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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Pervasiveness of Prout + 5 more

Pervasiveness of Prout


In this age of extreme capitalistic greed and avarice, where materialism and the profit motive are king, it is very clear that the time is ripe for the sprout of Prout to grow and come to fruition. Already, Prout is very much a practical philosophy that is manifest on this earth: The major tenets of Prout are being practiced by ideal families across the globe.

How Prout is already manifest on this globe

A true family functions with the dual approach of service and consumption. Things are done and goods are purchased for the welfare and utilisation of those family members - not for profit. If someone is sick, the right medicine is procured; and, if someone is hungry then food is offered etc. There is no question of deliberating if a particular action will be profitable or not. According to their means, family members provide for everyone in their family.

And that is the way Prout functions: It is based on the rational consumption and utility of resources for the well-being of all. So the ideal family unit and Prout are quite compatible. No true family will ever bring vices into their home that are not needed or harmful like cigarettes, toxins etc. They will not intentionally undermine the well-being of their family in this way for their own self-interest - never.

So the manifestation of Prout as a pillar of society is not something beyond our grasp or beyond human conception. All that is needed is to apply those same Proutistic principles that are already present in our family lives to the greater society.


Given today's environment, it is clear that soon Prout will take shape on this earth. In truth, we are much closer than we think. Already Prout is established in ideal families around the globe, and soon those ideals will take shape on a broader level in society.

In any joint family, all members feel they belong to one family where everyone is connected together. They also think that their interests are the same. They feel love and affection for each other and they are ready to sacrifice individual happiness for helping other family members. Due to this family bond, neither the infant nor the old person who is no longer earning is neglected. Rather they are all well cared for, selflessly. All the family members trust and faith in each other and there is no suspicion. By this way, the unit join family works beautifully and they live together happily.

To do similar things on a  broader aspect, Prout philosophy teaches us that the entire creation should be looked upon as one single family. The Cosmic Father is the Creator and He is the head of the family. And it is the duty of every family member to look after each other and help when needed. That will be the practical display of Prout. That is why He says that to find the solution of any problem, look around selflessly at how the universe is running and you will get the answer. The central idea is by implementing Prout the entire human society can function in the same way that the unit joint family happily lives together. Prout philosophy teaches us how to run the greater society in the socio-economic spheres whereby all can peacefully coexist as a vast joint family.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar states, "We are waiting for the rising sun with crimson rays. Even now the crimson rays are a bit visible. These crimson rays are the rays of PROUT." (1)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Now let's take a closer look at this entire situation.

Capitalists impose harmful agents into society

At present, the world is working off of the greedy capitalist model. Businesses, industries, and economies all over the globe are based solely on the profit motive. That is the be-all & end-all of capitalism: So long as a business is able to make money then its presence is justified in the society. For that reason, businesses do not care about what is needed in the society, nor do they care what is beneficial for the society. Only they are concerned with turning a profit. That is the golden ticket. With that in mind, an industry may produce all kinds of useless or even harmful products, so long as they think they can make a profit.

For instance, to increase profits, capitalists fill society with gambling halls, narcotics (illegal drugs), perverted literature, violent video games, degrading movies, harmful medicines, tainted food products pornography, and so much more. These vices and caustic items are lethal for society, even then capitalists impose them. Why? Profits. The bottom line for them is how much money they make - not the well-being and proper growth of society.

The world has grown weary of the ill effects of capitalism. Good people in all areas are seeking the right alternative to the exploitative and profit-oriented capitalist system. By merely talking to people about Prout is a big step toward bringing Prout from the model of the ideal family to the general society.

Capitalists exploit weakness of society

Not only do capitalists inject harmful agents into the society, but there are many things that are needed but are not produced by capitalists because they are not profitable or marketable: solar cars, cheap medicines, well-insulated homes, locally grown foods, and so many things.

For instance, nowadays doctors, drug companies and lab technicians do not research or produce medicine for uncommon diseases like vitiligo (white patches on the skin), testicular cancer, gastric lymphoma and so many more. Verily, there are so many diseases classified as "rare" where no medical research is in process because the money is not there. Basically, if less than 200,000 people suffer from a disease in the US, it is labeled as "rare" or "orphan" - in which case drug companies and medical researchers do not want to touch it as it is too costly for them, i.e. too difficult to make a big profit. So those people who contract these diseases are left to suffer.

