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Friday, November 10, 2023

Prout & crime + 3 more

Prout & crime


Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s teachings on Prout, there is a famous slogan:

Capitalism makes a man into a beggar; and, communism makes the beggar a beast.

In the past, however, it was not readily evident to many how capitalism makes people into beggars; now it is painfully obvious how this happens; today everyone understands this slogan. When the wealth gets fully concentrated in the hands of the few then the rest of the people in society become beggars. Whatever few things they own are on loan from the bank or purchased with a credit card, thereby putting themselves in debt. In such a situation, the economy becomes stagnant and ultimately unemployment skyrockets as so many lose their jobs.

Keeping this view in the forefront, we can examine the effects of people being displaced from their job. In particular, when the youth lose their jobs and remain unemployed for long periods the situation is dangerous, as evidenced by severe social unrest in recent years.

Cardinal principles of Prout needed in society

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar guides us that certain cardinal principles must be followed to ensure peace and harmony in the society.

Prout philosophy says, "For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved." (1)

By the above teaching it is quite evident that society must abide by specific cardinal socio-political principles. Failing that, various severe problems will arise in any given area. Here below the Propounder of Prout clearly delivers the initial cardinal principle.

Prout philosophy states, "First, people should not be retrenched [dismissed] from their occupations unless alternative employment has been arranged for them." (2)

So ensuring and providing employment to all is one key principle for establishing welfare in the society. That means if anyone is fired from their job due to company cutbacks or for any reason, then steps should be taken to give them options for working in some other capacity. They have to be provided a job. Failing that, the Propounder of Prout warns us of the impending troubles of people being displaced from their work and remaining unemployed for extended periods. Unfortunately, in recent years and today also, youth unemployment, due to the loss of their job, has been at all-time highs at various hot-spots around the globe. This is a recipe for disaster. Saddam Hussein’s military was dismantled by George Bush so the jobless, hungry Iraqi military started a guerrilla war against the US.

Proutistic case study: a look to the past

In this below historical example, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar delineates what happens when this first cardinal principle of Prout - lack and loss of jobs - is not followed.

Prout philosophy guides us, "In the Pathan period and at the height of the Mughal empire, Zamindars or landlords were permitted to maintain military forces. This practice was banned at the end of the Mughal period and the start of the British period. As a result, many soldiers from military communities like the Bagadis of Ra'r'h and the Cuya'rs and Lodhas of Midnapur were retrenched from the armed services. Consequently, they became criminals. Even thirty to forty years ago, members of these communities were stillIn engaged in anti-social activities...If these people had been inducted into the military or the police, they would have earned a proper livelihood without being compelled to harm the society. Their destiny would have been quite different." (3)

So in the above case study, the Propounder of Prout shows us what happens when any person or segment of society, like the above mentioned professional soldiers, are displaced from their jobs and not provided other means by which to make a living. Due to anguish and social pressure etc, such a community of soldiers turns to unlawful activities and this creates havoc in the society. All because these deserving soldiers were not provided with other means of employment prior to being released from their jobs. That is the root cause of the problem. And indeed this can happen with any segment of the population-- not just soldiers.

Indeed that is what we have been witnessing around the globe with respect to youths losing their jobs. Without the prospect of finding a job, those youths vented their frustration and angst and rampaged the city, burning and destroying everything.

Prout philosophy says, "Now you understand the consequences of retrenching [dismissing] people without arranging a suitable alternative livelihood for them." (4)


The teachings of Prout are highly unique: They are the key to the socio-economic problems which humanity is facing today and will face in future. Unfortunately, most of the globe is unaware about the teachings of Prout. And because of that, simple problems turn into disastrous scenarios: All because the given solution is not within their grasp.

It is our bounden to step by step educate the entire society about the ways of Prout. We are to propagate the ideals of Prout to each and every corner of this globe-- lest more and more calamities outbreak which are totally preventable.

We must not allow tragedy to strike again, and again, and again. Through public education and right leadership, we will successfully oppose those capitalist exploiters who go against the cardinal principles of Prout.

Prout philosophy says, "If any group tries to violate any of these cardinal socio-political principles, you should immediately oppose them with a thundering voice and sufficient force. Victory will be yours, because you are supporting the collective psychology." (5)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

100% employment for local people

Not just with soldiers, but within all sectors of society there must be work provided to everyone, especially the youths. Otherwise there is going to be trouble.

Prout philosophy guides us, "First, there should be 100% employment for the local people. The basic right of all people is to be guaranteed the minimum essentials for their existence, including at least proper food, clothing, housing, education and medical care. This basic right should be arranged through cent per cent guaranteed employment, not through welfare or dole-outs. Unemployment is a critical economic problem in the world today and 100% employment of the local people is the only way to solve this problem." (6)
Here again the Propounder highlights the important policy and practical approach that all citizens must be granted the right to have a place of employ. 

Prout teachings state, "The right of full employment for all local people will be guaranteed." (7)

Three cardinal principles of Prout

Here are the three cardinal principles of Prout. By following these guidelines the entire society will be able to move along the right track. So it is our given duty to uphold these God-given principles-- thereby ensuring well-being to all.

Prout philosophy teaches us, "There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated. First, people should not be retrenched from their occupations unless alternative employment has been arranged for them. Secondly, people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed. Occupation, spiritual practice and mother tongue are very important to human beings. If the sentiments associated with them are hurt, human beings will be deeply affected. So, you should never violate these cardinal socio-political principles." (8)

When the youth lose their jobs and remain unemployed for long periods the situation is dangerous, as evidenced by severe social unrest in recent years: (a) riots in Paris 2009, (b) riots in London 2011, (c) protests in Spain 2011, (d) riots in Stockholm 2013, (e) street violence in Caracas in April 2017 etc. 

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
6. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Socio-Economic Movements
7. Proutist Economics, 'Some Specialities of Prout's Economic System'
8. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Unique & revolutionary points about food

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Pramitáhárah: to maintain the physical body, you require physical food, air, water, light. But physical food is not simply for the physical body. It has got its effect on the spiritual body. The cells of your physical body are created from the cells that you receive from your physical food, and your psychic body is also influenced by these cells. So while taking food, you should be very careful. You should always try to take sentient food, and on rare occasions you may take mutative food. You should never take static food. Not only that, but your diet should be balanced. You must not take too much or too little. The food should be substantial. When it is balanced or measured, and, at the same time, substantial, that type of food is called Pramitáhára in Sanskrit. The sixth factor is Pramitáhárah. The sixth requisite factor is balanced and substantial, sentient food." (1)

Note: The  above point of pramitáhára is the sixth factor of the seven secrets of success. This is a revolutionary teaching given only by Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and is not known to others, neither in the east nor in the west. As Ananda Margiis, it is our duty to practice and propagate this special science about food to people the world over.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets