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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Why only AM primary schools + 3 more


Why only AM primary schools


These days it is not easy to do pracara and inspire people to take initiation because they are in a vastly different flow of life. Society is crude and grossly materialistic and that has an adverse effect on the populace. Also, the prevailing system of education does not address the development of the whole human personality. That is why Baba has given the neo-humanistic system of education.

Why neo-humanistic education is unparalleled

With the spread of the Ananda Marga system of primary education, so many will be ready to become margiis. Pracara will be comparatively effortless as most - in their early years - will have gained an appreciation for spirituality. They will be inclined in that way. And verily, this is the only avenue to create a big wave of new margiis on a mass level. When our primary schools are in every village then so many will be eager and ready for sadhana and our Ananda Marga way of life. A neo-humanistic primary school education will provide them the requisite groundwork for a life based on a spiritual ideal. 

Now it is our duty to implement it. Failing that, people will just escape the trap of one deficient educational system, only to fall into another one. That is not the solution. It is just like abandoning one broken boat and jumping into another broken boat, thinking that will save you. But that other broken boat is not going to save your life.

In response to the problems of today’s educational system, other alternative, i.e. so-called progressive schools. are not the answer for a child’s entire growth. At present, they may seem more appealing or be better financed than our Ananda Marga schools, but they are not the final solution. A neo-humanistic outlook paves the way for both individual and collective well-being. Students will cultivate a universal outlook, understand the purpose of life, as well as realise their inherent familial relationship with all beings and objects of this universe. Only schools led by Ananda Marga sadhakas and supported by sympathizers can truly lead humanity forward.

First and foremost our Ananda Marga outlook is grounded in this supreme truth: When the social system is not functioning and society needs a way to move forward, then Taraka Brahma comes in the form of Mahasambhuti. And He provides all kinds of guidelines in all spheres of life, like the system of neo-humanistic education.

We are fortunate and blessed to have access to His divine teachings. We should do all we can to implement and propagate these ideals.

Formative years is when to instill values

Here we have to remember that primary education is the best time, and the cream of the entire life, to teach anything. At that time, the mind of the child is ready to receive whatever you teach. They will eagerly embrace all kinds of ideas and teachings - and those guidelines will remain with them - in their heart and mind - through the course of their life. Children who attend our primary schools will thrive and grow.

If we fail to give proper neo-humanistic teachings then, their whole life will move in another direction, as they will never be able to pick up those points. Children need to be taught the fundamentals when they are young - when they will readily absorb and embrace all that is imparted to them. Whereas if you try to teach Ananda Marga ideals after one has already entered adolescence then the situation is completely different. Instead of following and learning, they will be argumentative and non-cooperative. By that time - by the age of 13 or so - already the window has been missed. Because in those pre-pubescent years, the child will absorb all that you teach them like a sponge.

That is why at least primary education must be done in a neo-humanistic manner. Thereafter, for college and higher education, one may attend other types of institutions if Ananda Marga universities are not available. But the cream time of human development and learning – and setting a course for the life – is from 0 to 12 years of age. At that time, they learn quickly and they follow what they see and read. So that is the time to instill high ideals and great thoughts. If one’s primary education is done in a neo-humanistic way, then they will not be swayed or harmed by other institutions later in life.

These primary schools will prepare students with a solid base to become margiis in the future. But the current style of education is detrimental as it utterly fails to introduce and goad kids towards the spiritual path. As our primary schools introduce kids to spirituality at an early age, they will be ripe to join Ananda Marga and their whole personality will blossom. 

Why Ananda Marga primary schools in every village

Every child who attends our Ananda Marga primary schools will have a proper outlook and follow a mode of living based on sadhana, service and sacrifice. They will have reverence for their teachers, parents, adults, and educators and they will adhere to what points they are taught. All these ideals and more are instilled early on – in primary school  education etc.

And creating a primary school is very easy. It does not demand a lot of resources. Each and every neighborhood must have an Ananda Marga primary school. This is where we should make a concerted effort. Not a lot of resources are needed, and those kids will turn into true Ananda Margiis or sympathizers. There are so many benefits.

And again, all that is needed to begin is one teacher who is a committed Ananda Margii. A non-margii cannot guide children in neo-humanistic education. The teacher or principal must be a margii in order to impart the proper values etc. So just one person is needed to start a primary school. And once there are 50 children from aged 4- 12 then that is a “healthy school.” So it is quite feasible to make one primary school after another.

Whereas with a high school, a huge amount of resources are needed: money, teachers, supplies - all on a large scale. So it is a double-loss. Our valuable resources will be all tied to one institution and those students will develop their own worldly outlook independent of Ananda Marga. While in reporting itself, Baba condemned the idea of creating high schools, and if anyone did so then Baba would create the situation to close it. Instead He wants maximum primary schools.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "We must start primary schools throughout the entire world to create a spiritual urge amongst the little pupils. I am not in favour of starting colleges; I am in favour of starting primary schools. In the entire world we have got one degree college at Ananda Nagar and thousands of kindergarten schools. That is why it is desirable in the first phase to start many primary schools instead of colleges. Merely opening high schools and colleges without a proper system of education will not serve the purpose. Rather, thousands of kindergarten and primary schools must be started with this new system of education, to create a spiritual urge amongst children throughout the entire world." (1)


Ananda Marga’s unique system of neo-humanistic education is the solution to the present problems of today’s humanity. The Ananda Marga system of primarynschools education, along with sadhana, will lead to the proper growth and progress of human beings.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

“A thirst for knowledge”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The thirst for knowledge will have to be awakened among students, and reverence, devotion, orderliness and discipline will have to be taught as well.” (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “So as I was saying, it will not do to impart education through intimidation. A thirst for knowledge must be awakened, and, to quench that thirst, proper education must be given. Only then will education be worthwhile and develop the body, mind and ideals of the student.” (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Education must awaken the thirst for knowledge in the students’ minds. The students themselves will create environmental pressure by persistent demands for answers to queries like: What is the answer? Is it correct? The longing, “I wish to know…I wish to understand and assimilate the entire universe” should be created. Such a thirst for knowledge should be created in the minds of students…So a tremendous thirst for knowledge must be awakened in the students’ minds. They will constantly pry their teachers, their parents and their neighbours with questions like: Why is this so? What is that? Why does that happen? Why does this not happen? etc. They are ready to assimilate the entire universe.” (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “How many teachers try to awaken a genuine thirst for knowledge in their students?” (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Students go to school and sit for examinations in order to pass. Examiners should bear this fact in mind. They should not adopt the rigid position that “Only such-and-such percentage of students will be allowed to pass.” Examiners should take into account only the range of knowledge and the extent of the thirst for knowledge the students possess.” (6)

Not yet developed method of training child’s mind

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Children are by nature most inclined towards play, so a thirst for knowledge will have to be awakened in children through the medium of play – children should be educated through play methods. Children are also by nature inclined to listen to fantasies and stories. Through stories children can easily be taught the history and geography of various countries, and they may also be taught the initial lessons of how to practise universalism in their lives. Children love play and stories almost equally, so in their case the two should be equally utilized.” (7)

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The mental outlook of children has already been moulded in a particular fashion by the influence of their family environment before they start school. No matter what or how much they learn at school, it is extremely difficult for them to free themselves from the influence of their family. Drawing on what they have learned in the family, the immature minds of children begin to learn about the world and understand it, and to receive ideas and master language so that they can express those ideas. Unhesitatingly they adopt their elders’ way of looking at the world. Hence the primary responsibility for acquainting children with the world lies with their parents or guardians. Children will become assets of society in the future to the extent that their parents or guardians discharge their duties properly.”
   “I have no hesitation in saying that today’s adults have not yet developed a scientific method of training children’s minds. Even most so-called educated and refined people, let alone average adults, are either ignorant about or indifferent to the education of their children. Their ignorance may be pardoned, but how can we forgive their indifference? The family into which a child has been born will naturally have to bear the primary responsibility for the physical, mental and spiritual development of that child.” (8)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 9, Pramá – 4
2. Problems of the Day, pt #33
3. Human Society-1, Education
4. Prout in a Nutshell – 18, Talks on Education
5. Human Society-1, Education
6. Human Society-1, Education
7. Human Society-1, Education
8. Human Society-1, Education

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You came down on this dusty path only to lift me up

"Tumi pather dhu'loya nebechile, shudhu a'ma're upare tulite..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1384)


My Parama Purusa, You came down on this dusty path only for lifting me up; it is Your grace. You have done so many things for me, yet I remain oblivious about You. Even then You do not mind and You go on blessing me.

Baba, You made the path beautiful and lit the lamp to make my spiritual pathway crystal clear. On both sides of the path there was the chasm of vanity. In my blindness, I deviated and fell into that abyss. I did not use my eyes to see properly. Instead, I was covering my eyes with both of my hands and I kept moving until inevitably I lost the way and fell down into the deep, dark gorge of dogma.  

Baba, You then guided me and told, “Look towards the path and be fixed on the Goal.” And You also told me that with a pointed mind I should love that Ista, Taraka Brahma. But I did not care and instead remained oblivious and indulged in my lustful pursuits. I was completely engrossed in ephemeral pleasures in the mirage of my temporary and useless hobbies - even then You saved me. 

Baba, You descended on this dusty earth to lift me up from the dungeon and onto Your lap. You are so much gracious....

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Q & A on immortality

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Ya'jinavalkya asked, 'What would you like?'" "Maetreyii replied: 'Yena'ham' na'mrtasya'm' tena'ham' kim kurya'm'" "'What will I do with things which will not remain with me permanently? Of what use are the objects which will not establish me in immortality?...'Please give me that thing which will remain with me permanently, which I'll be able to preserve forever, which will establish me in immortality. I don't want anything else.'" "Then Ya'jinavalkya gave her a number of instructions, upon which a major part of Raja Yoga is based'." (1)

Note: As described in the above teaching, worldly things do not remain very long. That is why ideal people goad their mind towards Parama Purusa. Being Parama Purusa and Guru, Baba has given us the path. On this point, we are extremely fortunate. Now our main duty is to follow His ideological teachings, i.e the path to Supreme fulfillment.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The Place of Women in the Spiritual World

== Section: Important Teaching==

Fundamental base of Prout

Prout philosophy states, “The universe is the thought projection of Brahma, so the ownership of the universe lies with the Supreme Entity...Everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma…We must not forget, even for a single moment, that the entire animate world is a vast joint family. Nature has not assigned any portion of this property to any particular individual. Private ownership has been created by selfish opportunists, as the loopholes in this system provide them with ample scope for self-aggrandizement through exploitation.When the entire wealth of the universe is the common patrimony of all living beings, can the system in which some roll in luxury, while others, deprived of a morsel of food, shrivel up and starve to death bit by bit, be said to have the support of dharma?” (1)

Note: So long as one does not feel this above teaching in the inner core of their heart then their understanding of Prout remains nothing but a dream. Only when this teaching is deeply embedded in one’s mind will a person be able to strongly oppose economic injustice.

1. Problems of the Day, Point #1

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

We shall have to remain ever vigilant

"In the transitional period of civilization, honesty in individual life is a prime necessity. We shall have to remain ever vigilant that the darkness of petty self-interest may not shroud this supreme human treasure. With the very extinction of honesty, civilization too will not survive; the long sádhaná of the human race will go in vain, and all intellectual achievements will become meaningless. Book knowledge that cannot be utilized in life has no value." (Ananda Vanii #7)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

History of medicine - 7

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Different kinds of metals and non-metals have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Gold, silver, tin and mercury especially have been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes. The famous Ayurvedic medicine makaradhvaja is prepared from a combination of mercury and sulphide. There is no dearth of medicines produced from calcium in homeopathy, allopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, whatever system it may be. Medicines produced from the conch shell, which have generated excitement since ancient times, are actually nothing but calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide."
   "The value of the principle shama samaḿ shamayati [similia similibus curantue – “like cures like”)] has been understood by human beings since the age of the Mahábhárata, but it was Mahatma Hahnemann who brought it to the scientific level through his system of homeopathy. People realized the value of this principle during the Mahábhárata age from the poison treatment of the poisoned Bhiima. There were considerable advances in Ayurveda in poison research, especially with snake, scorpion, spider and hornet poisons. Within Ayurveda, members of the royal family of Cochin in the state of Kerala were pioneers in this. At one time there was a good deal of individual research into poison treatments. My maternal grandfather, the late Dr. U. M. Basu (allopath) conducted research into the medicinal use of scorpion poison, but he died before his research findings could be properly documented. The science of allopathy does not seem to have made much progress in these treatments, but there are endless opportunities for making progress in this respect." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)

== Section 4: Links ==