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Friday, September 1, 2023

Malas noticias vs buenas noticias


Malas noticias vs buenas noticias


Algunos se quejan de que no deberíamos hablar de malas noticias, sino de buenas noticias. En ese sentido, un hombre llamado Shankar implementó este sistema en su propia casa. Le dijo a su esposa Giita: “Nunca me digas malas noticias, solo transmíteme las buenas”.

El domingo siguiente, llegó la noticia de que el vecino del primo de Giita, que vivía a 50 millas de distancia, estaba gravemente enfermo. Así que envió un mensajero a su esposo, el Dr. Shankar, a su consultorio médico y le contó que el vecino de su prima estaba enfermo. Al escuchar esto, el Dr. Shankar expresó su malestar. Y cortésmente le dijo a su esposa: “No te acuerdas que te pedí que solo me dieras buenas noticias?”.

Después de unos días, un mensajero llegó a la casa e informó a Giita que la madre del Dr. Shankar estaba hospitalizada debido a un accidente. Giita reflexionó sobre qué hacer, pero pensó que era mejor no decirle a su esposo, Shankar, que su madre había sido hospitalizada, ya que Shankar solo quiere escuchar buenas noticias.

Y la madre murió

Después de algunas semanas más, otro mensajero llegó a la casa y le informó a Giita que la madre de Shankar había muerto. Giita estaba siendo estricta al seguir y sostener las reglas del hogar. Así que Giita se abstuvo de informar a su esposo, Shankar, que su madre había muerto, ya que el Dr. Shankar solicitó solo escuchar buenas noticias. El Dr. Shankar había dicho: "Nunca me digas malas noticias, solo transmíteme las buenas".

Aunque Shankar era médico, no atendió a su madre enferma para tratarla, ni fue informado de su muerte. Todo porque Shankar había implementado la regla en su hogar de que su esposa no debería darle malas noticias. Entonces, su esposa Giita nunca informó al Dr. Shankar sobre la muerte de su madre. Y también se perdió el funeral de su madre. Debido a que el Dr. Shankar no asistió al funeral de su madre, naturalmente, los miembros de la familia extendida de Shankar se preocuparon mucho. Algunos de los hermanos del Dr. Shankar vinieron a ver por qué él (Shankar) no fue al funeral de su madre.

Cuando el Dr. Shankar escuchó de sus hermanos que su madre había muerto y que él (Shankar) se había perdido el funeral, Shankar estaba en estado de shock y comenzó a llorar y llorar

Con tristeza mientras lloraba, el Dr. Shankar le preguntó a su esposa: "¿Por qué no me dijiste sobre la muerte de mi madre?" Su esposa Giita respondió: “Me pediste que nunca te diera malas noticias, solo buenas noticias”.

Escena impactante

Luego, Shankar preguntó: "¿Hay alguna otra noticia negativa que no me hayas contado? Ahora puedes contarme".

Giita respondió: “Nuestro hijo Niltu está en el centro de detención juvenil; la policía lo arrestó hace un mes”.

En estado de shock, Shankar preguntó: "¿Hay algo más?"

Giita respondió: “Sí, nuestra hija Mirabai fue expulsada de la escuela la semana pasada porque se encontraron drogas ilícitas en su mochila”.

Angustiado, Shankar la miró y preguntó: "¿Algo más?"

Giita relató: “Nuestro hijo menor, Diliip, ha estado sufriendo de gripe durante la última semana y no ha podido ir a ningún lado”.

Después de contar esto, Giita comenzó a llorar amargamente y no pudo contar nada más. Con remordimiento, el Dr. Shankar también comenzó a llorar en voz alta, y mientras abrazaba tiernamente a su esposa y susurraba suavemente: “Tuviste que sufrir mucho por mi culpa. Te dije que no contaras ninguna noticia negativa, ese fue mi error. Lo siento mucho."
En Él,

~ Estudio en profundidad ~

Fórmula operativa: los que se preocupan quieren saber

La fórmula operativa es esta: aquellos que se preocupan por alguien también quieren saber acerca de sus malas noticias. Es por eso que Shankar se sintió arrepentido por no saber las tristes noticias sobre el deterioro de la salud de su madre y su muerte, etc.

