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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

How AM is immortal

How AM is immortal


We should be fully assured that our A'nanda Ma'rga ideology is immortal and going to flourish on this planet and across the universe, wherever humans go. Because the path of Ananda Marga satisfies human dharma. That is the special formula and the hidden reason why our AMPS will not only survive, but verily thrive.

Only AM is the path of eternal bliss: Sutra 2-5

Ananda Sutram (sutra 2-5) guides us that every human being has a thirst for limitlessness. All are eager and hungry to find eternal happiness and peace. To that end, humans do so many things and run in so many directions: money, materialism, allurement, power, etc. All done in order to find happiness. But those material engagements are unable to provide real satiation.

In that sense, they are just like small babies who are hungry and chewing on anything they can find: sticks, plastic, pencils, and cardboard etc. But that baby will not be satisfied until it gets mother's milk. Likewise, humans are involved in various material pleasures only because they have yet to find something better. And still they are searching, slowly refining their ways.

Proof being that now, around the globe, so many have joined up in various styles of yoga and other healthy ways of living. People are flocking in this direction and improving themselves. They are on the move. But even that will not entirely quench their thirst, because only Ananda Marga is the path of eternal bliss. So their quest and search will not stop until they find themselves on the path of Ananda Marga ideology.

Baba's special formula is the ultimate combination: He has instilled within human beings an infinite desire and He has given the teachings of Ananda Marga to satiate that innate human yearning for eternal happiness. Each and every human being is on a pre-programmed search to seek out the path of bliss, Ananda Marga. There is no other destiny.

Speed then pause & then speed

Now that we are confirmed that every human being has an inborn desire to find Ananda Marga, the path of bliss, let's redirect our attention to the current scene within AMPS. How is it that we can feel assured that our AMPS will be able to show the path of Ananda Marga to all who come.

Before 1990, our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) was in a phase of tremendous speed. In a few decades, Baba unveiled the plan and programs for the entire future of humanity. No teaching or secret was left untold. He has given everything. Each and every day brought a new revolutionary idea or concept as well as a plan to implement. Our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) was marching at full velocity. That was the need of the day in that pre-1990 period.

At the same time, in that pre-1990 period, we could not digest all of Baba's teachings, like neo-humanism, microvita, and samadhi etc. It was a period of speed to roll out more and more new works, all done at a pace faster than the human mind could assimilate those teachings. It is just like if someone goes to the university bookstore and purchases all the needed books to get a PhD in quantum physics. Buying those books alone does not make one automatically worthy or qualified to have a doctorate degree. Rather it will take years and years of study to assimilate the requisite knowledge to earn that PhD. Same is the case with our Ananda Marga ideology. Just because some people were taking dictation or publishing books about Ananda Marga ideals, that does not mean they are wholly established in those tenets. Rather it takes time to instill all those ideas within one's being.

Need of the day: propagate AM ideology

In our period of speed prior to 1990, it was extremely rare for anyone to be able to assimilate the real essence of what Baba was saying and doing. And there are so many examples of this. And still today some are more involved in propagating Baba's miracles - at the expense of Baba’s ideology. And that is not the need of the day. The world and its religions are already full of tales of miracles etc. What is really needed is a rational philosophy. The need of the day is for us to understand and propagate Ananda Marga ideology.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "A study of history will make it clear that a strong and healthy society has not yet evolved on this planet. This is mainly due to the inadequate propagation of an ideology. Although at different times a few people thought of establishing a strong and healthy society, they used argument and debate instead of deliberation and reason to convince others of the need for such a society, and ultimately ended up projecting themselves instead of the ideology. Thus the ideology became secondary and was ultimately swept away because people started worshipping them as mahátmas [elevated souls] or mahápuruśas [spiritual beings]. Due to the absence of an ideology a strong society could not be established, and many defects crept into individual life." (1)

Since 1990, our AMPS has been in a period of pause. The phase of speed finished. So since 1990 the period of learning and assimilation of Ananda Marga ideology has been in vogue. In that light, earlier, it was hard to understand exactly what groupism was and the amount of harm it could do. But now, having had to fully confront it in our own organisation, we are step by step pulling our AMPS out of the mire of groupism. Through study and sadhana, we are aiming to rise above any groupist sentiment.

Sadhakas in AMPS are now learning Ananda Marga ideology. With each and every passing day we better adhere to Baba's teachings and spread His ideals via our conduct, discussions, and actions. Our AMPS is slowly righting itself on the path of ideology.

Optimistic outlook for AMPS

Baba has instilled within all the inherent and infinite desire to become great, i.e. to experience eternal peace. Plus, He has given the path of  Ananda Marga ideology, which is the only real avenue for experiencing infinite bliss. And now our AMPS is in a period of pause, so we may best assimilate and understand His teachings. For all these reasons, we can sincerely know, 'Ananda Marga Amar Hai', Ananda Marga ideology is immortal.

That is what the period of pause is all about and with every passing day that we are coming more in line with our Ananda Marga ideology. And, ultimately, by this way humans will carry Sadguru Baba's teachings of Ananda Marga forever and ever. That is why there is a grand feeling of optimism percolating within our AMPS. Not all our problems are solved yet, but one by one they are being addressed as we hold onto and implement Baba's teachings, by His grace.


Human beings have infinite desires, and only Ananda Marga is that path of eternal bliss that can quench the human thirst to achieve limitlessness. And, in this period of pause, we are all becoming worthy media for bringing Ananda Marga teachings to the world.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "This speed and pause will continue. Pause means the gathering of momentum for speed in the subsequent phase. If one closely watches the effect of speed on a particular community or the entire humanity, one sees that generally people eulogize the period of speed. However, we cannot afford to ignore the state of pause, because by judging what the previous state of pause was like, we can discern the speed of the next phase."
   "There are some people who are pessimistic. They say that the society around us is very bleak, that it has no expression of vitality and that it seems that everyone is in a deep slumber. Pessimists say this because they have never made any detailed study of human history, nor do they care to. Had they done so, they would certainly be optimistic, because if they had looked carefully at the symptoms of pause, they would have realized that significant preparations were being made for the subsequent phase of speed. So under no circumstances should human beings be pessimistic. That is why I am always an incorrigible optimist, because I know that optimism is life." (2)

We are now no longer thinking that just because a sadhaka came into Ananda Marga that one is therefore a sadvipra. That is how it was prior to 90. A few thought that simply because they were in  AMPS, therefore they had the birthright to rule the world. Hence the building of the Prout Palace to entertain the world's leaders. Those days, some were just waiting for their coronation as kings of this earth.

But now that dream is over. Now most understand that being in AMPS means that we must personify Baba's teachings in thought, word, and deed. So all are studying, learning, and competing to be better informed about our Ananda Marga ideology and way of life.

In Him,

Why religions cannot satisfy human thirst

The religions have a sense of god-hood, which is why they still have followers. Because human beings are not inclined to become atheistic. But the diminished feeling of god-hood that the religions convey is not enough to keep their followers. Because people want more than dogma in their life. They want to realise something Great and be guided by a flawless philosophy based on rationality. Hence, none of the dogmatic religions can keep their followers forever. Over time, all will come onto the path of Ananda Marga ideology.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, The Responsibility of Society
2. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Dynamicity and Staticity

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Purchasing capacity: empowerment

Prout philosophy states, “It may be questioned whether it is wise for any government to guarantee the minimum requirements. If the state is to supply cereals, pulses, salt, gram, ghee, butter, etc. to all people then naturally the state has to institute some process of control which people may not like. Hence PROUT’s view is that people should be guaranteed the provision of sufficient purchasing power to meet these requirements. In that case the state need not adopt control measures.”

“The other disadvantage of guaranteeing the supply of minimum requirements is that if consumable goods are supplied to everyone, people will become lethargic. They should therefore be supplied with purchasing power in exchange for their work according to their physical, psychic or spiritual capacity.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout