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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Way to improve memory + 3 more

Way to improve memory 


One day, margii brother Dayal came to me. I was asking about his well-being, and I came to know that his son could not get through one exam for entering his chosen profession. Dayal was lamenting the fact that his son could not pass.

Story of Mr. Dayal & his son

Then I came to know that his son has very poor memory. The boy works hard, yet he forgets many things. His student life was also like that.

I asked Dayal, 'Did you not do anything to increase the memory of your son. Your son is laborious, but even then could not get through the exam?'

In a sad mood he said that, 'We have visited both allopathic and homeopathic doctors, as well as ayurvedic physicians. Whatever liquid, tablet, or palatable type of medicine they recommended we tried, but a satisfactory result did not come.'

And Dayal further told, 'Last year I visited DMS, and talked with different margiis and dadas. But I could not get a proper answer from them either, on this point.'

With interest, he purchased some Baba's books also. And then further Dayal told, that after reading, he applied a certain tool which Baba has given. That also did not work.

After listening to this last response, I became very curious to know in detail, what and which teaching of Baba. Then Dayal told this following guideline.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The psycho-spiritual approach which strengthens the memory, and makes the intellect omniscient. A good way to stabilize the memory is to meditate on someone you have seen or heard about who possesses a unique photographic memory. This will increase your own memory." (1)

Understanding Baba's books is not easy

In a patient manner, I asked him, 'What is wrong in this. How have you applied it?'

He told, 'As it is written in this book, I followed it exactly.'

Dayal further said, 'One of the brilliant professors of the university has gold medals in more than ten subjects. That professor has a unique memory. So my son was meditating regularly on him. That also did not work.'

After listening intently, I thought that this is the time to interrupt. First of all, I was thinking that to understand Baba's books is not very easy. Many points Baba spoke directly, but there are many aspects of His teachings which Baba gave in a more indirect manner. Thus, to understand Guru's discourses it needs a certain degree of vivek.

Dayal is a simple margi. He is confused, as I was confused in my early years as a margii. In his confusion, Dayal advised his son to meditate on the gold medal winning, brilliant university professor. So now it became my duty to bring him onto the right path

I explained to Dayal that, 'You see, in this teaching Baba is indirectly talking about Parama Purusa. Look at it in this way. Baba indirectly spoke that, "Meditate on someone you have seen or heard about who possesses a unique photographic memory".'

I continued, 'In this above phrase Baba is not referring to any human being. Rather, by this way, indirectly Baba is talking about Parama Purusa.'

Baba indirectly told, "Meditate on someone you have seen or heard about who possesses a unique photographic memory."

In summary, I stated, 'It is quite clear that this teaching is related with the dhyana of Sadguru Taraka Brahma - not with the university professor. And that very dhyana of Parama Purusa will increase the memory. Baba's making reference to dhyana and memory is not a one-time event. In many places, Baba has discussed how dhyana helps in increasing memory.'

Dhyana & enhancing memory

Baba's important mandate on enhancing memory is doing dhyana sadhana, i.e. sixth lesson.

Here is one of Baba's unique teachings where He is indirectly referring to Parama Purusa. Some other people may not be able to understand Baba's below teaching, but any devotee will certainly recognise that in the below citation Baba is talking about the dhyana of Ananda Marga.

Baba says, "The psycho-spiritual approach which strengthens the memory, and makes the intellect omniscient. A good way to stabilize the memory is to meditate on someone you have seen or heard about who possesses a unique photographic memory. This will increase your own memory." (2)

By dhyana our mind becomes like His mind - in which case there is nothing in this universe that we will not be able to remember.

“I will not allow any portion of my mind to wander”

Baba's next mandate for developing strong memory recall is to be pointed and concentrated. If one is studying chemistry, one should not also be talking on the phone and listening to music at the same time. Then you will not be able to fully remember the subject of chemistry. Because the mind cannot simultaneously involve in more than one work. The mind will be bifurcated and the memory will be retarded.

Baba says, "One mental flow is engaged in memorizing the subjects being studied, while another mental flow entertains various other thoughts such as: 'What will my parents and seniors say if I fail in the examination? The juniors in my locality will cease to respect me, they will say all kinds of unpleasant things...' and so on. Obviously that boy's mental power has become bifurcated." (3)

So the mind should be completely fixed on what you want to remember. If the mind is in a fickle state or moving from one pabulum to another - from one object to another - then remembering any point will be impossible. Fixed concentration is needed. At the same time, one should not entertain other types of thoughts - all mental diversions should be pushed aside.

Baba says, "What should a wise person do in such circumstances? He should think nothing else except: 'I will memorize whatever I'm reading now, without bothering about my gains if I succeed or my losses if I fail in the task. I will not allow any portion of my mind to flow in an undesirable direction, and thus I will keep my mind exclusively engrossed in the task of learning'." (4)

Accordingly, we should only think about that which we wish to learn and remember. For instance, if one is walking down the street and remembering their ista mantra, then one should not also think about that when they get home they have to pay their taxes nor should they think about the fact that last year their business sales were low. If one wants to remember their ista mantra, then that sadhaka should think about their mantra - period. No active attention should be paid to any other thought, word, or idea. By this process, one will develop a stronger and stronger ability to remember their ista mantra.

