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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Main tool of health: sleep + 6 more

Main tool of health: sleep


There are three types of sleep: (a) spiritual slumber where one has no interest in sadhana; (b) psychic sleep where one has no interest in the intellectual sphere - they may have a lot of physical energy and be spiritually inclined, but intellectually they are deficient; and, (c) physical sleep. In this letter we are talking about physical sleep.

When humans should sleep

Some not familiar with proper sleeping habits may (a) sleep after paincajanya, (b) stay awake late into the night gossiping or watching movies or playing video games etc, or (c) engage in other types of unhealthy sleeping patterns. But all such ways are to be avoided.
Sadguru Baba guides us in His various teachings that sleep plays a highly unique role in the life of all jiivas of this universe. Sleep is not just a waste of time - but rather satisfies a very special function for the body and mind. Baba has provided us with all the dos and don'ts regarding sleep, as well as how it benefits human existence. One of the chief benefits of sleep is that it is a time when the body is given the opportunity to repair itself. The cells, the glands, the organs all get restored when one sleeps. Therefore, sleep plays a vital role in human health. So it is imperative to pay heed to Baba's following guidelines to maximize the benefit of sleep and optimize the body's ability to heal itself. As a general health rule, Baba states that people should sleep during the night - not during the day.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Sleeping during the day and staying awake at night are to be avoided." (1)

Why sleeping at night is beneficial

In Senior Acarya Diary, Baba clearly explains how and why nighttime sleeping is beneficial for human beings. His main point is that the pattern of keeping awake in the daytime and sleeping at night helps the body restore and revitalise itself. By this way, the blood cells, nerves, and glands of the human body get restored and charged. Because sunlight has a generating effect on the human body and moonlight makes one feel more tired. And other biological and natural effects are also linked with maintaining this type of sleep cycle (2).

That is why human beings feel fresh and revitalised in the morning. Because sleeping at night helps humans repair their body and regain their energy level - both mentally and physically. In the same chapter of Senior Acarya Diary, Baba tells us that there are various animals who derive benefits by following an opposite approach to sleeping and living. These are nocturnal beings - but for humans this approach is not good.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Sleep: Due to excessive physical and mental labour, the nerve-cells and nerve-fibres become fatigued and demand relaxation, forcing the conscious mind to cease functioning and producing the state of sleep. Often the subconscious ceases also, leaving only the unconscious to continue the work of the brain. However, sometimes the nerve-cells begin functioning during the latter part of the night, due to sudden heat in the back portion of the cranium or to an upward movement of gastric wind. The subconscious mind accordingly starts thinking or remembering, producing dreams. In the absence of the functioning of the conscious mind, these products of the subconscious are accepted as true and practical. Sometimes the dreamer actually believes that he is flying, for the non-functioning of the conscious mind prevents him from perceiving this idea to be pure imagination. Some people become extremely frightened by their dreams and produce inarticulate mutterings of fear; at times dreamers even die of heart failure. To assist a person out of a disturbing dream it helps to bring the person's hands or feet into contact with the ground, for this aids the conscious mind in beginning to function again." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Daylight imposes mutative influence on the human nerves and night-time imposes a static influence, causing the inertness of sleep in the body and mind. The periods of sunrise, sunset, moon and midnight (the sandhyás) bring about a sentient transparency in the Citta." (4)

Proper sleeping patterns cure disease

A proper sleep cycle - i.e. sleeping at night - also plays an important role in curing and treating various diseases such as: Acidity, indigestion, heart disease, white leprosy, dementia, and cancer etc. In His book, Yogic Treatment, under the 'Do's and Don'ts' section Baba warns patients not to adopt a reverse sleeping pattern.

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Sleeping during the day, staying awake at night... are to be strictly avoided." (5)

Not in one place, but in numerous instances throughout the book Baba issues this same warning - otherwise the disease cannot be cured. So following an improper sleeping pattern is hazardous to one's health.

Secrets for a long life

To maximize human longevity, Baba has given a short list of very important guidelines. And two of those are related with our sleep-awake cycle. Hence there are numerous benefits to maintaining a proper sleep schedule - one of which is longevity of life. In His secrets for a long life, Baba has given these points:

(A) "Going to sleep as soon as one feels sleepy." (6)

Here Baba is guiding us not to force the body to remain awake late at night. This should not become one’s regular way of living. Sometimes due to pressure of circumstance it may be unavoidable, but that should be minimized. Remember, the body enters into sleep mode in order to repair itself. If one continues to press the body beyond its limits by staying up late and not giving it the rest it needs, the body will not be adequately restored. On the opposite end of the spectrum, nor should one lie down in bed before they feel ready to go to sleep. So our standard practice should be to sleep when tiredness overcomes one's existence - i.e. "when one feels sleepy". And, as far as possible, through developing a regular habit, one should sleep each night at the same time, at a proper time that is not too late. That is the basic idea of Baba's teaching.

(B) "Getting out of bed in the Bra'hma Muhu'rtta [just prior to sunrise]" (7)

In this second directive, as is quite evident, Baba is guiding us to arise before daylight hours. That means getting up for paincjanaya and then staying awake. Some sadhakas wake up for paincajanya and then go back to sleep for 1, 2, or even 3 hours. Or one might justify to themselves that since they woke up for paincajanya then they can sleep again just after lunch etc. But this is not Baba's system. Arising in the pre-dawn hour means concluding one's sleep at that point and beginning one's spiritual routine of meditation and asanas and bathing and then later taking food and attending to one's allotted daily duties, work, and pracara activities etc. And one should not return back to bed until the end of day.

Following a standard sleep pattern of 'early to bed & early to rise' is an optimal approach for human beings. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, sleep is instrumental in leading a long and healthy life.

Memory & sleep are connected

Here is one important point related with sleeping and memory. While asleep, no one has the awareness to know that they are sleeping. There is a sense of emptiness or vacuity.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Nidrá, one of the main propensities. “Abhávapratyayá lambaniivrttih Nidra”. Nidra (sleep) is a propensity which brings vacuity in mind. In human beings the propensity that brings forth blankness is itself Nidrá. Suppose, you are resting on your bed. Your eyes are on the watch, you fall sleep, but when you get up, you fail to say at what moment actually you slept. Between sleeping and rising things occurred of which you are ignorant. There was vacuum, neither you were seeing anything nor hearing anything. This state of vacuity is Nidrá." (8)

Whereas if you are eating or walking, one is keenly aware they are eating and walking. That is the case with your daily activities; one's conscious mind is active. Even when you prepare for sleep, you remember that. But once one falls asleep, one does not know they are sleeping. Indeed, a person can document all they did during the day, but when sleeping that period is blank - one does not know what they are doing. In the thread of memory, there is a gap. So those who sleep in the daytime create more gaps in their memory. In taking short naps throughout the day, there will be a growing gap in one's memory. That brings dullness and dumbness. One's intellectual sharpness will decline.

Let's say one morning you read a chapter of a book and finish it by 11am. And then from 11am to 11:30am you remain awake and involve in other projects, then at 11:30am you will have a solid recollection of that chapter. In contrast, if you read a chapter from the same book and finish it by 11am, but then sleep from 11am - 11:30am, then at 11:30am your recollection of that chapter will not be as sharp. It will be comparatively worse than if you had remained awake. It will be faded or feel like a more distant memory. When you sleep then those events that occurred directly before sleep become more distant memories, whereas if you remain awake those events are more clearly recalled.
Sleeping one time in a 24-hour period is ok, but more than that is not good. Those who sleep more become dumb. Their power of recollection, i.e. memory, will wane.

Here are more teachings from Ananda Marga philosophy on this subject of sleep.

Extra and untimely sleep is very bad

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A person who is given to too much sleep can never perform big things in life. A person who sleeps too long spends half of his or her lifetime in sleep only. So how will he or she find time to do noble deeds? Human life, after all, is not very long; and of that short span of life, if half is wasted on sleep only, then there will hardly be any time left for doing noble deeds. That's why it is said, a person who is given to too much sleep can never aspire to attain the peak of progress in life. Sleep is necessary for health, but many people wrongly think that the more one sleeps, the better it is for health. That is wrong. Human beings go to sleep because they want to work more. While working for long periods the body gets tired, and then only does one take sleep, just to get back fresh energy for work." (9)

It is often seen that students, in particular, adopt unhealthy sleeping patterns. They stay awake late into the night to attend to their studies and then they arise in the mid-morning - hours after sunrise. Part of the reason for this is that they find it easier to study when it is quiet; the mid hours of the night provide such an environment. This is especially true in so-called third world countries where all family members are living in the same house. In overseas areas, students often remain awake at night either due to extreme busyness in life or due to procrastination. In any event, as far as possible, students should adjust their routines according to Baba's guidelines.

