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Monday, April 15, 2024

Escaping jaws of death - 2 + more

Escaping jaws of death - 2


This posting is the second part of the story. You may have received and read part one which I am summarizing here in a few words. After that, the second half of the story follows.

The margii Harihar saw his drunken commander sexually harassing one teenage girl in broad daylight in an isolated corner of their military campus. Harihar interceded to save the girl. Then in the middle of the night, in revenge that same officer tried to kill Harihar. In self-defense, Harihar killed his commander and was subsequently arrested and court martialed. A link to part one has been appended below.

Now here starts part two of this story. The below account tells what happened during Harihar's trial and after.

If my daughter is sexually harassed what would you

After the incident, Harihar was in jail for a while - a few months had gone by. He had dreamed of Baba on numerous occasions. Plus every week he was being called before the military judge, i.e. Major General PC Chaddha. Harihar's supervisors and fellow officers were telling him to change his statement, but Harihar refused and insisted that he wanted justice.

Finally, one day Judge Chaddha called Harihar and again asked him, "Did you shoot your commander?"

Then Harihar replied, "Yes, Your Honor, but there is a long story about this that I wish to tell you in a confidential way, not in front of this entire courtroom crowd. Bhattacarya was a sinner. I killed him and that was a dharmic action, but I want to tell all the details in private."

Actually, Harihar wanted to save the prestige of the young lady; he did not want her to be ostracised. So Harihar requested a private session with the judge. And it was granted. The judge cleared the courthouse, and then in a calm, deliberate manner, Harihar said, "If my daughter or mother is sexually harassed by someone and you saw what would you do?"

The judge carefully examined Harihar's face and said, "I would kill that person."

Harihar responded, "That is what I did."

Harihar explained the entire course of events to the judge. He told how he saw the young lady, how someone was grabbing her, how that turned out to be Commander Bhattacarya, how Bhattacarya then threatened him and gave him night guard duty, and finally about the epic scene in the middle of the night. All these things he carefully told to the judge. It took 45 minutes. The judge listened and took notes. The judge seemed surprised that on his military base cantonment a young lady could be harassed and kidnapped.

Harihar furthermore told, "This happened just as I told you. If you investigate and find that I have made even 1% mistake then you must inflict punishment on me." In this way he concluded his narration before the judge.

Afterwards, Harihar returned to his cell and the judge began to investigate the case. Step by step, line by line, the judge was astonished to discover that all that Harihar told was true. In particular, the judge discovered that the young lady who was harassed was Major NK Pandey's daughter. The judge visited the family and they corroborated Harihar's account. Indeed, all in all, the judge talked to many witnesses who confirmed the course of events.

Military court’s judgment

On one special day known as judgment day, the entire platoon marches in full uniform - including the accused - and they reach to the special place where the judge comes to give his final decision. When Harihar stood before the judge, many thought that he would be sentenced to death, i.e. shot for killing his supervising officer. The judge then rendered his decision: "The decision of the court is that Harihar Pandey is not guilty and he is to be set free under certain conditions. He is not to have home leave for 5 years, he cannot stay in any posting for more than 1 month, and he is not to be promoted for ten years. Under these conditions he is set free." Hearing this, everyone cheered and celebrated on Harihar's behalf.

A blessing from from his Guru

Even though he was set free, it was generally thought that Harihar would have to live under a difficult set of rules. But Harihar thought, "Although I may not get home leave for 5 years, but each and every month I will be transferred and in so doing I will be granted ten days to reach my new post."

And sure enough, after one month, Harihar received his transfer orders and had ten days to reach his designation. In that ten day period, Harihar went straight to Baba, and Baba showered Harihar with immense love and grace.

During that sweet visit, Baba said, "It is theduty of a margii to fight for dharma and that is what you did."

And so it was that during many of his monthly transfers, Harihar was blessed to be able to go see Baba. Another point in all of this is that if Harihar had not done this deed then his samskara would have been fulfilled in some other way. So by doing this act Harihar did two things: (a) He stood up for dharma by saving a defenseless young lady; and (b) he fulfilled his samskara of going to jail.

Some who suffer from a cowardly mentality might think that Harihar only invited trouble by coming forward. Many do not want to do ksattriyacita sega; they do not want to risk their lives. What such persons do not realize is that they will have to face their samskaras (mental agony) in some other way. Harihar got a double benefit: First he did a heroic, virtuous deed by saving the young lady, and by suffering in jail he burned an old samskara. If he had not done this, he would have faced that old samskara in another manner. So the coward's psychology is meaningless.

