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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Why no lottery + 4 more


Why no lottery


Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "The habit of making wagers is extremely undesirable. You must avoid lotteries and gambling." (1)

Internet scams: telling users that they won the lottery but first they must pay a particular fee or charge in order to collect their winnings. Dominated by greed, people fall prey to the scam.

- Another scam related with lotteries is that there are fake agencies that proclaim to have a system to pick the winning number for you. Here again, due to greed, people fall prey to this.

- Those who are struggling economically often gamble away money that should have been used to buy food and clothing for the family, or pay rent etc. So state-supported gambling and lotteries often increase the financial woes of economically-poor families.

- Gambling also gives way to alcohol and drug abuse.

- In societies where gambling is legal and lotteries are in vogue, people tend to indulge in get-rich-quick scams and rely less on working hard and proper money management.

- The dollar amount spent by the government to help poor families who lost money in lotteries and gambling is more than the income the state received from gaming (gambling and lotteries).

- All in all, there are many social ills and woes associated with lotteries: Drugs, poverty, alcoholism, lethargy, financial debt, etc. There are two addendums to this posting that highlight the social ills related with lotteries and gambling - see links section below.


Here is the way overcome the negative tendencies of mind related with the sadripus, or six internal enemies, like greed:

(1) Do not encourage avarice; do not let the mind indulge in that way. About this one must be strict - do not loosen the reins. These six enemies like greed should be controlled, harnessed, and not allowed to run free.

(2) One cannot treat is by external pressure or by force, otherwise the person will react negatively. For instance, if laws are put in place that do not allow people to have money, then one of two things will result. Those greedy for money will either get it secretly, or if they are truly suppressed by that law then some other negative tendency of mind will crop up, like  indulgence, anger etc. So this problem of greed must be addressed from within.

(3) One should channelise or goad the mind in a positive direction. That greedy attraction for money should be directed toward artistic endeavours or social service projects etc. By goading the mind away from greed and toward a productive engagement, then little by little one will gain control over that propensity of greed.

(4) Sadhana and related psycho-spiritual practices are the excellent ways to free the mind from greed.

Ananda Marga Philosophy says, "Those who are fascinated or tempted by an object can gradually rid themselves of the mental pollution arising from their selfish motives by adopting just the reverse course. Those who are very greedy for money should form the habit of charity and serve humanity through that practice." (2)

Baba has given us all - do's and don'ts - building a great human society. When He has told us not to engage in lotteries then we should pay heed to His order.

Baba says, "The habit of making wagers is extremely undesirable. You must avoid lotteries and gambling." (3)

Greed is part of avida maya, which is in the mind.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A temptation such as lobha (avarice) is a principle of avidyámáyá. It can only be overcome by reducing the influence of avidyámáyá through intuitional practice (sádhaná). One will never be able to keep away from temptation without overcoming the influence of avidyámáyá. This is possible only through progress in intuitional practice." (4)


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A person who is greedy for money becomes totally preoccupied with the thought of making money; ...." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The mind becomes so infatuated with its crude objects that ultimately it becomes converted into matter. It follows the path of negative pratisaincara." (6)

Sadguru says, "When the tendency towards acquisition in the physical world is extremely strong, people's tendency to assimilate spiritual or intellectual things is usually noticeably weaker. In that condition, their thirst for the material world becomes very intense." (7)

Ananda Marga social code states, “The habit of making wagers is extremely undesirable. You must avoid lotteries and gambling.” (8)

The overall idea is that when people look for material gain but do not achieve and instead lose what they have - as happens with those who gamble and play the lottery - then they become mentally disturbed: Frustrated, angry and depressed. In that imbalanced state of mind, they turn to all kinds of vices (tobacco, alcohol, drug, crime, etc) as a means of coping with their gambling problem.

