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Saturday, November 11, 2023

Achieving peace + 7 more

Achieving peace

One day Baba was discussing the 'Seven Secrets of Success', and in that darshan He differentiated between 'worldly success' & 'peace' - stating that 'peace' is the real charm that people want, not worldly success. Then He graciously told that to attain peace in day-to-day life, two more points are needed.

In a nutshell, those two points are [#1] Keeping mind fixed on the Goal of life Parama Purusa, and [#2] Doing abhidhyana intermittently throughout the day. Those are the two very special and highly unique points. And it is these two ingredients which are so keenly important for inviting peace and bliss into one's life. These two points are Baba's special message to us for making our life blissful and peaceful.

So we should take this time as a special occasion and great opportunity to truly understand what Baba is saying, lest we lose out on the essence of life by not getting peace. Applying these two points in our daily life will bring peace and bliss into our own individual lives. The aforementioned topic about these two points was given by Revered Baba in Diigha on 9 Feb 1989.

Fame brings mental tension

We should remember that worldly success and inner peace are two vastly different things. Worldly success generally means mundane gains such as money, name, fame, prestige, and career. Sadly, this is what people mostly yearn for, due to their confusion. But the results are just temporary. Either such worldly gains or possessions will decay or diminish leaving you in tears; or, you will leave them behind when you depart from this earth. In either scenario, those so-called worldly treasures will not remain with you.

Name and fame bring mental tension, anxiety, and a whole host of psychic diseases. Often such persons become so mentally degraded and deranged that they are unable to even sleep because they suffer from so much anxiety. And ultimately they end up addicted to drugs, committing suicide, or dying in some other tragic manner. Fame and happiness form an inverse relationship. So the more name and fame one has, the more depressed and stressed-out one will become. There is a long and known history how prestige is linked with psychic tension and premature death.

As Baba says, it is peace of mind, not worldly success, that people truly desire. Peace is something higher and more subtle. Peace means balance and equipoise; in a phrase, peace means being in a spiritual flow and ensconced in His bliss. Ultimately, this is what every human yearns for.

Keep remembering goal of life

Most people on this earth have no true goal in life; indeed most never even ponder, “Who am I, and why have I come here.” In that case, their life will be nothing more than a goalless journey, utterly devoid of any real peace. For Ananda Margiis, our Goal is crystal clear. Parama Purusa is our Goal. And this we should remember - keeping the mind fixed on Him all day long in order to bring peace into our lives.

Along these lines of remembering the goal, Baba brings forth the example of a train traveling from point A to B. There are so many stations between the passenger and their destination. The tendency is to think about the various stops and stations along the way, and even miss their own destination. We should not be like such travelers. Those who forget about the Goal of life misuse their time, miss the opportunity to follow bhagavad dharma, and go astray. As sadhakas, we must always keep the vision fixed on the Goal of life. That is Parama Purusa. Remembering the Goal is the first key ingredient for attaining peace.

Short meditation throughout the day

The second key ingredient for attaining perfect peace, or peace of mind, or complete mental equipoise, is to do abhidhyana throughout the day, many times, whenever one gets that chance. And this is quite manageable because one can do abhidhyana in so many ways. When in between duties or various works, a sadhaka can close the eyes and meditate on Him. Those involved in more physical engagements can do abhidhyana during any short respite. Plus just before eating food one can ideate, as well as just prior to leaving the house we can think of Him by doing abhidhyana. In addition, when on line at the store, while waiting for a friend, while gardening or farming, when riding on a train, when waiting for an appointment - verily on all these occasions and more we can do abhidhyana.

This very instant is an ideal time. Close your eyes, and start doing abhidhyana / mantra japa for a moment, and see the beneficial effects. And, verily, whenever we have a tiny gap in the day, then we should do abhidhyana for a few moments - and one needn’t sit in a meditative posture per se. Just one needs to ideate and these mini abhidhyana sessions will have a magnificent effect on one’s life.

Because when we think of Him, His divine vibration and sweet love consumes our existence. We instantly feel His grace and in turn we get tremendous strength, courage, and inspiration to do anything and everything. Doing intermittent abhidhyana can be done for a minute or two - whenever we have time during the day (or night).

So making abhidhyana a regular element in our daily routine is quite easy and quite beneficial. It is easy in that nothing extra is needed. It is not like doing half-bath which demands having certain facilities; and it is not like fasting which is only done on certain days etc. Abhidhyana can be done just about anytime and anywhere. The more we do it, the more regular and easier it will become. Indeed, instantly, Baba's sweet grace and divine presence will fill one's mental plate. In that case, mental peace will be a natural and inherent element of life.


