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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Supporting sadhana + 3 more

Supporting sadhana 


This letter examines some key characteristics related with the 3rd and 5th lessons of Ananda Marga sadhana, including how these two lessons can be incorporated more into daily life.

Every free minute for spiritual practice

The life of a sadhaka is dynamic. There are a variety of mundane works and worldly duties to attend to: work, travel, social service, meetings, farming, family, meals, etc. Plus, Baba's eternal guideline is to spend a maximum amount of time in spiritual pursuits: sadhana, kiirtan etc.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "If you have even only one minute's time, do kiirtan for one minute...your sa'dhana' will attain the height of spiritual fulfilment." (1)

So by this we can understand that Baba's main emphasis is that despite worldly schedules a maximum amount of time should be allocated for spiritual practice. Basically we should do sadhana whenever and wherever possible, as that propels us up to the height of human glory. Here following are some suggestions on how to increase time in meditation despite having a busy and often unpredictable routine.

When we can't sing or after a meal

Apart from our specially designated twice daily sadhana regimen, often we get moments of free time throughout the day that can be utilised for spiritual endeavours. For example, sometimes we might attend a conference or a meeting, and before the speaker begins we may have a free minute or two.

Other times, we may be sitting and waiting for a friend or an associate. Or it might be during a short break in the planting season. Invariably we get pockets of time that can be transformed into spiritual moments. The question is what practice should be done when, and how to best utilise these small pockets of time. Kiirtan is an ideal way to spiritualise many small pockets of time. And Baba guides us in this manner as well.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Instead of wasting your time in gossiping, in useless idle pursuits, you should do kiirtana even for two minutes or five minutes, whenever you get the opportunity...So do kiirtana, sing kiirtana, chant kiirtana, whenever and wherever possible." (2)

So kiirtan is an ideal way to fill the gaps throughout the day. Yet not all times are conducive for singing kiirtan or Prabhat Samgiita - such as when in certain public venues or in areas where we must be quiet, such as a library or research center etc. Spiritual chanting is not always an option, but in that circumstance one can do mantra japa or short dhyana.

But other times, such as after a meal or light fare etc, one might think that sadhana is not an option. It is well-known that doing sadhana on an empty stomach is best - optimal. Nonetheless, when we find ourselves with free time after having recently completed a meal, even then there are two lessons that can be properly practiced. And that is the focus of this letter.

When third & fifth lessons are best

Despite having taken food, third lesson (tattva dharana) and fifth lesson (cakra shodhana) can still be practiced. This is one of the unique qualities of these two lessons. Certainly, that does not mean one should specifically plan to eat and then do 3rd and 5th lessons.

Rather sometimes we are in circumstances that are suited to doing sadhana, even if we just ate. For instance, if after food one is traveling on the train and has no other work, or if one is sitting and waiting for someone, one may compromise on which posture they sit in for sadhana as they had no opportunity to take proper rest after eating food. It is good to do half-sadhana (repeat ista mantra) after food; the main reason is that usually after food if one does full sadhana then they often fall asleep. If on certain occasions a sadhaka has some time after food and they want to utilise it for sadhana then can do 3rd & 5th as one will not fall asleep.

Here the matter is that in the course of a busy schedule, when free time arises after a meal, then a very good option is to 3rd and 5th lesson to best utilise the time. By this way the mind will regain freshness and one will maintain psychic equipoise. Both third and fifth lessons infuse spiritual shakti - keeping body and mind vibrant.

Senior acarya diary offers very pointed and clear distinctions with regards to the practice and visualisation techniques for these two lessons - as well as the use of mantra. If you are not aware about these distinctions then definitely bring this up with your acarya, or talk to a sadhana-oriented Wt in your area. Knowing the proper technique will enable you to practice both 3rd and 5th lesson in a better way, by His grace. And these lessons are unique in that even after food they can be practiced.