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Bad news vs good news

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

How to handle sexual assault + 2 more


How to handle sexual assault


In this grossly materialistic era, sexual content and display is at an all-time high. There is a plethora of bare-skin and near-nudity on the buses, in schools, on billboards, at the workplace, in parks, all over the internet, and throughout the society. Even upstanding professionals, dignitaries, and state representatives resort to dress that highlights their sensuality and sexuality - especially females. Anyone who has been out and about is quite familiar with this especially in western countries and wherever materialism is in full force.

Radical action on sex offenders

Not surprisingly, in this materialistic era, sexual crimes are also on the rise - at alarming rates. All this has become a societal disease. And the penalties for sexual crimes are quite severe. Sexual offenders are branded for life and face harsh prison terms. That is why certain convicts and/or potential convicts are interested in reducing and even eliminating their sexual energy, because they do not trust themselves to behave with integrity. To reduce their sentence and to ensure proper conduct, such convicts may voluntarily resort to the elimination of their sexual energy.

Then there is the other side of the story: Many guilty of sexual crimes are repeat offenders. So state and justice officials are exploring ways to reduce crime by curtailing offenders' sexual energy. That is where things are at the present moment - and here is what they are doing.

Two pathways toward castration

Across the globe - in various states and countries - government officials are offering voluntary (and involuntary) castration to those incarcerated as part of their sentencing and / or in exchange for their early release from prison. For the state officials this is a way to increase the punishment, cut costs, and to relieve pressure on the overcrowded and extremely expensive jail system; and, for offenders, it can be a way to regain their freedom sooner, without having to worry about being tempted to commit a similar crime.

To some then, this looks like a win-win situation. The state gets what they want and the offender gets what he wants. Toward this end, there are two basic pathways being pursued by the state to control sexual energy: a) chemical castration and b) surgical castration.

The big lie: those glands just related with sex

The main myth at hand is that criminals and officials alike believe that by controlling one's sexual energy - by any means, including chemical and surgical castration - then one will overcome their sexual gland and automatically develop a calm and balanced mental outlook.

This is the myth they believe and propagate because they feel those glands are solely related with sex.  Baba's guideline reveals a much different approach with a much different outcome. And that we are going to explore. Let's first look at two other segments in society looking to curtail their sexual energy / reproductive capacity.

Over the centuries and today also, dogmatic monks from around the globe as well as various Indian sannyasis have used high doses of myrobalan (haritaki) or anise (saunf) as a means to overcome sexual desire. This high dosage will dry up those sex glands making one impotent and sterile.

This also is not an approach which Ananda Marga supports. Ananda Marga philosophy advocates the channelization of sexual energy to spiritual awakening, not the destruction of the sex organs. More about this is expressed further down in this letter.

Birth control methods that deform the body

In various nations, people commonly resort to the permanent destruction of their reproductive organs as a means of birth control or family planning: In women, tubal ligation; and in men, vasectomy. In this process they physically disfigure, remove, or cut certain body parts.

Here again though, this is not an approach supported by Ananda Marga philosophy.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Using birth control methods which deform the bodies of men and women or destroy their reproductive powers forever cannot be supported, because this may cause a violent mental reaction at any moment." (1)

The point that is missed in all the above circumstances is that our human bodies are far more subtle and involved than people think. Whether they be of the general public, convicts, dogmatic sannyasis or whomever, such persons who alter their sexual function fail to understand the more subtle effects of the human glandular system.

They think that the testes and ovaries are just for sex - nothing more. When in fact these glands are part of a greater system that provides energy to the brain and highly impacts one’s mental, psychological, emotional and spiritual outlook.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The essence of blood, when transformed, becomes shukra, and this shukra is food for the brain. In the absence of shukra, or in case of its impaired functioning, the entire constitution may be impaired, the body may become susceptible to disease, and mental and spiritual sa'dhana' may be impaired. Therefore, restraint is a must for every man and woman, because only self-control helps achieve the maximum preservation of shukra." (2)

When certain glands, like the testes, are categorically destroyed or altered with drugs such that they fail to operate properly, this adversely affects the production of shukra, which is the food for the  brain.

By removing sex glands human beings harmed

Verily, by destroying or inhibiting the function of sexual glands, the human personality loses so many good qualities. Because the sexual glands are singularly responsible for attributes like rationality, service-mindedness, benevolence and love for the Supreme.

Here following are a series of Baba's teachings about the importance of those sexual glands in the cultivation of a proper human personality. Below Baba points out how the testes lead to a sense of responsibility and dutifulness.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, 'If the secretion of the testes glands is normal, a sense of dutifulness will be created in the mind. A boy will be proud of the fact that he obeyed his father. But if the boy was only three years old, he would not be able to feel a sense of dutifulness." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "In a male, if the testes are separated from the body, there will be physical and psychological changes. The man will not die but he will lose the sense of dutifulness and responsibility. All the qualities associated with the testes, such as the sense of dutifulness and responsibility, will be wanting." (4)

Conclusion: divert mind to higher faculties

Ananda Marga teachings advance proper restraint in the sexual sphere - not any of the aforementioned policies or procedures. Ananda Marga philosophy does not support the destruction or alteration of the sex glands. Rather, one should engage in physical practices and mental approaches which help divert one towards higher faculties, not sexual engagement. By adhering to a sentient diet, by regular fasting, by practicing asanas, by doing kaoshikii and tandava, by following the proper bath and half-bath systems, and by various other physical practices, we lay the groundwork towards controlling one's sexual desire.

But the main way to control sex is through the psychic realm. If one follows all the above mandates but still actively harbors lustful things, the desire to have sex and thinks dirty thoughts, one will not be successful in controlling their sexual desire. The mental part is of utmost importance - even more so than the physical, although both physical and psychic practices are needed.

So the real control is mental. If we goad the mind in a positive direction and follow Baba's mandate of "cakuna samvaro...", then we will be in a proper flow to divert all one's energies to the Supreme, not towards sex.

Simple rules

 ~ From Caryacarya Part 3 - General Health Rules ~

(1) Body and clothing must be kept neat and clean.

(2) After urinating, use water or cleanse yourself by some other means.

(3) Pay attention to the regular clearing of the bowels.

(4) Do not sleep on a soft bed.

(5) When taking a bath, all parts of the body, in particular the armpits and groin, should be cleaned properly. Soap, oil, and comb should be used every day. The body hair should never be cut, especially in the armpit and pubic region.

(6) Before morning and evening sádhaná, either do vyápaka shaoca or take full bath.

(7) Before and after meals, and before sleep, do vyápaka shaoca with cold water. If it is very cold, use lukewarm water.

(8) Drink a sufficient quantity of water every day, but do not drink too much at any one time.

(9) Sleeping during the day and staying awake at night are to be avoided.

(10) All intoxicants are támasika and are to be discarded like poison.

For males:

(1) Immediately upon reaching adolescence (in India, one reaches adolescence in between the ages of twelve and fourteen), males should start using Kaopiina (laungot́á) and should pull back the foreskin of the penis.

(2) The foreskin should be pulled back and the area washed and kept clean.

(3) Never indulge in bad practices, such as masturbation, etc.

 ~ From Caryacarya Part 3 - General Health Rules ~


Ananda Marga ideology says, "“One must have restraint over one’s sensory and motor organs.” “I must not see that object, that may pollute my mind. I must not hear that sound, that may pollute my mind.” These are all restraints over sensory and motor organs. Lord Buddha said, Cakkhuna' sam'varo sa'dhu – “O sa'dhu, O spiritual aspirant, you should have proper restraint over your eyes.”" (5)

in Him,
(George Springfield)