Caryacarya states, "One who does not come forward to help when seeing a person in distress is unworthy to be called a human being – he or she is a slur on Ananda Marga." (1)

Shortly after this incident, Harihar thought that he should do more and more Ananda Marga work, not military work. So he left his position in the military and was free of those imposed stipulations by the military court.


Sadguru Baba is an eternal Entity. Still He resides in your mind - in your happiness and sorrow. An aspirant must ask for His grace to adhere to the code of dharma. If one is sincere today the Baba will come and save you, ensuring that you are one with dharma, just as in the past He saved Harihar.

Parama Purusa is ever-present. One should follow dharma and when one feels fully exhausted after having spent all their energy, one should ask "O Parama Purusa, if you wish me to proceed on, then give me the strength to persevere, i.e. to face those negative samskaras of the past."

Asking in this way is dharmic. One must not ask for any material thing or even for a particular outcome. Only one should ask for strength to face the situation, because if you have strength then that problem is no longer a problem.


If we follow dharma and fight against injustice then Baba will always protect us. That is His divine decree. In his life, Harihar stood up for dharma and protected a defenseless young lady, and Baba graciously saved Harihar from the jaws of death.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya guides us, "Men and women are human beings having equal dignity. As the physical strength of women is less than that of men, the latter should always endeavour to save the prestige of women. As the mothers of men, women can claim this much as a right. Special attention should be paid to the comforts of women during festivals, at spiritual conferences, and on other occasions." (2)

Ananda Vanii says, "Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "“Dharma rakśati rakśitah”. If you protect dharma, dharma will become will be an asset to you. You will get more help. A wise person should make dharma stronger." (4)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Easiest & most natural way for humanity to grow

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Human beings devoid of bhágavata dharma are just like animals. I have already said that if human beings lack bhágavata dharma they are actually worse than animals. Animals do not have a developed intellect or consciousness; human beings do. If human beings fail to utilize their developed intellect and consciousness, choosing to avoid the pursuit of bhágavata dharma, they are the enemies of humanity and a slur on the human race. Their actions, having no relation to bhágavata dharma, should be considered contrary to humanity and their innate characteristic. Their future is bound to be doomed, like that of a huge tree struck by lightning. The downtrodden masses who long to better themselves should embrace the path of bhágavata dharma. The easiest and most natural way for human civilization and humanity to grow is through bhágavata dharma. There is no other way. Hence, those who sincerely seek the welfare of humanity must uphold bhágavata dharma." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, "In another situation, some men are attacking a helpless person. In this case neither sermons nor nursing is needed, nor is food to be offered; there you will have to render Kśatriyocita service. In this situation, Kśatriyocita Sevá is of greater value and other services are entirely meaningless." (6)

Who are enemies of humanity & a slur on the human race

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Keep serving the people, and as you render service ascribe Brahmahood to those you are serving. Try to make them happy with all the sweetness of your heart. Help others with the true spirit of service, not with the intention of propagating your self or group interests or any “ism” you may adhere to. Think that the Supreme Entity has come to you in the form of needy people to test your sense of duty. This sort of selfless service is karma yoga." (7)

Ananda Marga ideology guides, "Animals do not have a developed intellect or consciousness; human beings do. If human beings fail to utilize their developed intellect and consciousness, choosing to avoid the pursuit of bhágavata dharma, they are the enemies of humanity and a slur on the human race. Their actions, having no relation to bhágavata dharma, should be considered contrary to humanity and their innate characteristic. Their future is bound to be doomed, like that of a huge tree struck by lightning. The downtrodden masses who long to better themselves should embrace the path of bhágavata dharma. The easiest and most natural way for human civilization and humanity to grow is through bhágavata dharma. There is no other way. Hence, those who sincerely seek the welfare of humanity must uphold bhágavata dharma." (8)

Another example of a great deed

In his book, 'My Elder Brother', Manas Ranjan Sarkar, tells how one day in his childhood he got into a fight at school to protect someone, but in turn he himself was beaten up. When he returned home, everyone told him not to engage in fighting and that he did wrong. But when Baba saw him, Baba praised him and said, “You did a great job.”

Always Baba supports those who uphold dharma - He always supports those who protect the weak and the helpless.