at His lotus feet,

What is luck, fate

Some think that those who win the jackpot got that money out of nowhere. But that is not the case. There is no such thing as luck in this universe - everything is an incident. If anyone wins money by gambling or in the lottery, it is not due to luck but rather they are reaping their old samskaras. If they did not win the lottery, they would have received that same amount of money some other ways, in smaller amounts over time. So those who think that they got this money by luck or out of nowhere are incorrect. Past samskaras are the cause. That is Baba's teaching and this is how it goes.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Some persons wear different stones such as blue sapphires which change the mode of their experiencing the reactions. It is possible that by this one may get a fortune by winning a prize in a lottery or may get a promotion in one's employment. This makes people believe that all this has happened due to grahashánti, but it is actually not so. Fate, or the quantum of experiencing the consequences of one's actions, can neither be changed nor evaded. It was explained earlier that one's actions that give happiness to others will beget happiness to oneself to the same extent in mental measure. This quantum of experiencing happiness and pleasure cannot be changed. Only the time required for experiencing it can be increased or decreased. Taking again the example of the deposit of 150 rupees, we see that the money intended to be spent in a month at the rate of five rupees a day, can be spent in one day by shortening the period of expenditure and leaving nothing for the remaining twenty-nine days of the month. The change in fate brought about by grahashánti is similar to this. For instance, the one thousand rupees that one gets as a prize in a lottery due to the influence of the blue sapphire, is the person's own money scheduled to be received by him or her in small instalments over a long period of time. This money is received in one instalment, leaving no balance for the rest of the instalments. Yet getting a huge amount at once makes one believe that grahashánti, or the wearing of a blue sapphire, has changed one's fate." (9)

~ In-depth study ~

Greed will manifest itself through anger

Ananda Marga philosophy, “An intelligent or wise person should keep the Ripus under control and resist the Pashas. The ancient saints and sages did not prescribe any method for the resistance of the Ripus because the Ripus should be regulated. If a Ripu is resisted or suppressed, then the suppressed Ripus finds expression through another Ripu. Suppose in a person the instinct of greed is very strong. He is compelled to keep this instinct under control, under pressure of poverty. If a person who habitually takes bribes is found not taking bribes due to the enforcement department, then that suppressed instinct of greed will manifest itself through anger or any other Ripu. That is, he will burst into violent anger.” (10)

Ananda Marga philosophy, “So, the psychological approach to the Ripus is to keep them under control and not allow them under any circumstances to go against a recognized code of social conduct. Some persons may be very greedy for food. It is just possible that they may die prematurely due to over-eating or indulging in prohibited foods. Intelligent people will keep the instinct of greed under control in such a way that they avoid getting any disease. Take the case of an alcoholic. Under the spell of liquor people become helpless victims to their habit. If their channelize their addiction into the ardent love of music, painting or any of the fine arts, the instinct of addiction will be gratified to some extent, and they will prevent any further harm to themselves.” (11)

Know your internal enemies

As Baba explains, within the human mind there is avidya maya which is composed of two aspects: sadripus (6 internal enemies) , and astapashas (8 external fetters). The sadripus come from within and the astapashas are imposed by society.

Anger is one of the sadripus, which come from within. A baby does have anger as that is an in-born quality. This shows how the astapashas are imposed by society, whereas the sadripus are part of one's inherent mental make-up.

In total there are six internal enemies or sadripus: (1) kama (worldly lust); (2) krodha (anger); (3) lobha (avarice / greed); (4) mada (vanity; (5) moha (blind attachment); (6) matsarya (envy).

Difference of east and west

Here is one interesting side point as this is also related with the sadripus. One of the ripus is mada, meaning pride. In the eastern traditions, pride is not encouraged because how can one think about Parama Purusa if one has pride about oneself. Yet in the west, pride is looked upon as a very positive attribution. People are encouraged to be proud of what they have done. This runs directly contrary to the spiritual approach of tantra.

To study further please read and review Guru’s discourse, “Sin, Crime and Law” delivered 23 March 1986, Calcutta.

1. Caryacarya part 2, Society, pt #38
2. A Guide to Niyama Sadhana, Shaoca
3. Caryacarya part 2, Society, pt #38
4. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, Why Are People Afraid of Intuitional Practice?
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Cognitive Force and Psychic Practice
6. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Cognitive Force and Psychic Practice
7. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)
8. Caryacarya, part 2, Society, point #38
9. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?
10. Prout Nutshell-3, Sin, Crime and Law
11. Prout Nutshell-3, Sin, Crime and Law

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

I have decorated a seat for You in my Guru cakra

"Tumi eso ámár ghare kripá kare, vedii sájáyechi tomár tare ..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0589)

Note: Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a devotional vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.)


