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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Way to establish Prout + 4 more

Way to establish Prout


To start, all should know this important guideline:

Prout philosophy guides us, "None of the movable or immovable property of this universe belongs to any particular individual; everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma..." (1)

This is the baseline outlook for establishing a Proutistic economy.

Rapacious ways of capitalists

Nowadays there is a dire need to advance the teachings of Prout. The rich are getting richer - the gap between the wealthy and the poor is growing - and the slums are becoming more prevalent wherever capitalism takes root. Those top capitalists use their tools of propaganda to convince the masses that great progress is being made. In particular, they point to technological advancements etc and how many new millionaires and billionaires there are in the world. But they fail to point out at what cost.

The natural resources are being decimated: forests eliminated, rivers polluted, food sources contaminated, and pollution is rampant etc. In the face of rising corporate profits, poverty is at an all-time high. There is also tremendous suffering in the form of underpaid labor, inhumane working conditions etc.

The ongoing situation is that capitalists are only interested in their own bottom-line, i.e. profit, and they utterly disregard the well-being and safety of the workers. So they cut corners, skip safety codes, and create compromised working conditions for employees. This type of situation is on the rise - everywhere, but especially in financially poorer conditions. So capitalists are out to get top profits however way they can, even if that means putting others in peril. The time has come. The present capitalistic model is unsustainable - but nor is the leftist socialist approach any better, rather worse.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout philosophy, has warned that capitalism turns people into beggars, and communism turns those beggars into beasts. Communism / socialism is clearly not the answer to the pitfalls of capitalism. In communism, the poor do not have the essentials they need to live, and the wealthy continually think that they do not have enough to be happy. All have become beggars. The way things are cannot continue - a change is needed - and Prout is the solution.

Six requirements needed to establish Prout

People have been sincerely trying in various ways to establish Prout. This has been going on for decades. While limited gains have been made, there is much more to be done. As a reminder, here below are some of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's key guidelines for establishing Prout. As we integrate each of these steps, we will be closer to manifesting Prout; and, one day complete success is sure to come.

In His discourse, "Nuclear Revolution", Baba has given a phase-wise plan and program for establishing Prout. Specifically, He outlines six key requirements. Without these, Prout can never be established.

Prout philosophy says, "There are several requirements for the success of nuclear revolution – the presence of exploitation in any form, revolutionary organization, positive philosophy, revolutionary cadres, infallible leadership and revolutionary strategy. All these requirements are necessary." (2)

#1: Presence of exploitation

First and foremost, there must be the presence of exploitation in society, otherwise Proutistic revolution cannot arise. In this culminating phase of the vaeshyan era, i.e. capitalism, exploitation is rampant. In His below guideline, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar lists factors that indicate the presence of exploitation. And they are all glaring issues nowadays.

Prout philosophy teaches us, "The existence of exploitation in society can be ascertained through the prevalence of such factors as extreme poverty; social insecurity; injustices against the common people; lack of purchasing capacity to acquire the minimum requirements of life; huge economic and social differences between various classes; the irrational distribution of wealth; etc." (3)

All the problems Shrii P.R. Sarkar identifies poignant problems in today's modern society. But they are not getting their due attention. The ruling capitalists have firm control of the news media. So they do not report about the presence of exploitation. Instead, they always try to paint a rosy picture how the economy is picking up and growing etc. None will state that capitalism itself is the problem.

The common people are led to believe that if they are not getting success in their own life it is their own fault. If they cannot afford a house, schooling, and lack the requisite purchasing capacity for their day to day needs, they think that they themselves are the cause of the problem. This is the false idea that is imposed on the common people. Or they think that one day things will turn around and they will get all those things.

In this way, the people fail to realise that there is massive exploitative machinery at work that is keeping them suppressed and oppressed. The need of the day is to awaken the people about the presence of exploitation and that capitalism itself is the cause. To this end, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's strict guideline is that Prout must have its own avenues for delivering news and views to the people. One cannot rely on the mainline news media. Prout’s teaching is that our Prout movement must have its own radio, TV station, broadcasting facilities, podcasts, printed materials, newspapers, and magazines etc. Through our own channels, we can step-by-step awaken the people about the severe and oppressive presence of exploitation.

So while communism points out the ills of capitalism, those communists never offer any practical solutions. In contrast, Prout offers clear-cut guidelines to solve all the problems created by capitalism.

#2: Revolutionary organisation needed

Once it is ascertained that there is the presence of exploitation and a Proutistic revolution is needed, Shrii P.R. Sarkar guides us that the next requirement is the formation of a revolutionary organisation.

