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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Madhuvidya: practice & benefits + 3 more


Madhuvidya: practice & benefits


All know that our second lesson is known as brahmacarya and that it spiritualizes our existence in this mundane world. It reminds us that we are never alone and that He is always along with us - watching us. Here below are a variety of ways to heighten the practice of this important sadhana lesson.

Way to best practice second lesson

Before starting any action, one should repeat their second lesson mantra and cultivate the ideation that, “He is watching me.” And the essence behind this idea that “He is watching me” is that “He has great love for me.” By thinking in this way the sadhaka feels tremendous bliss. For some His watching instigates fear while for bhaktas it generates feelings of bliss. This approach of mantra japa and spiritual ideation is needed to properly practice second lesson.

Some think that merely repeating the mantra is enough. However Baba says mere parrot-like repetition of the mantra will not work. There should be proper ideation as well.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "People do japa kriya' in a very crude manner. It can be said that their method of incantation is like the talk of a parrot. Parrots talk, parrot say so many things, without understanding the meaning, without understanding the spirit of what is meant. Japa kriya' becomes as meaningless as the talk of a parrot for those who do it without love or emotion. It even loses the value of internal suggestion, intro-psychic suggestion." (1)

The mere repetition of the mantra is not enough. Proper feeling and divine ideation are needed in the practice of second lesson. One should feel that 'My Parama Purusa is watching me'. This ideation must reflect deep in the mind for one to really practice 2nd lesson.

Love is the prerequisite factor

One other special ingredient is needed: love for Him. Reason being that one cannot possibly remember that 'He is watching me', until one feels deep love for Him. Something can only be remembered constantly in two types of relations: loving and inimical. The idea of an enemy will always remain in the mind, automatically it will come. And if you fall in love with anything, then that idea will also come in the mind automatically - always. This happens with anything worldly such as money, your child, or anyone or anything. For instance, if a person loses $500 then that idea will surface in the mind again and again. Keeping this theory in mind, if one has deep closeness with Parama Purusa then without any effort His image will come in the mind - again and again, without any effort.

Some think, "I love Baba, but then again I forget about Him." The reason behind this is that the degree of love is not as much as it needs to be. With more love, the sadhaka will never forget about Him. Whereas devoid of love for Him, one will simply forget that He exists at all, let alone remember that “He is watching me.” And love does not develop until one meditates ceaselessly on Him.

That is why Baba has given brahmacarya as the second lesson and iishvara pranidhana as the first lesson. Because through the repeated and diligent practice of Iishvara Pranidhana, the sadhaka will develop deep love for Him. As we all know the practice of first lesson is a type of deeper sadhana. And through this practice one develops strong love for Ista. In which case one will have the mental yearning to remember that “He is watching me.”

Only through the constant practice of Iishvara Pranidhana (first lesson) can one develop the sincerity and bhakti to properly practice Brahmacarya (second lesson).

Brahmacarya entails remembering that He is the subject. Some may stray from this and think that “I am looking at Him”, but this does not constitute second lesson. In second lesson, Baba is the Supreme Subject. It is He who is watching, not vice versa. The overall idea is not to make Him their object of ideation in 2nd lesson. Rather the sadhaka is to remember that He is watching you. The practice of brahmacarya means that “He is watching me.” This remembrance and realisation is brahmacarya or second lesson.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "He is watching everything. He witnesses everything through His mental eyes. His inner eyes." (2)

And His watching is due to His great, unfathomable love. When we remember that He watches always because of His deep love, then that brings unending waves of bliss in the mind - in which case we remember Him even more. This is the type of positive cycle which occurs in top-grade bhaktas. This is what to strive for in spiritual life. Second lesson is one beautiful remembrance wherein we feel that, "He is watching me and the reason why He is watching me is because He loves me very much." With His endless love He watches over all we do and guides us unto Him.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "His love is perennial. It is always there. It is for you to tap His love. It is up to you because the chance has been given to you. Now it is for you to realize that and open everything. Then you will be able to enjoy the complete love and devotion which has been showering on you for time eternal." (3)

Two great benefits that He is watching

Here are two more wonderful benefits of second lesson, i.e. that “He is watching me.” One is that, “Because He is watching me then I cannot think of committing any misdeed”, and the other is that, “Because He is always accompanying me then as my well-wisher He will save me from all sort of difficulties, trials, and tribulations etc - always He will save me.”  

