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Sunday, September 24, 2023

How to avoid awkwardness + 3 more

How to avoid awkwardness


As Ananda Margiis, we are often invited to give talks, presentations, and demonstrations at various institutions around the world. Yet those host institutions themselves may subscribe to various dogmas such as eating meat or doing idol worship. And they may invite us to partake in their practices. Here following is the technique how we can visit those institutions and remain true to our dharmic principles without offending those hosts. After all, Baba wants that we should observe non-compromising strictness and faith with regards to Ista and Adarsha.

Make clear ahead of time

#1: The key point is to alert the host party, institution, or school ahead of time. So we should clearly spell out your dos and don'ts. We should ensure that they understand that as an Ananda Margii that we do not eat meat, do not do idol worship, and / or whatever points are applicable to that particular situation.

#2: As an example, Swami Ramdev tours and speaks all over India. But he never engages in idol worship. Because he has made it clear ahead of time that he is with Arya Samaj, and he does not partake in idol worship. So those who invite him do not ask him to do idol worship etc. And, over time, it became well-known to all how Swami Ramdev is and what his practices are.

#3: And every Wt / margii can do the same. We should be upfront and open with the person inviting us to the venue - far ahead of time, before our arrival. We should let them know our dietary restrictions, way of greeting, etc beforehand. Make everything crystal-clear and then when we go to that school or institution to give a talk or class, the host will respect our lifestyle. And there will not be any problem.

#4: As Wts and margiis travel around more and more it will become common knowledge amongst the general population how Ananda Margiis conduct themselves.

Alert the host party

#5: The problem mostly arises when there is no communication ahead of time. Then if they call upon you to do their dogmatic ritual, or eat some tamasik item, then it becomes a tenuous situation, especially if dozens or hundreds of people are in attendance. The way to avoid this uncomfortable and potentially damaging circumstance is to alert the host party ahead of time. Then they will not put you in the compromised position, and that will save everyone from a lot of embarrassment and heartache etc.

No compromise: no idol worship

#6: Sometimes, Wt Dadas forget this technique and in result when they arrive on-site they are requested and expected to offer flowers to idols etc, or take a sip of wine, or eat some tamasika article etc.

#7: Here the point is that we have to project our dharmic practices at all times and all places. That is how others will learn. If we compromise and follow dogma that is an injustice and will misguide others as well. So again the key point is to explain the dharmic dos and don'ts ahead of time whenever invited to give a talk, class, demonstration etc. And then there will not be any difficulty. Rather it will become an ideal opportunity to project the teachings of Ananda Marga.

#8: This is a delicate time of transition: people all over the globe are looking for answers, i.e. a rational approach that combats the prevailing dogmas of religion and materialism etc. If we partake in those religious rituals etc, people will think we support that dogma and good people who are looking for something dharmic will be misled and form the conclusion that AMPS is not the right place. And they will go look elsewhere, thereby defeating our pracara efforts. Actually it is a double loss. Those seekers will not get on the path of dharma and we will have failed to project the ideal of Ananda Marga.


#9: We should always be keen to project dharmic ideals and in our pracara efforts we should inform our hosts of all the particulars to ensure that our entire time at their location is filled with righteous dealings and proper relations etc.

Sadguru Baba says, "Ánanda Márga alone is Dharma and all the rest are sectisms." (1)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

In any civilized society, people will not ask you to engage in something if they know that is against your lifestyle or ethic. For instance, after telling someone you were a vegetarian has anyone offered you meat?

In India since long, and nowadays in civilised societies, those holding opposing thoughts are equally respected. It is unlike the Middle East. Indian society has embraced open discussion even during the time of Carvaka. And now Swami Ramdev is well respected amongst idol worshipers and fundamentalist Hindus.

In a family, one person believes something while another member can be atheistic, do idol worship, or practice yoga. This is common these days.  And in the workplace, people may know you eat sattvika diet, so then certainly they will not offer you tamasika foods

Everybody has things they will not do; it depends on where they put the red line in the sand. For example, someone who does not drink alcohol will certainly inform those around them. By this way, they know how that individual lives, and they will accept that. If we do not inform others and accept their offers there is no end to have far we can stray.

The summary is that civilized people will listen to and be respectful of another person's lifestyle choices.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Raising awareness

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the past, most countries of the world were victims of politico-economic exploitation – and many are even today. In order to save humanity from economic exploitation (whether politico-economic or psycho-economic), you must raise the peoples consciousness, otherwise they will never be able to successfully resist psycho-economic or politico-economic exploitation. In India, the masses were inspired to fight for independence without arousing their consciousness. As a consequence, India ultimately attained political independence, no doubt, but the people have not attained politico-economic independence as yet. Even today, they are victims of psycho-economic and politico-economic exploitation.” (1)

1. Liberation of Intellect - Neohumanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Real definition of rich & poor

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In a harmonious social order no one will run after fame or wealth like a mad dog. A congenial external environment will assist them in achieving mental balance, and people’s psychic poverty will also gradually decrease.”
Sa tu bhavati daridra yasya áshá vishálá;
Manasi ca parituśt́e ko’rthaván kodaridrah.

[Those who have many desires are poor.
When the mind is contented, who is rich and who is poor?] (1)
Note: In this era those with money are looked upon as being rich but according to Ananda Marga philosophy this is not the case. One might have billions of dollars and still be poor. And how can those with nothing be rich? Because rich and poor are of the mind. Regardless of how much wealth you have, if you think you need more then you are poor. And if the mind is satisfied but on the material plane you have nothing, even then you are rich.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Evolution of Society

== Section 4: Links ==

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