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Monday, January 30, 2023

Ask for strength + 2 more

Ask for strength 

For a spiritual aspirant, sadhana is the main endeavour in life. 
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Human life is for sádhaná.” (1)
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Human life is for spiritual sádhaná only. There is not, there cannot be, any other motive; there cannot be any other intention; there cannot be any other desideratum.” (2)

Steps to take when sadhana is difficult

However, the path of sadana is not linear, but rather systaltic. That means there are times when one is making great strides in sadhana, by His grace. And there are periods when sadhana is elusive, and it is hard to cultivate any spiritual flow. Here are steps one may take if the mind is dry and they are having difficulty in sadhana.
(a) Half-bath: This automatically invigorates both body and mind and brings new prana (energy) to one’s existence. So half-bath is a physical practice that helps shake off any staticity and enables one to sit for sadhana with new vigour.
(b) Prabhat Samgiita: This treasure of songs given by Sadguru Baba is a unique tool for cultivating bhakti. Because Baba’s compositions of Prabhat Samgiita express the heartfelt feeling and yearning of the sadhaka. So select a song wherein the meaning best reflects your personal feeling. Then play that song and sing along with full ideation. That will boost the mind and generate a feeling of closeness with Parama Purusa.
(c) Kiirtana: By chanting and dancing kiirtan, with the only feeling being “You are mine & mine alone”, one is surrendering to Parama Purusa and calling Him near. This helps elevate the mind and brings a spiritual flow. In various discourses, Baba guides us how kiirtana is the great tool for overcoming various afflictions and going close to Parama Purusa 
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Kiirtana helps a devotee to accelerate the speed towards the hub of the Universe....Just as food and sleep are essential for human beings, similarly kiirtana, the most essential aid for sadhana, should also be done whenever there is opportunity and time.” (3)
(d) Guru is the closest Entity: One should remember that, “He is with me now and He is my permanent Bandhu.” If a sadhaka does not share their happiness and sorrows with Him, then whom are they going to tell. So just request Guru for help. If you put forth your request again and again then surely He will be gracious on you. It is just like if a small child asks its mother over and over again for something, then the mother cannot resist and will satisfy the child’s wish. Similarly, if one asks Parama Purusa again and again for help in sadhana, then He is bound to fulfill Your request. 

I do not have strength in my knees - please provide me

Here following is a brief English summary or gist of Baba’s Hindi teaching from DMC 31 May 1987:
Sa'dhana' does not provide us with anything. All sa'dhana' does is facilitate the grace of Parama Purusa. So one is to ask for the power to fight against his/her mental defects from Parama Purusa. One should earnestly say, 'Parama Purusa, I would like to march towards You but I do not have strength in my knees. Please provide me with the requisite energy and I'll walk towards You.' (English Summary)
(e) Effort: The sadhka’s duty in sadhana is to try. That is what the word sadhana literally means: That one should put forth the proper effort and try. Seeing a sadhaka’s sustained engagement in sadhana, Guru becomes pleased and showers His blessing. One should not give in to the tendency that one should stop or avoid sadhana if one’s meditation is not good. Rather one should always put forth the proper effort. One should persevere and then surely sadhana will be better, by His grace.
Sadguru Baba is all-powerful. He can grant mukti and moksa even to those who do not do sadhana. But that would be partiality. So He has created the rule that all have to do sadhana. So one has to try and then He will shower His blessing by seeing your efforts. It is just like if an infant tries repeatedly tries to stand up again and again, then by seeing the situation mother will come over and help the child stand. But if the child does not try to stand up then the mother may not help. Same is the case with Parama Purusa and with the sadhaka. If He sees that a sadhaka is sincerely practicing sadhana and making a concerted effort, then He will be drawn to quickly come and help the sadhaka. 
(f) Bhakti: The overall point is that a personal connection or link is needed, i.e. bhakti. That is the equivalent of placing moisture in the soil. If one has good seeds and rich soil, but those seeds will not germinate without water. Similarly, even if the sadhana system and mantra are proper but if there is no affection towards the Goal, then sadhana will not give any yield. Whereas when there is a loving feeling in the heart then sadhana will bloom and blossom in your life, by His grace. 

(g) Guru’s blessing: When sadhana is difficult then an aspirant should repeatedly try the aforementioned processes. When one receives His blessing then sadhana will flow every easily and it will be very blissful. One will feel like they are just floating peacefully down a gentle stream in springtime, when all the wildflowers are blooming and the air is very aromatic. This is not just theory. He really comes and helps in sadhana. There is more truth to this than the existence of the sun and moon.
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Now by dint of sádhaná, one is to arouse and exalt that sleeping divinity. That Svayambhúliuṋga becomes one with Shambhúliuṋga. But for this one requires divine help. And I know one is sure to get divine help. And I know further that one is getting divine help. And I know still further that in future, for infinite time and infinite space, one will be getting this divine favour. And you are all sádhakas. You will certainly attain that supreme stance and enjoy that divine blessedness. You are sure to enjoy it, my sons and my daughters.” (4)
In Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

