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Monday, June 10, 2024

How to cultivate more bhakti + 3 more

How to cultivate more bhakti


One has to beseech Him for His grace.

The following is an English summary of Baba’s discourse originally given in Bengali titled, “Intensivity and Extensivity in Spiritual Progress” from Subhasita Samgraha part 16, chapter 4. 

Human beings do not get Him by dint of their own qualification; they get Him by His grace. In receiving His grace, intuition develops. And with that intuitional faculty he gets Parama Purusa. In this regard, nothing happens by tall talks. You have to beg and beseech for His krpa and compassion. Only if He graces you can you realise Parama Purusa. If one has longing for and closeness with Parama Purusa, then surely he will get His grace. Because Parama Purusa is not some outsider or someone living elsewhere. He has a very intimate link with you; He is your own. For this reason, if He does not understand your pleasure and happiness, your hopes and desires, who is going to understand. He is the Entity who lives in every pore of your existence. He is hiding in your mind and knows what you are thinking and feeling - all your wishes. So if He does not understand then who is going to understand. (English summary of Bangla discourse)

What to do

Parama Purusa gives humans the requisite strength to proceed on the path. Whatever strength He has given, one should utilize in performing sadhana. One should put forth proper effort, yet at the same time understand that it is all achieved by His grace. On the path of spirituality, an aspirant cannot even move one step forward without His grace - what to speak of attaining mukti or moksa. Nobody can achieve the Supreme Rank exclusively by their own doing - no matter how much they try.

So one must put forth a request - and what does the bhakta ask for? His grace. Indeed, by becoming more and more involved in sadhana - one feels His supreme magnificence. So a sadhaka asks Parama Purusa to grace them with the strength and bhakti to proceed onwards. After all, overcoming all bondages and controlling the mind and all the associated propensities is not an easy feat for any human being. Good sadhakas realise this and request His grace.

~ Part 2 ~

False vanity

Every bhakta wishes to go closer to Parama Purusa. That is the very nature of bhakti - to seek His closeness. So then who does not want to go close to Parama Purusa? The answer is those who are arrogant and place too much importance on their own unit self. That category of person thinks, "Whatever I need in life I will manage myself."

Such persons give undue importance to their petty self or unit ego. They suffer from the false vanity that whatever they need they can satisfy with their own strength. They are utterly oblivious to the fact that they do not create their own energy. All the energy they have they derive from external sources like air, water, food, light, etc. And Parama Purusa is the ultimate source of all energy - directly or indirectly.

How can you say it is yours

So when Parama Purusa provides you with all the energy you have then how can you say it is yours when in actuality it comes from someone else. Only those suffering from the delusion of materialism cannot understand this simple truth.

The reality is that nothing belongs to them - it has all been graciously given by Parama Purusa. Due to this fundamental lack of knowledge and this deficit in understanding, they wrongly brag about themselves. They are unable to conceive of anything beyond their unit "I" feeling. Because of this egoistic approach, their mind becomes dry. They forget about Parama Purusa entirely - what to speak of developing an intimate relationship with Him.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "While utilizing one’s energy one should say to Parama Puruśa, “O Lord, I am working with the strength given by You. Let me not make the mistake of taking it to be my own power. Let me not forget You, O Lord.”" (1)

Asking itself stems from a feeling of love, humility, and the realisation that Parama Purusa is the Provider and Source - the nearest and dearest One. Without Him, nothing can happen. But to feel this way requires a certain amount of bhakti.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

And those with that threshold of bhakti will certainly place requests before the Lord. They will request His closeness - i.e. to grace them with more yearning for Him. That is the request. In spiritual life, with increasing feelings of closeness and proximity to Parama Purusa, comes the desire to ask for His grace. In true love this always happens.
Those lacking bhakti are more self-centered and fail to request His grace and closeness. In result, their mind becomes hollow and weak, as they are centering around their own unit self. That is their egotistical feeling, and hence they will not ask for bhakti from the Lord. However, this is not their greatness, but rather their defect. Such persons are far from Parama Purusa. Immediately, they should take steps to decrease the gap by asking His grace - asking for bhakti.

Asking itself stems from feelings of love, humility, and the realisation that Parama Purusa is the Provider and Source - the nearest and dearest One. Without Him, nothing can happen. But to feel this way requires a certain amount of bhakti. And those with that threshold of bhakti will certainly place requests before the Lord. They will request His closeness - i.e. to grace them with more intimate, spiritual longing. That is the request.

Thus in the life of a sadhaka, with increasing feelings of closeness and proximity to Parama Purusa, comes the desire to ask for His grace. In true love, this always happens.

Daevii hyeśá guńamayii mama Máyá duratyayá;
Mámeva ye prapadyante Máyámetáḿ taranti te.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "“It is very difficult to surmount this Máyá, because she is very powerful. How can such a small, ordinary human surmount this Máyá?” “Mámeva ye prapadyante máyámetám taranti te”. “Only the one who has taken shelter in Me can surmount Máyá”. Individual effort alone will not suffice. How can one free oneself from the saḿskáras accumulated while under the influence of Máyá and thus cross that dreadful ocean? A devotee has said, “Bhavámbodhipotam sharańam vrajámah”. “I will not be able to swim across because sharks will devour me. It is an impossible task. So what shall I do? I shall board a ship and sail across that ocean. Oh Parama Puruśa, please be the ship which carries me safely to the other side.” “Bhavámbodhipotam”. Ambudhii means “sea” – the bháva samudra; potaḿ means “ship”. Saranam vrajámá signifies, “I shall take shelter in that ship for I have no other way.” Thus, the intelligent people, the devotees, know that Parama Puruśa is the only shelter, the only patron. There is no other path, no other alternative." (2)

In Him,

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Devotee and the Lord
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The Divine Drama

== Section: Important Teaching ==

About kapha

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The third health-determining element is kapha, or the liquid, viscous portion of the body. Excess kapha creates spontaneous heat within the body which manifests externally as fever...Ginger is the enemy of kapha, the destroyer of kapha. Thus one name of ginger in ayurveda is kapha’ri. Similarly, arum or elephant root is the destroyer of arsha [piles] so arum in Sanskrit is called arsha’ri or arshaghnii.” (1)

Note: The first two health determining elements are va’yu and pitta.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 3, Kakubh to Kavaśńa (Discourse 17)

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Build a healthy human society ignoring all obstacles

“The entire humankind of the universe constitutes one singular people. All humanity is bound together; those who are apt to remain oblivious of this very simple truth, those who are prone to distort it, are the deadliest enemies of humanity. Today people should identify these foes very well and build up a healthy human society, totally ignoring all obstacles and difficulties. It must be borne in mind that so long as a magnificent, healthy and universalistic human society is not well established, humanity’s entire culture, and civilization, its sacrifice, service and spiritual endeavour, shall not carry any worth whatsoever.” (Ananda Vanii #38)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How useless dream manifests - 2

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When certain impressions perceived by the sense organs, agitate the conscious mind and sensory or material thoughts are thereby vehemently awakened in the conscious mind, the nervous system, the crude receptacle of the Kámamaya Kośa and the mind itself becomes unsteady and restless. This leaves an impression on the cells that is short-lived or long-lasting depending on the degree of its intensity. Sometimes even a significant impression being compelled to give way to a newer one under the impact of some other sense-agitation or restlessness, loses its previously acquired permanence. In the sleep state, if a person's nerve-tissues are agitated due to some physical cause, often either as the result of this or on account of cerebral heat caused by some vehement thinking, the nerve cells also become tired and disturbed. Such agitations give rise in the mental sphere to desires similar to those impressions, accumulated in the nerve-cells. Thus the agitated citta (the sub-conscious mind) accepts as real the stream of thoughts arising from one or more such impressions. The crude organs having stopped functioning, the identical desire arising from the previously acquired desire, do not then seem to be imaginary but appear to be quite real. Such dreams often do not come true, for these are actually pure imaginations or a mere stringing together of different disjointed thoughts, a confused or inconsistent dream. Only those whose nerve tissues have become weak due to some ailments of the brain or head or to some protracted illness, or those whose digestive system are malfunctioning, generally experience such confused dreams, which we may call Sensual Dreams. These dreams, as I have already said, are the true reproduction of previously imagined objects or the disjointed expressions of previous thoughts. Excessive eating also gives rise to such dreams in a person. Those who have purity of thoughts and also restraint over their diet, are generally less susceptible to such dreams. Such dreams never occur during [deep] sleep.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 5

== Section 2: Links ==

    For some long life is bad + 4 more

    For some long life is bad


    Around the globe it is commonly held that a successful life is a long life. People generally equate longevity of life with success. In Ananda Marga our view is quite different: Longevity in and of itself is not the main factor or criteria of a successful life. Baba guides us that human life must be filled with great works and noble deeds - in a phrase, it must be an actional representation of a high ideal. Side by side, Baba warns us not to live a passive life - devoid of any activity. Baba opposes such a static approach.

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "Mere survival is not enough; what is important is to live a dignified life. The excellence of human life lies in action; it is through action that human beings survive. They should aspire to live long while performing noble deeds; it is futile to live just like an earthworm. Indeed, each and every human being should vow, 'I do not know how long I will survive; but as long as I exist I will live a glorious life, not an ignominious existence like that of an earthworm'..." (1)

    According to Baba, living a long life devoid of doing any good deeds is a waste of human existence - rather that is akin to living like an earthworm. As human beings, our duty is to lead a bustling life: One that is filled with high minded actions and guided by a benevolent intellect.

    Modernity has brought longevity, not quality

    These days in this modern era with the advancement of science, many people are living much longer lives in comparison to the past - but unfortunately with regards to the quality of their existence, that has decreased dramatically. Although many are reaching the century mark and living more than 100 years, it is quite obvious that many are just existing like animals: Only eating, drinking, and sleeping etc, nothing more.

    That is why according to Baba's dharmic stand, in this modern era most are just living the passive & degenerated life of an earthworm. Their lives are an unfortunate display because they fail to utilise their human life for something great - for something noble. So although people's longevity has increased, we cannot call their life successful.

    The forgotten equation: samskara theory

    People often fail to realise that they will have to undergo all the reactions of their actions. In which case living a long life filled with negative deeds  of doing harm to others invites serious problems - serious repercussions. It is a liability because people will have to suffer the reactions of their bad actions.

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "If some bad actions are committed, naturally their consequences also must be undergone." (2)

    Per samskara theory, individuals must undergo the negative reactions of their actions. So when human beings are living long lives but failing to do good works and instead filling their existence with mundane or even degrading activities and harming others, then their long life amounts to nothing but a huge pile of negative samskaras. That is the end result of their long life. In which case who can term that as a successful existence. Rather it is a disaster as they have accumulated so much sin and negative samskaras leading to suffering and pain for themselves in the future. They are sure to revert back on the path of negative pratisaincara. Whereas if they had died sooner they would have accumulated fewer negative samskaras. But certainly this is opposite in the case of sadhakas.

    Baba's warning: don't do asatkarma

    That is why Baba vehemently warns us about doing negative works - bad actions.

        Ya'vanna ks'iiyate karma

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "The bondage of asatkarma [bad actions] is iron...One has to refrain from bad actions so that the chains of iron might not be forged." (3)

    So if one does any bad action then there is no escape. Immediately they have bound themselves up in iron chains - that is Baba's stern warning. The only answer then is to refrain from doing misdeeds - goaded by animalistic desires and devilish tendencies. And instead one should live the life of a spiritual warrior, ever ensconced in noble works.

    How incurring bigger load of negative samskaras

    All in all in this modern era human life has tragically became something negative because people involve themselves in degenerated activities thereby incurring a load of negative samskaras. This we can see happening all around us in the general society. The root problem is that most people do not utilise their life for a greater cause. This happens because of a lack of a spiritual way of living. Instead they just get caught up in the negative flow of the materialistic society.

    So our duty is to form a spiritual based society so that common human beings can utilise their life from birth to death. We have to help people discover their innate human tendency: To live a life always in search of divine bliss.

    2-5: Tasminnupalabdhe parama' trs'n'a'nivrttih

    Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "There is in the living being a thirst for limitlessness..." (4)

    Indeed by Baba's grace everyone has the inborn desire to achieve immortality - to lead a spiritual existence and attain Him. So the best thing is to utilise this human life for real fulfillment, otherwise one's life is like the slothy existence of a slimy earthworm. Overall then, for positive, spiritually-minded people a longer life is a boon. But for negative people it is a curse. Longevity of life is only something beneficial if that life is utilised in a proper way, otherwise that longevity of life is nothing but a curse.

    His divine liila is blissful for bhaktas

    This entire cycle of life is the divine liila of Parama Purusa. A baby is born and blooms up to its full development and then gradually it shrinks in its old age. This is the divine play of “Hari & Hara”. That is why this world is called jagat – because everything is mobile. Everything is changing; nothing is stationary. Those who have come will one day go. Those who have gone, they have gone in order to return again. This infinite liila of Parama Purusa is going on from beginninglessness up to eternity. In reality, this liila is miserable for jinanis; but for bhaktas it is blissful. In this cosmic liila everyone has their own particular role to play. And those who remember that they are part of a divine drama, they enjoy; and those who forget, they cry. But in the real sense everything is blissful because everyone is dancing around Parama Purusa.

    "Kalya'n'amastu-- May you be blessed"

    Baba has graciously showered His divine blessing on us by bringing us onto the path of spirituality- thus making our lives successful.

    Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You are all sa'dhakas, you are all spiritual aspirants...I know certainly you will be successful...Kalya'n'amastu-- May you be blessed." (5)

    In Him,

    Baba's special secret for a long life

    Here Baba graciously gives us a special guideline for living a long, successful life - one that is filled with peace and tranquility.

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "Spiritual practice makes the mind calm and quiet, and maintains the nerves in a state of equipoise; and thus spiritual practice increases longevity." (6)

    The reactions of all actions must be experienced - so be careful

    Ananda Marga ideology says, “Even after crores of kalpas [aeons] the reactions of actions are not exhausted. This continues to be so as long as the reactions have not been experienced.” How will the reactions of the actions be exhausted? Karmabhogena kśiiyate – “When the reactions are experienced, then only are they exhausted.” Avashyameva bhoktavyam' krtam' karmashubhá shubham – “one has performed good actions, so their fruits are to be enjoyed; so also is it with bad actions.” Hence one has to be cautious while performing actions. After that, repentance will fetch no benefit." (7)

    Both good and bad actions cause a reaction

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings undergo reactions according to the nature of their original actions. If someone harms a sick person, a saint, a person who has taken shelter with someone, or a honest person, he or she will immediately undergo a reaction of the same intensity. This is because sick, infirm and saintly people never obstruct the original actions of wrongdoers. Whatever the original actions of a person may be, good or bad, reactive momenta are bound to be created. Until all these potential reactions are expressed, liberation or salvation is impossible. Yávanna ksiiyata karma shubhaiṋcáshubhameva ca, Távanna jáyate mokśonrám kalpashataerapi. Yathá laohamayaeh páshaeh páshaeh svarńamayaerapi Tathábaddho bhavejjiivo karmábhishcá shubhae shubhaeh. “Until all the reactions of actions, good or bad, are exhausted a person cannot attain salvation in hundreds of lives. Just as people bound by golden or iron chains feel the pains of bondage, similarly people undergoing good or bad reactions will have to accept them.”" (8)

    What creates the biggest reaction

       Ananda Marga ideology states, "Avashyameva bhoktavyam' krtam' karmashubhá shubham. Now the question arises whether the reactions will be just [equal] to the actions, or less, or more. Equal and opposite reaction is [the rule], but then, whether the enjoyment of the reaction of actions is purely psychic or physico-psychic is to be seen. Where the action is purely mental, the reaction will be just [equal] to that. But if the action is physico-psychic, the question is, what will be the reaction? Still one thing is there, that if the mind is not affected by the physico-psychic action, nothing happens. But [usually] when the reaction is physico-psychic, it has more effect than the action performed."
       "If it is purely psychic, the reaction will be just equal to it. [But] the reaction of the physico-psychic action does not affect the mind cent per cent. A person enjoys [psychic] reactions just [equal] to the actions performed. If there be some quantity of the reaction of physico-psychic action [that affects the body], in that case, the reaction will be much more than the action performed. The mind will be affected just according to the psychic action – that is the case with psychic actions. [But] if the action is physico-psychic, some of the reactions [affect] the mind, some [do] not. That which affects the mind is a psychic reaction, that which does not is physical. Among these reactions, the one that is in the pure physical sphere does not affect the mind. The pure psychic coupled with the [physical] of a physico-psychic reaction add up to produce a greater reaction. So the quantity of reaction in case of a physico-psychic action becomes much greater. Hence one should be careful." (9)

