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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Those early days + 4 more


Those early days


Those days, in 1970 at the Piskamor Central Office of Ananda Marga, bhaktas used to do special kiirtan. Kiirtan itself had just recently been introduced, and this is the story of those blessed occasions.

Baba's cot was placed in the lawn of the Central office, especially in the evening hours. This cot was in the middle of a small, grass circle that had a radius of only 3 feet. The outer band of that grass circle was a section of flowers, 1 ft in width....

Swing of kiirtan bliss

...And then Wts and margiis were dancing around Him singing kiirtan. The cot itself was placed directly on the ground; there wasn't any dais. And we were also dancing directly on the ground. So we were all on the same level, and Baba was sitting in the nucleus - on that cot - just three feet away from the periphery. He was so very close. He was looking so divine and we were moving closely around Him chanting kiirtana.

All the bhaktas were ecstatically dancing around Baba while He was graciously sitting in lalita mudra. Baba's cot was in the nucleus and we were all making a circle around the Him, singing Baba Nam Kevalam.

The whole scene was blissful and charged with an intimate feeling. It was completely His grace. There was an unparalleled spiritual vibration that Baba created where all were floating in bliss. Those present had very rare and unique spiritual experiences. With that vibration, everything in the surrounding atmosphere was blissful. That was because of His divine grace.

So those were really special days. Even now when I think about that exquisite scene then I feel goosebumps all over my body and a strong pull of bhakti in my heart. The memories bring on one spiritual surge.

Inside kiirtana circle sitting in lalita mudra

The whole flow of that kiirtan was so charming. Baba was in lalita mudra - sitting with one leg crossed over the other with His one knee just a little bit raised above the other leg. So that one knee was about 2 feet above the cot and Baba had both His hands on His knee. All the time looking so very lovely.

Many may also remember how in DMC Baba used to also sit in that mudra. And when sitting in that pose during those kiirtan sessions, then always Baba had a very calm and divine look on His face. Just He was sitting there quietly, closing His eyes. Indeed He looked so divine in that pose and during those kiirtan sessions the whole environment was saturated with His divine love.

Now when I think about that charm, then I can feel as if some heaven descended on the Earth. Thinking about this gives a surge of vibration even now.

Reporting with Baba

Side by side, many charming Ananda Marga reporting sessions were also going on at His Piskamor office those days. And while on the outside in a superficial way it was looking like Baba was engaged in feigned anger, but all along everyone present felt His divine sweetness. We felt that everything was going on was just His grace.

Because those days Baba was giving huge pressure for work. And the air was electrified with His divine grace. Because even though His loving scolding was going on, internally everyone was feeling blissful and that their burdens of samskaras had been removed. Full feeling of freshness was there. So it was just His grace.

But on the outside it was looking very strict and serious. Because Baba was giving huge work targets - like doing pracar in several thousand villages in just one week's time. Yet side by side pressure was given to satisfy those demands. And when Baba was taking report and seeing that all the work was not completed then all sorts of liilas were done.

That time Baba was playing His liila with us. And Baba would order us to go on doing 10,000 times - tik-tik. This was all His loving drama. And all the bhaktas were enjoying and fulfilling their quota by doing one tik-tik & counting out 50 or 100. And by this way, their number would reach to 1000, 2000, and some 3000 etc.  Baba being the Parama Purusa knew exactly what was going on in others mind.

Blissful spiritual flow

Because at the time while all this was going on, then each then every sadhaka could feel divine love radiating in their heart - even though on the outside He was feigning a tough demeanor, but inside it was ever-blissful.

And later on, by His grace, we realised that by giving us huge pressure of work, Baba was actually goading our minds unto the path of beatitude. Because this world is full of allurements, and it is so easy for the mind to go astray. But when everyone had huge work demands on their head, then there was no scope to get caught up in the negative ways of maya. Rather by paying heed to Baba's pressure for work and concentrating in that way, then the mind remained in a completely positive stance. Always thinking and planning to do more and more selfless service for humanity. Those work demands were not easy to complete, yet that was Baba's special way of watching for our welfare. Because that pressure forced us to keep our minds focused in His direction. So it is His blessing.

So all along, those days in the Piskamor office all were ensconced in His blissful flow. Everyone felt cared for and loved. His grace was tangibly felt by one and all - such that their whole body was feeling light and energized. Or bhaktas were feeling His grace by singing kiirtan. So in all the ways being in Baba's presence meant being ensconced in the blissful showering of His causeless grace.