Give me strength to do sadhana
Here following is an English summary or gist of the Hindi teaching from DMC 31 May 1987:
The first stage is getting over the small 'I'. After getting above the small 'I' to some extent, in the second stage, humans should fight against their mental defects. For example, if one is afflicted by some kind of superiority complex, or inferiority complex, one has to combat that.  Some may be afflicted with attachment (moha). So, all these mental defects one is to fight against in the second stage. Humans may possess some will power to fight against these defects but that alone is not enough. One needs to constantly make endeavor to overcome the mental defects. This requires additional strength or power. This power comes from Parama Purusa's grace alone. Sa'dhana' does not provide us with anything. All sa'dhana' does is facilitate the grace of Parama Purusa. So, one is to ask for the power to fight against his/her mental defects from Parama Purusa. One should earnestly say, 'Parama Purusa, I would like to march towards You but I do not have strength in my knees. Please provide me energy and I'll walk towards You.' (English Summary)

Special thing to ideate during kiirtana

Here following is an English summary or gist of the Bangla teaching of the MGD 10 December 1978 Calcutta:
This bhava samadhi is the highest stage of the bliss of kiirtana. Both those who sing kiirtana and those who listen to kiirtana should ideate that, “Parama Pursua is mine and mine alone, and does not belong to anyone else.” If one sings or listens with this feeling they will have the highest realisation of kiirtana. (English Summary)

Parama Purusa thinks about me too

Here following is an English summary or gist of the Bangla teaching of MGD 17 December 1978 Calcutta:
With one brain how can you compete with Parama Purusa. Better is to tell Him that, “Parama Purusa, You have innumerable brains. Think for me too and solve my problems. With one brain how much can I do.” By this way, one should surrender unto Him. (English Summary)
Ananda Marga ideology states, “If people do kiirtana with distinct expression of the mantra, their mouths become pure, their tongues become pure, their ears become pure, their whole bodies become pure - and when so many parts of the body become pure, the átmá (self) also becomes pure.” (5)
1. Ananda Marga Caryácarya Part 2, Sádhaná (Intuitional Practice), Point #4
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, Oṋḿkára and Iśt́a Mantra
3. Saḿgiita: Song, Dance and Instrumental Music, Kiirtana – the Panacea for All Afflictions
4. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, Stages of Samádhi
5. Saḿgiita: Song, Dance and Instrumental Music, Kiirtana – the Panacea for All Afflictions

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

The era of neo-humanism has come

“Samvit eseche áro káche, taruńa aruń hese svágata jánáy…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4347)


Today, Samvit has come closer and the dawn is smiling in an exuberant manner to receive Him. By His brilliant presence and arrival, everything has been transformed - individual and collective life, as well as the entire society. My existence has been illumined with awareness; it is His grace. In the past I was drowned in materialism, but now my mind has been blessed and inundated with spiritual refulgence. I am no longer wasting my time. Alas, awakening has come. The fog engulfing humanity has vanished. All the flowers have started blossoming. The obstacles on the path of dharma have been removed, and those anti-social elements and demons have disappeared. The trail has been cleared and everyone is dancing in happiness and joy - overflowing with bliss. 

The stain and gunk of materialistic theories and dogma that accumulated for ages and ages have been wiped away. Due to His august presence, all the mire is gone. Everything is filled with bhakti. In the flower garland, the bumblebee is buzzing in jubilation. The blossom is filled with the divine nectar. The delight of receiving and giving affection has become one. Now there is no more counting the days in hopes of getting Him. My dearmost Baba is here before us. That Ajana Pathik is calling one and all with supreme affection. 

The fragrance of the belá, juthi, and bakul flowers is floating and emanating sweetness all around. Every human heart has been filled with ánandam. The facade of worldly attraction and the mirage of mundane allurement have disappeared - forever lost and gone. O’ human beings walk out onto your balcony and listen to the humming of humanity and experience the era of neo-humanism...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Copying communism

Ananda Marga philosophy: "Question – Why is everything in the communist countries done under the dark veil of the iron curtain?"

"Answer – Because they are conscious of the inherent defects and loopholes in their system and they do not want the world to know what they are doing." (1)

Note: A similar thing is going on in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha these days. To hide their hypocrisy group leaders do like this.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 4, Question #12

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cannot serve if concerned about your reputation

   Ananda Marga teachings guide us, “When for age after age society spins in the murky eddies of evil and vice, when individual and collective knavery masquerades as intelligence, when hypocrisy, bribery and fraud are the yardsticks for measuring the ability to lead – it is then that the genuine followers of Bháratii [the goddess of learning] must struggle on in spite of constant humiliation. Only taunts and insults will be their fate. Those who are afraid of these insults are incapable of offering anything really lasting to humanity. How can people who lack moral strength, under whose feet the soil is not hard and strong, invite anyone into a cool, refreshing shelter and impart happiness to them? It may be possible to drag oneself through life by sucking the blood of others like social parasites, but this will not bring fulfilment to either sáhityikas or their readers.”
   “The artist or sáhityika who assumes the responsibility of leading humanity along the path to light from the caverns of darkness will have to heed the road signs on that path. It is not possible to guide others with mere cheap, superficial knowledge, like a half-baked pandit who reads a half-a-dozen books and then spouts a few mouthfuls of grandiloquence, and who has obtained a doctorate by plagiarizing others’ works. Rather it is necessary for the sáhityika or artist to have a keen and vigorous insight, without which all their endeavours will prove fruitless. Merely juggling words or depicting defects in society will not satisfy the hunger of the human mind – and such creations of art are indeed valueless for social progress as well. One must know the path, and one must also know how to move on it. If those who have not comprehended what the form of society will be, allow the trends of the past that have shaped the present to proceed unchecked, they can never lead society to the path of perfection. They will in fact thrust society into darkness in the name of social reform; they will encourage license in the name of freedom. Instead of modelling a woman after the ideal of a goddess, they will mould the image of the goddess after the ideal of a harlot.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest