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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Shravanii Purnima significance + 3 more

Shravanii Purnima significance


Around the globe as we prepare for Shravanii Purnima (19 Aug 2024) celebrations and festivities, it is a time for us to reflect upon the uniqueness and speciality of our Ananda Marga. Unlike other organisations, the starting part of our Ananda Marga is not just based upon the filing of a court paper or government document, nor is it based upon the construction of a building or the purchase of a piece of land etc. The starting point of Ananda Marga is based on sadhana. And on no occasion is this more evident than Shravanii Purnima, as this auspicious day commemorates the historic first sadhana initiation given by our Sadguru Shrii Shrii A'nandamu'rtijii. So the starting point of our Ananda Marga is sadhana.

On Shravanii Purnima the dangerous and feared killer Kalicharan Bandopadyay came to Sadguru Baba's feet and learned the practice of sadhana - by His grace. And by that endeavour the newly initiated Kalicharanji started his release from the confines of human bondage and began his march on the path of liberation and salvation. So Ananda Marga is that path which shatters the bondages and opens the door of divinity. The key point of it all is the practice of sadhana.

Without sadhana mind enveloped by darkness

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "People have to pass through so many relativities, so many troubles and afflictions, before attaining that Supreme Hub. Human beings are subject to triple afflictions – physical, psychic and spiritual – and the psychic and spiritual miseries are as painful as the physical ones."
 "Why do the spiritual afflictions arise? You know that you are the loving sons and daughters of Parama Puruśa. But you don’t feel Him always close to you, you cannot get the chance to sit on His Lap, and because of this you suffer from spiritual afflictions."
 "The supreme panacea to surmount all these triple afflictions is sadhana. So all human beings must do sadhana as much as possible; it is the main duty of the human life. If sadhana is omitted, then one should omit one’s food and sleep also. Just as food and sleep are essential for human beings, similarly kiirtana, the most essential aid for sadhana, should also be done whenever there is opportunity and time. The educated and uneducated alike should do it." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "What is degradation? The divine effulgence earned through the performance of spiritual sadhana dispels the darkness of the spiritual aspirant’s mind. And the moment we turn away from sadhana that darkness comes back to our mind to stay and our mind gradually advances towards deeper darkness." (2)

Personal account of Shravanii Purnima

Here below Baba recounts the scene of that auspicious Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' when He performed His first initiation.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "This is Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima'. It is an important day. Then I was very young, studying in Vidy'asagar College in Calcutta. One evening a very interesting event took place. Suddenly a wicked person came near me. I use the word 'wicked', but it is not a permanent state of human beings. A person who is wicked today may be a noble person tomorrow, and one who is dull or stupid today may be wise tomorrow. These are all relative matters bound by the bondages of relativity. No one can be called permanently wicked. It should always be borne in mind that one should always try to develop the good and the subtle in a wicked person."
   "That evening a certain wicked person came to me. What could he expect from me? But then he came. In accordance with natural human psychology, I asked him, "What do you want? Why do you adopt this evil path?" In the course of our conversation, he realized that he should change the course of his life, and he took initiation. That was the first spiritual initiation I ever imparted to anyone. And that same day, Shra'van'ii Pu'rnima, has again returned."
   "A long time has elapsed since then. That was perhaps in 1939." (3)

On this magnificent occasion of Shravanii Purnima, may we again remember and reflect upon the starting of our Ananda Marga and with renewed effort undertake the practice of our sadhana. This is the time to strengthen our meditation practices, realise our sadhana in our practical life, and take grand steps along the path of divinity, by His grace.

at His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

Poor sadhana, mind degenerates - groupism sprouts

When importance is not given to sadhana, and greater emphasis is placed elsewhere, then the influence of avidya maya increases and the mind becomes cloudy. Then various types of narrow and selfish tendencies take hold. In that case, infighting, groupism, and other isms erupt. That is what is happening these days, unfortunately.

Whereas when the goal is Parama Purusa and everyone's mind is moving in that direction - i.e. towards Him - then there is unity. Then the collective flow is sentient. But when the goal is something mundane, then the mind is rushing towards a different direction and petty issues arise. That is the standard rule.

Nowadays sadhana is not given importance and so we are facing the consequences; without sadhana, no matter how many sit-down talks or unity meetings are held, those gatherings will not help. Sadhana is needed.

Unfortunately, now some in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha - especially some so-called leaders - have forgotten their sadhana which is why we are witnessing degrading and divisive tendencies these days. Without the regular practice of sadhana, the mind degenerates and constricts; then people lose that sense of universality and instead cling onto something else - something restrictive and narrow like groupism and selfish agendas. That is the degenerating process happening to certain leaders of the WT camps - i.e. those who have forgotten their sadhana.

Answer to groupism

This is the time to embrace the inner essence of our Shravanii Purnima festival in our mind and heart - before, during, and long after our Shravanii Purnima celebrations. Maximum effort should be placed on spiritual practices as sadhana has tremendous importance in life; it makes a person great.

Ananda Vanii says, "...Be great by your sádhaná, by your service, by your sacrifice." (4)

So sadhana is the key aspect for leading a dharmic life. Now some are splitting our Ananda Marga society, but they too can be rectified and make valuable contributions to the world, if they sincerely take to the path of sadhana. But empty efforts and tall talks will not do; sadhana is a cult - that is, it must be practiced.

Some organisations are based on the establishment of something mundane like a building; while other religious organisations base their membership on old, outdated dogmatic ritualistic activities. The path of Ananda Marga is entirely unique. To be a positive and contributing member of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, one has to be pointedly engaged in sadhana.

The Supreme Command says, “...It is the bounden duty of every Ananda Margii to endeavour to bring all to the path of bliss. Verily is this a part and parcel of sadhana, to lead others along the path of righteousness.” (5)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Kiirtana – the Panacea for All Afflictions
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, Parama Puruśa – the Source of All Momentum
3. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shrávańii Púrńimá
4. Ananda Vanii #20
5. The Supreme Command

== Section: Important Teaching ==

The baseline of marriage

This following quote is well-explained and shows how marriage is only between a male and a female and not two people of the same gender. Since the inception of marriage during Lord Shiva's time, marriage has been between a man and a woman. And that is what Baba has approved for AMPS. So when the point of same sex marriage is raised then one should give Baba's teaching that it is always between a man and a woman - not between a man and a dog etc. In the west, some so-called open-minded people are confused and are always trying to bring some argument in favour of gay marriage, but according to the purview of Ananda Marga philosophy, their logic has no legs to stand upon.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "He [Lord Shiva] declared that women must be kalatra, which means that women must discharge their obligations to their husbands and their children in such a way that the latter will not have the least difficulty."
   "Those who accepted this new arrangement were declared married, and the other members of their society would be witnesses to the marriage ceremony, to bless the newly-married couple and pledge their cooperation to them. The Sanskrit equivalent for marriage is viváha (vi – vah + ghaiṋ): it means, after the ceremony, the man and woman can no longer live as libertines or as irresponsible so-called family people. They have to discharge their full obligations as bharttá and kalatra, responsible husband and responsible wife." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shivokti - 3

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Problem of sleeping too much

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The first bad habit is nidra or sleep. Sleep is a state that creates a feeling of vacuity after it is over. That is, immediately after waking up people forget where they were or what they were doing before sleeping. They lose the sense of time. “What’s the time now?” they ask, forgetting whether it is day or night. If people sleep too much for days on end, this mental disorientation persists for a long time. “Is it day or night? What time is it?” they ask, confused. If this continues, their receptive and retentive powers decrease resulting in an almost total loss of mental power. They become dull, and lack courage to face life’s problems. They may have physical strength, but they lack courage. The ancient people believed that excessive sleep is good for health, but this is not the case. Rather, too much sleep not only impairs the health, but has an adverse effect on the mind." (1)

In materialistic societies, it is taught that 8 hours of sleep is essential. But that is not correct. If one sleeps deeply, then four hours of sleep is sufficient. One will awaken feeling revived and refreshed. In contrast, if one does not sleep deeply then the body will not be properly repaired nor restored. So the amount of time is not the operative factor. Rather, the depth of sleep is the key point. True sleep means a dreamless sleep - then both mind and body are quickly restored. In deep sleep, there is a complete vacuum, and one is not aware about the passage of time. In that state, only a few hours of sleep are needed.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Bad Habits Which Should Be Given Up

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Root cause & solution of prostitution

Prout philosophy states, "Those who shudder at the sight of various social vices and lament, “Everything is lost; righteousness is gone; morality has vanished…” should realize that among all the causes behind this so-called all-round degeneration, social injustice is the principal one."

"Because of injustices against women with respect to their social rights and because women are economically crippled, a section of women is compelled to take to prostitution. Although there are many causes of this profession, these are the main two."

"Ananda Marga recognizes that women are as dignified human beings as men. Ananda Marga, in addition, wants to encourage women to be economically independent of men. The system in which characterless men swagger about in society while fallen women are denied proper opportunities despite their sincere desire to lead an honest life, can never be supported by justice. Women who desire to lead an honest life must be given a respectable place in society." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #13

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to become one with Him

Ananda Marga ideology says, “কৃপা-ভিক্ষা করতে হয় | তিনি কৃপা দিলেন, হয়ে যাৰে | এবং আকূতি থাকলে, আন্তরিকতা থাকলে, কৃপা সে পাৰেই | কারণ পরমপুরুষ তো ৰাইরের লোক নন, দূরের লোক নন | একান্তই আপনার জন | সুতরাং সুখ-দুঃখ, আশা-আকাঙ্ক্ষা আকূতি তিনি ৰুঝৰেন, বৈকি | অণুর থেকে অণু হিসাৰে, যিনি মনের মধ্যে রয়েছেন, মনের কথা তিনি ৰুঝৰেন না তো কে ৰুঝৰে ?” (1)

English summary: In order to be one with Him, what is required is one must ask for His grace. And because He is within your mind in the smallest form, He hears whatever you think. And so certainly your desire and your hopes and aspirations are heard by Him.  And as He is your nearest relative He is your greater self.  So certainly He is to fulfill your logical demands.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 16, chapter 4

== Section 3: Links ==