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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Very famous but uncivilised + 3 more


Very famous but uncivilised


In the general society, the measuring rod for being civilised is vastly different from Ananda Marga. If a well-to do person is going to a fancy restaurant and dining on fine wine then according to Ananda Marga philosophy he is uncivilised. Because drinking wine goes against all rationality. So on this point he is uncivilised as he is not using his intellect. He is unable to reason that drinking wine is not good for his all-round well-being. Plus, on the top, he is eating tamasik food. In contrast, those without money may use their rationality and live according to dharmic principles in which case they are civilised.

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, a person is civilised if their action and overall conduct is supported by logic, reasoning, and rationality.

In our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha we see things unfolding in a similar manner. Margiis know that caste marriages and the dowry system are wrong, so if any are still following those rituals then they are uncivilised - on that point. They may be civilised on points of hygiene etc, but on this point of marriage and dowry they are uncivilised. Likewise every Ananda Margii - ghriis & wholetimers - knows that groupism is bad and against neo-humanistic principles etc, so if they are following groupism then they are uncivilised - in that sphere of life. On other avenues, they may be dharmic i.e. civilised, but on the point of groupism they are uncivilised.

Who is civilised

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, a person is civilised if their action and overall conduct is supported by logic, reasoning, and rationality.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "We may call those human acts and behaviour civilized that give evidence of this discriminative judgement, in a great measure." (1)

Here below Baba furthermore describes what it means to be civilised.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "I would say, the greater the support of judgement in action and behaviour, the better shall be the expression and development of civilization." (2)

So those actions supported by intellect and a keen sense of discrimination (viveka) are civilised.

Another key point is that there is a distinct link between science and civilisation. The general flow now is that civilisation is lagging behind. That means that the large majority of scientific advancements are directed toward uncivilised behaviour. And this invites one's ruination. That is what we see happening nowadays with pop films, music, dance, video, drama etc. So much of what science has to offer is used in ways that degrade the mind. That brings psychic degeneration. That is why we say that civilisation is lagging behind. People are not using scientific achievement and the latest technologies in a rational way. Rather people are using such inventions to plunge the mind deeper into pseudo-culture and degrading activities. That is the sad state of affairs in this present era.

Example: so-called civilised people & their horrifying actions

Here below the US political elite ordered the dropping of a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki (Japan) thereby killing millions of innocent people. Despite their advanced degrees and social standing, on this point those US politicians are uncivilised for senselessly causing the destruction of millions of human lives.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The vanity expressed by the so-called civilized human beings of today is extremely dangerous. These people hide the cruder propensities of the mind under the cloak of sweet words and decent behaviour. They are more harmful to the well-being of the human race than the so-called uncivilized humans, because they are hypocrites. The defects of the uncivilized humans pale into insignificance before their abominable hypocrisy. The uncivilized humans of the past may have killed twelve people at most in the battles they fought with bows, arrows, sticks and spears, but the so-called civilized human beings of today kill millions of unarmed, innocent people indiscriminately with their dreadful and lethal weapons. Human society of today is being exploited by the so-called civilized people. Such people should not make themselves look ridiculous by claiming otherwise." (3)


Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In the present age, civilization is on the wane due to science enjoying the pride of place. But developed as science is today, if civilization is pushed up again to the top, people can reach a greater height than ever before." (4)

The common misunderstanding in the society is that those who have a lot of money & material wealth are deemed as civilised, but according to Ananda Marga philosophy, most of them are not civilised. The central idea is that when one understands that something is bad then they should refrain from those bad actions, and if one continues doing those negative things then they are uncivilised. And if poor people used their intellect and do righteous things then they are civilised according to Ananda Marga philosophy. Ideal Ananda Margiis are civilised people.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Although according to perfect logic the culture of all humanity is one and indivisible, the exponents of isms do not understand this. They prefer to assert that the different sets of script and language, behaviour and habit, and local variations in expression, are actually the constituents of human culture.” (5)

Here below we have a case of so-called civilised, superior committing all kinds of heinous acts. Those with a rational mind know that no one is high or low, all are the children of the Supreme Progenitor. Hence on this point those adopting superiority complexes are uncivilised. Because their approach flies in the face of all sense of rationality.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Members of a particular race who consider themselves superior to others also very frequently inflict injustices on other sections of society. The expulsion of the Jews from Germany by Hitler’s so-called superior Aryan race is a glaring example of racial injustice in society. In this country, also, injustices on Harijans by the so-called superior races have caused a tremendous amount of disruption in society. To obviate this type of social injustice, the first attempt should be to do away with racial distinctions in society. In Ananda Marga the first step that one takes is to forget one’s race or sect – to no longer identify oneself with one’s race, caste or sect – regardless of whether it was superior or inferior.” (6)

Uncivilised distribution of wealth

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "What we see in the market place and railway stations is the exhibition of half-clad street beggars and lepers – all stretching out their begging bowls, the only means of earning their livelihood. They are fortunate if anybody contemptuously flings a copper coin at them. The old blind beggars wait all day long at the bridge and lift their bowls as soon as someone walks past them. Their shrill cries fall on deaf ears only. On the other hand, the affluence of foods kept ready in luxurious houses to entertain the big guns of society ridicules the present human civilization." (7)

Not indicative of a developed civilization

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If “a life for a life” is considered an unassailable principle of justice, then there is nothing more to say. But remember that born criminals commit their crimes due to their physical or psychic abnormalities; are not the so-called civilized people who make no effort to cure such born criminals, guilty of the same crime? Does not capital punishment amount to cutting off the head to get rid of a headache? In my opinion to take the life of a born criminal of this type is as much a crime as it would be to pass a death sentence on a patient just because we could not cure the person's illness. It is the duty of a civilized society to arrange for born criminals to be cured of their ailments. Killing them to lighten the burden caused by their lives is certainly not indicative of a developed civilization." (8)