It is also seen that those working Mon - Fri often like to "sleep-in" on Saturdays and Sundays. Some students also like to do this. But this also is not a healthy practice. Then there are some people who are called "night owls." There are various professors and internet fanatics etc who spend large portions of the night glued to their various endeavours - and then they sleep far into the day. Unfortunately in this circumstance, the human body cannot be maintained for long in this type of backwards routine.

Too much sleep impairs one's health

At the same time, sleeping excess amounts during the night is not good for human beings. So people - especially sadhakas - should be very attentive to how much sleep they are getting, and be careful not to oversleep.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The ancient people believed that excessive sleep is good for health, but this is not the case. Rather, too much sleep not only impairs the health, but has an adverse effect on the mind." (10)

in Him,
Mahamana’ Deva

The points expressed in this letter are for healthy adults. Children need more sleep and small infants should sleep most of the time. Those who are sick or aged need more rest to restore themselves as their bodily needs are different. So this letter about sleep is primarily for those who are healthy adults.

Nocturnal beings

Not all animals follow the same schedule as humans. Here following is a list of those animals that are nocturnal-- i.e. they sleep during the day and remain awake at night:

African hunting dog, Amethyst python, Armadillo, Aye-aye, Badger, Bandicoot, Bat, Beaver, Bullfrog, Bushbaby, Cassowary, Cat, Coyote, Deer, Deer mouse, Dobsonfly, Douroucouli, Echidna, Fennec, Firefly, Flying squirrel, Red Fox, Gecko, Gerbil, Ghost crab, Green Sea Turtle, Hamster, Snowshoe hare, Harvest mouse, Hedgehog, Heron, Hippopotamus, Hyena, Kangaroo rat, Kiwi, Koala, Leopard, Loris, Lumholtz tree-climbing kangaroo, Moth, Nightjar, Oilbird, Okapi, Opossum, Owl, Pangolin, Periwinkle, Possum, Potto, Raccoon, Rainforest dingo, Rat, Red-legged pademelon, Rhinoceros, Skunk, Sugar glider, Tiger, Tree frog, Weasel, Whippoorwill, White-tailed uromys, Wolf, Woodcock. As noted, humans are not on the list as being nocturnal.

1. Ananda Marga Caryacarya - 3, 'General Health Rules', pt #9
2. Reference: 'Pranayama' Chapter
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Samádhi, Senselessness and Sleep
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour
5. Yogic Treatments, 'Cancer Chapter'
6. Caryacarya - 3, Appendix, point #3
7. Caryacarya - 3, Appendix, point #8
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Yoga & Bhakti
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Sleep and Inertia
10. Yogic Treatments, 'Cancer Chapter'

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Main thing of spiritual life

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Suppose you meet a great karmi and ask him if he is successful in everything he undertakes. He will certainly say, “No.” If you ask him if he ever gets tired of working, he will say that he definitely gets tired on different occasions. And when he gets tired does he not ask Parama Puruśa to give him more strength? No matter how great a karmii one might be, one will have to eventually take shelter in Parama Puruśa, one will have to eventually surrender to Him." (1)

Note: In the life of a sadhaka on the spiritual journey, the first and foremost ingredient is surrender. In so many ways it is used. In the above quote, surrender is explained in a very simple way. 

1. Ananda Vacanartam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 2

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to choose Prabhat Samgiita songs

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "In the case of human beings, when they move around Parama Puruśa, one person moves, one person dances, unknowingly, another person knowingly. Those who are dancing, those who are moving, knowingly, always try to lessen the length of their radii." (1)

Every human being is unique, with their own radius to Parama Purusa - some are closer and some are further. Thus, what is a high degree of bhakti for one person may be a lower degree of bhakti for another. It depends entirely upon one's feeling for Parama Purusa. And even then, one's individual degree of bhakti may change from day to day - sometimes the mind is high, and sometimes one feels dry.

This is all to say that one cannot select a Prabhat Samgiita composition for anyone else. Best is for every aspirant to learn and study various songs, and then when they wish to listen they should select a song that feels most appropriate for them at that time, based on their mental feeling. Side by side, one should always try to learn new songs to expand their library and experience. This is the universal approach that every sadhaka should take with regards to Prabhat Samgiita.