~ In-depth study ~

Development of rationality is the psychic effect

[ A ] In this below quote, Baba demonstrates how the proper functioning of one's sex glands cultivates rationality, integrity and strength of mind.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If the testes are over-active [highly active] and there is over-secretion [high secretion] of hormones, a youth develops the spirit of rationality. The pubic hair grows due to the activity of the testes. This is the physical effect. The development of rationality is the psychic effect. The nervous system will also be affected. If not hindered by the natural flow of the lymphatic glands, over-secretion [high secretion] leads to the development of hair in the arm pits at the age of fifteen to seventeen in hot countries, and seventeen to eighteen in cold countries. Along with this the feeling of rationality grows. For example, a boy may say, “No, father, do not ask me to do that. It is not good.”" (6)

The boy will become very cruel

[ B ] Next Baba discusses how due to a defect in the functioning of the sex glands, one becomes mean-minded.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If there is under-secretion of the testes glands, there will be less hair; and if, at the same time, the sex glands do not develop at the specified stage, the boy will become very cruel. He may, for example, take a grasshopper and cut off its legs. You may have seen such a boy at the age of thirteen, fourteen or fifteen: he may be unsocial, he may not mix with others. This is due to the under-secretion of hormones from the testes glands." (7)

Transform that longing into universalism

[ C ] Baba also points out how the greater secretion of the testes leads to love for the Supreme. It is these glands which allow one to practice and progress in sadhana. Without the proper functioning of these glands, spiritual practice is impossible.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In the case of ordinary secretion, sex longing is created. If there is over-secretion [high secretion], a youth acquires the power to transform that longing into universalism. In those of you who have a longing for Parama Purus'a [Supreme Consciousness], an over-secretion [high secretion] took place in your hormones between the ages of  fifteen and seventeen. At that stage the idea to become great comes into the mind." (8)

[ D ] A lack of hormonal secretion by the testes leads to staticity. The person will lack benevolence and courage, and will therefore be prone to following dogma, not dharma.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If there is under-secretion of the hormones of the testes glands, a youth will develop less kindness, and less hair will grow in the armpits and pubic region. If you see a man with these physical characteristics, then and there you can come to a conclusion about the extent of his kindness. Moreover, such a person will most likely support dogma. He will not have the moral strength to protest against dogma (including scriptural dogma), and he will not support a new idea." (9)

Cutting will harm sadhana

[ E ] Baba discusses what happens when the organ is removed from the body. Among other things, sadhana is no longer possible.

Baba says, “If the sex organ is cut off from the male body, what will be the result? The man will not die, but the testes and kidneys will not be able to function properly. There will, therefore, also be psychological changes and no sex feeling." (10)

Thus, Ananda Marga ideology does not support any of the aforementioned approaches in order to control sex. AM does not support chemical castration, surgical castration, the use of myrobalan or anise, nor does Ananda Marga ideology support vasectomies etc. All of these will adversely affect the human personality because those glands are needed for the positive development of mind - not just sex.

Psycho-spiritual channelization

And here Baba talks about our special system of psychic channelisation to the spiritual realm. By this way one's sexual desire will be properly controlled thereby allowing for a whole new outlook and deep realisation.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Psychic urges must not be objectified nor should they be suppressed; rather they must be channelized towards the Supreme Desideratum through the proper psycho-spiritual approach...With constant spiritual practice, the mind, with its thousand propensities, becomes one-pointed and is goaded towards the Supreme Singular Entity...This inner channelisation and one-pointed conversion into psycho-spiritual pabulum brings about radical changes in individual and collective life. The psycho-spiritual approach makes a person deeply introversial, one-directional, strong and dynamic...With the smooth, natural and progressive channelisation of the psychic urges of the individual and collective mind towards the Supreme Entity, psychic pabula will be converted into psychospiritual pabulum. Then each person will be a sadvipra, and the whole society will be a sadvipra sama'j – an A'nanda Pariva'ra. So the transformation of psychic pabula into psycho-spiritual pabulum is the only panacea." (11)

Be sentient in mind and intellect

Baba has graciously given the proper way to control sexual longing. Those who resort to the destruction or alteration of their glands are only inviting serious mental problems and they are essentially undermining their spiritual inclination as well. Only through proper restraint can one evolve into a truly sentient and spiritual being.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Men should have proper control over the conversion of lymph into semen. This is part of brahmacarya sa'dhana' [meditation on the Supreme Entity]. Men should have proper control over their bodies. Human beings should be sentient in food habits, mind and intellect." (12)