These above two points - [#1] keeping mind fixed on the Goal of life, and [#2] doing abhidhyana intermittently throughout the day - are quite practical and the effects are immediate. Perfect peace will descend in your life, and your coming on this earth as a human be will be successful.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga ideology says, "For everlasting freedom from duhkha, paramártha [that which provides permanent liberation] is the only remedy. Paramártha does not bring only temporary remission, but everlasting freedom from duhkha. Atyantikii nivrtti can be obtained only by Paramártha which relieves one of all duhkha: physical, mental and spiritual. This Paramártha can only be obtained by sadhana, that is, spiritual practices. For maintaining peace psychic equilibrium is necessary, and for maintaining this equilibrium freedom from all duhkha forever is necessary. Freedom from duhkha or atyantikii nivrtti can be obtained only from Paramártha, and Paramártha can be achieved only by sadhana, or spiritual practices." (1)

Until tactual contact with the Supreme Self

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Absolute or permanent peace cannot occur in collective life because the created universe, which is embedded in the process of saiṋcara [extroversion] and pratisaiṋcara [introversion] is, in fact, dominated first by avidyá [extroversial force], and then by vidyá [introversial force], respectively. When the existence of the universe is rooted in the existence of these two, then permanent peace (támasikii or sáttvikii as the case may be) in the universe would mean the cessation of the activities of either vidyá or avidyá, or both. This is why it has to be said that collective peace in the universe cannot occur except in the case of pralaya, and the concept of pralaya is illogical. However in individual life human beings can certainly achieve absolute peace through sadhana." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "While doing spiritual practice, spiritual sadhana, while singing kiirtana and dancing, we should remember the fact that all our spiritual activities are just a dance around Parama Puruśa, lessening the distance, lessening the length of the radius, coming from close to closer proximity to our ideological Desideratum. We should always remember this fact. And there cannot be any peace, any happiness or any beatitude till the aspirant comes in tactual contact with the Supreme Self." (3)

There is no other alternative

Ananda Marga ideology says, "On many different occasions in life, whether big or small, one can hope to attain a certain degree of mental composure, but permanent composure or “prashánti” or “átyántikii shánti” (composure beyond which there is no further composure, and which, once attained is never lost) cannot be attained easily. In war, an army may win one battle thus attaining a certain degree of composure, but they may be defeated in the next battle. Victory, once attained, may not necessarily be permanent. Only vijaya, that is, victory which is never followed by defeat, is permanent. A person wishing to attain permanent composure will have to attain Shiva or Parama Puruśa. There is no other alternative." (4)

Remembering Cosmic Entity always

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The sadhana, or spiritual practices, of the Marga do not teach forsaking the world. They teach the right and correct use of all property, crude or subtle. Our sadhana is a systematic and scientific method for physical, mental and spiritual progress and advancement by which permanent psychic equilibrium, and thus everlasting peace, is established." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Try to remember Him always. This remembering Him always, in all spheres and all strata of life, is called “dhruvásmrti”. Don’t forget this for a single moment. By dint of your sádhaná, try to develop dhruvásmrti and be one with Him, and in peace, for infinity." (6)

Intermittent abhidhyana

There are so many benefits. The person will no longer get into petty arguments; all doubts and fears will melt away; one will be more self-assured and confident; one will never feel bored; loneliness will vanish; the person will be inspired to do more and more good works; and so many positive results will come. And, on the whole, life will certainly be more joyful, peaceful, tranquil, and calm.

Practicing these two points - keeping mind fixed on the Goal of life & doing intermittent abhidhyana for a minute or two throughout the day - will bring a plethora of beneficial results in the life. By His grace, one will always feel that His presence, and that is the biggest boon of all, forever being ensconced in His grace.

We are blessed to have His divine teachings. By this we will easily be able to bring peace and bliss into our lives, and attain the ultimate Goal of life.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "So the intellect of the sensuous man is wasted over external objects. The human mind that has in it an unbridled desire for mundane pleasure is never at peace. In such a state no one can attain Brahma. When the mind preoccupied with finite objects, can one get the integrated whole? When your longing is towards the crude, you will undoubtedly become crudified yourself. Your mind will leap from one crude desire to another - will run from one object after another in a wild pursuit. Such is the way of the materialistic, isn’t it? But an aspirant, being in the midst of all and making the right use of everything, proceeds towards the supreme goal. Learn the Intuitional Science from the competent preceptor and proceed accordingly." (7)