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12, Shortening the Radius

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Misplaced fear: population growth

Prout philosophy states, "Does a population problem actually exist? This issue should be considered in the perspective of two vital factors - the availability of food and the availability of space. Today human beings have enough resources to manage their food. Planet Earth is rich enough to feed a far greater number of people than the present population....[So] The tragedy is that there are enough resources to supply proper food to all human beings in the world, but the defect lies in the present approach of the existing socioeconomic systems." (1)

Population Growth

Prout philosophy states, "Is the population problem really a natural problem? The population problem should be considered in the context of two vital factors – the availability of food and the availability of space. Today human beings have sufficient means to manage their food. The earth is abundant enough in food resources to feed many times more than the present population. Due to lack of coordinated cooperation, collective effort, a proper ideology and sound planning, society has been fragmented into many belligerent groups and sub-groups, and rich and poor nations have been created. As a result of this fissiparous tendency, society is presently incapable of producing enough food to meet human requirements. The tragedy is that even though there are enough resources to supply nutritious food to all the human beings on the planet, due to the defective socio-economic systems, an efficient method of distribution has not been developed."

"Moreover, there is no shortage of living space on the planet if the existing space is properly utilized. Because the earth has been balkanized due to so many arbitrary social, economic and political restrictions and the pervasive influence of evil dogma, people are unable to tackle problems in a natural way. If there were maximum utilization and rational distribution of all natural resources, pressing socio-economic problems could be easily solved."

Prout philosophy states, "It is a law of nature that a mother is provided with sufficient breast milk to feed her newly born baby. In the same way nature has generously provided sufficient resources to meet the food and other essential requirements of all human beings. People need to utilize these natural resources in a proper way. Shortages of food or space cannot be blamed on nature. These problems are essentially the results of the mistakes made by human beings."

"It is a fact that the population of the world is rapidly increasing, and consequently many people have become frightened. In capitalist countries there are sufficient reasons for such fear. In these countries an increase in the population means a corresponding increase in the poverty of the people. But there is no reason for such fear in a collective economic system. In the event of shortages in food and accommodation people will collectively convert barren land into arable land, increase agricultural production by scientific methods and produce food by chemical processes using the potentiality of earth, water and air. And if this earth loses its productivity, then human beings will migrate to other planets and satellites and settle there."

Prout philosophy states, "If people living in capitalist countries voluntarily adopt birth control methods to avoid economic hardship, perhaps we should not criticize them. But it should be mentioned here that using birth control methods which deform the bodies of men and women or destroy their reproductive powers forever cannot be supported, because this may cause a violent mental reaction at any moment."

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, p.44
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Population Growth and Control

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

जीवों के दुःख का बोझ हटाओ 

प्रभात संगीत 4703 प्रभातेर रवि बोले, घुमाये घुमाये थेको ना आर ...


बाबा की कृपा से नये प्रभात का सूर्य सूचना दे रहा है , ‘ए मनुष्यो! अब और अधिक नींद में मत रहो। तुम्हारे पास बहुत सा काम करने को है। एक पूरे पहाड़ के बरावर काम तुम्हारे सामने है। अब दिवा स्वप्न मत देखो और आलस्य तंद्रा को दूर करो। ए मनुष्यो ! कम से कम अपनी आॅंखें एक बार तो खोलो और कराहती मानवता की ओर तो देखो, जीवों के दुःख का बोझ हटाओ ।  नींद में अब और अधिक न रहो, मानवता  के लिये कुछ करो।|

हे मनुष्यो! अनेक युगों से तुम सोते रहे हो। तुम पूरी रात सोते और स्वप्न देखते हो। अब स्वप्न और सोने  का समय नहीं है। लोग दुखों और कष्टों के बोझ से व्यथित हो चिल्ला रहे हैं, यह समय आलस्य और तन्द्रा में रहने का नहीं है। उठो औेर उन सब की सेवा में जुट जाओ । नींद में अब और अधिक न रहो जीवों के लिये कुछ करो।

हे मनुष्यो! देखो ! अब भव्य सुनहला दिन और दूर नहीं है, वह जल्दी ही निकट आ रहा है, प्रातःकाल अपनी लालिमा अपना प्रकाश  चारों ओर फैला रहा है, हर वस्तु चमकने लगी है, । पर्वत केे शिखर पर पक्षी चहचहा रहे हैं  और यही दिव्य संदेश  दे रहे हैं, नींद में अब और अधिक न रहो जीवों के लिये कुछ करो।

