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Sunday, September 1, 2024

LFT life: no marriage + 2 more

LFT life: no marriage

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


It is widely seen how some Dadas force or convince LFT's to get married. A few Dadas pressurise and brainwash LFTs into believing that they cannot be celibate and remain as an LFT.  On the top, those workers falsely justify that this is Baba's guideline.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (1)

Under these circumstances, faced by the pressure to make a choice, most of the time those LFTs end up getting married. By this way, gradually our LFT system has become ruined and paralysed. And the reason is obvious: In this modern world, doing social service work full-time and simultaneously looking after one's unit family life and caring for the children is not possible.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who want to shoulder a greater responsibility out of the dictates of a noble and great ideology and find it impossible to accept the bondages of family life, should remain single." (2)

LFT life & married life do not mix

We have seen that those inspired youths who were engaged in full-time service to the society had excellent output. Those LFTs were dynamically engaged in various projects, and were hard working and dedicated. But once they got married, their involvement and productivity waned dramatically. Indeed, as soon as those same LFTs got married, they felt themselves surrounded by innumerable personal problems related with their own family, children, etc.

They struggled hard between the two commitments of LFT and family life. It was a terrible compromise on both aspects. Those married youth could not do full-time social service work nor could they manage their family responsibilities. Their life was like someone trying to stand on two separate boats. There are many examples of this - especially in India - where married LFT's aimed to continue in their dedicated work for Ananda Marga pracara and social service projects etc. In result, their family life commitments were disturbed - partly because those LFTs hardly had any income and also due to a distinct lack of time spent with the family. In that case, their children saw that they were not getting what others have - neither proper clothes, nor proper education, nor money etc, and ultimately under such conditions those kids formed a very negative impression of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. They felt that AMPS is the cause of all their problems and started hating Ananda Marga. So it was a loss on all fronts. Those LFTs could not fully commit to social service nor manage their family life, and their children also could not be brought into the Marga.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who want to shoulder a greater responsibility out of the dictates of a noble and great ideology and find it impossible to accept the bondages of family life, should remain single." (3)

LFTs suffer from an inferiority complex

Furthermore, I personally know so many LFTs who started suffering from an inferiority complex. On the mundane level - i.e. earning money, worldly comforts, family education - they felt they were not doing well; they felt they were not successful. In that state of mind when one is filled with an inferiority complex, it is impossible to properly serve humanity.

If someone is suffering from psychic ailments of their own, then how can they remove those same ailments in others' lives. It is commonly seen how, after getting married, many LFTs became preoccupied and drowned by their personal and family problems. In that case, there was no scope for them to serve others. They did not have the time nor the opportunity to think on the matter of social service. So on both the fronts they lost: Their marriage and family suffered, and their LFT life became severely compromised.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (4)

Getting married ruined their flow as an LFT

Earlier, they were single and leading the life of an LFT so they did not care about having a proper job or earning source. Rather, they spent their days doing sadhana and carrying out Ananda Marga service projects. They lived completely in Baba's flow. But when they were suddenly forced / convinced to marry, then in a flash the situation went from positive to very negative. Because they were standing in two boats - i.e. a stance that was impossible to maintain.

There were also many LFTs who worked for some time as an LFT without caring for their worldly qualifications, and after getting married they started feeling the need of gaining more money and a respectable job. In which case, some of them began repenting why they became an LFT in the first place. They were questioning themselves wondering why they did not care about their own career, degree, diploma or proper job earlier. Because now their married life became one nightmare.

So these are some of the common concerns, difficulties and problems related to LFT life in our organization these days. Now let us see what our Guru says, then this disputed matter can be solved. Because in this world everyone has their own logic. So if we investigate what is Baba's eternal truth and we keep that view in mind and start our discussion then the outcome will be healthy.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who want to shoulder a greater responsibility out of the dictates of a noble and great ideology and find it impossible to accept the bondages of family life, should remain single." (6)

Remaining celibate as LFT is a dharmic stand

Baba has given a very significant and in-depth teaching in the Namah Shivaya Shantaya book, section Shivokti-3. Baba's guideline is very straightforward: Those who want to work for the welfare of universal humanity should remain unmarried.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who want to shoulder a greater responsibility out of the dictates of a noble and great ideology and find it impossible to accept the bondages of family life, should remain single." (7)

Baba's teaching is very clear. Here Baba is not talking about Wts per se. Sadguru Baba's teaching is that anyone who dedicates for the propagation of the great ideology should remain unmarried. This refers to and includes the entire Ananda Marga LFT cadre. Baba's teaching is that LFTs should be single. By this way they will best be able to attend to their allotted duties and their work output and service to humanity will be optimal and premium. In sum, Baba's distinct guideline is that LFTs should remain single.

We have practically seen that when LFTs are bound in marriage - when they go against Guru's guideline due to pressure from Wts - then it is impossible for those LFTs to wholeheartedly serve and give 100% time for the cause of the entire humanity; plus they neglect their family contributions. That is why Baba gives the clear warning that LFTs should not marry. Because marriage is not suitable for LFT life. Rather the two are like oil and water; they do not mix well together.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (8)

Pressured by wholetimers

Yet certain WTs are telling or preaching to LFTs that either you get married or become WT. There are some cases where LFTs did not wish to become a WT because while living with Wts those LFTs saw first-hand many of the negativities and Himalayan problems that WTs undergo. In living close by WTs, many LFTs do not feel comfortable joining as a WT. Side by side, those LFTs did not want to marry either. They wanted to remain as an LFT. But then the pressure comes from certain wholetimers: “You have to marry, otherwise I will push you to be a WT. Choose either one. You cannot remain as LFT and unmarried.”

In this situation innocent LFTs find themselves in an awkward situation. They feel as though they are standing on one small rock between one chasm and one ocean. In that uncomfortable state, they half-heartedly resolve that, “Oh, oh okay, if I have to opt one then I have to choose married life.” And this is the wrong answer as they are being pressured to do something they did not wish do. And top of all, their inner desire is to remain as an LFT and be celibate. And that is Baba’s system, but certain Wts are giving them huge backlash. So the whole situation goes awry.

At the same time, if any LFT truly wishes to marry then they should be allowed; they must not be forced to remain single or go to Wt training. Theirs is a personal decision that should not be influenced by others.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (9)

Personal perspective

I have seen here in India how those unmarried LFTs do excellent work. Since long they have been continuing their services and welfare activities unhindered. But unfortunately those who got married either left their LFT-ships or got plunged into the quagmire of family life, and they were unable to manage deep organisational involvement. So they became a liability on both sides: family life and organisational life. Here we can conclude that married life is needed and an important aspect of society building; but, for an LFT it is completely impractical and against Baba’s guideline.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (10)


One other point: If LFTs are involved both in their own family problems and societal problems, it means that they are not working full-time for humanity. In that condition, they cannot be called as local full-time worker - rather their situation will be LPT (Local Part-Time). Because when the full form of the abbreviation of LFT means Local Full Timer, then surely they have to dedicate full-time otherwise they will not be LFT. But full-time work cannot be done when one is in the bond of family life. That is why LFT and married life are not working together. So we have to think on this very point. Because nowadays our LFT system is basically defunct. Whatever was existing has deteriorated and lost its vitality.

Remaining single means being celibate & serving the society

Here Baba warns that those who remain single must dedicate themselves for the welfare of humanity. Remaining unmarried and looking after one's own stomach will not do. Such selfish persons become a liability.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You'll see many people in this world who are bachelors but they are neither monks nor have they got a sacrificing spirit to serve the society. Such people are actually, they are liabilities, not assets to the society." (11)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The need for marriage differs with individuals. That is why in the opinion of Ananda Marga every individual has complete freedom in matters of marriage. For example, marriage of those ...whose present circumstances are not favourable for marriage (i.e., where marriage can cause unhappiness), is not desirable. Those who are constantly engaged in the fulfilment of an ideal, or those who have to spend the greater part of their day in earning their livelihood or some mental occupations, should not marry, because they will not find it possible to fulfil their family commitments properly. The marriages of such people are harmful to the society in many cases." (12)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “A decision for marriage should be taken with full consideration of one’s physical, mental, and financial conditions and environmental circumstances. No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (13)

Bringing respectability & economic stability to LFT life

One of the key points to bringing respectability back to the LFT position is to bring economic stability to the post. LFTs should not be looked upon as beggars whom Wts use to wash their dishes, cook their food, and sweep their floors. Unfortunately, this is the way things have been going on for the last so many years, but that is not the way Baba intended it to be. Only since 1991 or so, various Dadas have pushed LFTs into positions of lowly subservience. LFTs have often come into the organisation economically disadvantaged - especially in India where LFTs were recruited to be domestic servants - and then once in the organisation those LFTs became more exploited. In that case, no person is interested in joining the ranks of LFT. Respectability is needed and that goes hand in hand with economic stability.

Here are steps that need to be taken.

