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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Auspicious occasion + 2 more

Auspicious occasion

Note: The following letter reminds us of the joys of celebrating the grand occasion of Ananda Purnima, and how indebted we are to Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji for His great gifts to humanity and the endless showering of His love upon us all. 


On the festive occasion of Ananda Purnima everyone is together: small kids, youths, university students, parents, seniors and bhaktas of all walks of life. All are working towards one goal of pleasing Parama Purusa through various programmes. Our social functions like Ananda Purnima offer something for everyone, thereby attracting all and helping build an ideal human society. Indeed, the joining and gathering for Ananda Purnima is a special event as it represents the union of everyone’s heart. Our joyous, heart-felt gathering of Ananda Purnima reflects society in the deepest sense of the term, where everyone is together towards Parama Purusa.

So at Ananda Purnima all are celebrating in unison – money or other factors are not important and should not impede anyone's ability to participate. Everyone comes together regardless of one’s social status, career, educational background, or family history etc. It is a time for all grades of bhaktas to join in and gather for sweet celebrations. Non-margiis are also invited – so long as they follow according to the sentient ways of the gathering. Ananda Purnima is a grand occasion for one and all.

Sweetness of festival brings new joy & vigour

Here following Baba is describing the great import that festive occasions like Ananda Purnima have on the human psyche. And that such social functions lead to the formation of a unified humanity.

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “When people become tired and uninspired, when they can no longer look towards the future with hope, when their colourful dreams are shattered, at that time the sweetness of a festival brings new joy and vigour in life. Thus in individual and collective life, the importance of festivals is tremendous. One should always remember that festivals should be such that all can take part in them without any ostentatious display of wealth, and with an upsurge of their life force. And these festivals should be conducted in such a way that people take part in them from a spontaneous inner urge. I hope that you will make such arrangements so that all are attracted towards your festivals which will be more and more charming – and this will bring about your collective welfare.” (1)

The advent of Mahasambhuti

Here is another one of the special ideations linked to the holy festival of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’. A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ signifies the advent of Mahasambhuti who has come to wipe away all the tears and fog from the suffering humanity on this dusty earth and infuse within all a sense of peace, hope, tranquility and bliss. He has graciously come to establish the lost humanity in divinity – elevating everyone’s standard, and paving the way for the reign of dharma.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “When He comes, after creating His own body with the help of the five fundamental factors– solid, liquid, luminous, aerial, ethereal – to create an ideological tidal wave, that is called as Maha’sambhu’ti. Maha’ means ‘great’, ‘having a form which is supra-natural’. And bhu plus ktin equals bhu’ti. Hence Maha’sambhuti means ‘The Great Creation’, ‘The Great Appearance’...[He comes] to push humans society forward, to resuscitate the half-dead human race, to awaken society– to create a wave in the field of ideology, in the social field, and in the field of humanity; [He comes] to create a tidal wave in every dimension and on every level.” (2)

On this auspicious day

Social functions and festivals are a time for us all to move together in His divine flow, regardless of one’s standard or status – where one and all gather round in the spirit of unity. And top of all our special duty as bhaktas is to propagate the greatness and grandeur of Sadguru Baba. In a phrase we can say that this is the key point behind the auspicious occasion of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’: to highlight Baba’s greatness.

Caryacarya says, “The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings— That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamurtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty.” (3)

All humanity is an indivisible entity

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “That which renews human existence and makes it full to the brim and overflowing with the joy of living is termed a festival…Inspire all people to live with a new spirit like true human beings. Let it inspire them with the fact that all humanity is an indivisible entity. On this auspicious day this is my inner wish.” (4)

Verily social functions like the upcoming Ananda Purnima celebrations give society a tremendous boost to advance: Such programs help inspire people to grow together. Plus social functions generate more enthusiasm and propulsion on the collective pathway – with the result being that all types of good things suddenly become possible.

By such functions humans can solve various problems. Now the need of the day is to build a single human society. Naturally, social functions are a wonderful tool towards this end; by this way, various people come together in a social and spiritual way, and in that process become far more accepting of one another. Social functions generate family-feeling, i.e. “a feeling of unity and interest in others.”

Baba’s teachings and guidelines on the celebration of Ananda Purnima and social functions positively affect our Ananda Marga. Utsava goads the mind toward spirituality. Not only do Ananda Marga social functions give a huge injection of inspiration, but these grand gatherings – which Baba has designed – goad and guide everyone deeper into the spiritual realm. This in turn brings permanent peace. So although the name is a social function, its base is spirituality.

In direct contrast, in general society social parties end up being nothing but degenerative events that promote and satisfy animalistic desires & carnal pleasures. Just people are rushing madly after worldly pleasures and transient pursuits.

So a very unique aspect of our social functions and festivals – like Ananda Purnima – is that they goad the mind toward the Supreme Self – that apexed point of human realization.

Fresh start created through festivals

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “People often feel bored with their humdrum lives, with their mechanical routines; thus a fresh start must be created through festivals or utsava. The root verb su means “to be reborn.” Su plus -al suffix = sava. The substance which produces new vigour in the body is called a’shava, or wine. Similarly ut + su + al = utsava, which means “festival.” “Ut” means “towards up” and “sava” means “life”; so utsava means “an occasion which gives human beings fresh inspiration to live a new life.” (5)

in Him,

This year Ananda Purnima is the 23rd of May 2024.