O' Parama Purusa, please come to my mental abode. I have decorated a seat for You in my Guru cakra. O’ Ever-Merciful Entity, in the hope of Your auspicious arrival, I have prepared a sweet, fragrant garland of malati flowers, lit the lamp of bhakti of clarified butter, and decorated it on candelabra for You.

Baba, my heart is saturated with the fragrance of psychic sandalwood, and filled it with the nectar of colourful flowers. I am meditating and anticipating Your loving arrival. My ears are ready and waiting with expectation for the sound of Your soft footsteps.  

O' Parama Purusa, my mind is not in my control; with the flow of this sweet breeze it is rushing towards You. Everything is vibrating in Your prema. Baba, O’ Bliss Personified Entity, please come and reside in my heart in Your most affectionate way...

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

पता लगाओ

“मान लो एक बहुत ही शक्तिशाली मनुष्य है, बहुत ही उनके पास शक्ति है, तो भी उनकी जय नहीं होगी | उनकी हार हो जाएगी, अगर उस इच्छा के साथ परमात्मा की इच्छा संयुक्त न हो | किन्तु तुम में इच्छा हो, चाहे न हो, परमात्मा में अगर इच्छा हो; तो उस इच्छा की जय हो जाएगी | तो, इच्छा की पूर्ति होने से इनसान को आनन्द मिलता है | तो इच्छा की पूर्ति के कारण अगर आनन्द तुम पाना चाहते हो, तो तुम पता लगाओ परमपुरुष की इच्छा क्या है ? उस इच्छा के अनुसार अपनी इच्छा बना दो | इच्छा की पूर्ति होगी |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. सर्वाजीवे-अमृतत्वमेति, Sarva’jiive-Amrtatvameti,NP,GD, Allahabad,may be 1/1/1968, Date unknown

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

ৰোঝানোর কাজ চলতেই থাকৰে

“সৎ ব্যষ্টি কি করৰে ? তার কাছে যে সু, তার সঙ্গে ৰেশি মেলামেশা করৰে | সেই ৰেশি মেলামেশা করাটাকে ৰলা হয় "সত্সঙ্গ" | তাতে নিজের লাভ হৰে | আর নিজের লাভের ফলে নিজে যখন ৰেশ এগিয়ে যাৰে, তখন তো সমাজসেবা পিছনে তোমার duty হৰে---অন্যকে ভাল করা | এবং সেই সময় তুমি চেষ্টা করৰে কি ? না, যে মানুষের মধ্যে যতটুকু প্রসুপ্ত শুভ-ভাব আছে, সেটাকে আরও জাগিয়ে দাও | আর তার ব্যক্ত বা প্রসুপ্ত অশুভ ভাবকে শেষ করে দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করো | এ ব্যাপারে psychological pressure দেৰে না | Persuasion করতে হয় | ৰুঝলেন না ? Force নয়, persuasion | ইংরেজিতে দুটো শব্দ আছে, কাছা-কাছি | যেমন একজন doctor, একজন রোগীকে প্রথমে কি করৰেন ? Persuasion করৰেন | তাতে কাজ না হলে, তখন force | Persuasion-টা হল, সমাজে, একটা ৰড় দুষ্ট, সমাজের ক্ষতি করছে | প্রথমে কি করৰে ? Persuasion | তাতে কাজ না হলে, force | Persuasion-এর ৰাংলা হল ৰুঝিয়ে-সুঝিয়ে সত্পথে আনা | তাতে কাজ না হল, তখন force apply করৰে | কেন apply করৰে ? না, তুমি যদি force apply না কর, তার দ্বারা সমাজের অনেক ক্ষতি হয়ে যাৰে, যে | সমাজকে ৰাঁচাৰার জন্যে এইটা তুমি করছ | কিন্তু তাকে force apply করে, সাময়িক ভাবে ভাল রাখা যায়; স্থায়ী ভাবে রাখা যায় না | তাই সাময়িক ভাবে force apply করে তাকে ভাল রাখৰে ৰটে, কিন্তু ৰোঝানোর কাজ চলতেই থাকৰে, চলতে থাকৰে | কারণ, তার ফলটা স্থায়ী হয় |” (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত, ৯ মার্চ ১৯৮০, কোলকাতা

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This email contains three sections:
1. PS #0589: I have decorated a seat for You in my Guru cakra
2. Posting: Why no lottery
3. Links