Hypocrisy of pet owners

These days - especially in the western world - pet owners spay (castrate) their pets. Removing their reproductive power is the fashion of the day. The hypocrisy is that such pet owners claim to be animal lovers, yet they do not allow their pet to grow in a proper manner. And if you ask them if they love their child, they will respond affirmatively. Then you can ask them if they castrate their child and they will say, “No.” Such is the extent of their hypocrisy. They claim to love both their pet and their child, but one gets castrated and one does not. On the point of neo-humanism all should take a moment to ponder this matter. An animal should be able to grow and live as an animal and not as a doll. The sex glands are vital for the proper health of every living being, including pets.

Rise of sexual crimes are rampant

When we think about those who wish to control their sexual energy we usually think of monks & nuns, sadhakas, spiritual aspirants and service-minded people. That is the typical picture that comes to mind. Today, however, with the rise of sexual crimes, sexual predators and state officials are also brainstorming and implementing their own ways for how to control sexual power - in particular in males. We should all be aware about these recent trends and see if they are in concert with Baba's ideals. This is an emerging social issue that demands our attention and know-how.

Some important glands

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Testes and ovaries: At around the age of thirteen in hot countries and fifteen in cold countries, the testes and ovaries develop due to the secretion of a special type of hormone.” (13)

Ananda Marga philosophy states,  “In males the testes are the glands which convert lymph into semen. As soon as lymph is converted into semen, the nerves are affected and there is a corresponding change in one’s thoughts. It is the pituitary gland which tells the testes to convert lymph into semen [that is, testosterone and spermatic fluid]. When the production of lymph goes beyond the capacity of the body to utilize it, it is converted into semen and comes out of the body. Thus, sex desire is created in the mind.” (14)

 Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If the testes function properly and if there is no hindrance from the lymphatic glands, intelligence will develop. Without the testes, the solar plexus will not be developed and intelligence will decrease.” (15)

Ananda Marga philosophy states,  “In the past many slaves were converted into eunuchs – known as khojas in Persian. If the ovaries of a female or the testes of a male are dissociated from the body, the person will become a eunuch. In a male, if the testes are separated from the body, there will be physical and psychological changes. The man will not die but he will lose the sense of dutifulness and responsibility. All the qualities associated with the testes, such as the sense of dutifulness and responsibility, will be wanting. A eunuch will not be able to grow any pubic hair or the pubic hairs will be few.” (16)

Ananda Marga philosophy states,  “Should the testes be cut off and a man made into a eunuch? Can it be considered civilized? In some countries men were changed into eunuchs, and as they did not have any sex feeling, they were posted as security guards in the harems of the rulers. This is a barbarous system and goes against fundamental human rights. It is extremely bad.” (17)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Population Growth and Control
2. Caryacarya - 3, Physical Restraint
3. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
4. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology 
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, How to Concentrate
6. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
7. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
8. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
9. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
10. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
11. A Few Problems Solved  - 8, The Transformation of Psychic Pabula into Psycho-spiritual Pabulum
12. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
13. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
14. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
15. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
16. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
17. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Observations about fish-eaters

Here is an English summary of Baba’s teaching from in Bengali from Shabda Cayanika - 20, (Bangla), Disc #156:

Fish quarrel so much among themselves; they are quarrel mongers. They eat each other; they feel jealous towards one another; and, they also have the tendency to wander around aimlessly in an undisciplined, disorderly manner. Because fish have these negative qualities, the general public has long thought that those who eat fish become contaminated by these same defects. (English Summary)

Note: Amongst all of India, the most densely populated fish-eating area is Bengal. Baba says that the majority of the population of Bengal is kaevarta (fisherman community). Throughout Bengal, there are a huge number of lakes, ponds, rivers, and water sources; that is why fish flourish there. In Bengal fish are known as "water fruit". Except for very strict, devoted margiis - which are very few in number there - most of them like to eat fish.

== Section 2: Links ==

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