Ananda Marga ideology states, “Átmajiṋánam is jiṋánam”. What is átmajiṋánam? What is self-knowledge? What is self-realization? You see, it is the natural wont of each and every living being to see others, not to see himself. That is, whenever one becomes a subjective entity, he takes others as objective counterpart, but never the self as objective counterpart. One's subjectivity never merges with objectivity and that is the trouble. You want to know so many things but you never want to know yourself. Your “self” is your nearest entity but you never want to know yourself. That is the pity, that is the trouble. Átmajiṋánam means a stage of objectlessness. Seeing one's own self within oneself and not guiding any cognitive or psychic faculty towards any objectivity. You have got so many psychic faculties. You have got so many cognitive faculties, too but you always try to goad your psychic and cognitive faculties to other objects. But, if you withdraw all your psychic and cognitive faculties and goad these faculties towards yourself and be at peace without coming in contact with any objective world that phase of your mind and spirit that stance of relativity, is átmajiṋánam. It is the true jiṋánam because all other knowledges are contaminated by relativities. This jiṋánam, because of its non-dependence on any second objectivity is of absolute character and it is átmajiṋánam. For acquiring this átmajiṋánam one need not go through volumes of books. One should develop sincere urge to attain this átmajiṋánam and develop love for the Supreme. This is the sádhaná. And in this process, after self-realization, one attains salvation.” (8)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology
2. Problems of the Day #15
3. 19 May 1979 evening, Timmern, West Germany
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Attainment of Permanent Composure
5. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Your Real Friend
7. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Desire & Attachment
8. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2, Agama and Nigama

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You remain always in my heart

"Man Vrinda'bane rayecho...
Tama'ler niipe mohan sa'je bendhecho more diye priitid'ora." (Prabhat Samgiita #3936)


Baba, my Lord, You are living eternally in the Vrindaban of my mind. With Your sweet, melodious, effulgence You have intoxicated my whole being with Your divine tune, melody, and rhythm and filled my existence with song and dance-- it is Your grace. 

Baba, I do not know how far away or close You are away; that is beyond my measurement. My Dearest, You are my means, my sadhana and my goal - everything. I do Your meditation with madhur bha’va. I stare toward Your holy feet in an unblinking way-- that is my shelter. 

Parama Purusa, in my sleep, dream, and awake state, in my mind Your divine flute is always resonating. With Your sweet attraction You have tied me up in the bond of Your infinite love. Your white lotus feet are my sanctuary. Baba, You remain always in the inner core of my heart...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Fake show of social service

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Fifteenth January nineteen thirty-four में जमालपुर मुंगेर में ज़बर्दस्त earthquake-भूकम्प हुआ था | तो, उस वक्त तो बहुत, मकान के नीचे,  dead body क्या, Wounded persons, जो कि मरे नहीं थे---तो, कुछ लोग कुदाली लेकर ईंटा हटाना शुरू कर दिए | और कुछ दो-चार leader आए, तो एक-दो minute कुदाली लेकर, बस photo के इन्तज़ार में थे | उसके बाद ही चले गए, और सके नहीं | हम देखे थे | तो, ठीक वैसे ही मध्यम group के मनुष्य ऐसे ही होते हैं | काम start करते हैं, देखते हैं बहुत मुश्किल | तब तक करते हैं जब तक उनका [photo]  फोटो  नहीं लिया जाएगा |” (1)

Note: In the above quote, Baba is giving the example of a few hypocritical political leaders. In particular, Baba is recounting the tragedy of the Jamalpur earthquake of 15 January 1934. So many people were buried under the debris and rubble of collapsed houses. Some were dead and some were alive, crying out for help. Sincere local volunteers and neighbors were trying hard to remove the debris and rescue the victims / survivors. In the meantime, a few political leaders came with a cameraman. Those politicians borrowed spades and shovels from volunteers and posed for photos as if they were trying to dig out survivors etc. Immediately after the photo was taken they walked away. That is the eyewitness account Baba is giving in this above Hindi quote.

Only hypocrites do like this; Ananda Margiis should never conduct themselves in this way. In the life of an Ananda Margii, sincerity is the beginning, sincerity is the middle, and sincerity is the end. The main quality of a sadhaka is sincerity - no hypocrisy.

1. ज़िद चाहिए, Zid Ca'hiye, V24-07

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Study by ears, eyes, and gestures