 अब वह दिन आ रहा है जब लोग हर तरह के बंधनों से मुक्त हो जायेंगे। अब कहीं भी कष्ट , प्रताड़ना और शोषण नहीं रहेगा। सभी आनन्दित जीवन जियेंगे। हे मनुष्यो ! प्रातःकाल की लालिमा तुम्हारे दरवाजे खटखटा रही है, दरवाजा खोलो और जीवों के लिये कुछ करो।

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

সেই ভাষাকে ৰলি বৈদিক ভাষা

“আর্য়দের আদি নিবাস ছিল রুস দেশের দক্ষিণাংশ, এবং মধ্যাংশ, যুরাল পর্বত মালার কাছাকাছি এলাকা | অন্য নাম caucasian | তাঁরা তখন মানে আজ থেকে অনুমানিক পোনেরো হাজ়ার ৰছর আগে যে ভাষায় কথা ৰলতেন, আজ আমরা সেই ভাষাকে ৰলি বৈদিক ভাষা | কেন বৈদিক ভাষা ৰলি ? সে ভাষার তো কোনও নাম ছিল, বৈদিক ভাষা এই কারণে ৰলি যে সে ভাষাতে কেবল মাত্র একটি ৰইয়েরই আমরা সন্ধান পেয়েছি, যে ৰইটার নাম বেদ | তাই ভাষাটার নাম বৈদিক |” (1)

1. MGD, 16 March 1980-03-16 Calcutta

 == Prabhat Samgiita ==

~ हे बाबा! तुम तो दुखहरण हो!  तुमने मुझे दुखों और कष्टों से बचा लिया है। ~

पीएस 1421 आमार सकल दुखेर माझे एले तुमि दुखहरण ...


हे बाबा! तुम तो दुखहरण हो! मैं कितनें दुखों और कष्टों में घिरा हुआ था, मैं विपत्ति ग्रस्त था, मेरा जीवन असह्य था, मैं पूर्णतः दुर्दशा  में था, तब मुझे बचाने के लिये, तुम  अपनी टकटकायी आॅखों से       देखते हुए, धीरे धीरे चलते हुए, प्यारी मुस्कुराहट भरे चेहरे में मेरे पास आये---यह तुम्हारी कृपा  है। तुमने मेरे आॅंखों के आॅंसू पोंछ कर, मुझे दुखों और कष्टों से बचा लिया है।

हे परमपुरुष! मैं पूर्ण समर्पित होकर, उस दुखित और असहाय स्थिति में, तुम्हारे आश्रय में, तुमको पुकारते हुए, तुम्हें ही देखता था। दोनों हाथों को ऊपर उठाकर समर्पण की मुद्रा में मैंने कहा हे बाबा! हे मेरे प्रभो! कृपा कर मृझे बचालो, तुम ही मेरे एकमात्र सहारा हो, तुम नहीं बचाओगे तो कौन बचायेगा? तब उसी क्षण तुमने कृपा कर मुझे बचा लिया।

हे बाबा!  जब मैं चारों ओर देखता हॅूं, तो लगता है कि तुम्हारी कृपामय उपस्थिति से ही यह सारा संसार ऊर्जावान होकर स्पंदित  हो रहा है। सारा आकाश  तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रकाश  से लिपटा हुआ है, और मेरा मन और हृदय तुम्हारे प्रेम में निमग्न है। बाबा! तुम्हारे चरणकमलों को पकड़कर मैं तुम्हारे ही कीर्तिमान गीत गाते हुए हृदय से शरणागत हॅूं।

टिप्पणी :- ‘‘दुखहरण‘‘ , अर्थात् दुख को दूर करने वाला । परमपुरुष के अनन्त विशेषणों में से एक ‘दुखहरण‘ भी है। महाभारत काल में द्रौपदी को बंदी बनाकर सताये जाने पर, द्रौपदी ने अपने को परमपुरुष के समक्ष पूर्ण समर्पण करते हुए  पुकारा | तब परमपुरुष ने उन्हें तत्काल मदद की, और उनका कष्ट दूर कर दिया। भावार्थ यह कि परमपुरुष दुखहरण हैं। मनुष्यों के दुख तीन प्रकार के होते हैं, भौतिक, मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक। जीवन में, किसी भी प्रकार के दुख में, परमपुरुष बाबा को पूर्ण समर्पण भाव से पुकारने पर, वे अवश्य  दुखों का हरण कर लेते हैं।   

== Section 3: Links ==