(a) At present, margiis generally do not contribute financially to LFTs. Family margiis are more eager to give to WTs. So margiis should be made aware that those who have dedicated themselves full-time, as every LFT has, are deserving of financial support and donations. LFTs should not just be looked upon and thought of as beggars. They are respected cadre of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, and it is the duty of family margiis to support them economically.

(b) LFTs should be posted to an Ananda Marga institution - such as an Ananda Marga school etc - where they can earn some money. LFTs should receive enough compensation to meet their daily needs. This is a key point to the ongoing survival of our LFT cadre.

(c) LFTs must not be deprived of the basics when Dadas live in the lap of luxury. This type of blatant dichotomy between haves (WTs) and have-nots (LFTs) must be eliminated. No society can last where there is such grand economic disparity.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (14)


All in all, for success in LFT life one should remain single. That is Baba's teaching. No worker should force that LFT to choose between becoming a WT and getting married. Those single youths or adults who wish to continue to serve as LFTs may do so for as long as they wish. On this point, Baba has not placed any restriction. Baba has clearly stated that those dedicating their life for a high ideal - such as LFTs - should remain single and celibate.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (15)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who want to shoulder a greater responsibility out of the dictates of a noble and great ideology and find it impossible to accept the bondages of family life, should remain single." (16)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Nowadays in this era of pseudo-culture and materialism, there are many who are not marrying in order to indulge in sensual pleasures with multiple partners etc. This type of situation is wholly condemned in Ananda Marga. In our way of thinking, remaining single and unmarried means strict celibacy.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who want to shoulder a greater responsibility out of the dictates of a noble and great ideology and find it impossible to accept the bondages of family life, should remain single." (17)

How misunderstanding developed about who is LFT

During the 1980s there was tremendous pressure to create LFTs, margiis, and BP's etc. In order to satisfy their quotas etc, those Wt authorities and in-charges gave false reports before Sadguru Baba. Certainly, all-knowing Baba knew those reports were false. On occasion, per His wish, He would expose and punish them for their false reports, and on many other occasions according to His divine liila He just overlooked their behaviour. About this we will talk more later: Why Sadguru Baba ignored this falsehood by Central Wts.

So those days under intense pressure to create LFTs, those Wts started enlisting everyone as being an LFT. They put the name of the cook, the janitor, the gardener, the sweeper etc. All were reported as being LFTs. And over time this just developed into one dogma where LFT just meant one type of house assistant etc. Many witnessed this, and even general margiis were swept up into this fervour. They went to reporting etc as a regular margii before even appearing before Baba, some WT saw them enrolled them as being an LFT, or BP etc. Because that Wt was under immense pressure to “create” LFTs etc. So any person who was breathing and in their pathway would get signed up as being an LFT. This is the way it was working those days.

Unfortunately, still today in India, LFT means being a subservient assistant - nothing more. Yet in reality, the LFT post carries a very important status.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (18)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who want to shoulder a greater responsibility out of the dictates of a noble and great ideology and find it impossible to accept the bondages of family life, should remain single." (19)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9), Shivokti 3
3. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9), Shivokti 3
4. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
5. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
6. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9), Shivokti 3
7. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9), Shivokti 3
8. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
9. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
10. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
11. DMC, 1/1/84, Ananda Nagar
12. A Guide to Human Conduct, 'Brahmacarya'
13. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
14. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
15. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
16. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9), Shivokti 3
17. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9), Shivokti 3
18. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage
19. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (Discourse 9), Shivokti 3

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your pleasing appearance

"Tomár madhur hási niye eseche, sriśt́ir sab kichu tomári káche..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0328)


Parama Purusa, Your sweet smile has pulled everything of this expressed world very near to You. Your spiritual vibration has such a strong, exquisite charm. All are rushing towards You; everyone wants Your closeness.

From the feeling of the heart up to the changes in epochs, throughout the existence of each and every manifestation of this created world, Your smile has inundated all with Your endless bliss. With its incomparable presence, it has radiated nectar in all directions. Your supreme attraction has saturated all my memories with heavenly honey - and spread across the entire flora and fauna so beautifully. Please come with the rhythm and melody of song and dance.

Supreme Entity, kindly come in my Guru cakra in the mind-intoxicating ideation of dhyana with Your captivating and pleasing appearance. Your affection-filled eyes have immersed my heart with full contentment. Your unparalleled, attractive, and heart-pulling persona has drawn all unto You.

Parama Purusa, Your grace is the essence...

== Section 3: Links ==