At the same time, there are hundreds of drugs / medicines made each year for common diseases like coronary heart disease because that is profitable. Even though there are a sufficient number of medications on the market to treat those who are ill, they invent more medicines just to make a profit. Often they just transfer the same medicines into a new bottle with a new label just to increase sales. Then they stop producing generic medications so people are forced to pay top-dollar for name-brand meds. And of course they rarely (or never) tell patients they can cure their hypertension entirely through lifestyle changes. Why do they not say anything? Because they do not want to lose paying customers for their products, i.e. medicines.

These are a few of the many tricks done in today's greedy medical industry whereby needed products are missing entirely and profitable ones are mass produced because they are money-makers. The outcome: The needs of society are not met - only those at the helm increase their income. This approach of course is not just related with the medical industry. There are so many much needed products missing from the marketplace on the whole, simply because capitalists do not think them profitable. I am sure everyone can easily generate their own list of things.

Families heal, capitalists exploit

Here the entire concept is that the faulty approach of capitalism does not consider human interest and welfare, rather it just imposes its will on society in order to increase sales and make a bigger profit. Such an approach has gone on long enough - people are looking for answers. And that solution has been given: Prout. And Prout is the practical approach as already ideal family members subscribe to Prout principles.

Following is another way of examining this situation. If any family member is sick, then with a compassionate heart the other members of the family will nurture and care for them. Because that person is in need of support. But in the greedy capitalistic society, when someone is in need of something, then immediately big business and corporate entities devise ways to exploit that particular weakness. For instance, if the power goes out then corporations will double the price of generators because they know people need home generators. Thus, wherever greedy capitalists find a soft spot or point of weakness in society, they exploit the situation to enhance their profits. That is the way capitalism works.

Prout, on the other-hand, is not based on profit, but rather consumption. Proutists will produce more of what is needed in order to meet the needs of society. They will not exploit the situation for their own gain, but will rather try to solve the problem. Is this not the healing balm for today's greedy, capitalistic society.

Prout vs capitalism

Here is one of the many teachings wherein the Propounder of Prout contrasts the greedy approach of capitalism with the rational, holistic manner of Prout.

Prout philosophy states, "Economic decentralization means production for consumption, not production for profit. Economic decentralization is not possible under capitalism, because capitalist production always tries to maximize profit. Capitalists invariably produce at the lowest costs and sell at the highest profits. They prefer centralized production, which leads to regional economic disparity and imbalances in the distribution of the population. In the decentralized economy of PROUT on the other hand, production is for consumption, and the minimum requirements of life will be guaranteed to all. All regions will get ample scope to develop their economic potentiality." (2)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, Suppression, Repression and Oppression
2. Proutist Economics, Economic Democracy

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Please respond & come

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This below song represents that extremely high stance of bhakti wherein the bhakta has an irresistible desire to get Him. It is similar to a small infant who has the deep desire to have its mother: then that child cries solely for its 'maa', due to its strong love and attachment for its mother. Likewise, in this song, the bhakta can think of nothing else than his Ista, and in that high state of bhakti, tears rain down out of a heart-felt love for God. So the bhakta is already close to the Dearmost yet yearns to get Him closer and still more close. That is the great longing that this song represents. And that is why the sadhaka is crying - because he wants that Prabhu should grace him and come closer. Such ardent longing for Parama Purusa is evidenced in the lives of extraordinary sadhakas like Surdas, Meerabai, and other great bhaktas.

"Priyatama prabhu ámár,tomári tare, divá nishi ánkhi jhare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1412)


O’ my Prabhu, my most Beloved, I love You so much, but I am not getting You. You are remaining far. My eyes are showering tears for You day and night. I am crying for You. Please come, I want You in a more intimate way. My Supreme Entity, I am searching for You. Where are You, in which far distant, unknown place have You gone - I do not know. You have left me by the sarita' tiire - by the river bank - bound up in my bundle of samskaras, while You Yourself have gone to some divine land. Prabhu, I am desperately calling and weeping for You. Please respond and come to me.

O’ Parama Purusa, by Your grace I only know You; only You are my Goal. I only love You and do everything for You - to please You. When I sing Prabhat Samgiita, and dance it is only for serving You - to fulfill Your desire and make You happy - not any other reason. You brought me under Your care. Every moment - in times of joy and adversity, You always help me. I feel proud that You are mine and mine alone.  All my thoughts and deeds are revolving around You. By Your mercy, whatever I think, whatever I do, is for You - to please You.

O’ Parama Purusa, I may be a lowly sadhaka as I do not feel that I have done a lot of sadhana in my life. Perhaps for this reason You are keeping me distant. Maybe that is why You are neglecting me and leaving me all alone. I do not have the virtue of noble deeds, nor are my thoughts pious or suffused with Brahmabhava, nor am I ensconced in Cosmic ideation all the 24 hours. Is this why You have forgotten and left me and gone to some far distant unknown place, and not returned back. My Illumined One, kindly be compassionate and come near.

O’ Baba, I long for You and I surrender at Your altar - You are my Goal, You are my everything...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #1412:

[1] Sarita' tiire: (Literally sarita' means 'river' & tiire means 'bank' or 'shore') The river means the river of bhava - sometimes depicted as bhava sagar (ocean) - the bundle of samskaras that one has to cross to reach Parama Purusa. That is the analogy being made here. The bhakta is sitting by the river bank wondering how he will cross the river of samskaras and reach to Parama Purusa. Without His grace, one cannot cross that river or ocean of samskaras. And without exhausting all these samskaras one cannot get mukti or moksa. So His grace is needed. All in all, the bhakta is longing to get Him and in that longing he is making the loving accusation to Parama Purusa - 'Why have You left me and gone to some divine land while I sit here by the river bank surrounded by my samskaras'.

[2] Abhima’n: In Saḿskrta the term 'abhima’n' means ‘ego' which is very bad like drinking wine. But 'abhima’n' for God is mine is best. In Bengali 'abhiman' means 'wounded pride'. Depending on the song, one has to evaluate the scene and determine which meaning is more appropriate.

[3] Here in this last portion of the song, the bhakta is trying to do sadhana and bring Parama Purusa in his close proximity. Since it is difficult, the sadhaka makes this loving accusation towards Parama Purusa that 'You have gone away'. But it does not mean that really Parama Purusa has gone. Just it means that He is not coming as close as the sadhaka desires. In his heart of hearts, the bhakta thinks that Parama Purusa is close by and listening to his complaint. So it is just a loving accusation by the bhakta in order to bring Parama Purusa close. It is similar to how in our day to day life we use such expressions with our very close people, with our nearest and dearest relations. One might say, 'Why did you leave me', 'why did you abandon me', 'why did you forget about me' etc. All these expressions people use when they are extremely close with someone. Children say such things to their moms etc.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Healing sun bath

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When children are massaged with oil and then bathed in sun-warmed water it increases their vitality. Sun-warmed water is also beneficial for older people, however for older people it is not good if the temperature of the sun-warmed water is greater than the temperature of the body." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 3, Disc: 17

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Exercise caution with water buffaloes

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is worth pointing out that the buffalo came under man’s control a few thousand years after the cow was domesticated. The pure bison variety of buffalo is resistant to domestication, but the water buffalo, because of its lack of speed, has accepted man’s dominion for the sake of self-preservation. Since fondness for water is inherent in this variety of bison, their original instinctive tendencies awaken if they see water nearby. In the burning heat of summer, cart-pulling buffalo also will forget their sense of responsibility and take a dip, cart and all, if they see a pond – such happenings are not rare.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, part 3, Disc: 15

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How so-called ghosts are born

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In a dream, due to the dormant state of kámamaya kośa, the thought-vibrations of manomaya kośa appear real (this we call a dream when we wake up). When, due to extreme fear, stupefaction, crudity, or an excessive expression of any ripu or pásha, the kámamaya becomes temporarily suspended in the next higher kośa and the imagined objects appear real. This is also the case when a person sees various gods and goddesses. Psychologically, seeing a ghost, god or goddess is the same thing; none of them actually exist.”

“When hypnotized by someone, a person starts perceiving things as per the commands of the hypnotist. In this state, when the kámamaya is dormant a person feels that his/her imagined objects are real. Often, weak-minded people see ghosts, gods or goddesses of relatives. Such visions are auto- or outer-positive-hallucinations. Conversely, when people declare the absence of things which are actually present, it is called auto- or outer-negative-hallucination.”

“This clarifies that those who emphatically claim that they have seen ghosts are not wrong. It is due to the illusions of the negative or positive hallucinations that they see these things.”