(A) Firstly, when the common public thinks that the police is watching them then they do not indulge in poor behavior or misconduct out of fear. Even robbers refrain from committing crimes when they know there is a policeman or a surveillance camera watching them. So fear is one motivating factor.

Similarly, when sadhakas think that Parama Purusa is watching then they cannot do any negative works. They will be fearful to do that misdeed. Because to do something bad one must feel that they are alone and in an isolated place. Yet second lesson teaches us that He is always watching us. In that case we can never do anything bad. And ultimately that fear of doing something bad will transform into the inner desire to do something good to please Him. So we will always feel inspired to do righteous and dharmic works. 

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Human beings work...and think internally, 'I am His object and He is my subject. He is seeing whatever I am doing.' So He remains the subject throughout. When He is made an object it is for the purpose of ideation on Him. Moreover, there is an additional benefit: when I think I am His object and He is my subject, I cannot commit any wrong under any circumstances. His ever wakeful conscience will constantly warn me, 'What are you doing? He is watching you'." (4)

(B) And the second point is that sadhakas know that, “When I am never alone, then it means that He is always there to help and save me.” Indeed, this is a tremendous boon for every aspirant. They know that no matter what may transpire in this world, always Parama Purusa will be there to help them in their hour of need.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Even the most degraded people are not alone – Parama Puruśa is with them and will help them in times of need. No one should ever despair, however degraded they might be.” (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Parama Puruśa exists in all the entities of the universe – the sun, moon, planets, satellites, nebulae and innumerable celestial bodies, the countless atoms and molecules – in His individual and collective association. That is why, as long as there is a speck of dust under your feet, as long as a single star twinkles over your head, you should remember that you are not helpless, that you are not alone. You need not have any fear or apprehension about this under any circumstances. Just keep moving along the path of spirituality.” (6)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Sádhakas will live in eternity after this life. Parama Puruśa will always be with you. That means, neither were you alone in the past nor will you be alone in the future. Always remember that you are not helpless. He who is guiding the stars of the skies, is with you, you are not alone. Under no circumstances should you ever be afraid. Never think that you are alone.” (7)


One must  always think that everything around me and whatever I see, it is all Parama Purusa. If in the wilderness one should think Parama Purusa is present around me in the form of bushes, trees, animals, plants, earth, soil -- everything. I am surrounded by Parama Purusa anywhere and everywhere.

In Him,

Special tip

Here is the easiest way to practice 2nd lesson. Take a look around you: trees, birds, sky, grass, stars, dogs, leaves etc. And think that all these entities are the expression of Parama Purusa in that particular form. So the tree is not a tree, but Parama Purusa in the form of that tree. And a bird is not a bird, but Parama Purusa in the form of that bird. By this simple and easy approach, one will cultivate an ideal practice of second lesson. When one has achieved siddhi (perfect facility) in second lesson, they will attain a deep state of samadhi.  

~ In-depth study ~

Free from samskaras

In addition, the second lesson carries one meaning that differentiates itself from all our other spiritual practices. Second lesson alone is what enables us to escape the binding noose of samskaras. By second lesson we can escape the never-ending cycle of action and reaction. As we know every thought, word, or action generates a reaction.

But by His divine grace, when we think or say anything or perform any work in this world, so long as we remember Him and repeat our 2nd lesson mantra, then that thought, word, or deed will not be binding. We will not create any new samskaras through that work. Because always He is watching us and ensuring that we are moving on the straight path towards Him. With His two eyes He keeps strict guardianship over us. Remembering His benevolent watch is our second lesson.

In second lesson, the doer is thinking that: "Whatever I do is with the energy of Parama Purusa", and in true sense Parama Purusa is the doer because "His energy is working and I am just a machine." It is for this reason that new samskaras are not made. So we can say that second lesson is nothing but His divine grace wherein He liberates the sadhaka from the net of generating new samskaras. Instead our load of samskaras is lightened if not eliminated and we can march directly unto Him. This is the great gift which He has bestowed upon us in the form of second lesson.

Baba's special reminder

For those of us who attended all those DMC's and reportings with Baba, we can easily recall how Baba would point out:  'So many people entered the room without properly doing second lesson'. This type of loving rebuke and reminder came on innumerable occasions; Baba would regularly tell like this.