Prout philosophy says, "A diverse, multifarious organization is required to conduct revolution. The responsibility of the organization is like that of a government. The revolutionary organization must be operational from the highest level of the state down to the village level. Local activists or coordinators are connected to every level of the structure. All the activities of the revolution are directed by the highest body." (4)

Shrii PR Sarkar has built an ideal organisational structure that reaches the grass-roots level up to central boards and committees. In the pre-1990 era, that structure made great strides in spreading Proutistic teachings and doing ideological pracara. Nowadays, things are different. When the right organisational channels and structural guidelines are not followed - i.e. when the given mandates are not followed - then there are going to be problems. Here following is Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's warning.

Prout philosophy guides us, "If a revolution is started without building a proper structure, or if loopholes are left in the formation of the structure, the results will be disastrous. In the struggle for Indian independence, for example, the revolutionary leaders failed to build a structure down to village level, and the British seized upon this organizational weakness. Such loopholes cause unpardonable losses." (5)

So one piece nowadays is to implement the Propounder’s guidelines so we have an organisational structure that is suitable for establishing Prout.

#3: Positive philosophy

The next requirement is a proper philosophy.

Prout philosophy says, "The revolutionary organization must follow a positive philosophy. A progressive, comprehensive ideology is the invincible weapon of the revolutionary organization...The philosophy of the revolutionary organization should be free from all kinds of narrow defects and dogma." (6)

The Ananda Marga teachings are the perfect ideology - the ideal philosophy for establishing Prout. These teachings need to be implemented into the organisation. That is one of the challenges we face today.

#4: Revolutionary cadres

Once the organisation is formed and the right philosophy given, then the next ingredient is revolutionary cadres.

Prout philosophy says, "The first and foremost duty of the revolutionary organization is to create dedicated workers." (7)

Ideologically-minded people are needed to work in all aspects of the organisational structure. That means we need wholetimers, local full-timers, local part-timers, general margiis, sympathizers, and volunteers etc.

A maximum number of committed people are needed. To achieve this, an emphasis must be placed on creating more sadhakas and sympathizers. New people must be initiated and start doing sadhana and social service. Gradually they will get the teaching and training about our Proutistic socio-economic policies.

#5: Right leadership

As we know, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar places a huge emphasis on leadership.

Prout philosophy guides us, "The success of the revolution depends on the leadership." (8)

Those at the helm must be of superlative conduct, keen intellect, and spiritual insight. So many qualities are needed.

Prout philosophy says, "Sadvipra leadership is the ideal form of leadership. Such leaders will be physically fit, mentally developed and spiritually elevated. With their help and guidance, revolution will be materialized." (9)

#6: Revolutionary strategy

The final aspect that is needed for establishing Prout is a revolutionary strategy.

Prout philosophy says, "Leadership is not imposed from above, rather it establishes itself through dedication, sincerity, ideological zeal, fighting spirit and all-round capacity. Leaders gradually acquire such capabilities – step by step." (10)

The chief strategy then in a Proutistic organisation is to have leaders that clearly personify ideological tenets and are ready to sacrifice for the welfare of humanity. To the degree that leaders are involved in personal or outside agendas and do not adhere to Sixteen Points etc, is that degree to which that organisation will be lacking in establishing Prout.

So, in brief, these are the six key ingredients needed for establishing Prout. Here below is further discussion of the aforementioned points.

Educate the masses about exploitation

It is absolutely essential that the common people be educated about the presence of exploitation. Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar warns us that if the masses are not aware that they themselves are being exploited by today's capitalistic forces, then they will never respond to the call of Prout. That is why a key component is to awaken the masses to the presence of exploitation.

Prout philosophy teaches us, "Revolution may not take place unless the exploited masses are psychologically prepared for revolution. If the people do not support revolution, the clarion call for revolution will not be heeded." (11)

So if the society is not educated properly and not awakened to the exploitation going on, then the common mass will not support the call for revolution. Verily, education is highly needed. In this case, education means developing an awareness how the exploiters are carrying out their harmful agenda. So our own news outlets and communication avenues are needed - websites, news broadcasts, videos, printed articles, books, films, periodicals etc - to awaken the people.

Members of the revolutionary organisation must be very particular in doing ideological pracara in the general society. Without this, success will never be attained. The common people must have it in their consciousness that they are being exploited and that a new way is needed.

Prout philosophy says, "The duty of these workers is to inspire the frustrated masses along the path of revolution. Through their dedication and dynamism, they will be able to bring the collective psychology in their favour."  (12)

The above teaching demonstrates that the common people must be taught and prepared. Just by purchasing some political leaders or cadres to carry the signs, Prout cannot be established.

