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Monday, August 5, 2024

All in AM are tantrikas + 3 more

All in AM are tantrikas 


The system of Ananda Marga sadhana is tantra sadhana. Hence each and every margii or Wt who is practicing namah mantra, sahaja yoga, or vishesha yoga is a tántrika.

Every margii is a tántrika

The sadhana which Baba has taught us is the very essence of the tántric sadhana practice. And not in one discourse but in so many discourses Baba has given the directive that all Ananda Margiis are tantrikas. And tantrikas visit the cemetery for sadhana.

But those who do not know Ananda Marga ideology say that kapalika sadhana is the only tántric sadhana. But the reality is that every Ananda Margii is doing tantra sadhana. And all tantrikas should visit the cemetery to boost their sadhana. By this example of Shravanii Purnima, Baba is teaching us that even beginners learning sadhana on the very first day should go and practice sadhana in the cemetery. And Baba demonstrated this by giving diiksa to Kalicharan in the cemetery.

Countless sadhakas have realised that their concentration and ideation is better because by doing sadhana in the cemetery their mind gets more pointed; and, ultimately they feel more vibrated and gain a stronger spiritual feeling by doing cemetery sadhana. So altogether there is no comparison between sadhana inside the house and sadhana in the cemetery. And if one is not habituated with doing sadhana in the cemetery, then they can begin by going in the daytime and finding a nice, quiet place to sit. And when one is accustomed to going in broad daylight they can try the evening time and eventually in the nighttime.

Sadhana in the cemetery

Unfortunately certain fearful Wt acaryas oppose the idea of margiis going and doing sadhana in the cemetery as those Wts think they will lose prestige. But this complex and dogma should be rooted out. And what better occasion than the upcoming celebration of Shravanii Purnima in August, to remind us that cemetery sadhana is very important. Because the birth of our Ananda Marga spiritual practices took place in the cemetery in 1939 when Baba gave the first initiation to Kalicharan ji in the cremation grounds. So in the true sense, Shravanii Purnima is the birth of Ananda Marga practices, and then after sixteen years the organisation, Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, was formed in 1955.

Sadhana is very important in human life. And by the unique event of Shravanii Purnima, Baba is giving the special guideline that everyone should do cemetery sadhana. Indeed, cemetery sadhana boosts one’s concentration.


When more Ananda Margiis are deeply involved in spiritual practices then with that enhanced spiritual feeling and expansive mind, all types of problems can be solved - both in individual life, social life, and collective life. Sadguru Baba has bestowed us with innumerable gifts and treasures, and among them cemetery sadhana is one that should be utilised by one and all.

In Him,

Note: This year Shravanii Purnima is on Monday 19 August 2024.

Narrow-mindedness is diseases

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The diseases of humanity are the result of not having bhu'madrs't'i (Cosmic outlook) in life. The diseased persons do not consider others, but think only about themselves. They are busy thinking about their own families, employers, etc., and they forget everyone else. This is a terrible malady. But it is a mere expression and symptom of narrow-mindedness, the real root and reason for psychological disease. The cure is to reverse the trend of behaviour to rid the fallen human beings of narrow-mindedness. The medicine is one and only one: Brahmabha'va [ideation on Supreme Consciousness]." (1)

By doing sadhana all sorts of problems can be solved as well as countless issues of the collective humanity.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Prevalent fish-eaters

Here is an English summary of Baba’s teaching from in Bengali from Shabda Cayanika - 20, (Bangla), Disc #156:

Fish quarrel so much among themselves; they are quarrel mongers. They eat each other; they feel jealous towards one another; and, they also have the tendency to wander around aimlessly in an undisciplined, disorderly manner. Because fish have these negative qualities, the general public has long thought that those who eat fish become contaminated by these same defects. (English Summary)

Note: Amongst all of India, the most densely populated fish-eating area is Bengal. Baba says that the majority of the population of Bengal is kaevarta (fisherman community). Throughout Bengal, there are a huge number of lakes, ponds, rivers, and water sources; that is why fish flourish there. In Bengal fish are known as "water fruit". Except for very strict, devoted margiis - which are very few in number there - most of them like to eat fish.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Who has proper composure

