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Monday, April 15, 2024

Escaping jaws of death - 1 + 4 more

Escaping jaws of death - 1


At that time, our margii brother Margii H had just finished his lunch and was going out for a walk - it was around 1pm. He noticed that up ahead a jeep had stopped next to a young lady. Initially he did not think much of it.

Then he saw that the driver of the jeep was grabbing onto the girl's hand and pulling her, and the young lady was struggling, crying for help, and trying desperately to walk in the opposite direction.

At that point, Margii H was about 100 meters away - he could clearly see that the young lady was being harassed. Margii H began to run towards the jeep in order to save the young lady.

Margii H comes rushing to rescue the girl

When he arrived at the scene, Margii H saw that the young lady was scared and in tears, and that the driver of the jeep who was grabbing her was none other than his boss, Captain N. Bhattacarya, the 2nd company commander. Margii H also understood that his boss was drunk; the smell of alcohol was oozing from his mouth and his eyes were bloodshot / red. It was a festival day, and Captain Bhattacarya was coming from a midday party.

Immediately, Margii H followed the standard protocol and saluted his commander and pleaded with him to let the young lady go. The drunken Commander Bhattacarya was irritated by Margii H’s arrival and began to scold him. Bhattacarya let go of the young lady's hand and smacked Margii H. Margii H stood firm and told Commander Bhattacarya to leave the young lady alone. Bhattacarya replied, "No."

Then Margii H said, "If you do not leave the young lady alone, I will drag you to the ground, sit on your chest, and beat you."

Hearing this and seeing Margii H's strength of mind, Bhattacarya stood still, and the terrified young lady left the scene. After looking into each other's eyes, Commander Bhattacarya and Margii H parted ways.

Margii H decided to go directly home where he remained for some hours. Then he received word that he was to perform quarter-guard duty that night in front of Bhattacarya's house. Immediately, Margii H knew that this meant trouble; it was some type of punishment or trick. Because although he was in the military, Margii H worked in an office and rarely did things like guard duty, let alone night guard duty with a loaded gun in front of Bhattacarya's residence. Margii H knew that he had to be extremely careful.

Nighttime encounter with his officer - 1

That night, Margii H was vigilant as he attended his post. He was keeping alert in all directions. Then sometime after midnight, Margii H heard someone approaching him from behind.

Margii H turned around and yelled, "Stop! Halt!."

Then Margii H saw that the person approaching him was his boss, Commander Bhattacarya. So Margii H saluted him.

Commander Bhattacarya then began his tirade, "Who do you think you are? Why did you come running when I was with that young lady? Do you think you are some kind of moralist?! What is wrong with you!!"

In this way Commander Bhattacarya was abusing Margii H. Margii H noticed the strong smell of alcohol emitting from Bhattacarya and understood the imminent danger.

Then Commander Bhattacarya sneered and said, "You know, in the military it is very easy to kill someone and cover it up."

In his fury, Bhattacarya continued, "I am going to kill you now and bury you. I will make you disappear from this earth. You know it is not difficult to eliminate (kill) a soldier. All I have to do is shoot you and proclaim to one and all that you were trying to escape and run from your duty. I will brand you as an escapee, take your property, and arrest your entire family."

Nighttime encounter with his officer - 2

Then Bhattacarya took out his revolver and pressed the barrel of the gun against Margii H's chest. Bhattacarya's eyes had the look of murder. His breath reeked of alcohol. The situation was ugly and tense.

Margii H was standing there completely still, not knowing what to do. Then from behind he heard Baba's voice: "Kill him, shoot him, don't miss, otherwise he is going to kill you!"

Margii H wanted to turn around and look towards where the voice was coming from, but he dared not look back.

Again Baba's voice came: "Take action, kill him, he is going to kill you, do not delay even one more second!"

(Note: Decades and years later when Margii H would tell this story, then when describing Baba's voice, his body would become full of goosebumps and his mind would become very vibrated and run towards Parama Purusa.)

In that next instant, Margii H somehow reached for his own gun, and before he could think anything, his own fingers just "pulled the trigger."

He had shot Bhattacarya, and Commander Bhattacarya fell to the ground. Margii H saw his commander lying there and then pointed his gun again and shot him a second time to ensure he was completely dead.

After the shooting all soldiers come running

After the sound of the second gunshot, sirens and alarms sounded in that military compound and people came running from all directions. All the soldiers reached to that place. They all saw that Commander Bhattacarya had been killed.