So this goes to show how incredibly important second lesson is. Because He would not remind people about taking proper food or water before entering. Nor did He remind about doing half-bath before entering. Only He was this strict on the point of second lesson. The main point behind this is that all should engage in the practice of brahmacarya. The mind should be flooded with the divine ideation that 'He is watching me'. This special idea Baba wants that we should always remember.

1. Ananda Vacanamrram - 1, Who Is Gopa?
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Thousand-Headed Puruśa
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, 'Dharma Sadhana'
4. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, Cognitive Faculty and the Supreme Desideratum
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The Divine Drama
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Ananda Marga ideology
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Bandhu, Suhrd, Mitram and Sakhá

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Proper cardiovascular exercise

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "Pure, fresh air has the power to cure diseases. It is advisable to breathe in as fully as possible, because when we do so, the air gets an opportunity to penetrate the lungs completely. It is better to take a walk in the fresh air than to ride a vehicle. If the body does not work up a sufficient sweat, then you should know that you have not taken the air properly." (1)

Everyone is aware that Baba is teaching us to be vigilant about walking every morning and evening, invariably. 

1. Yogic Treatments, Appendix, Point E

== Section: Important Teaching ==

No Baba photo at AM marriages

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The pratiika [emblem of Ananda Marga] should be placed in an elevated place in the marriage hall." (1)

In His above teaching, Baba gives clear reference that the pratiika should hold a prominent place in the hall during our Ananda Marga marriage ceremonies. At the same time, there is no mention in Caryacarya of having Guru's photo on display. 

The reason is that some non-margiis may be attending the marriage and Baba's photo should not be displayed in front of those who do not have utmost reverence for Him. That is why we should strictly follow Caryacarya and not put His photo on display during our Ananda Marga marriage ceremonies. Whereas, with the pratiika, non-margiis will positively accept it as a tantrika symbol and will have respect for it - just as every religion and organisation has their own symbol. So even if non-margiis do not know the full significance of the pratiika, they will accept it at face value and not degrade it. But that is not the case with the photo. 

To preserve the sanctity of the photo, at our Ananda Marga marriage ceremony we must not put Guru's pratikrti [photo] on display. On this matter, we must strictly abide by the dictates of Caryacarya, and not show the photo. 

1. Caryacarya - Part I, Marriage Ceremony

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Extent of human cruelty

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Senseless, sadistic killing is called pishunatá vrtti. If meat-eaters slaughter animals in the way that inflicts the least pain, that is not pishunatá; but if they kill them slowly and cruelly, first chopping off their legs, then their tails, then their heads, it is definitely pishunatá. These days in many civilized countries people are unable to give up meat-eating, but have at least devised modern methods to kill the animals less painfully. But remember, the killing of animals, no matter how it is done, is contrary to the spirit of Neohumanism."
   "Once I saw a harrowing sight in a market place: part of a live tortoise had just been chopped off and sold, but the poor creature was not completely dead and was trying to crawl away, leaving a stream of blood. Such cruel things should be abolished altogether. The cruel slaughter of that innocent tortoise is certainly a case of pishunatá."
   "To kill human beings is totally undesirable, but if people do want to eliminate their [a'tata'yii], they should do so with a minimum of torture. The kings of old used to kill criminals by impaling them on spikes; or by half-burying them in the ground, sprinkling salt over them, and letting the dogs eat them. Sometimes people were flayed alive. These actions certainly deserve universal condemnation." (1)

A'tata'yii: A person armed with weapons who comes to your home to kill you.

Note: In many parts of India, animal torture occurs in the wide open. If you walk around the main vegetable market then in one corner there are non-veg items. Live animals are tortured before your very eyes. It occurs along the roadside as well. One particular religion is most notorious in this regard. They always do this on the roadside. I saw that if customers want to purchase a live chicken then the merchant will snatch up a chicken, yank the wings off and throw it in the garbage, callously remove the feathers and snap the chicken’s neck right in front of you . And then they put it in the bag for the customer to take away. It all happens in the open. For meat-eaters this may be normal but for non meat-eaters it is repulsive how they are forced to see this going on. It is so disgraceful how people tolerate this in the name of religion.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section 3: Links ==