All come here for a short span

Here are some Sadgurus guidelines that are highly related with the special, unique ways of Baba, the Sadguru.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Only to love is not the work of the Guru. One who only loves you is your enemy, and one who only punishes you is also your enemy. But the one who both loves and punishes in a balanced way is the real Guru." (1)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Nigraha'nugrahe shakto guruityabhidhiiyate-- 'the guru must possess the capacity both to punish and to love, or bless, his disciples'. Punishment alone without love is not good. Love and punishment should go together, and the degree of punishment should never exceed the degree of love. Then only can one be called a real spiritual guru." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ”So you should always remember that you have come here for a very short span. It is just like a waiting room of a railway station. You remain there for a short period and when the train comes, you leave the waiting room. This world is just like that waiting room. You are to remain here for a very short span. You should always remember this fact – “I have come here for a short span and I won’t remain here for a very long period. My home is elsewhere. I am just like a tourist.” You should always remember this fact. And as a universal tourist, you, while leaving for your permanent home, will not require a passport.” (4)

at His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

Parama Purusa is eternally linked with one and all.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Now, the entity by whose grace one comes into contact with sat (sat, the non-changeable entity, the non-changeable stance, the non-changeable nuclear entity around which so many electrons move) - that entity, or rather, that framework through which Parama Purus'a is working or Ta'raka Brahma is functioning, is the Sadguru, `Sadgurum' tvam' nama'mi' - `I do my namah before You, at Your altar'." (5)

Baba's office in Piskamor Ranchi was in one rented house approximately half a kilometer from the old jagrti.

And as most know, tik tik is a code word & the full meaning is to catch both your ear lobes (lower part) with your opposite hand and sit down and stand up and sit down and stand up.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Cult of Spirituality
2. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #39c
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 21, The Criteria of a Guru
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam, Puńya All Twenty-Four Hours
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam part 3, Sadguruḿ Taḿ Namámi


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.They stands on their own as points of interest.
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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
My nearest One

“Jeoná jeoná dure jeoná, je bá tomáy eta bhálobáse go…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0579)


O' Parama Purusa, please do not go, do not go, do not go far away. I want to hold You close, as my nearest One, as my very own. O’ my Dearmost, don’t You have love for those who love You very much?

The flower blossoms in the terrace in the morning when sun rays appear. Smeared with Your divine colours, my mind bathes in the full moon night. In this beautiful ambiance, my mind only runs towards You. In spite of the fact that You are unfamiliar and unknown to me, I feel that You are very familiar and well known to me. You are my dearest One. You know this truth, so then why do You feign ignorance and remain aloof and distant?

Baba, You are very close and most loving to all. Please shower the nectar of Your heart upon everyone. O’ Parama Purusa, You are the eternal companion to all in their joys, sorrows, victories, and humiliations. You are present with all of Your children, always. Please do not forget this eternal truth….

== Section: Important Teaching ==

New name given to cajole others to follow old dogma

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Should one dogma be replaced by another dogma of the same order or of another order? Should a dogma of a positive order be replaced by a dogma of a positive order or by a dogma of a negative order? A dogma is an illogical, irrational sentiment. All dogma must be replaced by non-dogma.” (1)

Some dogmatic people don’t want to be treated as dogmatic so they resort to hypocrisy. Here is what they do: They follow their same old dogma but give it a new name. Such persons are cowards. They know what they are doing is dogma, so they change the name of that particular dogma.

One classic example of this is how they changed the name of mahaprayan (MPD). When MPD lost its charm and was placed on its deathbed, they came up with a new name for their dogma: Kiirtana programme. That is the new name they gave to MPD dogma.

So this is they are doing: Changing mahaprayan divas to “Kiirtana programme”. Ultimately, they are treating it as MPD but they are cajoling others to come for kiirtana.

1.  Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Pollution, not something mystical

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "If peoples blind attachment to sacrificial rituals and love for outmoded customs are intense, they will not disappear when confronted with logical arguments or shaken by the first jolt caused by psychic clash. But if one can create a suitable environment of constant psychic clash their blind attachments are bound to disappear. Some people believe that the fragrance of the sacrificial smoke purifies the air and kills germs. This is not true. On the contrary, the increase in the amount of carbon particles makes the air more impure. A highly pungent smell is much more effective in destroying germs. Thus, due to the impact of constant psychic clash, people eventually understand the defects of old systems and ideas." (1)

Some have taken to the practice of lighting incense when doing meditation or in other gatherings etc. They do so under the dogmatic belief that it will make the air cleaner and the room more sentient. But nothing could be further from the truth. In His above teaching Baba clearly guides us that the burning of incense increases the level of carbon dioxide and pollutes the air. So there is not an iota of truth to the notion that incense cleans the air. That is just a dogma of religious ritualism. Everyone should be aware about this.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Struggle and Progress

== Section: Important Teaching ==

15,000 years: Oldest book

Baba says, "Although the Rgveda is mainly concerned with hymns, it also contains various tales and anecdotes. While not all of these stories and tales carry equal spiritual value, they are representative of the cultural heritage of those ancient humans. They paint a portrait of the gradual advancement of human thinking and the structure of society. When considered from this point of view, the language, literature and expression of the Rgveda is of special value to the world." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “We can roughly say that civilization first started sprouting after the prehistoric age of the human race, that is, from the days of the first composition of the Rk Veda, about  15,000 years ago. A major change took place during the days of Lord Shiva towards the end of the Rk Vedian period (which lasted 10,000 years). (2)

1. Shabda Cayanika-2, Rk to Rkśa (Discourse 11)
2. AV-8, Sadvipra, Táraka Brahma, Sadáshiva and Shrii Krśńa

== Section 3: Links ==

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