Hypocritical dealing, not civilised action

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "To be civilized means to give a refined form to everything, and it is inseparably connected with education. But if refinement takes second place and hypocritical behaviour becomes the primary means of expression, that cannot be called civilization or education. If a man who is invited to a dinner party only nibbles at the savouries, saying, “I am sorry, I cannot eat any more,” then goes home to devour a hearty meal and later brags that he eats very little, an impression of abstemiousness may be created in the minds of others, but there is a complete lack of straightforwardness in his behaviour. In modern society many aspects of civilization and education are of this sort." (9)

So-called educated elite & their immoral ways

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "However, there is at this time a class of self-styled scholars who want to establish separate clubs for themselves for no particular reason. Is there any altruistic motive behind their demand? None at all. The actual reason is that they feel that if they mix with the illiterate masses their social prestige will be undermined. If you investigate more deeply, you will generally find that in such “gentlemen's clubs” immorality is rampant and wine flows in abundance. Should we, then, consider the members of these clubs to be civilized, cultured and educated scholars while other people are uncivilized, uncultured and uneducated fools? Such silly nonsense propagated in the name of civilization cannot be allowed to continue." (10)

Who are those who exploit

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "As you know, all are the progeny of the same Supreme Progenitor. He created this universe and He created this material world, as well as His living children. Now, when he created the material world, the inanimate world, the plants and the human beings, common sense says that the entire world belongs to His children irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nationality, standard of education, standard of wisdom, or standard of physical, mental or spiritual strength. It is the vested interests, with their mean and base motives, that create disparity among living creatures, especially among human beings. So those who exploit others and want to enjoy this created world by depriving others of their legitimate and paternal rights, are the enemies of society. They are the enemies of humanity, and they are the enemies of the cultured and civilized world." (11)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Black people did not lag behind either. True, compared with other races their contribution to human civilization is less impressive, not because of their racial inferiority, but because the so-called civilized races (for their selfish political interests) deprived them of sufficient scope in their development. Furthermore, the hostile natural environment did not allow introversion of their psychic potentialities." (12)

A civilised country will care for the poor

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Once I heard about a doctor, standing by the bed of a poor, distressed patient, who said in an authoritarian way, “You must pay my fees at once. I won't listen to any excuses.” A poor relative of the patient left the house in despair, borrowed money by giving an IOU, and paid the doctor's bill. I doubt whether a country can be considered civilized if the strictest reform measures are not taken against such human demons." (13)

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, a person is civilised if their action and overall conduct is supported by logic, reasoning, and rationality.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "We may call those human acts and behaviour civilized that give evidence of this discriminative judgement, in a great measure." (14)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
3. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 8, Struggle & Progress
4. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress
6. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology
7. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Social Values & Cardinal Principles
8. Human Society - 1, Justice
9. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
10. Human Society - 1, Social Justice
11. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Birthright of the Microcosm
12. Human Society - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 1
13. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
14. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Welcome the new era of sadvipra samaj

"E gán thámibe ná,e dábi damibe ná'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4795)


By His auspicious blessing, this song of neo-humanism will not stop. The demand of establishing one human society will not be compromised. We are the followers of Parama Purusa; He is our Destination. We will march forward on that very effulgent path which Parama Purusa has shown us. In the mundane world we will take help of Prout. And we will establish one human society by His krpa’. The song of neo-humanism will not stop; it will go on and on. 

Since ages we have tolerated immense exploitation, injustices, humiliation, and the falsehood of various isms. Now, enough is enough. We can't tolerate it anymore. We will not allow this hell to continue any longer. Moralists of the world are getting united to raise those demons to the ground - to pulverize them. Till today, the demons have been intimidating and overpowering the moralists. Now, the righteous people are ready to destroy those devils.

In the eastern horizon the dawn is fast approaching and the cimmerian darkness of misery is fast fading away. After long reproaches, humiliation, and sufferings, ultimately the effulgent bliss is showering; we cannot bear any delay. We have to welcome the new era of sadvipra samaj. We all living beings are kith and kin, our Father is Parama Purusa and we belong to one family. The property of the universe is our collective property. Human society is one and  indivisible. This song of neo-humanism  will not stop by His grace. Parama Purusa Baba is with us...

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुम्हारी आभा सब जगह फैल रही है।

आकाशे आलोके भेसे जाय… (प्रभात संगीत 3287)


 हे परमपुरुष! तुम सर्वाधिक प्रिय हो, तुम्हारे महिमा और यश की कहानी आकाश में उड़ रही है। वह दुनिया के हर अणु में व्याप्त है। तुम्हारी आभा सब जगह फैल रही है।  हे चिर प्राचीनतम परमपुरुष तुम्हारी कहानी, भूलोक और द्युलोक में, भौतिक और आध्यत्मिक संसार में चमक रही है।

हे प्राचीनतम! तुम अलौकिक रूप से सदा नए हो। तुम सब के साथ आन्तरिक रूपसे उनके प्राणों के साथ जुड़े हो । हे,ज्ञान स्वरूप तुम हमेशा  भावना, और विचार में साथ रहते हो। यही कारण है कि मेरे हृदय की आकुलता केवल तुम्हारे प्रति ही है।

हे बाबा! तुम ब्रह्म प्रकाश के चमक से मेरे मन को रंग दो। मेरे ध्यान और चिंतन की गहराई में विराजमान रहो । कृपा कर मेरे हृदय के एक कोने में अपनी दिव्य वीणा बजाते रहो । बाबा! मुझे अनदेखा न करो ।  कृपा कर मुझे  धर्म के पथ पर चलने की प्रेरणा दो ।

बाबा! मेरे प्रभु! अपनी अहैतुकी कृपा की वर्षा करो, मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में समर्पित हॅूं।

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©2017 Ananda Marga Universal Forum. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga Universal Forum content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga Universal Forum or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga Universal Forum shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga Universal Forum content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

This email contains three sections:
1. PS #4795: Welcome the new era of sadvipra samaj
2. Posting: Very famous but uncivilised
3. Links

Monday, August 28, 2017

Bad & good news: current affairs


Bad & good news: current affairs


Over the last few days in India, various newspapers printed false accusations about AMPS. Very quickly, those same newspapers retracted their stories, begged apology, and issued corrections.

Here is an overview of what transpired:

  1. Recently, one Indian pseudo guru, so-called guru, was incarcerated for ten years on a rape case. In retaliation against this judicial decision, the guru's supporters became violent.
  2. After the announcement of the judicial verdict, the supporters of that pseudo Indian guru engaged in violent action, arson, destruction, chaos, and looting. They destroyed and torched so many vehicles, and burned shops and houses. They even resorted to killing. All in all they created a situation of veritable mayhem. In this process, more than three dozen people were killed, and hundreds more injured. The local police could not control the situation, so the military had to be deployed.
  3. In reviewing the situation, many newspapers printed lengthy articles in which they cited the violent history of various religious groups. In that connection, the newspapers falsely implicated AMPS also.
  4. Seeing the false news printed against AMPS, margiis across the globe protested, wrote letters, and called publishers to express their discontent and outrage at the false allegations. After receiving all these communications, the newspaper editors accepted their mistakes and printed the corrections in their errata pages.
  5. Here below are a few of the newspaper cuttings related with this news. Section one below contains scans of the corrections which newspapers printed after hearing from outraged margiis. And section two is the entire news which these same newspapers had printed in the initial phase.


Good people are doing good things, but antisocial elements try to blame righteous people unnecessarily. That is what happened here. Please carefully go through the articles to properly to understand what has transpired, as this is not the last time such events will occur. In the future also, we are sure to see AMPS get falsely implicated. Those against Ananda Marga philosophy will blame us for wrongs we have not done. So we must always be alert. Where there is dharma, there is victory.

Ananda Vanii states, “History bears testimony that whenever a person states the absolute truth in any sphere of life, whether it be spiritual, social, economic or otherwise; sought clarification of doubts or protested against injustice and wrongs, the evil forces forthwith plotted against the person, administered poison, slandered and assaulted that person with rage, misused authority and mercilessly dealt blow after blow; but the blows boomeranged and ultimately the evil forces were annihilated by those very blows. Remember, by an unalterable decree of history, the evil forces are destined to meet their final doom.” (Ananda Vanii #41)

In Him,
Gurmiit Singh

Section one scans: Corrections

Here first they printed an article that shows how Shrii Shrii Anandamurti was falsely charged and that all said accusations against Ananda Marga were bogus.

Here is a front page article from 1978 showing how the Patna High Court acquitted Margam Guru of all charges.

In the following scan, the newspaper did a follow-up story and they intentionally did not mention or associate AMPS with this negative affair. This demonstrates they retracted their earlier story.

Screen Shot 2017-08-28 at 6.52.32 PM.png

In this next scan, the newspaper offered corrections for launching unjust accusations against AMPS, in Hindi.

Screen Shot 2017-08-28 at 6.53.41 PM.png

Section two scans: Negative News

Here below is the chief example how various newspapers published false allegations against AMPS.

== Section 2: Links ==

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©2017 Ananda Marga Universal Forum. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga Universal Forum content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga Universal Forum or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga Universal Forum shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga Universal Forum content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Why no lottery + 4 more


Why no lottery


Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "The habit of making wagers is extremely undesirable. You must avoid lotteries and gambling." (1)

Internet scams: telling users that they won the lottery but first they must pay a particular fee or charge in order to collect their winnings. Dominated by greed, people fall prey to the scam.

- Another scam related with lotteries is that there are fake agencies that proclaim to have a system to pick the winning number for you. Here again, due to greed, people fall prey to this.

- Those who are struggling economically often gamble away money that should have been used to buy food and clothing for the family, or pay rent etc. So state-supported gambling and lotteries often increase the financial woes of economically-poor families.

- Gambling also gives way to alcohol and drug abuse.

- In societies where gambling is legal and lotteries are in vogue, people tend to indulge in get-rich-quick scams and rely less on working hard and proper money management.

- The dollar amount spent by the government to help poor families who lost money in lotteries and gambling is more than the income the state received from gaming (gambling and lotteries).

- All in all, there are many social ills and woes associated with lotteries: Drugs, poverty, alcoholism, lethargy, financial debt, etc. There are two addendums to this posting that highlight the social ills related with lotteries and gambling - see links section below.


Here is the way overcome the negative tendencies of mind related with the sadripus, or six internal enemies, like greed:

(1) Do not encourage avarice; do not let the mind indulge in that way. About this one must be strict - do not loosen the reins. These six enemies like greed should be controlled, harnessed, and not allowed to run free.

(2) One cannot treat is by external pressure or by force, otherwise the person will react negatively. For instance, if laws are put in place that do not allow people to have money, then one of two things will result. Those greedy for money will either get it secretly, or if they are truly suppressed by that law then some other negative tendency of mind will crop up, like  indulgence, anger etc. So this problem of greed must be addressed from within.

(3) One should channelise or goad the mind in a positive direction. That greedy attraction for money should be directed toward artistic endeavours or social service projects etc. By goading the mind away from greed and toward a productive engagement, then little by little one will gain control over that propensity of greed.

(4) Sadhana and related psycho-spiritual practices are the excellent ways to free the mind from greed.

Ananda Marga Philosophy says, "Those who are fascinated or tempted by an object can gradually rid themselves of the mental pollution arising from their selfish motives by adopting just the reverse course. Those who are very greedy for money should form the habit of charity and serve humanity through that practice." (2)

Baba has given us all - do's and don'ts - building a great human society. When He has told us not to engage in lotteries then we should pay heed to His order.

Baba says, "The habit of making wagers is extremely undesirable. You must avoid lotteries and gambling." (3)

Greed is part of avida maya, which is in the mind.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A temptation such as lobha (avarice) is a principle of avidyámáyá. It can only be overcome by reducing the influence of avidyámáyá through intuitional practice (sádhaná). One will never be able to keep away from temptation without overcoming the influence of avidyámáyá. This is possible only through progress in intuitional practice." (4)


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A person who is greedy for money becomes totally preoccupied with the thought of making money; ...." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The mind becomes so infatuated with its crude objects that ultimately it becomes converted into matter. It follows the path of negative pratisaincara." (6)

Sadguru says, "When the tendency towards acquisition in the physical world is extremely strong, people's tendency to assimilate spiritual or intellectual things is usually noticeably weaker. In that condition, their thirst for the material world becomes very intense." (7)

Ananda Marga social code states, “The habit of making wagers is extremely undesirable. You must avoid lotteries and gambling.” (8)

The overall idea is that when people look for material gain but do not achieve and instead lose what they have - as happens with those who gamble and play the lottery - then they become mentally disturbed: Frustrated, angry and depressed. In that imbalanced state of mind, they turn to all kinds of vices (tobacco, alcohol, drug, crime, etc) as a means of coping with their gambling problem.

at His lotus feet,

What is luck, fate

Some think that those who win the jackpot got that money out of nowhere. But that is not the case. There is no such thing as luck in this universe - everything is an incident. If anyone wins money by gambling or in the lottery, it is not due to luck but rather they are reaping their old samskaras. If they did not win the lottery, they would have received that same amount of money some other ways, in smaller amounts over time. So those who think that they got this money by luck or out of nowhere are incorrect. Past samskaras are the cause. That is Baba's teaching and this is how it goes.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Some persons wear different stones such as blue sapphires which change the mode of their experiencing the reactions. It is possible that by this one may get a fortune by winning a prize in a lottery or may get a promotion in one's employment. This makes people believe that all this has happened due to grahashánti, but it is actually not so. Fate, or the quantum of experiencing the consequences of one's actions, can neither be changed nor evaded. It was explained earlier that one's actions that give happiness to others will beget happiness to oneself to the same extent in mental measure. This quantum of experiencing happiness and pleasure cannot be changed. Only the time required for experiencing it can be increased or decreased. Taking again the example of the deposit of 150 rupees, we see that the money intended to be spent in a month at the rate of five rupees a day, can be spent in one day by shortening the period of expenditure and leaving nothing for the remaining twenty-nine days of the month. The change in fate brought about by grahashánti is similar to this. For instance, the one thousand rupees that one gets as a prize in a lottery due to the influence of the blue sapphire, is the person's own money scheduled to be received by him or her in small instalments over a long period of time. This money is received in one instalment, leaving no balance for the rest of the instalments. Yet getting a huge amount at once makes one believe that grahashánti, or the wearing of a blue sapphire, has changed one's fate." (9)

~ In-depth study ~

Greed will manifest itself through anger

Ananda Marga philosophy, “An intelligent or wise person should keep the Ripus under control and resist the Pashas. The ancient saints and sages did not prescribe any method for the resistance of the Ripus because the Ripus should be regulated. If a Ripu is resisted or suppressed, then the suppressed Ripus finds expression through another Ripu. Suppose in a person the instinct of greed is very strong. He is compelled to keep this instinct under control, under pressure of poverty. If a person who habitually takes bribes is found not taking bribes due to the enforcement department, then that suppressed instinct of greed will manifest itself through anger or any other Ripu. That is, he will burst into violent anger.” (10)

Ananda Marga philosophy, “So, the psychological approach to the Ripus is to keep them under control and not allow them under any circumstances to go against a recognized code of social conduct. Some persons may be very greedy for food. It is just possible that they may die prematurely due to over-eating or indulging in prohibited foods. Intelligent people will keep the instinct of greed under control in such a way that they avoid getting any disease. Take the case of an alcoholic. Under the spell of liquor people become helpless victims to their habit. If their channelize their addiction into the ardent love of music, painting or any of the fine arts, the instinct of addiction will be gratified to some extent, and they will prevent any further harm to themselves.” (11)

Know your internal enemies

As Baba explains, within the human mind there is avidya maya which is composed of two aspects: sadripus (6 internal enemies) , and astapashas (8 external fetters). The sadripus come from within and the astapashas are imposed by society.

Anger is one of the sadripus, which come from within. A baby does have anger as that is an in-born quality. This shows how the astapashas are imposed by society, whereas the sadripus are part of one's inherent mental make-up.

In total there are six internal enemies or sadripus: (1) kama (worldly lust); (2) krodha (anger); (3) lobha (avarice / greed); (4) mada (vanity; (5) moha (blind attachment); (6) matsarya (envy).

Difference of east and west

Here is one interesting side point as this is also related with the sadripus. One of the ripus is mada, meaning pride. In the eastern traditions, pride is not encouraged because how can one think about Parama Purusa if one has pride about oneself. Yet in the west, pride is looked upon as a very positive attribution. People are encouraged to be proud of what they have done. This runs directly contrary to the spiritual approach of tantra.

To study further please read and review Guru’s discourse, “Sin, Crime and Law” delivered 23 March 1986, Calcutta.

1. Caryacarya part 2, Society, pt #38
2. A Guide to Niyama Sadhana, Shaoca
3. Caryacarya part 2, Society, pt #38
4. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, Why Are People Afraid of Intuitional Practice?
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Cognitive Force and Psychic Practice
6. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Cognitive Force and Psychic Practice
7. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)
8. Caryacarya, part 2, Society, point #38
9. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?
10. Prout Nutshell-3, Sin, Crime and Law
11. Prout Nutshell-3, Sin, Crime and Law

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

I have decorated a seat for You in my Guru cakra

"Tumi eso ámár ghare kripá kare, vedii sájáyechi tomár tare ..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0589)

Note: Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a devotional vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.)


O' Parama Purusa, please come to my mental abode. I have decorated a seat for You in my Guru cakra. O’ Ever-Merciful Entity, in the hope of Your auspicious arrival, I have prepared a sweet, fragrant garland of malati flowers, lit the lamp of bhakti of clarified butter, and decorated it on candelabra for You.

Baba, my heart is saturated with the fragrance of psychic sandalwood, and filled it with the nectar of colourful flowers. I am meditating and anticipating Your loving arrival. My ears are ready and waiting with expectation for the sound of Your soft footsteps.  

O' Parama Purusa, my mind is not in my control; with the flow of this sweet breeze it is rushing towards You. Everything is vibrating in Your prema. Baba, O’ Bliss Personified Entity, please come and reside in my heart in Your most affectionate way...

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

पता लगाओ

“मान लो एक बहुत ही शक्तिशाली मनुष्य है, बहुत ही उनके पास शक्ति है, तो भी उनकी जय नहीं होगी | उनकी हार हो जाएगी, अगर उस इच्छा के साथ परमात्मा की इच्छा संयुक्त न हो | किन्तु तुम में इच्छा हो, चाहे न हो, परमात्मा में अगर इच्छा हो; तो उस इच्छा की जय हो जाएगी | तो, इच्छा की पूर्ति होने से इनसान को आनन्द मिलता है | तो इच्छा की पूर्ति के कारण अगर आनन्द तुम पाना चाहते हो, तो तुम पता लगाओ परमपुरुष की इच्छा क्या है ? उस इच्छा के अनुसार अपनी इच्छा बना दो | इच्छा की पूर्ति होगी |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. सर्वाजीवे-अमृतत्वमेति, Sarva’jiive-Amrtatvameti,NP,GD, Allahabad,may be 1/1/1968, Date unknown

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

ৰোঝানোর কাজ চলতেই থাকৰে

“সৎ ব্যষ্টি কি করৰে ? তার কাছে যে সু, তার সঙ্গে ৰেশি মেলামেশা করৰে | সেই ৰেশি মেলামেশা করাটাকে ৰলা হয় "সত্সঙ্গ" | তাতে নিজের লাভ হৰে | আর নিজের লাভের ফলে নিজে যখন ৰেশ এগিয়ে যাৰে, তখন তো সমাজসেবা পিছনে তোমার duty হৰে---অন্যকে ভাল করা | এবং সেই সময় তুমি চেষ্টা করৰে কি ? না, যে মানুষের মধ্যে যতটুকু প্রসুপ্ত শুভ-ভাব আছে, সেটাকে আরও জাগিয়ে দাও | আর তার ব্যক্ত বা প্রসুপ্ত অশুভ ভাবকে শেষ করে দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করো | এ ব্যাপারে psychological pressure দেৰে না | Persuasion করতে হয় | ৰুঝলেন না ? Force নয়, persuasion | ইংরেজিতে দুটো শব্দ আছে, কাছা-কাছি | যেমন একজন doctor, একজন রোগীকে প্রথমে কি করৰেন ? Persuasion করৰেন | তাতে কাজ না হলে, তখন force | Persuasion-টা হল, সমাজে, একটা ৰড় দুষ্ট, সমাজের ক্ষতি করছে | প্রথমে কি করৰে ? Persuasion | তাতে কাজ না হলে, force | Persuasion-এর ৰাংলা হল ৰুঝিয়ে-সুঝিয়ে সত্পথে আনা | তাতে কাজ না হল, তখন force apply করৰে | কেন apply করৰে ? না, তুমি যদি force apply না কর, তার দ্বারা সমাজের অনেক ক্ষতি হয়ে যাৰে, যে | সমাজকে ৰাঁচাৰার জন্যে এইটা তুমি করছ | কিন্তু তাকে force apply করে, সাময়িক ভাবে ভাল রাখা যায়; স্থায়ী ভাবে রাখা যায় না | তাই সাময়িক ভাবে force apply করে তাকে ভাল রাখৰে ৰটে, কিন্তু ৰোঝানোর কাজ চলতেই থাকৰে, চলতে থাকৰে | কারণ, তার ফলটা স্থায়ী হয় |” (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত, ৯ মার্চ ১৯৮০, কোলকাতা

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2. Posting: Why no lottery
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Monday, August 21, 2017

Health: moon harms + 3 more


Health: moon harms


The position of the moon has a strong effect on the aqueous portion of earth. The tides are produced by the moon’s pull on the oceans - and all bodies of water, leading to a rise in their levels. During certain extreme periods when the moon’s pull is stronger, it creates an adverse effect on human beings also . That is why as sadhakas, we fast during those times. Please read below for the full explanation.

Diagram #1: Fourth quarter moon

Here below is a diagram of the last quarter moon. The small tan / light brown ball above the earth is the moon, and the thin blue outer layer around the earth represents the surface water or oceans. As can be plainly seen, the water (thin blue layer) surrounding the earth is even all the way around. When the moon is in this position, it exerts a normal pull on the earth’s oceans etc.

So the above is a diagram of the last quarter moon, approximately 7th lunar day after the full moon. At this stage, the gravitational pull of the moon has a normal effect on the earth. That is why the water is even all around the earth; it is not bulging out in any direction.

When the moon is in the last quarter position it does not have strong capacity to pull the surface water of earth. Hence, the fluids of the human body are also normal. That is why we do not do fasting on this day, i.e. during the last quarter moon, i.e. the 7th lunar day after the full moon.

== Part 2 ==

Diagram 2: New moon, extreme pull, harmful

The next diagram depicts the new moon, i.e middle figure. At this stage, the moon is exerting its full negative influence on the earth’s surface. See below how the outer blue ring of the earth - i.e. the surface water - is bulging out at the sides. This is the result of the gravitational pull of the new moon.

Fasting without water to prevent the harm

The human body is 60% - 65% water and the fluid portion of the body gets pulled upwards from ekadashii to the new moon. This causes an adverse effect on the human body and mind. To combat this, the right preparation is fasting without water to prevent the body and mind from getting harmed by the moon’s strong pull.

After the last quarter moon, the situation gradually becomes more extreme as it transitions towards the new moon. Krsna ekdashii (the 11th day after the full moon) is the turning point. That denotes when the moon begins having an adverse effect on the earth. As Ananda Margiis, we fast on ekadashii to face the negative period that culminates with the new moon. 

During the period of ekadashii, and during the new and full moons, the gravitational effect of the moon impairs the functioning of the human body by drawing the gas and liquid upwards causing the bodily fluid to rise and create pressure in the chest and head. This wreaks havoc in the physical and mental spheres. And this peaks in and around the periods of the new and full moon, beginning with the two respective ekádashiis - they are the most crucial days.


Fasting is an important practice for any sadhaka and this letter demonstrates how fasting on ekadashii, new & full moon counteracts the ill effects of the gravitational effect of moon on the human body and mind.

in Him,
Bhakti & Sudhakar

~ In-depth study ~

A few important points
  • Since the period of the two ekadashiis mark the beginning of this negative period, it is more imperative to fast on the two ekadashii days than on purnima and amavasya. That is why ekadashii fasting is required for all family margiis and Wts. Of next importance is fasting on both purnima and amavasya. So doing upavasa on purnima and amavasysa is mandatory for Wts, but not for family margiis. Though family margiis may fast those days as well if they wish.
  • Sadguru Baba guides us that the periods in and around the new moon and full moon affect the tides of the earth and pull the bodily fluids up to the head and chest. This causes physical and mental ailments and disrupts sádhaná.
  • This letter explains the importance of fasting on ekadashii. Upavasa loosely means fasting. The real meaning of upavasa is fasting with the ideation that one is living with or under the shelter of Parama Purusa.
  • Sadguru Baba guides us that the periods in and around the new moon and full moon affect the tides of the earth and pull the bodily fluids up to the head and chest. This causes physical and mental ailments and disrupts sádhaná.
  • In this posting we concentrated primarily on the need for fasting after last quarter of the lunar cycle. 11 days after the full moon and 3 days before the new moon is krsna ekádashiii.
  • Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, ”On and around the times of new and full moon, one may observe that the gaseous and aqueous factors in the body rise up into the head and chest, creating an uncomfortable feeling. Therefore, if a person does not take food at these times, these factors will be drawn down from the higher portions of the body to the lower portions, thereby alleviating the uncomfortable feeling.” (1)

Law and order: rise in violent crime when the moon

~ Courtesy of Wikipedia ~

“Senior police officers in Brighton, UK announced in June 2007 that they were planning to deploy more officers over the summer to counter trouble they believe is linked to the lunar cycle. This followed research by the Sussex Police force that concluded there was a rise in violent crime when the moon was full. A spokeswoman for the police force said "research carried out by us has shown a correlation between violent incidents and full moons". A police officer responsible for the research told the BBC that "From my experience of 19 years of being a police officer, undoubtedly on full moons we do seem to get people with sort of strange behavior - more fractious, argumentative. Police in Ohio and Kentucky have blamed temporary rises in crime on the full moon. In January 2008, New Zealand's Justice Minister Annette King suggested that a spate of stabbings in the country could have been caused by the lunar cycle.” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

Death of the patient through blood loss

~ Courtesy of Wikipedia ~

"It is sometimes claimed that surgeons used to refuse to operate on the full moon because of the increased risk of death of the patient through blood loss. One study, in Barcelona, Spain, found a statistically significant correlation between lunar phase and hospital admissions due to gastrointestinal bleeding.” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

Why Ocean's Tides?

~ Courtesy of MoonConnection ~

The alternating pattern of rising and falling sea level with respect to land is what we know as the tides. What causes this "motion of the ocean"? In one word, gravity. Specifically, the gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon.

The key to understanding how the tides work is understanding the relationship between the motion of our planet and the Moon and Sun. As the Earth spins on its own axis, ocean water is kept at equal levels around the planet by the Earth's gravity pulling inward and centrifugal force pushing outward.

However, the Moon's gravitational forces are strong enough to disrupt this balance by accelerating the water towards the Moon. This causes the water to 'bulge.' As the Moon orbits our planet and as the Earth rotates, the bulge also moves. The areas of the Earth where the bulging occurs experience high tide, and the other areas are subject to a low tide.

Water on the opposite side of Earth facing away from the Moon also bulges outward (high tide), but for a different and interesting reason: in reality, the Moon and the Earth revolve together around a common gravitational center between them, or center of mass. Here's a rough but helpful analogy: picture yourself swinging a heavy object attached to a rope around your body as you rotate. You have to lean back to compensate, which puts the center of mass between you and the object. With the Earth-Moon system, gravity is like a rope that pulls or keeps the two bodies together, and centrifugal force is what keeps them apart. Because the centrifugal force is greater than the Moon's gravitational pull, ocean water on the opposite side of the Earth bulges outward.

The same forces are at play as the Earth revolves around the Sun. The Sun's gravity pulls ocean water toward the Sun, but at the same time, the centrifugal force of the combined Earth-Sun revolution causes water on the opposite side of Earth to bulge away from the Sun. However, the effect is smaller than the Moon, even given the greater mass of the Sun (greater mass means greater gravitational force). Why? Simply because The Sun is so far away — over 380 times farther away from the Earth than the Moon. (Courtesy of MoonConnection(dot)com)

Gravitational forces can increase

~ Courtesy of MoonConnection(dot)com ~

Because the tides are influenced by both the Moon and the Sun, it's easy to see that when the Sun lines up with the Moon and the Earth, as during a New Moon or Full Moon (a configuration also called "syzygy"), the tidal effect is increased. These are known as spring tides, named not for the season, but for the fact that the water "springs" higher than normal.

On the other hand, if the Sun and the Moon are 90 degrees apart in relation to an observer on Earth as during the First Quarter Moon or Third Quarter Moon (sometimes called half moons), then high tides are not as high as they normally would be. This is because despite its greater distance, the Sun's mass allows it to exert enough gravitational force on the oceans that it can negate some of the effects of the Moon's pull. This phenomenon of lower high tides is called a neap tide.

The height of the tides can also vary during the course of a month because the Moon is not always the same distance from the Earth. As the Moon's orbit brings it in closer proximity to our planet (closest distance within a moon cycle is called perigee), its gravitational forces can increase by almost 50%, and this stronger force leads to high tides. (Courtesy of MoonConnection(dot)com)

How to remedy nasty effect of the moon

Up till now we have seen how and why the positioning of the moon during certain days has an adverse effect on the body. What then is the way to counteract this harmful effect?

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, fasting on those days -  shukla ekadashii leading to the full moon (púrn’imá) and krsna ekadashii leading to the new moon (amávasyá) - alleviates the adverse effects of the moon’s pull and helps in sádhaná as well. By doing a dry fast - i.e. not ingesting any fluids - the adverse effect of the moon on the body is neutralised.

Because not only is the moon pulling the surface water of the earth, it is also drawing the internal fluids of the various creatures of this earth - including humans. The bodily fluids are being pulled upwards and that has an adverse affect on the human structure and mind. That is why fasting is also favourable during the new and full moon.

1. Caryacarya - 3, Procedure for Fasting

Diagram #1

Diagram #1: (both above & below)
First Quarter Moon: no capacity to pull the surface water of earth

Here above and down below is a diagram of the first quarter moon, or day 7 of the lunar month - it is four days before the ekadashii (11th day). At this stage, the gravitational pull of the moon has no effect on the earth. In the below diagram the position of the moon is at six o’clock, or straight down from the earth. The moon is the brown sphere. The earth is the blue ball in the center. The spokes of the blue ball represent the solid portions of the earth and thin blue outer layer represents the surface water or oceans.

So here below is the diagram of the first quarter moon, or day 7 of the lunar month:
(a) The position of the moon is at six o’clock, or straight down from the earth.
(b) The moon is the brown sphere; and the earth is the blue ball in the center.
(c) The water (i.e. light blue layer) is even all around the earth - it is not bulging out due to the gravitational pull of the moon.

Diagram #1

Diagram #2: (below)
Ekadashii: 11th Day Moon has huge effect on the earth

The next diagram depicts the moon in shukla ekadashii, i.e. the ekadashii just prior to the full moon. At this stage, the moon is exerting a tremendous influence on the earth’s surface. See below how the outer blue ring of the earth - i.e. the surface water - is bulging out at the sides.

Here below is the diagram of  the ekadashii position.
(a) The position of the moon is in between 4 and 5 o’clock.
(b) The moon is brown in color. The earth is the dark blue ball in the center.
At this point, all the water (i.e. the light blue layer) around the earth - i.e. the surface water - is bulging out at the sides due to the moon's gravitational pull. And this creates a negative effect on our body and mind.

Diagram #2

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Our basic food categories

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Every object of the world is dominated by one of the three principles – sentient, mutative, and static. Food is no exception, and according to its intrinsic nature, is divided into the same three categories."

"Sentient food: Food which produces sentient cells and is thus conducive to physical and mental well-being is sentient. Examples of sentient food are rice, wheat, barley, all kinds of pulses, fruit, milk and milk products."

"Mutative food: Food which is good for the body and may or may not be good for the mind, but certainly not harmful for the mind, is mutative."

"Static food: Food which is harmful for the mind and may or may not be good for the body is static. Onion, garlic, wine, stale and rotten food, meat of large animals such as cows and buffaloes, fish, eggs, etc., are static." (1)

1. Yoga Psychology, Food, Cells, Physical and Mental Development

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Why under the dark veil of the iron curtain

Ananda Marga philosophy: "Question – Why is everything in the communist countries done under the dark veil of the iron curtain?"

"Answer – Because they are conscious of the inherent defects and loopholes in their system and they do not want the world to know what they are doing." (1)

Note: A similar thing is going on in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha these days. To hide their hypocrisy group leaders do like this.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 4, Question #12

== Section 4: Links ==
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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Health: moon harms
2. IT: Our basic food categories
3. IT: Why under the dark veil of the iron curtain
4. Links

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Prout solution of desertification + 4 more


Prout solution of desertification


There is a limited supply of underground water. Around the globe, people are using underground water for drinking and irrigation by using pumps etc. Using underground water for drinking is ok, but it is extremely harmful to use underground water for irrigation purposes.

Due to a lack of proper knowledge, serious problems are cropping up around the globe. Our duty is to follow Baba’s guidelines and educate others. To overlook the problem is cataclysmic.

Deep well irrigation creates desert

Because of deep well irrigation, the water table is dropping. Plants and trees become dry and brittle. Extreme dryness invites fires. The vegetation gets destroyed. Without trees, there is no more rain. This brings drought which then leads to starvation, and ultimately death.

This is the eventual outcome wherever groundwater irrigation is in vogue.

So then what is the answer? How to irrigate? Rain water should be collected in ponds and reservoirs and used locally. That will solve the problem and offer an environmentally sound, renewable resource for our water needs, most critically, irrigation.

Prout philosophy states: ”Question – What are the drawbacks of well irrigation?”

“Answer – Well irrigation causes the level of the water table to go down until the subterranean flow of water eventually dries up. Shortages of water due to well irrigation are not easily perceptible.” (1)

And eventually becomes infertile

Prout philosophy states:
"The negative effects of well irrigation include the following:”

“(1) All neighbouring shallow wells dry up creating the problem of the lack of drinking water.”

“(2) Trees, orchards and large plants don’t get sufficient water so they may wither and die. Green countryside will become a desert after 30 to 45 years of intensive well irrigation.”

“(3) In some deep tube wells elements or minerals which are harmful to the soil get mixed with the water, causing salinity, for example. As a result the land becomes unfit for cultivation and eventually becomes infertile.”

“(4) When the flow of well-water stops, irrigation tanks supplied by these wells also dry up.”

“Thus, well irrigation should be used only as a temporary measure because of the devastating effects it can have on the surrounding environment. Alternative methods of irrigation are river irrigation, irrigation from reservoirs, shift irrigation and lift irrigation.” (2)

When all the trees of an area are chopped down, then rain clouds stop forming in that area. With the reduction and ultimately elimination of rain, the whole area turns into a desert. That is what has happened in southern Rajasthan (India).

Another pathway towards desertification occurs when deep well irrigation is not banned. Because these deep wells lower the level of the water table. In turn, trees suffer from a lack of water and begin to die. As the trees are wiped out, less rain clouds are drawn to the region. This vicious cycle escalates: Less rain -> deeper and deeper wells are dug -> due to lack of rain dust forms and ultimately the entire region becomes a desert. Overall deep well irrigation also causes the soil to be more saline (salty).

If any green fertile region does not get any rain for several years then it will become a desert.


This is not well known science - deep well irrigation creates so many problems. It ruins the soil, region, and environment, and good land becomes a desert. That is why Prout policy is that well irrigation should be completely banned and rain water should be collected for agricultural purpose.

in Him,
Manas Ranjan

California: well failures almost quadruple since 2014

~ Courtesy of the New Yorker ~
Peter Gleick, the chief scientist at the Oakland-based Pacific Institute, told me that one year of heavy precipitation, even a record-breaking one, will not undo the most serious repercussion of the drought: a severe deficit of groundwater. For years, Central Valley farmers have drawn liberally from the region’s aquifers to compensate for reduced supplies from canals and aqueducts. When a large enough volume of groundwater is pumped away, the land can slump like a punctured air mattress. Areas along the valley’s western edge have sunk by nearly thirty feet since the nineteen-twenties, and in some places the local infrastructure—roads, bridges, even the California Aqueduct itself—is at risk. Farmers and municipalities have responded by digging deeper wells, but such measures seem to be prolonging the inevitable. In Tulare County, south of Fresno, where groundwater overdraft has been particularly severe, the number of reported well failures has continued to climb, almost quadrupling since 2014, in spite of last year’s above-average precipitation and this year’s deluge. (Courtesy of The New Yorker)

In the above photo, see the desertification that has taken place. Twenty years ago this whole area was a lush, highly vegetated region and and now it turning fast into a desert.

1. Prout in a Nutshell – 14, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 3
2. Prout in a Nutshell – 14, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 3

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Way to gauge true sadhaka

True sadhakas serve others thinking it is their duty to serve one and all; and in return they do not want anything. Verily they do not have even have a remote desire for anything in return. They think those whom they are serving are Narayana God Himself. In contrast, fake sadhakas are opposite. You might have seen in various discussions and gatherings and how such persons come before all and tell, “I have done this and I have done that.” From others they mentally harbour great appreciation and respect for their so-called service. So these are fakes. To make it more clear please read Baba’s following teaching.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Bear in mind that you have a duty towards others, but that no one has any duty towards you. Everyone’s individual duty is fixed. Only one who move forward with this as his or her only thought can do proper service. Otherwise the thought may remain in the mind of the one doing service that I have done such and such work for that person, so that person ought to do such and such for me. The thought must remain in the mind of the one doing service that I have a duty towards others but no one has any duty towards me.” (1)

Note: Here sadhaka means everyone who is doing sadhana - whether they be a margii or Wt, everyone from PP Dada to a newly initiated margii.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Source of Internal Stamina

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

हठयोग क्या है?

 “ईश्वरतत्त्व-विहीन, भक्ति-विहीन योग, इसको लोग संस्कृत में कहते हैं---हठयोग | हठयोग मानवता के लिए लाभदायक नहीं है, हानिकारक है | "ह" माने है "सूर्य-बीज" | और, "ठ" माने है "चन्द्र-बीज" | अर्थात्‌ सूर्य-नाड़ी और चन्द्र-नाड़ी | अर्थात्‌ इडा-नाड़ी और पिङ्गला-नाड़ी को ज़बरदस्ती रोध कर लिया, तो, वह हुआ ह-ठ योग | "ह" को "ठ" के साथ ज़बरदस्ती मिलाकर रुद्ध कर दिया, तो---हठयोग | शक्ति-प्रयोग के द्वारा अचानक जो होता है, उसको हठयोग कहते हैं | हठ से जो काम होता है, हम लोग संस्कृत में उसको "हठात्‌" बोलते हैं | "हठात्‌ हो गया"---माने "ह" और "ठ" से हो गया, ज़बरदस्ती हो गया; हमारा हाथ नहीं था | “हठात्‌” बोलते हैं न, हम लोग अचानक को ? हाँ | तो, हठेन---हठेन कुरुते कर्म | वह कभी मुक्त नहीं हो सकता है, जो हठ से काम करता  है | हम लोग निन्दा करते हैं, हठकारिता की  | हठकारिता की निन्दा की जाती है |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  (1)

1. GD 13 September 1978 Patna

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

About the transitional phase

“Human history today has reached such a transitional phase that universal humanity, forgetting all spatial, temporal and personal differences, shall have to move, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder towards the new dawn with rapid steps. Humanity must respond to this call. With the reddish glow of the dawn, the collective body, mind and soul will be radiant with joy. And that alone will be the real progress of universal humanity, the firm establishment of unified humanism.” (Ananda Vanii #61)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section 3: Links ==

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1. IT: Prout solution of desertification
2. IT: Way to gauge true sadhaka
3. Links