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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

How to keep children safe


How to keep children safe


In our Ananda Marga, it is the duty of every person to care for and protect every child / babe. Yet nowadays, some Wts are allegedly mercilessly beating our children's home kids. And in some areas, these children are allegedly facing sexual abuse as well.

It is our duty to keep a vigilant eye and save those kids from any abuse or torture. We must watch for their well-being.

To this end, appended below, is one professional, proactive performa for how to communicate with children about this ever-important topic of abusive behaviour. This type of education is a key preemptive measure to safeguard our children.

First here are Baba’s teachings about our social responsibility to watch over all children, followed by the aforementioned performa / article.

Helpless children can only convey their pain and discomfort through tears

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Society must ensure that proper care is taken of human babies who are totally dependent on the care and protection of their parents for their existence. These helpless children can only convey their pain and discomfort through tears. To raise children from infancy to maturity is an immensely important task. I have said before that the members of society must advance in unison. The newborn babe is another traveller on the path. To adopt a child as our companion, as one included in the society, is called the “Játakarma” of the child." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those, who will be present on the occasion of the child’s Játakarma, must also indirectly have to bear the responsibility of bringing up the child. In other words it will not do to sit inactive saying that the direct responsibility in this connection is on its parents." (2)

Shall not forget his duty when he has once looked at the helpless face

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Every person must realize the duty which he owes direct to the babe in his family, and on which depends the developments of the child in all spheres. This duty may be demanded from every person by every child of the world. Hence, thinking in favour of family babes only will not suffice. Even if it were not possible for particular persons to discharge properly the duties towards each and every child of the world owing to crude worldly reasons, they must always be conscious of their duties towards children within their acquaintance. The oath taken on the occasion of Játakarma will reawaken the sense of that duty again and again. Any grown-up person or any father shall not forget his duty when he has once looked at the helpless face of the child. It does not end here.” (3)

Serving the child, shall be a part of Sádhaná

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In pursuance of the mantra of Játakarma in Ánanda Márga, a child has not simply been regarded as a child only but also a manifestation of Brahma in the child. So, serving the child, shall be a part of Sádhaná (Brahma-Sádhaná) to him. The credit for his services to the child will not create pride in him. The same feeling will recur in mind when the child is bathed with water consecrated with the mantra. The persons taking part in the function will think anew that the child is once again being bathed with their blessings and that they must take fatherly responsibility of the child." (4)


How Can I Protect My Child From Sexual Assault?

~ Courtesy of RAINN ~

Sexual abuse can happen to children of any race, socioeconomic group, religion or culture. There is no foolproof way to protect children from sexual abuse, but there are steps you can take to reduce this risk. If something happens to your child, remember that the perpetrator is to blame—not you and especially not the child. Below you’ll find some precautions you can take to help protect the children in your life.

If your child is in immediate danger, don’t hesitate to call the local police hotline or authorities. If you aren’t sure of the situation but you suspect the child is being harmed, you can take steps to gauge the situation and put an end to the abuse.

Be involved in the child’s life

Being actively involved in a child’s life can make warning signs of child sexual abuse more obvious and help the child feel more comfortable coming to you if something isn’t right. If you see or hear something that causes concern, you can take action to protect your child.

  • Show interest in their day-to-day lives. Ask them what they did during the day and who they did it with. Who did they sit with at lunchtime? What games did they play after school?
  • Get to know the people in your child’s life. Know who your child is spending time with, including other children and adults. Ask your child about the kids they go to school with, the parents of their friends, and other people they may encounter, such as teammates or coaches. Talk about these people openly and ask questions so that your child can feel comfortable doing the same.
  • Choose caregivers carefully. Whether it’s a babysitter, a new school, or an afterschool activity, be diligent about screening caregivers for your child.
  • Talk about the media. Incidents of sexual violence are frequently covered by the news and portrayed in television shows. Ask your child questions about this coverage to start a conversation. Questions like, “Have you ever heard of this happening before?” or “What would you do if you were in this situation?” can signal to your child that these are important issues that they can talk about with you. Learn more about talking to your kids about sexual assault.
  • Know the warning signs. Become familiar with the warning signs of child sexual abuse, and notice any changes with your child, no matter how small. Whether it’s happening to your child or a child you know, you have the potential to make a big difference in that person’s life by stepping in. (Courtesy of RAINN)

Encourage children to speak up

When someone knows that their voice will be heard and taken seriously, it gives them the courage to speak up when something isn’t right. You can start having these conversations with your children as soon as they begin using words to talk about feelings or emotions. Don’t worry if you haven't started conversations around these topics with your child—it is never too late.
  • Teach your child about boundaries. Let your child know that no one has the right to touch them or make them feel uncomfortable — this includes hugs from grandparents or even tickling from mom or dad. It is important to let your child know that their body is their own. Just as importantly, remind your child that they do not have the right to touch someone else if that person does not want to be touched.
  • Teach your child how to talk about their bodies. From an early age, teach your child the names of their body parts. [One can use discreet terminology for certain body parts and organs like “private parts”, “backside”, “front”, “top”, “bottom” etc. Of course for arm, foot, hand and mouth one may use the exact term. For teens one may use terms like “reproductive organs” and “mammary glands”]. Teaching a child these words gives them the ability to come to you when something is wrong. Learn more about talking to children about sexual assault.
  • Be available. Set time aside to spend with your child where they have your undivided attention. Let your child know that they can come to you if they have questions or if someone is talking to them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. If they do come to you with questions or concerns, follow through on your word and make the time to talk.
  • Let them know they won’t get in trouble. Many perpetrators use secret-keeping or threats as a way of keeping children quiet about abuse. Remind your child frequently that they will not get in trouble for talking to you, no matter what they need to say. When they do come to you, follow through on this promise and avoid punishing them for speaking up.
  • Give them the chance to raise new topics. Sometimes asking direct questions like, “Did you have fun?” and “Was it a good time?” won’t give you the answers you need. Give your child a chance to bring up their own concerns or ideas by asking open-ended questions like “Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?” (Courtesy of RAINN)
in Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Spirit of Society
2. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva)
3. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva)
4. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Those who don’t chew their food

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "In order to digest starches and carbohydrates, the saliva of the mouth must help at the preliminary stage. Chewing food brings an adequate quantity of saliva into the mouth. No sooner does the food mixed with saliva enter the stomach than the liver and the pancreas are enabled to start secreting their bile and digestive fluids. So unless food is chewed well, the liver can never function properly." (1)

Note: In the fast-paced life of this 21st century, people no longer give themselves proper time to attend to their basic life duties, such as eating food. Instead people just rush off from one appointment to another and "grab a bite to eat" along the way. In their hectic pace, instead of chewing their food properly they just take a bite or two and swallow it. Or they nearly inhale their meal, without chewing it at all. As Baba warns us, this way of "eating" is terribly hazardous to the health and invites many diseases.

1. Yogic Treatments, p.1

== Section 3: Links ==

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