Have interest in the subject matter

One other component for developing a strong memory is that one can generally create pointed concentration only if the topic is of interest and value to them. If anyone thinks that something is useless or unimportant, then they will not be able to concentrate properly and hence will not remember that idea or teaching.

For instance, if one goes vegetable shopping then upon their return they will most certainly remember what they purchased and how much it cost, but they will not remember all the faces of the other customers or recall what other people purchased. Because those things are not important to them. So if you want to remember any particular topic, then you must develop an interest in that subject. And if you are not interested in that subject you will never remember the idea.

Point of memory: repetition needed

Baba's next guideline for developing a strong and proper memory is regular repetition. For instance, if we want to remember a sutra or shloka or one of Baba's discourses, then first we must follow Guru’s aforementioned teachings about (a) pointed concentration to the subject matter, and (b) cultivating a sincere interest in the topic. But that in and of itself will not be enough. The human mind has its limitations and over time we will forget. In that case, to keep the point alive in the mind regular repetition is needed.

Just as advertisers play and post their message again and again to keep the point alive, we are to follow the same approach except with dharmic teachings. We are using Baba's books and audio cassettes etc as external stimuli to keep His teachings fresh in the mind. In the beginning we may need to review by reading or listening to the topic monthly or even weekly. Thereafter, the span of time between review sessions can increase to 3 months, 6 months, or even yearly, until finally we reach a point when those ideas are fully rooted in the mind and we have them for life - they will not be forgotten. So the above is an excellent way to remember good ideas.


Baba, being merciful, has given numerous ways of heightening the power of recollection. By keenly adhering to His guidelines, everyone can be greatly benefited, in numerous ways. So all sadhakas should aim to excel in this arena. And by sincerely following His teachings, it becomes quite evident how and why multitasking is harmful.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Eighty-year-old person with memory of a twenty five-year-old

Baba says, "Over the age of fifty both the body and the mind start their decline. The power of memory diminishes and people start to forget things. This is the rule. But through the practice of vista'ra sadhana, this decline checks. Even an eighty year old person is able to keep the memory as fresh as a twenty five year old person. In the mental sphere, the result may be much more evident than in the physical sphere. Normally people hear, learn, and forget. But by the practice of sadhana, when the nerve cells get strengthened, dhruva smrti comes. Then one does not forget easily. In exactly the same way, by the dint of higher spiritual practice, one can bring about the expansion of oneself...Human beings become omniscient, become one with Parama Purusa. Nothing is impossible through the practice of sadhana." (5)

Why one is unable to remember

Baba says, "One whose mental power is weak, whose nerve-cells are feeble, who has little will-power, who cannot make his mind singularly pointed or concentrate sharply, has a short memory. He is unable to remember what has been seen or thought after a lapse of time." (6)

Baba says, "The human mind has two functions - thinking and memorizing. The more the thinking capacity increases the more the power of memory develops. The nerve cells also change, leading to a corresponding change in the nerve fibres. These changes create a stir and a revolution in the world of thought." (7)

The best way to increase memory

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Many people have asked me how they can increase their power of memory. Personally, I know quite a few secrets in this regard, as well as a number of physical exercises which increase the power of memory. In our 16 Points there are a number of psychic exercises which also help. In my experience, however, the quickest way is to meditate on that person who has a tremendously powerful memory." (8)

Baba says, "The exact mental reproduction of what has been previously perceived is called smrti or memory. For instance, you once perceived an elephant by observing a real elephant and seeing its huge body, legs, eyes, ears, nose and trunk. The physical form of the elephant struck the retina of your eyes creating a vibration in your optical fluid, and was ultimately imprinted in your mind as the image of the elephant. Now some time later when you see an animal with the same type of limbs as those of your previously perceived elephant, you immediately conclude that this animal must also be an elephant. Your conclusion is based on your previous perception. This is memory." (9)

We all have room for growth and improvement; we should better understand memory and the functioning of mind. Baba has outlined distinct ways to sharpen memory and hence enhance the quality of life. We should learn and practice these points, and share them with all we know.

This letter outlined key ways from Sadguru Baba for increasing memory.
1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 5, The Faculty of Knowledge – 5
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 5, The Faculty of Knowledge – 5
3. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 5, The Faculty of Knowledge – 5
4. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 5, The Faculty of Knowledge – 5
5. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, The Glory of Human Dharma
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, Self-Realization Is the Real Knowledge
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 8, The Evolution of Human Civilization
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, An Exemplary Life
9. A Few Problems Solved - 7, The Faculty of Knowledge – 2

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Unusual point about kiirtana

Here below is an English summary of Baba’s Bangla teaching from Shabda Cayanika:

The following describes how and to what degree human beings are aware about their own unit consciousness (Shiva'tma). As well as how they come in contact with their shiva'tma.