Link to part 1 ==> Escaping jaws of death - 1

(1) Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #12
(2) Caryacarya - 1, 'Social Relationship Between Men and Women'
(3) Ananda Vanii #14
(4) Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Bandhu, Suhrd, Mitram and Sakhá
(5) Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 10, Bhágavata Dharma
(6) Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala
(7) Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)
(8) Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 10, Bhágavata Dharma


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Meaning of ‘moving together’

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "What is society, what makes it up? What is Samaj?" 'Samanam ejati iti samajah...'Here 'moving together' does not mean march or double march, here 'moving together' means that all portions of society, all portions of the collective body, should have the spirit to move ahead." (1)

Note: In His above teaching Baba guides us that the term society has a specific meaning. Society is not simply a collection of people like a crowd - each with their own individual aims and motives. Nor is society a group of people moving swiftly in a particular direction. Rather, society is formed when the entire collective moves according to an ideological vision, where none lag behind and all are encouraged to progress.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ

== Section: Announcement (10/13/18) ==

Mahaprayan of mother Giita Devii


It is with much sadness that we share the news of the mahaprayan of Smt Giita Devii, wife of Shrii Shashikant Jha. Mother Giita Devii's mahaprayan occurred on 13 October 2018 at 7pm, just after collective dharma cakra at her house. She had been sick of late and breathed her last in her own abode.

Mother Giita Devii was a great bhakta of Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. She was always singing Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtana, filling her existence with His name and song. Verily she was ever-ready to serve those in need and lived according to the ideals of neo-humanism. One of her sons is a wholetime worker of the Marga.

Smt Giita Devii resided at: Ashananda, PO: Titara, Dargha Chowk, Pusha Road, Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Her cremation will be held on Sunday, 14th October, at the aforementioned village. 

May we all take solace in the fact that our dear Mother Giita Devii was a bhakta of Sadguru Baba. Certainly she will attain mukti or moksa, accordingly. Baba will lovingly bestow His infinite grace.

in Him,

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How sterilization operation is dangerous

Prout philosophy states, "The population of the world is rapidly increasing...In the event of shortages in the food and accommodation of an entire population, people, through their collective efforts, will convert uncultivated regions into new cornfields [arable land], increase the productivity of the soil by applying scientific methods, and produce human food from the earth, water and air by chemical processes. If the earth becomes depleted of resources, the people of the world will rush to other planets and satellites in search of new land." (1)

Prout philosophy says, "Using birth control methods which deform the bodies of men and women or which destroy their reproductive capacity forever, cannot be supported, because in such cases a severe mental reaction may appear in them at any moment." (2)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #24
2. Problems of the Day, Point #24

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे परमपुरुष! मैं हाथ जोड़कर तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में  बारबार निवेदन कर रहा हॅूं

प्रभात संगीत 3687 विनती जाइ करे तव चरण धरे....


हे परमपुरुष! मैं हाथ जोड़कर तुम्हारे चरण कमलों को छूकर बारबार निवेदन कर रहा हॅूं कि मेरे घर में आएं । बार बार आकर मुझे धन्य  करें। बाबा! तुम्हारे अनगिनत  ठिकाने हैं और वे सब तुम्हारे मन के अनुकूल  हैं पर तुम्हें  यह नहीं भूलना चाहिये कि मेरी यह छोटी सी कुटिया भी तुम्हारे द्वारा  ही बनायी गयी है।

बाबा! मैं तुम्हारे लय में हमेशा  नाचता और तुम्हारे राग और तान में गाता हॅूं और अनुभव करता हॅूं कि तुम लय राग और तान सब कुछ ही हो। मैं तुम्हारी  वीणा बजाता हॅूं। हे दिव्यसत्ता! मैं तुम्हारा हॅूं और सब तुम्हारे हैं और तुम्हारा दिव्य खेल यह जगत है। तुम्हारी लीला ही मेरा पूरा जगत है।

मैं हमेशा  तुम्हारे विचारों, तुम्हारे ही ध्यान में  मगन  रहता हॅूं, मैं हमेशा  तुम्हारी कहानियां, तुम्हारी शिक्षायें और आदर्श  को कहता और गाता हॅूं। मैं तुम्हारी कृपा के अनुसार ही चलता हॅूं। हे परमपुरुष बाबा! जब तुम अपनी दिव्य वांसुरी बजाते हो तो उसके आकर्षण में तुम मुझे और निकट खींच लेते हो। यही मुझे  आगे बढ़ते जाने के लिए जीवन देने वाली शक्ति हो । तुम सबके आधार हो सब कुछ के सार हो तुम्हारी महिमा को न तो नापा  जा सकता है  और न ही उसका वर्णन किया जा सकता है।   तुम प्रत्येक के हृदय और आत्मा हो।

बाबा!  मैं तुम्हारे चरणों में साष्टाॅंग प्रणाम करता हॅूं , कृपा कर मेरी छोटी सी कुटिया में आ  कर मुझे धन्य  करें। 

== Section 3: Links ==