1. Tattva Kaomudii - 1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Inherent defects of Indian constitution

   Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "There are several fiscal and psychological loopholes in the Indian constitution. The constitution of India proclaims that all are equal in the eye of the law. But in practice, this principle is not followed, and as a result disparity is growing in the arena of law and justice. Such disparity is adversely affecting the different groups of people in the country. For example, there are disparities between the Hindu Code and the Muslim Code. Hindu women and Muslim women, although they are all Indian citizens, do not get equal advantages of law. For instance, according to Hindu law, a man cannot have more than one wife, but a Muslim man is entitled to have more than one wife. A Hindu husband or a Hindu wife is required to approach the court to secure a divorce, while a Muslim man is entitled to divorce his wife without the permission or approval of the court. Moreover, a Muslim husband can divorce his wife but a Muslim wife cannot  divorce her husband. Besides, a Muslim husband is not required to show [[any reason for the divorce]].”
   “Disparity in the eye of the law is creating all these problems. The root of all these evils lies in the psychological loopholes of the Indian constitution. Why is the constitution allowing the Hindu Code and Muslim Code to stand side by side? Let there be only one code – the Indian Code. This Indian Code should be based on cardinal human values, with a universal approach and Neo-Humanistic spirit. Then only equality before the law can be established in practice, and equal protection of the law for all can be guaranteed. So the constitution should remove the psychological loopholes by eradicating existing disparities in the eye of the law.”

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 8  “Requirements of an Ideal Constitution”

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cancer caused by sleeping patterns

Remaining awake after midnight and sleeping after sunrise comes under the definition of being awake at night and sleeping during the day. And that very condition invites cancer:

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says "Persons... [who] sleep during the day and keep late nights are most likely to be attacked by cancer." (1)

Note: Sleeping during the day does not just mean at taking a nap in the afternoon or in the late morning. Sleeping during the day also means not getting up in the early morning for paincajanya.

1. Yogic Treatments, Cancer

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Lowest type of sadhana - idol worship

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "“Mrchiládhátudárvadi”. Artisans use their knives and other tools to make images out of sand, clay, stone and metal according to their own imagination. Some images have ten hands, some have twenty hands, some have four hands. Each image holds different weapons in the different hands. How can these imaginary gods and goddesses, created by the fanciful imagination of human beings, ensure liberation or salvation to spiritual aspirants? Obviously they cannot because they depend for their very existence on the human imagination. Hence it is said that idol worship is the worst type of sádhana. Manasá kalpitá murtrirnrńám cenmokśasádhanii. Let human beings create idols according to their fanciful imagination. A painter also creates pictures – but that is a different thing. Let there be the cultivation of sculpture and painting, but if the idols thus created are expected to grant salvation to spiritual aspirants, that is absurd.” (1)

Searching Parama Purusa in Tiljala, Jamalpur

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who wrongly worship Parama Purus'a in the form of clay, iron, or other material substances, are ultimately converted into prakrtiliina*. And those who run around externally in hopes of finding Parama Purusa outside, they also become Prakrtiliina." (2)

Those searching Parama Purusa in one or another holy land - like Tiljala, Jamalpur - should be especially careful this above teaching.

* Prakrtiliina: This is one type of microvita which is under punishment of reaping its own negative samskaras.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 10, Ideation on Brahma
2. 15 May 1982, Hindi Section

== Section ==

भक्ति-विहीन कर्म में है अनर्थ

“अब देखा जाए, कर्म---the philosophy of action, the actional approach | कोई एक कर्मवीर हैं, ख़ूब कर्म करते हैं, स्वार्थ-विहीन कर्म करते हैं---मगर तो भी उनसे कुछ काम नहीं होगा, अगर उनमें भक्ति की कमी हो | शुरुआत में अगर उनकी कर्म-प्रचेष्टा में थोड़ा-सा भी अन्तर्मुखीन भाव हो, तो भी आख़िर तक, अर्थात्‌ दूसरे चरण में होगा क्या ? भक्ति नहीं रहने के कारण उसकी गति बहिर्मुखीन हो जाएगी---और, कर्म उनको जड़ से जड़ बना देगा | आख़िर तक वे यन्त्रवत बन जाएँगे, मानवता से बहुत दूर हट जाएँगे | इसलिए भक्ति-विहीन कर्म में परमार्थ नहीं है; है अनर्थ |”

[यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। सर्व विदित है कि आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं]

1. GD 13 September 1978 Patna

== Section ==

The best you can do is only to serve - Ananda Vanii #23

“You have no right to hate even a single living creature. The best you can do is only to serve. Remember, you are to serve bearing in mind that every creature is verily the living manifestation of the Supreme Consciousness. Remember also that the credit of service is not yours; it is due to the Supreme and the Supreme alone, whose ideation has inspired you to acquire the capability of rendering service.”

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section 3: Links ==