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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Baba story + 2 more


Baba story


Sadguru Baba introduced His various plans and programs in a phase-wise approach. By this method, He practically demonstrated the wide array of projects that should be properly implemented. To this end, He posted and reposted Wts from one project to the next to best teach them about the various types of works that needed to be done. About this is discussed below as well as how Baba mapped out an entire blueprint for serving humanity.

When workers were transferred to new posts and jobs, they developed greater experience and learned new languages, psychologies, and problem solving skills etc. All along Baba was creating new and newer programs in further succession. If those Dadas had been kept in those old programs then who would have been available to learn the new programs.

Printing press & daily newspaper phase

Baba ordered that every diocese would have to have a press in order to publish our own newspapers because the media controlled by exploiters would not propagate our news. So Baba created many daily newspapers and margiis and wts were given the task to execute this plan, otherwise DMC would be canceled. In some places, Baba did not take His breakfast until He got that unit’s local, daily paper. Under pressure, margiis collected substantial amounts of money to purchase a press and give report to Baba. Baba was only satisfied when both wts and margiis realized the importance of having our own daily newspaper.

In some cases the press was running for some time, and in other cases it did not run at all but most in AMPS learned the lesson that, “We must have our own newspaper.” Even then, this situation some simple margiis could not understand why Baba was giving arduous  and difficult work. In some places a project was running well and then someone got transferred or someone left their wt ship and that project were run into the ground, i.e. zero. This was the way projects went up and down – this happened in many places.

Today, tomorrow, & for thousands of years

But sincere margiis & wts could understand that Baba was teaching for today, tomorrow, and even for thousands and thousands of years into eternity. So many things Baba had to give. And in this particular instance, the teaching was that, “Every bhukti must have its own newspaper.” That is what Baba wanted us all to know.

Only bhaktas were allowed to come close to Parama Purusa. So there were not hundreds of millions of people. The number of margiis and workers was rather small and His range of projects was immense – presenting all the many plans and programs for His Ananda Marga ideology. Those few Wts needed to learn many projects.

The need of the day then was to transfer Wts quickly from one project to the next. That was the only way to train them and present the notion that many works needed to be done. Because AMPS resources – both in terms of money and people - were few, then all those Wts involved in the prior project of printing presses etc would be switched over to the next new project. In that case it was the duty of margiis to maintain those presses, and if they could not do so then that paper would collapse.

All wholetime workers would race full steam ahead with Baba’s next plan. The new program could not be stopped. In this way the wheel would spin, and Baba would introduce one program after another: Printing press, children’s homes, schools, AMURT, pracara, master units, jagritis, Rawa, RU, GP, WWD Gurukul, Seva Dal, Hari Pari Mandal, and UPYF etc.

How some misunderstood Baba’s ways

This was Baba’s practical plan for teaching all what was needed for humanity. By engaging in projects, making mistakes, and fixing those problems, all in AMPS learned a lot. Some unknowledgeable non-sadhakas would think that project was a failure and that our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha was incapable of doing any concrete work, whereas other non-margii organizations built huge schools and beautiful hospitals etc. But we know those other organisations etc did not have a greater panoramic plan like Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.


Sincere margiis and wts could understand that Baba is teaching for the present as well as thousands of years into eternity. He was meticulously presenting a practical way forward to serve humanity. Baba had so many plans and programs to give for the welfare of all.

in Him,

Confused Wts compared with Buddhist monk Marpa

Some uninformed persons thought that Baba was giving tough work targets when we had limited capacity. In their mind, they thought that Baba is on par with the dogmatic Tibetan guru Marpa and that the Wts and margiis were like the disciple Milarepa. Those with a rational outlook easily understood this was not correct. Because Marpa only abused and burdened Milarepa with the senseless task of building, decimating, and rebuilding the same stone hut etc, and never taught him spiritual practice. Whereas Baba graciously bestowed all the gems and jewels of sublime spirituality and at the same time was meticulously presenting a practical way forward to serve humanity. Those who could not understand this fundamental truth walked away and left Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. And those who stayed were immensely benefited – it is His grace.

Indeed, those doing deeper sadhana knew that this was all part of Baba’s divine plan to teach what had to be done by putting forth a blueprint.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Formation of religious state devastating

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “If a particular religion is proclaimed the state religion, those who follow other religions will not identify with the country. Consequently, the unity of the country will be undermined. If people go against this basic principle, they may be politically successful for a short time, but eventually they will inflict great harm on the country and prove to be a failure.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section 3: Links ==