Then Margii H crouched down in a fighting stance, reloaded his gun, and forcefully yelled, "If anyone comes even one step closer I will shoot!"

All the soldiers stayed where they were - frozen. They understood that when Margii H had already killed his commanding officer then he was capable of doing anything. And from Margii H’s side, he was thinking that, "Already I am going to get capital punishment for killing my superior, so killing more people will not make things any worse." He had nothing more to lose. The entire situation was very tense.

Then our margii brother Margii H shouted out, "I want your promise that no one will torture or punish me. I want justice."

Nobody knew what to do or what to say.

Margii H arrested and put on trial

Then the top commander, CF Warden arrived. He was very understanding and intelligent. He said, "I will give you justice. If you are right, if you are innocent in all of this, I will give you justice, just drop your gun."

So Margii H put his gun down and was arrested. He was taken to the military jail and then quickly brought to the judge, just a few days later.

The judge simply asked him, "Did you shoot your commander?"

Margii H replied, "Yes."

And the hearing with the judge was over. This type of interaction went on for weeks. Margii H would get called to the military court, the judge would ask the same question, and Margii H would give the same reply.

The whole situation appeared to be hopeless and Margii H began to get frustrated and wondered why the judge was not asking him for any more details.

In that desperate mood, Margii H sent one of the new margiis that he had created, Umashankar Pandey, and told him to go to Baba. Margii H instructed Umashankar to tell Baba that, "I am in jail and the situation is not at all good."

Baba's special message

Umashankar set out on his journey and reached to where Baba was. As Umashankar was a new margii, he had never been to see Baba before. This was his first time, and he did not know how he would be able to get an opportunity to convey the message to Baba.

Umashankar reached Jamalpur at night and decided to wait until morning - then he would tell Baba the whole story in general darshan. So Umashankar took rest for the night, woke up, and attended to his morning duties etc. While he was washing, various margiis came in his direction and said, "Who has come from Panagar.” Umashankar was surprised that even though he had arrived unannounced, they had come looking for him.

Baba had asked PA Satyananda if anyone had come from Panagar. PA then demanded that people go see if anyone had come from Panagar in the night. In this way they found Umashankar, and he was brought before Baba.

Umshankar was thinking that he would tell Baba all the details and go over the entire story, but before he could say anything, Baba told, "Tell Margii H to do sadhana and everything will be alright."

Umashankar kept trying to tell Baba more of the details, i.e. that Margii H was in jail, but each time Baba would interrupt him and say, "Tell Margii H to do sadhana and everything will be alright - he should not worry. Parama Purusa will take care of everything."
Umashankar then returned to Panagar in an unhappy mood. He felt he did not get to tell Baba anything. Umashankar conveyed to Margii H all that had transpired during his visit with Baba, and Margii H smiled and said, "All-knowing Parama Purusa Baba is aware of everything and He will solve the problem."

Victory of dharma

Margii H followed Baba’s instruction, and in a short while a thorough investigation was conducted and the judge gave his conclusion, "The decision of the court is that Margii H is not guilty.” And Margii H was set free.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The dharma of all human beings is one and indivisible, and that dharma is bhágavata dharma. Establish yourself in that dharma and your victory is assured.” (1)

in Him

About Margii H

Margii H joined the Indian military in 1963; and, in 1966, he was holding a clerical post and stationed in Panagar military base (West Bengal, India). One of the top officers of his battalion was Major NK Pandey, who had a young daughter studying for her baccalaureate degree. During Vasant Pachamii festival in the spring, the daughter was walking across the military compound when a jeep pulled up alongside her. Here was the story of how Baba saved our margii brother, Harihar Pandey, from the jaws of death.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, Bhágavata Dharma

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

In my joyous days 

"Diner a'lote a'so ni, ele tumi a'ndha're..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2073)


Parama Purusa, You are so merciful and divine. In the effulgence of the day, You did not come. But now, in the darkness of night, You have arrived and removed that blackness. Earlier when my life was full of happiness You did not come; but, now in this period of misery You have brought Yourself close to help. It is Your grace. During my good days I wanted You to come and rejoice. But I did not see You. How You play Your liila. In the smile of the moon, You do not present Yourself. But when I was suffering in pain, then with the soothing balm You came and relieved me of my suffering. 

