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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Choosing whom to follow + 3 more

Choosing whom to follow


When a human being sees someone greater than themselves, they admire that person, offer respect, and desire to become like them. Thieves revere great criminals; players honor top athletes; students respect learned classmates; businessmen admire innovative entrepreneurs; and, general aspirants respect highly spiritual sadhakas.

This equation works in both directions - positive and negative. The main point is that offering respect comes readily to all. People are eager to follow and emulate those whom they regard. There is a long history behind this as it is related with our fundamental human psychology.

Indeed no one can say that they are not involved in hero worship, in one form or another. Everyone is involved - and therein lies one's failure or success. It is an influential component towards a person's development. Who you follow in life is everything. So we should examine this issue at a deeper level.

According to their hero, most people will change their habits, tastes, likings - indeed their entire modus operandi is affected. Thus, it is absolutely vital that people become aware of whom they respect. A person must follow mahajana - i.e. ideal dharmikas - otherwise, unknowingly they may fall into a black hole. Especially in this present era when people are fans of characterless individuals.

In AMPS, good conduct means

Unfortunately, the masses have most often embraced degraded persons as leaders. This is especially true these days. And the ones who suffer the most are our impressionable youths. They are most prone to being misguided by bogus pop idols. This even leads to their ruination.

As Ananda Margiis we cannot let the situation remain at a standstill, where impressionable people get drawn into false hopes and degrading ways. We are to encourage such youths - and the entire society - to give respect to higher ideals. Then things will start moving in the right direction. Let's then take a look at the workings in AMPS.

Baba has designed AMPS along a radically different concept. In Ananda Marga, we do not offer our respect based on material things, status, or other worldly matters. In Ananda Marga, respect is given based on one's conduct.

Ananda Vanii says, "Your ideal is represented by your conduct. Your learning, your social or economic status have nothing to do with your ideal." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Aca'ran'a't pa't'hayati yah sah a'ca'ryah – One who teaches through one’s conduct is an a'ca'rya." (2)

And in Ananda Marga, good conduct means adhering to dharmic principles: Godhood, selflessness, and benevolence etc.

Baba checked their conduct

The true formula is acranat dharma - dharma is represented by one’s conduct. And this has always been the gold-bar standard for determining one's character.

It is quite obvious that since the inception of AMPS, Baba was keenly checking the conduct of margiis and Wts in various ways: during reporting, general darshan, DMC, PC and so many avenues. He used to check how far one was strict in 16 Points and conduct rules. Those with poor conduct ran away due to their low character. Up to 1990, that was the vibration. Bad people were fear-stricken to go close to Baba. Because they knew they would be exposed. So our bounden duty is to focus on Parama Purusa - not worldly allurements. That is the goal of human life.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You are to purify [yourself] with the help of sa'dhana' and jana seva'. These two factors, sa'dhana' and jana seva', will keep the mental mirror in proper condition, in good condition." (3)

Even good people will do bad if

Baba has blessed us with the ability to understand that we are human and that we have the capacity to become one with Paramatma. But that can only happen if we are keenly aware about whom we follow in life.

If society is misguided then even good people will be diverted to do negative things. - what to say what will happen to bad people. So our only focus should be towards  Parama Purusa - not worldly allurements. That is the goal of human life.

Hero-worship is quite natural

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is an ingrained human trait that generally people do not have sufficient courage to undertake those tasks that require courage. But if someone takes the lead courageously, then others will cooperate. When a brave person comes forward, other people become brave due to his or her example. This is also an ingrained human trait. That is why whenever a righteous person undertakes a noble cause, honest people willingly extend their unstinting cooperation to him or her. Hero-worship of this sort is quite natural.” (4)


So be careful who you follow as it has a huge effect on the direction of your life. The type of leader one selects to follow in life is very important. For instance, if you follow a blind man and he falls into a well, then you too will fall into that same well. Likewise if you follow a dharmika who is moving towards Parama Purusa, then you too will come closer to the Supreme Entity.

in Him,

Healthy competition

To instill this within all in AMPS, Baba would publicly honour those involved in doing dharmic works. With this type of healthy competition, Baba guided everyone towards righteous activities. By this way we all understood that we would earn the respect and regard of others.

For instance Baba would reward the top bhukti with the title, "Jana Seva' Sealed". This bhukti that rendered the most social service won this award. And like that there were all kinds of healthy competitions to get our minds goaded in the right direction.

Competitions like: Sixteen Points, kaoshikii, tandava, dharma mitram (most pracar competition), conduct rules and so many other arenas. Prizes were often based on how much you followed bhagavad dharma and helped the downtrodden masses and the neglected peoples.

~ In-depth study ~

Let's see how hero worship began, how it changed through the ages, as well as what it means today - both for sadhakas and non-sadhakas.

In the wild together in order to face their enemies

Just as certain developed animals - like cows, horses, elephants, and birds - are gregarious in nature and live collectively in order to care for and protect themselves from predators, since the earliest times human beings have done the same.

When living in the wild, humans would group together in order to face their enemies. Following a particular leader was absolutely vital for survival: Food, safety, protection, shelter etc. People had to pay heed to the call of their chosen leader in order to carry on. Failing that, one was certain to face an early demise.

So the trait to follow someone became a basic component of human life. Over the centuries the style of leadership may have gone through changes, but all along people have always been quick to follow a respected person and emulate their characteristics. This is a built-in human behavior and has a huge effect on one's progress.

Be careful who you follow

During the ksatriyan era, courage, valour and bravery were heralded as the top qualities and people naturally gravitated towards those who most personified such characteristics. In turn, those at the helm gained greater power and exploited others with their might.

When the society changed and entered into the vipran era then people valued something else. With the rise of the vipran era, intellect and wisdom were seen as the greatest attributes and those at the helm were embodiments of those qualities. People naturally rallied around them and embraced that status in order to gain respect and be like their leader. To maintain their power, the leading vipras created all kinds of doctrines and religious dogmas to keep themselves on top.

Over time, money became king and those at the helm were vaeshyas, i.e. capitalists. In this age people revered those with massive wealth, and overlooked all other qualities. Yet those ruling capitalists gobbled up all the land and material wealth to keep on top.

In the past each of the ruling groups, whether ksattriyas or vipras, favoured their own clan and exploited the rest. And now today vaeshyas are ruthlessly exploiting everyone  - in ways never before imaginable. Now such vaeshyas are in power in most places. But anyone can identify the reigning era of a particular land or country by analysing who gets the most respect. Furthermore, one can assess the quality of the people by seeing who their leaders are. Bad "heroes" end up leading their followers into hell.

Why companies have cultish followings

Nowadays in the capitalist era, where material gain and prestige is everything and pseudo-culture is rampant, those with the most respect and glamour have huge money. Pop stars, athletes, movie stars, performers, and certain politicians and vaeshyas have scooped up the imagination, hearts and minds of the people. People run like mad after such stars.

If a pop star gets a certain type of haircut or tattoo, or if a movie icon wears a certain style of dress, then naturally people lunge in that direction. That is why the big corporations recruit and pay huge money to pseudo-culture stars and icons to model their wares and products as it will boost sales into the millions and billions. In that way they lure and cheat the common people into buying their products. Because the public will do anything and everything to follow their revered one.

People even become emotionally attached with certain products and brands. Even intellectuals get befooled and misguided thinking that everything their favoured company does is great. Many companies have this kind of aura; they have cultish followings. Plus in this superficial era, even fake yoga stars in the west are gaining clout in the form of sponsorships and hero-worship etc.

Carefully select those you respect

According to our human psychology, people like to follow others but due to poor examples they are goaded in the wrong direction - they get herded like sheep.

By this way the general public gets drawn into all kinds of degrading activity. To get wealth, even good people will cheat and steal; to get beauty people resort to plastic surgery and skimpy clothing; to attract the opposite sex, people have begun to dress like prostitutes.

All because most people blindly follow certain leaders. And when the leaders are degenerated, the common populace will be too. That is why it is so important to carefully choose whom you follow in life. The majority of people are a fan of someone. Most bow down to someone to gain respect.

The millionaire prostrates to the billionaire; a beauty queen surrenders to some Hollywood goddess; a car enthusiast gives himself to those who own a fancy car. Most in this world are fascinated by something or someone. That is the way for most in this world. Few can claim that they are outside of this dynamic.

By this way, a person sinks or swims. Tragically, most sink as they get lulled into the lesser operations and economics of the day. That is why it is so very important to carefully choose with whom you place your respect.

1. A'nanda Va'nii #13
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Jiivátmá and Pratyagátmá
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Vishiśt́ádvaetaváda (Discourse 16)

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Saturated in Your ideation

"A'ma'r pran'a'm na'o tumi prabhu, toma'y a'mi bha'laba'si..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2692)


Prabhu, please accept my sastaunga pranam. I am surrendering everything at Your lotus feet. I love You so much. Your eternal flute calls me continuously through the omkara sound. That exquisite vibration resounds in my sleep, dreams, and awakened state.

Baba, I search for You in my each and every action. Keeping Your name in my heart, I go on fighting against all difficulties and dangers in my life, whenever and wherever they arise. In this entire universe only You are most adorable for me. I perceive You in each and every thought, word, and deed. My body, mind, and heart have become one with You. My whole existence is saturated in Your ideation. It is Your krpa’.

Baba, Parama Purusa with a smiling face, You always float in my vision. Please shower Your karuna on me incessantly. Whatever my needs are, You always fulfill them. You have removed all the cimmerian darkness, dogma, negativity from my mind. By Your causeless grace, You are doing everything for me. Baba, I am pulled by the longing for You in the depths of my heart. Please accept my sa’s’t’aunga prana’m... 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Qualities of true shastra

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is universally true, for all ages and all realms, that dharma is the main current of human life. It is the impetus of living beings; it is also their source of wealth and the guidance for their journey through life. In the pervasive sense of the word, all objects, animate and inanimate, have their respective dharma: that is, dharma denotes the very existence of an object. In its narrow sense, dharma is less manifested in inanimate entities and more manifested in animate ones. In animate entities, the manifestation of the dharma of non-human creatures is instinctive and inborn. But the dharma of human beings is much more than this: it permeates and penetrates each and every sphere of life. Hence in the realm of dharma, the only true guide and controller, motivating force and protector of the people, is an excellent and comprehensive ideology which provides definite, clear-cut and bold directions for all aspects of human life – from one’s personal daily routine, to one’s social activities and collective motivation, to the spiritual inspiration which brings one closer and closer to God. A scripture which does not fulfil these conditions is not worthy of being called a scripture at all. Such a scripture does not contain the light of consciousness according to the definition Shásanát tárayet yastu sah shástrah parikiirttitah [“That which liberates through discipline is called shástra, scripture”]. We should also remember that in the realm of dharma there must be clear-cut injunctions in the form of dharma shástra [scriptural treatises], and simultaneously there must be strict guardians who during their lifetimes guide themselves as well as others according to those scriptural injunctions." (1)

1. Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section 3: Links ==