, and therefore get overwhelmed when they face any of life’s difficulties. For human welfare, the propagation of spirituality is extremely important. If one has a higher goal then they will never commit suicide, no matter the circumstances.

Baba's original guideline

Baba discusses this topic in His Hindi discourse: Kya' Dharma Vaeyas't'ika Jiivana ka' U'rdhva-Sam'vega Hae, athava' Sa'magrika Vishva ka' Tristariiya Mukti Sopa'na Hae? Subhasita Samgraha, Part 15, Chapter 02 (H) DMC 29 July 1980 Ranchi

English summary of Baba's above Hindi teaching

Life becomes monotonous if one is merely engrossed in mundane thinking and worldly works all day long. When non-sadhakas, i.e. those not doing sadhana - reach old age, they say, "Now it is better to die." Even youths who do not do spiritual practices commit suicide when they suffer from feelings of despair etc. Why is this the case? According to applied psychology, I would say it is because they don't have any higher pursuits; hence, the lonely and desperate feelings of sheer monotony consume their mind.

Now, what is the way to prevent such monotony? The objective counterpart of the mind should have such an object which is infinite. Indeed, by coming in contact with such an infinite object of ideation, people will never harbour feelings of monotony - not in any case. That object [Parama Purusa] is ever new, newer, and newest. Parama Purusa is that Entity who is ever new, always new. Therefore, it is the duty of every person to do spiritual practices and prevent any feelings of monotony in life. For spiritual progress, certainly it is everyone’s bounden duty to do sadhana. Verily, by your sadhana you will be able to protect yourself from falling prey to any type of depressed outlook. (English summary of original Hindi)


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.


Warning about plagiary

It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against this type of plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) The individual who steals gets degenerated and it sets a bad example in the social sphere.

3) It impedes social progress as others will not be inclined to pursue new and original work as they think that others will just steal it.

4) It breeds a society of lethargic people who will always wait for others to create something new. It is just like those who are lazy in the kitchen do not cook - just they wait for others to prepare food and then they steal it away.

5) Countless stories of devotees need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: News of 2018 ==

See Dada doing hypocritical kiirtana


Even new margiis know that when chanting and dancing kiirtana we are to keeping our mind focused and channelised on Him. By this way one will please Him and become ensconced in His bliss. That is essence of this spiritual practice and all true bhaktas do like this. They will not allow the mind to be goaded towards external physicality and crude materialistic dealings.

Yet see here what is going on in the below photo with this avadhuta dada - encircled in yellow. He is just making a hypocritical show of kiirtana as he is completely focused on his phone. This dada's crude eyes are looking outwardly towards the screen and his fingers (motor organs) are busily involved etc. Verily his entire existence is immersed in his phone. What he is doing has nothing to do with kiirtana. Verily he is missing out. Indeed it is sad to see how degraded some of our avadhutas have become. They have completely missed the boat on spirituality.

 ~ Dada immersed in his phone - not kiirtana ~

In the above photo this avadhuta dada - encircled in yellow - is just making a hypocritical show of kiirtana as he is completely focused on his phone. This dada's crude eyes are looking outwardly towards the screen and his fingers (motor organs) are busily involved etc. Verily his entire existence is immersed in his phone. What he is doing has nothing to do with kiirtana. It is sad to what has become of some of our avadhutas.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When kiirtana was first invented, the psycho-philosophy behind it was this: at the time of kiirtana, the vocal cord sings, the ears hear, and the hands and feet dance, and thus all the organs are kept preoccupied with the divine. They are not allowed to move wherever they want but are kept engaged. There is a popular Indian superstition that when ghosts are not kept busy they break the necks of their prey. Similarly, if the sensory and motor organs are not kept engaged in the attainment of the divine, they may lead one astray. Kiirtana is therefore most beneficial as it keeps all the organs fully engaged in a spiritual pursuit." (1)

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sádhaná, Abhidhyána and Kiirtana

== Section: Important Teaching ==

No different from those early humans

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Just as the living world is divided into two categories – those who live in groups and those who live alone – similarly regarding family life, all creatures are divided into two broad classes: creatures with family ties (for example, elephants, lions and pigeons) and those without any family ties (for instance, tigers, dogs, cats, goats, etc.).”
   “At the beginning of evolution, humans used to lead libertine lives without any consideration for family obligations, but they gradually developed a family instinct. However, that family instinct was no different from that of the elephants, lions, pigeons, etc. Due to this inborn instinct, males and females arrived at a loose but workable compromise regarding family life. But in that there was no sense of responsibility born out of a developed conscience; rather, due to their loose relationships with each other, one person used to desert another and go anywhere he or she liked. The number of such libertines was very high, and they used to disturb the peace and harmony of the so-called family members and become the cause of many serious quarrels.” (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc 9: Shivokti - 3

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How some dreams come true

Ananda Marga philosophy, "Very often, whenever there is concentration of mind for any reason, during sleep vibrational waves from the all-knowing unconscious mind stimulate the nerve cells, and the dreamer gets the answer to questions which were haunting his or her mind. But these answers can never be received during the state of disjointed thinking. One thing more should be remembered in this regard, that the answers from the unconscious mind, the repository of all knowledge, are received primarily during dream and only secondarily during the wakeful state; but much of the knowledge thus gained during dream is immediately forgotten as soon as the dream is over. On rare occasions, a little of that knowledge lingers in the mind even after arising from sleep." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 16

== Section 3: Links ==