Baba, everyone knows that You are most-loving and that You think about one and all. Even then, they involve in logically analysing and reasoning about Your ways in order to strengthen their love for You - to love You in a deeper way.

You are beginningless and Your abode is in infinity. In all the twelve months You remain constantly along with me - in pain and pleasure. Baba, You are the eternal shelter of everyone - the heart of hearts and the soul of souls. You pull everyone near and never discard or ignore anyone - irrespective of how high or how low they are. Baba, You have only come in this time of crying and agony. In my joyous days and times I was calling then You did not come. Your glory is unfathomable; Your liila is beyond imagination; You are so gracious...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How the rich suffer

Here is an English summary of Baba’s original Hindi teaching from Allahabad, DMC 1984: 

If money or wealth would have been the solution to all the problems then in that case rich persons would have always enjoyed being in a state of bliss. But in society it is not like that. The suffering of the rich is more than the poor. (English summary, Allahabad, DMC 1984)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human desire knows no end. Millionaires want to become multimillionaires, because they are not satisfied with their million. Ask the millionaires if they are happy with their money. They will say, “Where is the money? I am somehow pulling on.” This answer indicates their ignorance of aparigraha. But such feelings have another adverse effect on body and mind. Out of excessive fondness for physical or mental pleasures people become mad to earn money and amass wealth. As money becomes the be-all and end-all of life, the mind gets crudified. Constant hankering after money results in negligence of one’s health, and this makes the body unfit. Therefore, santośa sádhaná lies in being contented with the earnings of normal labour, without any undue pressure on the body and mind. To remain contented, one has to make a special type of mental effort to keep aloof from external allurements.” (1)

Note: In some of our western countries nowadays, and wherever materialism reigns supreme and money is more free-flowing, the number of psychic diseases is multiplying day by day. The "haves" are coming under the grip of mental ailments like depression, frustration, hopelessness, and melancholia. Many are conflicted and suffer from a degrading psychic flow. That is why so many westerners, buckled by materialism, go to psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and other counselors for their mental health issues. And the number of adults being treated with antidepressant medications / drugs has risen to an alarming 15% of the US adult population. Without medication and counseling etc, they fall into a tailspin of moderate to deep depression. Even then those two therapies (i.e. counseling and medication) are just band-aid measures. They do not address and resolve the problem in a meaningful, permanent manner. The only true cure is psycho-spiritual practices like sadhana etc. Only then may one develop a balanced mind and achieve a state of equipoise and peace.

1. Guide to Human Conduct, Santosa 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Practical difference between mind & soul

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Now you know, in the mind of each and every living being there is this feeling of “I exist”. There is one “I exist” in you. “I exist.” “I am.” “I exist.” Mm? This “I” is the subtlest mind. But don’t you know that there is the feeling of “I exist” in you? You know it, you know this fact, that there is the feeling of “I exist” in you. Don’t you know it? You know that there is a feeling of “I exist” in you. Then, “I know the fact that I exist. I know the fact that there is a feeling of ‘I exist’ in me.” Now here the “I” of “I exist”, the subject of the sentence “I exist”, is the subtlest mind. And the “I” of “I know” – “I know the fact that I exist” – the subject of the sentence “I know”, that “I” is the átman, is the spirit, is the soul. It is not mind. There is a feeling of “I exist” in me – “I exist”. That “I” is the subtlest mind. The feeling that “I exist” is in me, is known to me. That knowing “I” – “I know that I exist” – that knowing “I” (the “I” of “I know”) is the átman, the spirit, the soul.” (1)

Note: Everybody has a mind. And the feeling associated with the mind is, “I am”, “I exist”. That quality is indicative of mind. And everyone also knows that they exist and that they have a mind. The entity that knows that they have a mind is the soul. The conclusion is that “I am, I exist” is the feeling of the mind, and the feeling, “I know I exist” is the feeling of the atma or soul.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Longing for the Great

== Section: Cartoon from 2018 ==

Sucking blood of common people

Note: Here is the situation not only in India but across the entire globe whereby capitalists in various forms (rich people, leaders, dictators) are sucking the blood of the common people. So this below cartoon depicts the whole world but especially India.

~ Courtesy of Kraaftstudio ~

~ Courtesy of Kraaftstudio ~

Note: Here is the situation not only in India but across the entire globe whereby capitalists in various forms (rich people, leaders, dictators) are sucking the blood of the common people. So this above cartoon depicts the whole world but especially India.

== Section 4: Links ==