Story: why public education is so important

On this very point of preparing and educating the people for the rise of Prout, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has conveyed one very poignant story. Here below is a summary of the story told in one samaj meeting.

In one common public meeting the political leader raised the slogan that we should die for our land, Angabhumi. Then several hundred of the simple villagers seated in that room rejected that claim because they did not like the idea of literally dying for their motherland. Some of them even stood up and told that, "I am not going to die here. Better I should die in Varanasi. By dying in Varanasi, I will get salvation."

The sense is that because villagers were not properly educated about the local socioeconomic political problems, they took the leader's call literally. 'Dying for motherland' does not mean that you are absolutely going to die in that locale. Rather it means 'dedicate for the cause of one's motherland'. Secondly, those simple villagers held the dogma that "dying in Varanasi brings salvation".

Because of this dogma and their lack of understanding about exploitation, those villagers opposed the anti-exploitation movement. They were oblivious to the exploitation going on in their own land. So, first the general public should be aptly educated, and once done if the other factors are ripe then revolution should be launched.

History: without education revolution cannot occur

In 1857, one attempt of revolution was made in India to gain freedom from the Britishers. But it completely failed. The revolutionaries were crushed mercilessly. The reason was that the common people had not been adequately prepared. They were not awakened to the presence of exploitation so the revolution did not gain any momentum and was instead squashed.

But in 1947, it was a different case. In that year India got freedom. The reason being that in 1947 the common mass possessed the requisite social awareness about how the Britishers were cheating everyone. So the public supported the revolution. Thereby the exploitative Britishers were forced to leave the country.

The overall idea is that in 1857 the public was not educated. Then the revolution was crushed right away, and it delayed everything as those people could not raise their head for the next 90 years. So prematurely bringing revolution has a disastrous result - lives are lost and revolution is delayed.


A society must first be educated. That is the first and foremost work. If political consciousness about the presence of exploitation is not aroused amongst the common mass, then the result will be negative. We are to create both sympathizers and new margiis and educate them about Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s teachings and practices and help them develop revolutionary qualities. When done on a mass scale, there will not be any delay for changing the whole society and bringing revolution. So education is the significant first step. This systematic approach has not been fully implemented to date and that is why Prout is not yet established.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

More Prout guidelines

"According to PROUT, the rule of Sadvipras is the ideal form of leadership. The establishment of Sadvipra leadership will require the systematic and rational application of PROUT by the collective effort of many highly intelligent people. Sadvipra rule cannot be established by blind physical force or idle intellectual extravaganza." (13)

"PROUT is the only panacea. If the God-centred philosophy of PROUT does not come forward immediately to fill this vacuum, some other ideology will, because it is a law of nature that something will fill a vacuum once it has been created. If this ideological vacuum is not filled by PROUT, a great catastrophe will take place in the future because other defective philosophies will come forward. Some dogma-centred, matter-centred or self-centred theories will occupy the space. We cannot allow this to happen." (14)

   "PROUT is the panacea for the integrated progress of human society. It aims to bring about equilibrium and equipoise in all aspects of socio-economic life through totally restructuring economics. Without PROUT, socio-economic emancipation will remain a utopian dream. Only PROUT can save the world from depression."
   "Furthermore, only PROUT is free from the inherent and exherent staticity. In capitalism there is exherent and inherent staticity. In communism there is extensive and intensive innate staticity. People suffer from the ailments of staticity. These ailments will destroy all forms of “isms” in the very near future. Wise people should utilize this moment.
   "We are near the last stage of the Vaeshya Era. If an impact is created, it will help the suffering humanity. It is the most opportune moment for creating an all-round revolution. This is a new sub-theory under Proutistic theory and may be called gati vijiṋána – the science of dynamics in PROUT." (15)

Property of entire universe belongs to Parama Purusa

This is one of the more unique points of Prout philosophy.