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Imagine a scoundrel is standing in front of you. The man is such a rogue that you feel like slapping him, but do not actually do it. It is only when you decide, ‘Let me slap that scoundrel’, that your hands actually strike him. When the inner urge to externalise the feeling becomes strong enough, your hands leap into action. A great person is one who has complete control over the externalisation of thoughts. A thought will not always be expressed physically. One may have a desire to hit someone or a desire to steal, but never actually does it due to one’s self control.” (1)

Note: Various people react differently to the same set of circumstances. For example, if one person in the market suddenly abused Mr. A and Mr. Bhen Mr. A and Mr B will react differently. By listening to the unjust abuse, Mr A violently kicked the fellow in his stomach and that person died. So Mr. A got arrested and convicted in court on charges of capitalist punishment. In contrast, when the same person abused Mr. B then Mr. B remained calm and patient to see how the situation developed.

According to the above teaching, Mr A has a weak mind because of his hasty, knee-jerk reaction. Whereas Mr B has a stronger mind as he exercised restraint over his motor organs. The final teaching is, “Do not react immediately - try to have control over your organs and do not allow your hands and feet (i.e. motor organs) to quickly jump into action.” For that mental force is needed. Otherwise those organs will react automatically. This is the rare and greatest teaching that is described in the above guideline.

In Him,
Dayadhiisha Deva

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sádhaná, Abhidhyána and Kiirtana

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Tragic case of extermination

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In India some rhinos still exist; they are found in the Duars region of North Bengal and upper Assam, the temperate plains of Bhutan and central Nepal. Everywhere they are counting the days until their final extinction. Human beings of ancient times believed that the medicine made from the rhino's horn could rejuvenate them. So the cruel practice of poaching rhinos prevailed in every age and continues to prevail even today. The situation has come to such a pass that the few one-horned or two-horned rhinos that still remain may disappear any time from the face of the earth. Although there is a slight increase in their population in the Kaziranga Sanctuary of Assam, one rarely comes across them in ordinary forests. The medicinal properties of the rhino horn are neither a verified truth nor has it any scientific basis. Is it not extremely abominable to exterminate an  innocent creature due to some wrong notion?” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc: 26

== Section : Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुम सुख और दुख दोनों में तुम्हारा सहारा पाने के लिये पुकारता रहता हॅूं।

प्रभात संगीत 3712 एक आलो.अन्धारेर खेला हे प्रभु तोमारे स्रष्टिते...


हे प्रभु! तुम्हारी इस अनोखी दुनिया  में प्रकाश  और अंधेरे का खेल, दुःख और ख़ुशी की लुकाछिपी चल रही है।  प्रकाश अर्थात सुख को  चारों ओर अपनी चमक फैलाता देखकर  कुहरा अर्थात दुःख उसे ढंकने का प्रयास करता है।

पूर्णिमा के मुस्कुराते प्रकाश  भरे आकाश  में गहरा अंधेरा लिये अमावश्या  भी आ जाती है। खुशी  के बाद दुख आ जाते हैं , चमकदार पूर्णिमा के बाद गहरी काली अमावश्या  आ जाती है। काले आकाश  में दीपकों की तरह सजे चमकते तारों  की चमक के बाद ग्रीष्म और वर्षा आ जाते हैं। हे  परमपुरुष ! तुम्हारे अलावा कोई भी चीज स्थायी नहीं है, सब चल रहे हैं।

हे परमपुरुष ! तुम्हारी इस  रचना में  छोटे बच्चे  की हंसी पूरे  खिले हुए फूल की तरह लगती है पर हमेशा नहीं रहती । सुन्दर  इंद्रधनुष और शरद ऋतु का चंद्रमा भी अधिक देर तक नहीं रह पाते। वे हमेशा  नहीं रहते वरन  वे भी समय के साथ समाप्त हो जाते हैं। हे प्रभु! हे बाबा! केवल  तुम ही स्थायी हो, इसीलिये मैं सुख और दुख दोनों में तुम्हारा दिव्य सहारा  पाने के लिये पुकारता रहता हॅूं।

हे बाबा! मेरे ऊपर कृपा बनाये रखें। 

== Section 4: Links ==