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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Baba demonstration: breathing & sadhana + 2 more


Baba demonstration: breathing & sadhana


Here is a story about one general darshan with our dearmost Sadguru Baba in Jamalpur. Some sadhakas may recall that in those days of 1965 Revered Baba was very particular in guiding us in spiritual life. He was quite strict with all sadhakas about following a proper sadhana routine and doing all the lessons etc.

Of course, in various ways and forms, this was true all the way up to 1990. But, at that time in 1965, it seemed that Baba was being especially gracious and personally giving so many special techniques and beautiful explanations for improving everyone's meditation.

That special General Darshan

Looking back, we can only say that this was His causeless grace. On this particular occasion that I am about to recount, Baba was in a most gracious and charming mood when He came for General Darshan. Upon entering, He was smiling so sweetly, and we all felt a special vibration in the air.

Baba was moving very slowly and delicately. And, when He gently sat down on His cot, then He began, little by little, emphasizing the deep importance and great significance of sadhana. This was the norm those days. And in His own beautiful cadence and rhythm, He began addressing many complementary points
for meditation such as proper food, right atmosphere, good company (satsaunga), physical exercise (asanas) etc-- all of which aid one in the practice of sadhana.

Included in this discussion also was Baba's special teaching about breathing and the correct use and utility of the nostrils. And He descriptively told us how long, long ago, the great yogii Sadashiva was the first to give this special science of breath control known as svarshastra.

Baba tells inner secrets about nadiis

Then Baba began to unveil some of the inner secrets regarding the three na'diis-- the ida', piungala', and the susumna. Baba was specifically guiding us that:

(1) When the piungala' na'dii is expanded then the right nostril is dominant. Baba told us that this state is conducive for doing physical activities such as running, jumping, eating etc.

(2) When the ida' na'dii is expanded then the left nostril is more active. Baba explained that this is more conducive for engaging in psychic work, intellectual studies, and psycho-spiritual pursuits. Then Baba went on to describe that one na'dii may be more or less dominant to varying degrees. For example, sometimes the ida' na'dii might be 70% dominant and the piungala' na'dii is doing 30% of the breathing. Or the ratio could be 90%-10%, or 60%-40%, or any combination thereof. And sometimes one na'dii may be controlling 100% of the breathing.

(3) Then Baba paused and He told that there is a somewhat rare situation when both the na'diis-- both the nostrils-- are working equally: 50-50. This occurs when the susumna channel or centre pipe is expanded fully and it is applying equal pressure on the other two na'diis.

Baba then told us that in that unique situation, when the susumna na'dii or the susumna channel is nicely expanded such that both the nostrils are working equally, then that is an ideal time to do sadhana. He told us that in this circumstance the mind easily gets concentrated. Then Baba lovingly directed us that we should always be ready to utilise that time for sadhana. Then, in that very room, one very special event came to pass, which I will never forget.

Baba’s demonstration that day

On that divine occasion, there were eleven of us sitting at His lotus feet immersed in His darshan. With His infinite compassion, Baba sweetly guided us all to check our nostrils and see which na'dii was dominating. Everyone present acknowledged that both their nostrils were equally open-- thus signifying that the susumna na'dii was expanded fully.

Everyone present understood that this was nothing but Baba's divine grace and then, upon His grand direction, we all started doing sadhana. And, almost instantaneously, we could feel a very strong vibration as the kulakundalini began to rise up through the various cakras until finally, by His magnificent grace, we all become ensconced in His divine flow and heard that omnkara dhvani– the sound of realization. We were all completely swept up in the vast ocean of His cosmic bliss and tears of joy were streaming down from everyone's eyes. 

After some time, Baba brought our minds back to the here and now, and our awareness returned to being in that small room with Baba before us. In that moment, we could all sense how the sweet smell of the lotus flower was permeating all around and a blissful vibration was dancing through each and every cell of our existence. It was truly a memorable experience.

Of all the different occasions that I was blessed to have Baba's direct darshan, I shall always hold and cherish the above experience as being quite dear. I will always feel that, on that particular occasion, Baba truly showered His causeless grace on us and allowed us to experience that real internal communion with Him.


Perhaps now more than ever, this opportunity is open to us all as sadhana is the means for communicating with Him and realising our true nature. So, in this short human life of ours, we should be most careful to utilise the best moments-- the most opportune moments-- for doing His sadhana.

Here is Baba's blessing upon all sadhakas:

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "One who has followed the straight path of the sus'umna' canal upwards does not return. He becomes one with Parama Purus'a, losing his separate existence." (1)

Thus, when the susumna canal is active, i.e. when both nostrils are open, then we should all be vigilant to use that time for sadhana, by His grace.

Ram Sahay

More facts about na'diis 
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Among the three principal nad'iis [psychic-energy channels], the sus'umna' is straight while the two on either side of it, the id'a' and the piungala', curve right and left." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In the yogic treatises the left na'd'ii is called id'a', the right na'd'ii is called piungala', and the one between them is called sus'umna'. The id'a' is also called candra na'd'ii [moon channnel], the piungala' su'rya na'd'ii [sun channel] and the sus'umna' a'ka'sha ma'rga [sky channel]." (3)

The science of svarshastra

Ananda Marga philosophy explains, "The process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils, influences people in various ways. It was Shiva who determined what kind of activity should be performed, depending on which nostril the breath was flowing through, and depending on whether the id'a' or piungala' or sus'umna' channel was active. He set down specific rules and regulations as to when one should undertake physical, psychic or spiritual activities. He further instructed when and in what circumstances one should do a'sanas, pra'n'a'ya'ma, dha'ran'a', dhya'na, etc. This science, which Shiva invented and developed, was known as svara sha'stra or svarodaya [science of breath control]." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The process of breathing has a great influence on the human mind and self, or soul." (5)

1. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Vishiśt́ádvaetaváda (Discourse 16)
2. Shabda Cayaniká Part 2, Discourse 11
3. Shabda Cayaniká Part 2, Discourse 7
4. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)
5. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your spiritual glow

Note: If you are at the dinner table talking to your close companion who is seated next to you and looking directly at you, already you have their full attention. In that case, you need not address them by saying “O”. If you say “O” they may get irritated. So prefacing an appellation for God with “O’” such as in O’ Lord is not appropriate in our Ananda Marga. Saying “O’ Lord” signifies that that Divine Entity is far away - i.e. in the 7th sky or heaven - and that one must cry out to reach them. And that goes against the spirit of bhakti.

In our Ananda Marga, we know that Parama Purusa is watching us always. He is never far - always He resides in the heart witnessing all we think, do, and say. Hence there is no need to call out to Him using the phrases, “O’ God”, “ O’ Lord etc.” One may simply address Him in a natural manner without the “O” preface and He will certainly listen to your call. Only in melancholic songs can the phrase O’ Lord etc be used.

"Ámár hiyáy bhúl kare háy, ese gecho prabhu tumi ájike..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0330)


Parama Purusa, You have come in my heart - unintentionally and by mistake - without any plan. For ages and ages I was calling You. Today I see that in filling the earth with the spell of Your beauty You have graciously come to me. Prabhu, You have taken advent to spiritually intoxicate all and overflow everyone's heart with joyous, divine songs and dance.

Baba, I light a lamp at Your altar, and pour forth unto You all the nectar of prema of my heart. Your spiritual glow and refulgence alone has illumined my entire being.
The Yamuna (holy river) of my mind breaks into a flood tide - and begins going upstream. All the flows of my mind are pointedly rushing only towards You. Baba, Your surging waves of unending love have vibrated my whole existence. I don’t have any virtue; by mistake You have come, Lord, in my heart. It is Your causeless grace...

== Section 3: Links ==