For example, it is just like when one looks in the mirror then one does not see their real self, but rather a reflection of that. Or it is similar to when one awakens from a deep sleep then they can recall only part of their dream, and some aspects of their dream they cannot remember. Or perhaps, more precisely, they can only remember a reflection of their dream-- and not the dream itself.

In contrast, there are other occasions where one looks at their own reflection in the water and they can clearly see their reflected image. But still that is not one's entire being. It remains but a reflection. Just like if one sees a reflection of a mango in the water then that is just a reflection and not the real mango.

In reality only we come in contact with our unit consciousness when we sing kiirtana and some bliss comes. Then we come in contact with our shiva'tma.

So in the spiritual field one comes in contact with their own unit consciousness after singing spiritually vibrated music like kiirtana or bhajans. For this reason, such types of devotional chanting or singing is highly essential in the life of a sadhaka. And when one comes in momentary contact with their own unit consciousness while singing kiirtana this is known as Gandharva loka. One can only feel the bliss of kiirtan when their mind reaches into Ghandharva loka. (1)

1. English summary from Shabda Cayanika - 26 (B)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Central defect of capitalism

Prout philosophy states, “Human expressions are trifarious. Human beings have unquenchable, infinite physical longings and out of these physical longings capitalism came into existence. Capitalists toil day and night for money. This may be a natural desire but physical objectivity is finite, hence the infinite desire to accumulate finite physical objects is a psychic ailment.”

“Human beings also have unquenchable, infinite psychic longings, and out of these excessive psychic longings psychic ailments arise and people become abnormal. The object of psychic longings associated with physicalities is also finite, but the object of pure psychic longing is infinite. Your psychic body and physical objectivity are always separate and so the seed of dualism arises. But the attainment of spiritual objectivity means bridging the gulf between the self and the object, and in this attainment lies peace. The psychic ailments mentioned above also lead to clash with others and create many have-nots. We have to divert physical longings to psychic and spiritual longings to avoid a fratricidal war, and thereby safeguard human rights.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा, मैं तुम्हें पुकारता हॅूं, परन्तु उत्तर नहीं पाता

प्रभात संगीत 3184 डेके जाइ साड़ा नाहीं...

परिचय - जैसा कि छोटा सा बालक अपनी माॅं से शिकायत करता है, उसी प्रकार भक्त भी अपने परमप्रिय परमपुरुष को प्रेम से अपनी शिकायत करता है, इस प्रकार का निकटतम संबंध इस गीत में प्रदर्शित  किया गया है। इस भावना को समझने के लिये औसत से अधिक भक्तिभाव होना आवश्यक  है। यह भाव उच्च स्तर की साधना करने पर उत्पन्न होता है।

बाबा, मैं अपनी साधना, भजन कीर्तन के द्वारा तुम्हें पुकारता जाता हॅूं और तुम उस पर कोई ध्यान ही नहीं देते। तुम मेरी पुकार की उपेक्षा करते हो।  तुममें ममता नहीं  है।  ऐसा लगता है कि मेरी पुकार ने तुम्हारे हृदय को छुआ ही नहीं, अन्यथा तुमने  उत्तर दिया होता । हे बाबा! कभी-कभी तो तुम मेरे ध्यान में पास आ जाते हो, और कभी कभी मुस्काते हुये बहुत दूर चले जाते हो, तो मेरा  मन दुःखी जाता है। बाबा,तुम्हारे लीला खेल का यह कैसा नाटक है?

हे परमपुरुष! तुम नृत्य के लय और ताल में, समुद्र के ज्वार की तरंगों की भाॅंति तैरते जाते हो।  मेरे जीवन के विभिन्न अनुभूतियों में, मैं तुम्हारी मधुरता हमेशा  अनुभव करता हॅूं। अपने हृदय में तुम्हारी उपस्थिति मैं सदा ही अनुभव करता हॅूं।

हे बाबा!  तुम सभी युगों में हर समय रहते हो, कभी जाते नहीं। तुम अमर सत्ता हो। तुम उन स्मृतियों में भी रहते हो जो मिट चुकी हैं। चाहे वह व्यक्त हो या अव्यक्त, तुम अपने दिव्य प्रेम के प्रवाह के साथ प्रत्येक के केंद्र में सदा रहते हो। सभी तुम्हारे प्रेम और कृपा से संतृप्त है। तुम मेरी पुकार को बार बार सुनना चाहते हो क्या इसलिए तुम मेरी पुकार का कोई उत्तर नहीं देते? शायद यह तुम्हारे प्यार करने का एक अनोखातरीका है ।  

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

In no way indicative of the glory of human intellect

“Despite its advent onto this earth many thousands of years ago, humanity is not yet capable of building a well-integrated and universal human society. This is in no way indicative of the glory of human intellect and erudition. You, who have understood the predicament, realized the urgency, seen the naked dance of evil and heard the hypocritical and raucous laughter of the divisive forces should throw yourselves into this noble task without further delay. When the ends are just and noble, success is inevitable.” (Ananda Vanii #42)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Links ==