~ In-depth study ~

Most significant event ever

Here we reflect on why Ananda Purnima is such a momentous event. In each and every sphere of existence – physical, psychic, social, moral, and spiritual – Sadguru Baba has paved the way for humanity’s all-round enlightenment. The divine and holy advent of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is the most significant event this earth has ever seen. Naturally, the blessed day of Ananda Purnima is recognised as the greatest and most celebrated of all our Ananda Marga social functions and festivals.

As we know, Ananda Marga is the path of bliss. The systematic yogic lifestyle and the 360 degree spiritual-cum-social outlook leads the entire human family to march forward in unison. Part and parcel of this collective movement is our participation in social functions because it is by these blissful gatherings like Ananda Purnima that we are able to glorify Baba, renew ourselves, and attract more people on the collective train of dharma – generating greater momentum to move forward.

Ananda Purnima is a wonderful opportunity to bring forth one and all in collective harmony.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "At the outset of any festival or social function, the Saḿgacchadhvaḿ mantra is recited so that everyone can reflect on the significance of the common ideal. Ánanda Márga promotes love for the entire humanity." (6)

Social functions: great unifying force

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Collective social functions: Many of the ills of society develop because people do not care to know other members of society. This may not only mean ignorance of the condition and difficulties of others, but also leads to intolerance and a lack of interest in the affairs of the other members of society. Common social functions bring different members of society together and are therefore a great unifying force. By performing certain functions collectively, all the members are engaged in doing the same thing for some time, and this brings about a feeling of unity and interest in others.”
   “In Ananda Marga such common social functions are especially encouraged. Milita snána [collective bathing] and dharmacakra [collective meditation] provide grounds for common social functions in the physical, psychic and spiritual fields. Common participation in such functions is a very great unifying force. The participants in such functions will have no intolerance for each other, and will instead get more united. Such functions are, therefore, a great unifying force.” (7)

An occasion celebrating together

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Ensure that those who enjoy the celebrations also get thereby healthy opportunities for their physical, mental, and spiritual progress.” (8)

In addition to all the social festivities and ceremonies, Ananda Purmina is also a time for reflection. On the purely personal & spiritual level, for Ananda Margiis, A'nanda Pu'rnima can signify that great moment in one's existence when Baba first appeared in their life - in their dhya'na. By His grace, the connection with Him is internal and on-going, yet at the same time there was a starting point - a time when you first realised or experienced Baba in your heart. It might have occurred in a dream, during kiirtan, just prior to initiation, in sadhana, or at any moment. So on the individual level A'nanda Pu'rnima' is a time to reflect and cherish your internal link with Him.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “This is a day of rejoicing, and amidst this rejoicing [people] will have to determine ways of improving their individual and collective life, developing their resources in all the strata of life for their future progress.” (9)

The grand result being that all will fondly remember and gather round this auspicious occasion. Already many units may be doing like this.

We should always keep in mind that everyone’s spiritual standard is not the same. Not all members of the society are of the same spiritual standard. But if everyone is celebrating together via the various festivities etc then they will blissfuly recall the joy of Ananda Purnima. That will enhance unity. And it will draw people near.

Fake vs. True Ananda Vanii

During Ananda Purnima, Sadguru Baba set the tradition to offer an Ananda Vanii. Unfortunately, nowadays, certain groups have created their own Fake Ananda Vaniis, which violate the code and ethic of Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis. Over the years surely you have seen such Fake Ananda Vaniis. Here below is one of Baba's true and original Ananda Vaniis. This contains a pointed message and strong force that towers over those Fake Ananda Vaniis.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The humans of today are possessed of spirited intellect and accomplished wisdom. They are keen to advance with rapid step shattering the shackles of dogmas. They will no longer be entrapped by the illusion of opportunism. The rays of the crimson dawn of a new humanity on the eastern horizon have started weaving textures of colours on their eyelids and in the subtle recesses of their minds. As for those who have been dreaming of keeping humanity imprisoned by dogmas, their days are numbered; their blissful dreams are being shattered to pieces. I call upon all enlightened people and say: “Go ahead with courage. The humanity has been awaiting you. Establish it in the excellence and grandeur of glory.” (10)

1. A Few Problems Solved – 5, On Festivals
2. Discourses on Tantra – 1, Krśńa Unparalleled
3. Caryacarya II, p.1
4. Ananda Vanii #48
5. A Few Problems Solved – 5, On Festivals
6. Prout Nutshell – 16, Our Social Treatise
7. Prout in a Nutshell – 2, Social Psychology
8. Caryacarya – 1, p.42
9. A Few Problems Solved – 5, Chapter 2
10. Ananda Vanii #53

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Hinduism pre-Shankaracarya

Before Shankaracarya, the name of the Hindu religion was Árśa Dharma. For support please see this below teaching from Baba. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "About 2500 years ago, when the sun of Árśa Dharma was about to set, when it was limited to a series of cruel sacrifices and ritualistic ostentations, without any devotion or idealism, a simmering discontent brewed in the hearts of honest, intelligent and rational people. They could not express their suppressed agony – that this lifeless, substanceless dharma was like a fruit without any pulp, unable to satisfy the deep hunger of the human heart. In fact, in most cases it was only a handful of people, motivated by the instinct of greed, who were beating the drums of dogma and ruthlessly exploiting innocent people." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 18

== Section 3: Links ==