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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Making child namby-pamby


Making child namby-pamby


We see fear vrtti imposed on the minds of our youths through various festivals as well as through the Hollywood movies, scary stories, television programs, video games, Disney's Ghost House, and haunted houses etc.

Here we should understand that the imposition of fear also comes directly from family members; and this can haunt a child their entire life.

What people do not realise is that when they impose a fear complex on a child, then they are multiplying the fear vrtti itself.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The human propensities that operate in the mundane sphere are five in number: áhár [food], nidrá [sleep], bhaya [fear], maethuna [begetting progeny] and dharma sádhaná [spiritual practice].... The peculiar nature of these five propensities is this: if they are given indulgence, they increase." (1)

Thus, by encouraging fear in the young child, then that very fear vrtti gets stimulated and can consume a child's entire existence. It will crop up in all kinds of ways, in countless situations. Because already on a regular basis the child is disciplined via the imposition of a fear complex. As that complex gets reinforced again and again, it takes up permanent residence in the mind of the child - and grows. It erodes the child's existence in all aspect of life.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The small babe did not want to drink the milk. So in order to get the baby to drink the milk, the family members said, "Look, a “ghost” is on the palm tree - it will come and get you if you do not drink your milk." So you drank the milk out of fear of being caught by the "ghost." After many years, when you were no longer two, but became twenty-two years of age, that mental ghost still existed in your mind. From time to time in your dreams you will still see that "ghost." In consequence, while remaining in a lonely place your heart will become startled and frozen due to fear of that "ghost." (2)

The child fearfully thinks, "I can't do that", "If I turn my back I will be attacked”, "Ghosts will get me", "I will be swallowed up in the darkness", "Making a class presentation is too scary", "I cannot go to that job interview", etc etc. The child will literally be stricken with fear in all kinds of situations - from the fear of the dark to the fear of the unknown.

It is just like if a banyan tree is allowed to grow inside the courtyard of a mansion, then one day that tree will become so huge it will destroy the mansion itself. Same is the case with harmful vrttis like fear. If encouraged and given scope to grow, they will devour the entire human personality.

The end result is that instead of raising a fearless child that is ready to stand up to all kinds of difficulties, one raises a coward that is scared - nay terrified - in every aspect and encounter of life.

Curing those children

Here is the method for raising a healthy, brave child. We have to cure those children who are suffering from fear complexes. The best way is to read Baba's short stories. He has graciously written various so-called ghost stories where those ghosts are friendly and helpful. Sometimes the so-called ghost sweetly drapes a mosquito net over a sleeping person so that they will be more comfortable. Or the so-called ghost will bring a glass of water or offer shelter to a needy person. Basically, in so many of His stories, so-called ghosts and other creatures are quite friendly and philanthropic. This helps create a healthy mindset wherein one will not fall prey to dogmatic fears about so-called ghosts. Today's filmmakers and story writers should also follow this path. This is a method for curing those children suffering from fear complexes.

Self created imaginary ghost

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You are the witnessing entity, you are the seer of the ghost, and a certain compartment of your mind went outside as an external projection and took the form of the ghost, that is, the very structure of the ghost is ectoplasmic in nature and that ectoplasm came from your source. You are the creator of that ghost. Actually there is no ghost. But you will see many a respectable man who will say, “Yes, I have seen it! Yes, I have seen it!” He is not incorrect in saying this. He saw it, but the ghost was of his creation. It was an outer or external objective reflection, or external objective projection, or external positive hallucination." (3)

Physical fear vs. psychic fear

The fear that grips animals is physical fear, not psychic fear. They do not suffer from nightmares or hallucinations, nor are they fearful about what will happen tomorrow etc. They are fearful for their life when confronted by predators etc. That is their fear.

Humans also have fears as survival instincts. When confronted physically dangerous situations, they think "I am too scared to jump off of this bridge"; "I am scared and do not want to grab the snake; "I am too scared to walk into the fire." These types of physical fears are inborn and related with our very existence - our very survival. Such as if an elephant is running towards you then you will run away to save your life.

But, unlike animals, humans also suffer from a multitude of psychic fears that are imposed. These fears do not protect one's existence but rather hinder one's progress. That is why imposed fears are a bondage as they shackle the psyche. Such fears include the fear of ghosts, goblins, fear of the future, fear of losing friends, fear of failure etc. People suffer from so many psychic fears that are imposed. And that is what this entire letter is about.

Solution: creating a fearless child

Baba has graciously given us pathways for creating and cultivating a fearless mindset. We must not pollute the minds of children by injecting fear sentiments.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is important that lullabies should convey the inspiration to develop heroism and knowledge, but there should be no frightening ideas in them." (4)

Thus our stories, films, festivals, disciplinary tactics, tales, holidays should be completely devoid of scary thoughts and images. Children should feel safe, secure, and loved - never burdened by any imposed or false fear.


We should completely refrain from introducing false fears into the mindset of our children. Thus we must re-evaluate occasions like Halloween and other fear-based festivals, and we must be vigilant not to let our children be adversely affected by the entertainment industry which makes billions of dollars by scaring children and turning them into cowards etc. Also of importance is that we must ensure that our children are never exposed to fear tactics as a form of discipline. With the gift of a safe and happy childhood, that young one will grow up and live a courageous and dharmic life.

After all, in Ananda Marga, we know that ghosts don't exist; they are not real. Only those who are dogmatic give credence to the existence of ghosts.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "One must move along the path of satya and one must have satya as one’s only desideratum. And this is the only path, this is the path of fearlessness; that is, there is no fear in it, nothing to be afraid of." (5)

In Him,
Sudha’ Dhara’

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Bhaya (fear), lajjá (shame), ghrńá (hatred), shauṋká (doubt), kula (high descent), shiila (complex of culture), mána (vanity) and jugupsá (backbiting) are the eight fetters...Aśt́apásha means the eight fetters. Anyone bound by fetters will lose his or her capacity of movement. In the creation we find the movement of human beings is from the crude to the subtle. That is, human beings have to move towards the subtle, but by their leaning towards the eight fetters such as lajjá, bhaya, and ghrńá, they get absorbed in crude things only and their progress towards the subtle is stopped.” (6)

Others letters also discuss fears and a link is below.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 16)
2. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 17, Existential Flow & Its Culminating Point. This section NP.
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam-12, Select Your Object Very Carefully
4. Prout in a Nutshell-10, The Practice of Art and Literature
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, The Supreme Abode of Satya
6. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

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