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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Find out whether one is bhakta + 3 more


Find out whether one is bhakta

There are three kinds of sadhakas in Ananda Marga and here is a quick study of them.

(a) jinani: Those who do not have faith in Parama Purusa. But they believe that there is some Supreme Entity in the field of philosophy or vast creation. They are theists but do not believe in a personal God.

(b) karmii: They think that Parama Purusa is somewhere far - I cannot directly communicate with Him - but this creation is His so if I serve the creation then in His far distant abode Parama Purusa will be happy but I cannot communicate directly.

(c) bhakta: They think that the Supreme Father is a personal Entity and they feel some kind of relation, i.e. Father or Friend or even closer etc. And they feel proximity with Him and there is no need of phone or living in heaven etc. They feel, "Parama Purusa is with me and He is mind, and He is responding to me - always." Just like how one can communicate with mother very easily - there is no formal approach. Whatever a child wants to say the mother understands, even if the child does not fully express themselves. No special course is need by the child to communicate because the mother understands everything. And same is the case with Parama Purusa. For bhaktas, there is no need for a kiirtan singing, style class.

Jiṋániis have no future

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Now altogether it is recognized that all these three approaches are correct, human beings who have come here only for a limited span of time, cannot spare much time to go through so many scriptures or perform so many actions. They will have to complete everything within the short span of their lives. So the best choice for the spiritual aspirants is the path of bhakti. These obstacles, these fetters of Máyá are the principle opposing forces, the most important belligerent forces. By individual effort it is very difficult to surmount that ocean of Máyá. For the jiṋániis, the intellectuals, the Goal is merely theoretical and impersonal. How can they expect a theoretical and impersonal entity to help them – and how can the jiṋániis even approach Him when for them His very existence is impersonal? So the jiṋániis, although they have recognized the importance of jiṋána or knowledge, have no future. They simply waste their valuable time, which is a very short span of hardly one hundred years.” (1)

Karmiis have no future

Ananda Marga ideology states, “And for the karmiis or people of action, the desideratum is partly personal and partly impersonal, but the link between the impersonal and the personal undergoes some distortion. With the help of this distorted link, how can they expect to receive perennial grace for their spiritual progress from the Supreme, and how can they struggle against the all-pervading influence of Máyá? So the karmiis having no fixed desideratum and no fixed personal goal, no personal God, also have no future.” (The Essence of Spiritual Progress)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The future is with the devotees and with no one else. You boys and girls, you should always remember that you have come here for a very short span of time-you must not misuse your valuable time in intellectual altercations or actional infighting. Kalyáńamastu – may you all be blessed.” (3)

In Him,
Dr Sudama

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Essence of Spiritual Progress
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Essence of Spiritual Progress
3. 3 December 1978 DMC, Madras

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

With the medium of songs You have come

"Gáne gáne tumi esecho, práńe práńe mishecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2800)

Note: Only those who do proper sadhana can understand this song.


O’ Parama Purus’a, with Your infinite compassion, You have come through the medium Prabhat Samgiita. My being has become full of bhakti. You have come in my heart, in my sadhana. Baba, You have blessed me by emerging on my Guru cakra. You are smiling in my mental plate. When I sing Your blissful songs, You bless me by appearing in my heart. I feel Your presence intensely. You are so gracious.

O’ Parama Purus’a, You are incomparable. Your form is unique and most charming. You are present in every heart, and remain with everyone always. Even then, being the Taraka Brahma, You also maintain Your eternal stance beyond this created world. Baba, Your liila is unfathomable.

Baba, all the mobile and immobile beings in this universe have realization that You are the Ocean of Karuna', the sea of Compassion. All the people, whether they be good or bad, all know this. When good people are in trouble, You rescue them; and when bad people are in danger, then also You save them. You are equally kind to everyone. You help one and all, in all circumstances. This truth is well known to all. You do not desire anything from anyone, yet from bhaktas You have taken their mind and heart their everything. This is Your divine liila.

Baba, You are ever-gracious...

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Can our sons and daughters be haggled over in the marketplace

Prout philosophy guides us, “The dowry system is yet another glaring example of social injustice. In my book Human Society [Part 1], I have already mentioned that the dowry system has two major causes: the first is economic, and the second is the numerical disparity between women and men. With the decreasing economic dependence of women on men, the inequity of the dowry system will cease to exist. But to expedite this process, it is essential to propagate high ideals among young men and women. Our sons and daughters are not commodities like rice, pulse, salt, oil or cattle that they can be haggled over in the marketplace.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #14

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This email contains four sections:1. PS #2800: With the medium of songs You have come
2. Posting: Find out whether one is bhakta
3. Important Teaching: Can our sons and daughters be haggled over in the marketplace
4. Links