No doubt, 1st and 6th lessons are the main mediation lessons of our Ananda Marga sahaja yoga system, but after taking food, it is not easy to practice those lessons. Often one will feel sleepy or groggy and be unable to concentrate properly. In that case the best option is to do 3rd or 5th lesson. Because even with food in the stomach, one can do both 3rd and 5th lessons. This is one way to maximize one's day for sadhana. If one is not encumbered by having recently taken food, then naturally one can select any meditation lesson they like.

Unique aspects of third & fifth lessons

The main point is that third and fifth lessons help charge the mind and spiritualise one's existence. So due to life circumstances - such as having recently taken food etc, when one is unable to do one of our more advanced lessons like iishvara pranidhan and dhya'na, then doing 3rd or 5th lesson is an excellent use of the time. When we get more time or when the body is better prepared for meditation, then we can do other lessons.

If we do 3rd and 5th lessons multiple times throughout the day that will keep the mind pointed and make all the other lessons better. Thus even when doing 3rd and 5th lessons throughout the day, one should be vigilant in sitting down twice daily with a tranquil mind and empty stomach and performing all our sadhana lessons. Sadhana will certainly be enhanced.

The overall focus here is how to best spiritualize life and fill it with a maximal amount of time in sadhana, despite challenging schedules and busy lives. Sadguru Baba guides us in numerous discourses that  sadhana is the main endeavour and crowning glory of human life.

Sa'dhana' & sa'dhana'unga

Next comes the distinction between sadhana and sadhanaunga. First lesson (ishvara pranidhana) and sixth lesson (dhya'na) are our main lessons of sadhana. Since both bring us up to the Goal. By first lesson one reaches up to savikalpa samadhi - liberation or mukti. And with sixth lesson one can reach up to that apex point: nirvikalpa samadhi - salvation or moksa.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Iishvara prańidhána is a more effective practice for the attainment of savikalpa samádhi, because during iishvara prańidhána the mind is temporarily concentrated in the state of ekagrabhumi (the fourth stage of mental development – the state of one-pointedness of mind). Whatever little amount of I feeling still persists can be finally discarded through the practice of dhyána. Asamprajiṋáta samádhi [nirvikalpa samádhi] is attained following the complete elimination of the I-feeling." (3)

For that reason, when the mind is pointed and vibrated then maximum time should be allotted for these lessons - especially dhya'na. However, there are so many practices that we engage in to prepare the mind for meditation, such as: chanting kiirtan, singing Prabhat Samgiita, or engaging in spiritual talk etc. Plus within our sahaja yoga system there are multiple lessons which are actually helping lessons of sadhana, or limbs of sadhana. And these are known as: sa'dhana'unga.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Concentration is a major sádhaná, is a major intuitional sádhaná. But there are certain helping sádhanás. Ásana and práńáyáma, for example, are helping items. They are not sádhaná, they are called sádhanáuṋga." (4)

Both third and fifth lessons fall in this category of sa'dhana'unga, along with pranayama. The reason is that these lessons support the practice of first and sixth lesson. These helping lessons are the building blocks of sadhana and are an indispensable part of doing higher meditation.

Life is a spiritual sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The wise practise Dharma Sa'dhana' right from infancy because a human life is rare and rarer still is the human life perfected through sa'dhana'." (5)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Human life is for sa'dhana'." (6)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who realise Him in the form of onm'ka'ra', advance along the path of onm'ka'ra' and finally become ensconced in Purus'ottama, the source of onm'kara, the nucleus of all emanations. The unit entities in which His divine expression are fully manifest are said to have attained the height of fulfillment physically, psychically and spiritually. They realise in the core of their hearts that the entire human life is a 'sa'dhana'." (7)

Ananda Vanii says, "Life is a spiritual sa'dhana' and the result of this sa'dhana' is to be offered at the altar of the Supreme." (8)


When life is busy, then we need to know all the ways necessary to spiritualise the day. Using both 3rd and 5th lesson to focus the mind and generate greater spiritual shakti will enhance sadhana. These lessons can also be done after having eaten, if needed. Every sadhaka should make maximum use of their time to keep both body and mind ready for meditation. Toward this end helping lessons or sádhanáuṋga like tattva dharana (3rd) and cakra shodana (5th) are indispensable.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

How to maintain & regain spiritual flow

Some have raised the question:  what is the best way to regain your spiritual flow if your mind drifts. Essentially, there are two main approaches for achieving this.

Let's say you took second lesson when you began a particular work and then due to pressure of circumstance you were pulled away from that project and had to attend to a different task. Then one should take second lesson before working on that intermediary project and then when you return to the original work guru mantra should again be taken.

For instance, let's say your neighbor comes to your house and you take Guru mantra (i.e. second lesson) before greeting them at the door. Then while in conversation with them you should be involved in half-sadhana i.e. mantra japa - repetition of ista mantra. Then if your young child starts crying and you leave the conversation with the neighbor to attend to the child, then do second lesson before starting to help the child. When helping the child do half-sadhana. And when that situation is resolved and you are ready to again speak with the neighbor, then take second lesson beforehand and do half-sadhana as you continue your talk with your neighbor.

Here is the second scenario: Suppose that same neighbor comes to your door. Before answering the door and greeting him, you take second lesson. Then while interacting with your neighbor your half-sadhana, i.e. mantra japa, is flowing nicely. But at some point in the conversation that flow is lost. The mantra japa is forgotten. At that stage, what should one do? Should you again do second lesson or directly re-begin half sadhana? The answer is that you should just re-start your mantra japa; there is no need to redo second lesson.

The conclusion is that when changing physical activities or taking on new activity then one should do second lesson. And if one is just continuing the same activity then one need not take second lesson every time one’s loses their ideation. Additionally, there is no need to take second lesson in between lessons of sadhana, because the mind is already in a spiritual flow.

Note: Everyone knows that ajapa-japa is the practice of first lesson without shuddhis and without coordinating the mantra with the breath. Thus ajapa-japa, also known as mantra japa, is repetition of the ista mantra; and, when done during the day with the eyes open that is half-sadhana. And Guru mantra, brahmavidya, 2nd lesson, brahmacharya, and madhuvidya are all one and the same.

A clear example of how bhagavad dharma in AM is different from Hinduism is that in Hinduism women are prohibited from doing puja or going to temple during their monthly period cycle, whereas in AM everyone is encouraged to do their japa (mantra repetition and spiritual practice) all the 24 hrs. In AM, dharma should always be practiced.

1. 17 May '82
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam -22, Kiirtana – the Panacea for All Afflictions
3. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 9, Psychic Assimilation in Psycho-Spiritual Practice
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, How to Concentrate
5. Subhasita Samgraha-1, Bhaktitattva
6. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #4
7. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 6, Microcosm and Macrocosm
8. A'nanda Va'nii #12

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cowardly sadhakas refrain from opposing injustice

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You must continue doing good to society, and at the same time must fight against the bad...On the path of dharma, one is not only to do noble deeds; one must also fight against the dishonest people both are virtuous actions. There are many good people in the society - noble people engaged in noble deeds - who are not ready to fight against wrongs and injustices. This sort of passive benevolence does not really promote the cause of human progress in the world. What is desirable is to acquire virtue by doing noble deeds and fighting against all sins and crimes. Both are mandatory, both an integral part of dharma." (1)

Note: If we follow Baba's above mandate our organisation will be free from all kinds of negativity. Stagnant minded people will not get the opportunity to pollute Baba's ideology by imposing their dogma.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, What Should Human Beings Do?

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

They are verily the most heroic

Original Ananda Vanii states: “Those who can dedicate their all to the thought of the Great and the inspiration of the Supreme are verily the most heroic. Indeed, they are the virtuous, and they alone are capable of taking human history from darkness to light.”  (Ananda Vanii #22)

Note: Sadguru Baba has assigned a number to all His original and true Ananda Vaniis. In contrast, Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. By this simple formula, one can easily recognise which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. For the upcoming occasion of January 1st 2017, all Ananda Marga units should use one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis, not a fake one. By this way, one will surely get His blessing.

== Section 2: Links ==