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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Idiot vs thoughtful + 5 more

Idiot vs thoughtful


People commonly want to keep their material wealth, prestige, or beauty forever. They think their happiness lies in those mundane qualities. So they go to great lengths and extraordinary measures to protect those treasures. But alas, it is a losing battle. Indeed it is a foolish approach.

Big questions

The basic, inherent, tendency of this world is that in the next moment everything is going to change. Nothing can keep its current structure as is. This whole universe is grounded in mobility. Verily, this globe itself is always rotating and revolving and it were to stop it would collapse. So movement is a must. That is the law of nature.

What do you want money and prestige?

So in this world of perpetual change, materialists are going against the grain by thinking they can maintain all their worldly assets, possessions, and qualities. Things like prestige, reputation, property holdings, stock values, public image, physical appearance, and social status etc cannot stand the test of time. They are bound to wane and disintegrate. The only thing in this universe that is non-changing and permanent is Parama Purusa, God. Everything else is in a state of constant and perpetual change. Those trying to find lasting happiness in the ephemeral expressions of this changing universe will meet their Waterloo. So only His shelter is safe.

This truth must be kept in mind. If you know and adjust with this fundamental truth then you will be happy. In contrast, those trying to keep their mundane wealth and qualities forever and live under that shelter are not reflective. And in the end they will be unbearably miserable. Not only will they lose their possessions but they will lose any chance of inner tranquility and peace as well. The only logical and rational option is to take shelter in Parama Purusa.

Every human being should be aware of these facts. It is just like if one knows that a hurricane is going to come then they can prepare adequately and survive the storm. Whereas those who are not aware about the impending hurricane may get wiped out completely. In the same way, every human should be educated about the transitory nature of this world; for this reason they have come into human form.

That is why it has been said:
Tyaja durjanasaḿsargaḿ bhaja sádhusamágamam;
Kuru puńyamahorátraḿ smara nityamanityatám.
The overall sense of the above shloka is: Give up bad company, keep good company, and always remember that this world is transitory.


Everyone comes onto this earth to find and experience lasting happiness. Naturally then, if one can discover a recipe for achieving happiness, then that is quite meaningful. This letter discussed one key nugget of information about finding happiness in life: Everything in this mundane world is mobile. If you keep this truth in mind, adjust with this mundane world, and aim for the spiritual realm, then your mental peace is assured.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The wise do not absorb themselves in the glitter and glamour of the fleeting entities of this transitory world. They focus all the zeal of their hearts upon the Eternal Principle that is the original cause behind these moving entities. Ensconced behind every change is the One Who witnesses every transitory entity deep within that Supreme Entity, who is the only Entity.” (1)

In Him,

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 5, Matter and Spirit

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

O’ human beings! 

Note: This following song is to warn those who are demons in human form and by their nefarious work are destroying the peace by spreading poison and killing the innocent.

"Manus' manus' ha'ra'ye hunsha kotha'y calecho tumi.
A'ka'sh ba'ta's bis'iye diye narak kare marttyabhu'mi..." (Prabhat Samgiita 1190)


O’ human beings, have you lost your sense of rationality - where are you going. You have started moving on the path of dogma, annihilation, and ruination and made this beautiful earth poisonous with the dogma of groupism etc.

O’ people of this earth, you feel you are greater than all other living beings - animals, plants, birds etc. Bound by feelings of superiority, you think those creatures have been placed on this earth solely for your personal enjoyment, and that those beings have no existential value of their own. Don't you see the shadow of death approaching fast to destroy your audacity.

O’ human beings, you have forgotten the eternal truth that whatever strength you have is coming from Him - Parama Purusa. He has given you your physical body and mind to serve all. Everything stems from Him; He is the source. Now fulfill your duty and help everyone advance. Move across the universe doing your work, without being deterred by any obstacle….

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Observations about fish-eaters

Here is an English summary of Baba’s teaching from in Bengali from Shabda Cayanika - 20, (Bangla), Disc #156:

Fish quarrel so much among themselves; they are quarrel mongers. They eat each other; they feel jealous towards one another; and, they also have the tendency to wander around aimlessly in an undisciplined, disorderly manner. Because fish have these negative qualities, the general public has long thought that those who eat fish become contaminated by these same defects. (English Summary)

Note: Amongst all of India, the most densely populated fish-eating area is Bengal. Baba says that the majority of the population of Bengal is kaevarta (fisherman community). Throughout Bengal, there are a huge number of lakes, ponds, rivers, and water sources; that is why fish flourish there. In Bengal fish are known as "water fruit". Except for very strict, devoted margiis - which are very few in number there - most of them like to eat fish.

== Section: News from 14 Nov 2017 ==

Dowry: countless girls commit suicide, forced out of jagrti


Jethu Singh is the Bhukti Pradhan of Bayara Dit in Surat Diocese in Gujarat. He has taken Rs 11 lakhs as dowry in his son’s marriage.

Whereas Sohan Dev is Bhukti Pradhan of Pali Dit in Ajmer Diocese in Rajasthan. Sohan Dev is a "Tattavika" as well. He has taken Rs 2 lakh as dowry in his son’s marriage. Son-in law of Sohan Dev was Bhukti Pradhan of Jalor Dit.

In both cases, the bride's family had to incur a debt to pay the dowry.

Taking huge dowry qualifies you to become BP

Jethu Singh and Sohan Dev both are still working as Bhukti Pradhan of Ranchi AMPS in spite of so many complaints. Ac Satyashrayananda Avt has been supporting them.

Ac Satyashrayananda Dada has instructed Karan Singh Rajpurohit not to raise this matter in WhatsApp, or email, or in Facebook. Satyasharyananda Dada told him that, “Ananda Marga will get a bad reputation due to this dowry incident. So please raise this matter only to GS Dada, not in media.”

Due to these types of practices hundreds of unmarried girls commit suicide on a daily basis after pouring petrol on their body and igniting themselves and leaving the note that to relieve the financial on my parents I had to commit suicide. That is why Baba opposed dowry.

Baba did not like to see the the face of those margiis who took dowry. They were forced out of the jagrti. That is why no strict margii accepts dowry. Baba's mandate is that if a dowry has been given then do not accept even a drop of water let alone a feast on that wedding day. But in this case Wts attended, supported the marriage, and feasted like gluttons up to their neck.

Then whole thing is sad. Now these dowry-takers are leaders of their bhuktis.

In service to Guru,

Note: 11 lakhs is what an ordinary citizen earns as daily wages (before taxes) over the course of their lifetime. They save nothing. This is the situation in India. So you can imagine how huge it is to pay / receive 11 lakhs dowry.

== Section: Baba story ==

Baba story

Once a margii said to me while waiting on line for go in field walk in 1980-81.

Govinda I'm gonna ask BABA three questions when He comes out.
Oh no I said your not? , yep I am he said I'm gonna say...
1) BABA may I touch Your feet?
2) May I have Your personal blessing now..?
3) May I take Your picture?

Now I was embarrassed he would ask  especially the third question ..

So as was the habit we were singing kiirtana...BABA walked slowly
HE stopped near Vikash knowing what was coming. BABA can I touch Your feet?
BABA was serious eyes closed..BABA nodded with a soft angular sweep of his head.

BABA can I have Your blessing?
Same motion...Vikash stooped down quickly and up again with a grin I'll never forget

Then came the silly question 
BABA can I take Your picture ? BABA scrunched up his face and said with feigned disgust with his silly child ...NO not now!
BABA was then driven off in the old resurrected Desoto car.

Vikash turned to me and said, "See Govinda...two outta three ain't bad!"

at His feet,

== Section: Comment ==
Re: Margii rights seized


Question: What is one of the key differences between the pre-1990 BP Manual and the 1997 Fake BP Manual?

Answer: Please know that from the original manual margiis will elect the bhakti pradhan (BP). Wts have no role in suggesting or voting in the BP election. But the fake BP manual states that Wts select the candidate and then margiis will elect that person as BP. And if Wts don't like the outcome they will arbitrarily remove the BP and put anyone else, without margiis having any input.

in Him,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Margii rights seized

== Section 4: Links ==

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