   Prout philosophy states, "None of the movable or immovable property of this universe belongs to any particular individual; everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma..."
   "We must not forget, even for a single moment, that the entire animate world is a vast joint family. Nature has not assigned any portion of this property to any particular individual. Private ownership has been created by selfish opportunists, as the loopholes in this system provide them with ample scope for self-aggrandizement through exploitation. When the entire wealth of the universe is the common patrimony of all living beings, can the system in which some roll in luxury, while others, deprived of a morsel of food, shrivel up and starve to death bit by bit, be said to have the support of dharma?"
   "In a joint family every member is provided with adequate food, clothing, education and medical treatment, and amenities, as per their individual needs, according to the financial capacity of the entire family. If, however, any member of the family appropriates more grains, clothes, books or medicines than he or she requires, will that person not be the cause of distress to other members of the family? In such circumstances his or her actions will be certainly against dharma – certainly antisocial."
   "Similarly, the capitalists of this modern world are anti-dharma, or antisocial, creatures. To accumulate massive wealth, they reduce others to skin and bones gnawed by hunger and force them to die of starvation; to dazzle people with the glamour of their garments, they compel others to wear rags; and to increase their own vital strength, they suck dry the vital juice of others."
   "A member of a joint family cannot be called a social being if he or she does not possess the sentiment of oneness with the other members, or if he or she does not want to accept the lofty ideal of joint rights and the principle of rationality. According to true spiritual ideology the system of private ownership cannot be accepted as absolute and final, and hence capitalism cannot be supported either." (16)

1. Problem of the Day, Point #1
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
6. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
8. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
9. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
10. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
11. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
12. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
13. Prout - 18, Sadvipra Boards
14. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, The Excellence of God-Centred Philosophy
15. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Economic Dynamics
16. Problems of the Day, Point #1

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

The moon’s smile

PS Intro: This following song expresses the deepest love towards Parama Purusa. This is kevala bhakti.

"Ke go tumi ele ámári mane, lukiye chile kon gahane..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0840)


My most charming Entity, who are You who has come in the abode of my mind. With Your august arrival, the sky, wind, and the whole atmosphere has become spiritually charged and filled with Your exquisite vibration. High in the sky, the moon's smile has brought a surreal dreamy ambiance of sweet love. Tell me up till now, in which unknown and secret place were You hiding.

Parama Purusa Baba, by Your grace, today in the soft and fragrant breeze of this spring season, my restless heart only yearns for You. There is no end to the longing of my aching soul. In the melodious chirping of the birds, in the isolated corner of my mind, please merge my heart in Your heart - make them one.

Baba, today captivated by You, I have forgotten the old tale of my crying and laughter of worldly losses and gains. Now my mind is immersed in Brahma bhava. It is Your blessing. All the obstacles have been removed. My one-pointed ideation is rushing only towards You. Now, by Your mercy, I will aim to please and serve You up to Your heart's content by singing Your song. You have made Your auspicious advent in my heart, taken away everything, and made me Yours. It is Your infinite affection...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Eternal guideline

Yuktiyuktamupádeyaḿ vacanaḿ bálakádapi;
Anyaḿ trńamiva tyájyamapyuktaḿ Padmajanmanáh.

Kevalaḿ shástramáshrityaḿ na karttavyo vinirńayah;
Yuktihiina vicáre tu dharmahánih prajáyate.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If a child says something rational, it should be accepted, and if the Supreme Creator says something irrational, it should be totally rejected. It is undesirable to accept something just because it is written in the scriptures, because if irrational sayings are accepted and implemented, the decline of dharma will be the result.” (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Moralism

== Section: Important Teachings ==

How hypocrisy of religion invades every facet of society

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Átmánátman viveka will teach you that the Singular Eternal Entity in the form of Consciousness should be your only object of ideation. You will see the colours of religion fade before your eyes as the pure white effulgence of dharma shines with ever-increasing brilliance.”

Ananda Marga ideology states, “All the “isms” prevalent in today’s world can easily be included in the category of religions. All the defects of religions exist in the “isms” too. None of the political, social or economic “isms” are free from superstition none are straightforward; all are full of rampant hypocrisy. In all “isms”, doctrines and religions, the scriptural authority is supreme. There is no scope for the functioning of the five types of conscience, no place for service, love or devotion. With the help of falsehood and immorality, these “isms,” doctrines and religions slander and make accusations against each other. They make attractive promises to the people while hiding their own internal sins. In fact, false piety is not the path of dharma, leading to welfare, but the opposite of dharma, the negation of welfare. They can be likened to asses wearing lion skins: take away the lion skins and their their true form will be revealed. They have no other purpose than to grab votes and usurp power. The mentality to grab the votes first and then serve the people is not the true spirit of selfless social service; rather, it is the mentality of power craving materialists.”

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You will have to advance with the true spirit of genuine social service, because the very characteristic of dharma is to promote the cause of welfare. Dharma and welfare are inseparable.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - part 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How Buddha’s teachings became deemed as atheism

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Buddha opposed those ritualistic religions in clear language and advised people to follow the path of morality. He said, “Prepare yourself and truth will spontaneously  manifest itself before you.” Buddha did not say anything specifically about Iishvara, his views about átman were vague, and he clearly rejected the Vedas; for these reasons the doctrine of Buddha was branded as atheism." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 18

== Section 3: Links ==