Ananda Marga ideology states, “मनुष्य ज्ञानार्जन करते हैं, किस तरह से ? कोई आँख से पढ़ते हैं; कोई कान से पढ़ते हैं; कोई इङ्गित से, मुद्रा से, पढ़ते हैं | जैसे प्राचीन भारत में literate का percentage; अ, आ, क, ख, जाननेवालों का percentage बहुत कम था | अर्थात्‌ साक्षर की सङ्ख्या कम थी; मगर विद्वान की, शिक्षित की सङ्ख्या अधिक थी | क्यों ? न, धर्म-कथा, उस सब में वे लोग क्या कहते हैं---उसी से लोग सीख लेते थे | अर्थात्‌ आँख से नहीं पढ़ते थे, कान से अधिक आदमी पढ़ते थे | और आज के लोग आँख से पढ़ते हैं, मगर कान से कम पढ़ते हैं | इसलिए साक्षर की सङ्ख्या अधिक है, शिक्षित की सङ्ख्या घट गई है |” (1)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba is guiding us that people learn in three ways: (a) with their eyes by reading, (b) with their ears by listening, and (c) via gestures in sign language. In Ancient India the number of literate people were less as they did not know how to read and write but the number of scholars and educated people was very high as they were learning and acquiring knowledge by listening to dharmic stories etc. That is how they they were getting their education. But in the present era people are very literate in that they are able to read and write, but they are less educated as they do not assimilate that knowledge. The central idea is that are three ways to learn and we should utilize all three methods to create an educated society. Whatever dharmic things we learn, we should follow and incorporate into our day to day life.

1. General Darshan 25 July 1970 Purnia

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

मेरे घर में अन्धेरा

“इस मन का जो अन्धकार है, इसको हटाना है | ऐसा नहीं कहना है कि---"घर में दीवाली, मेरे घर में अन्धेरा |" घर में भी दीवाली होनी चाहिए | और यह दीवाली, आत्मा की दीवाली |” [यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]Reference
1. अप्रकाशित भाग, 3rd June 1990, DMC, “The Cult of Spirituality, a Cult of Pinnacled Order”

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

सभी तुमसे तुम्हारे कृपा कणा की याचना कर रहे हैं

 प्रभात संगीत 3004: ताल तमालिर वनेर माझे

इस वर्षा ऋतु में इन ताल और तमाल के जंगलों में तुम कौन हो जो नये वस्त्रों और नये रूप में आये हो? यह तुम्हारी कृपा है कि तुमने मुझे आपने पास आने दिया। तुमने मुझे मोहित कर लिया है, और मेरे मन के दरवाजों को खोलकर उसे  भक्ति से भर दिया है और अपने कार्य में, साधना में और जन सेवा में मुझे लगा लिया है।

तुम्हारे यहां आने के कारण सूखी पृथ्वी बरसात से आप्लावित हो गई है और गड्ढे तथा छोटे तालाब मिलकर एक हो गये हैं। चारों ओर पानी ही पानी है, ग्रीष्म की धूल जा चुकी है। मेरा स्पंदित मन तुममें, तुम्हारे चिंतन में तुम्हारे ध्यान में और तुम्हारे नन्दन वन की महक से भर गया है। तुम कौन हो जो नये वस्त्रों और नये रूप में यहाँ आये हो?

आकाश  और पाताल सब एक हो गये हैं और एक ही लय में नाच रहे हैं। उसी एक ब्रह्म ज्योति से मतवाला होकर सभी सुध बुध खो बैठे हैं । सभी तुमसे तुम्हारे कृपा कणा की याचना कर रहे हैं। तुम कौन हो जो नये वस्त्रों और नये रूप में यहाँ आये हो?

हे प्रभु! तुम्हारे चरणों में शत-शत प्रणाम ।

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Help illuminate those

“All the entities of the universe are on the move. No one has come to rest, to lament unnecessarily. And in this movement lies the success of every entity, the colourful glamour of one’s existence. So move on individually, move on collectively. Let your sincere help illuminate those who have lagged behind on the path of movement.” (Ananda Vanii #64)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Bangla quote ==

এতে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হতে
“এই বারাণসী বা কাশী এখানে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়ে গেলে মনকে খুৰ দ্রুত উপরে তুলে ফেলতে হয় | এবং তন্ত্র সাধনা, কপাল সাধনা যা তোমাদের কেউ কেউ শিখেছ, এর ফলে মনে সেই দ্রুতি আসে, বেগ আসে | তখন এই যে বারাণসী তত্ত্ব এতে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হতে একটু সুবিধা হয় | তা না হ’লে, পারৰে সৰাই | কেন পারৰে না ? যে মানুষের শরীর পেয়েছে, সেই পারৰে | “ (1)

Unfortunately, the below English translation from the Electronic Edition of Baba's books (2009) is not up to the mark. It does not accurately portray Guru's original teaching given in Bengali featured above.

“To establish the mind on this point of Váráńasii or káshi, one has to quickly elevate the mind. Those who have learnt the technique of Tantra sádhaná or kápálika sádhaná, know what joy can be derived from this. It helps to establish the practitioner in the cult of Váráńasii. Those who have not yet mastered it, will one day be established in the cult of Váráńasii. Why not? Those who have acquired a human structure will surely be established in Váráńasii.]” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Where Is Varanasi

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