    Three processes for attaining freedom

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "There are three processes for attaining freedom from the bondage of action: (1) relinquishing any desire for the fruits of action, or Phalákám'kśá Tyága, (2) Abandoning the vanity of performing an act, or Kartrtvábhimána Tyága, and (3) surrendering all actions unto Brahma. All of these have to be followed in the individual life, but it must be kept in mind that they all have to be strictly observed. To be more explicit, these rules are the different aspects of one and the same process." (10)

    How people are reborn to experience reaction

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "Original action begets a certain reaction, and simultaneously brings one within the bondage of actions. Unless those bondages are broken, the microcosms will have to keep moving in a cycle of action and reaction – they will have to be reborn again and again on this earth." (11)

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "There is no escape even if one performs a good action. One has to return again and again to this earth in order to reap the auspicious consequences of such actions. The idea that the disembodied mind experiences the auspicious consequences of its good actions is indeed a fantasy. This fantasy world is called heaven. It means that if one has performed a good action, then one will reap the consequences of that auspicious action after death. But the mind can experience its good consequences, if and only if, it has a body. One experiences joy and agony, pleasure and pain only if one has a brain, nerve cells and nerve fibres. If there is no physical body, how can there be any experience? So the thought of experiencing that pleasure in heaven is nothing but sheer fantasy. There is no logic behind it. That is why, in Ánanda Sútram, it is said, Na svargo na rasátala [“There is neither heaven nor hell”]. Where is the question of pleasure and pain in the absence of the physical body! So the fantasy of heaven is completely erroneous. Yes, one has to come to this world again in order to experience pleasure and pain. You have to come to the world again so that the sam'skáras of the past attain fruition. It is correct, because one has to perform actions in order to restore the mind to its normal state from the distortions (vikrti) caused by previous actions.” (12)

    Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Unless one undergoes the requitals of one's mental reactive momenta – good requitals to good actions, bad requitals to bad actions – one cannot attain liberation.” Avashyameva bhoktavyam' krtam' karma shubháshubham – “whether an action is good or bad, the reaction must be experienced.” (13)

    Sadhana is only way to escape noose of samskaras

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "Until the actions, whether good or bad are annihilated, human beings cannot attain salvation or Mokśa. Can the gold chain be looser and less torturing than the iron chain to someone in bondage? Similarly, the bondage of bad actions is exactly as tight as the bondage of good actions."

        Nábhuktam' kśiiyate karma kalpakot́ishataerapi
        Avashyameva bhoktavyam' krtam' karma shubháshubham

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "Therefore, for salvation or emancipation, it is necessary to be liberated from the bondage of Sam'skáras. The question is, how to attain salvation? When it is essential to act for maintaining one's existence, how is it possible to avoid the cycle of action and reaction?"

    "It is known from philosophic propositions that the attainment of Mukti (liberation) or Mokśa (salvation) is possible only through spiritual practices or sádhaná. It therefore follows that there is certainly some means to attain liberation from sam'skáras." (14)

    One should not do to be rewarded
    do for the welfare of society

    Ananda Marga ideology states, "One should undergo penance for others' welfare, for the well-being of the world; and the good that the world enjoys due to one's sacrifice is the reward. One should not expect any reward greater than this. The good result of a good action is the reward of that action. Similarly the bad result of a bad deed is the negative price of that action. The ancient sages used to practice penance by sitting near a firepit with their legs up and their hands down. What value does this type of penance have? Not much. To continue to perform penance like this is certainly not the highest fulfilment of life. Human beings have come onto this earth to do something good, some thing which will be of some benefit for the society for at least some period of time, if not forever." (15)

    Stages of human life

    Here following are the Sanskrit terms demarcating the various stages of human life. Accompanying them are corollary English terms. However since the English language does not formally divide human life in the exact systematic way as in Sanskrit, then everyone should give their further suggestions for how to best express the English counterpart.

    Baba has formed these categories of life based upon changes that come as a result of changes in: age, psychological outlook, physical & psychic development, etc.

    Ananda Marga Laghu Nirukta says, "Human life is composed various stages. And the collection of all the stages encompasses the entire human life. And just as human beings have these ten stages, similarly the life of each and every living being is composed of these ten stages. So depending upon the type of living being and environmental conditions such as climate and temperature etc, the duration of each of these stages varies, either increasing or decreasing. Following are the stages of life for a human being living in a tropical country."

    “1) Ma'trgarbha: anuma'nika 10 ma's (Mother's Womb; approx 10 months)”

    “2) Shaeshav: 0 to 5 (Infancy)”

    “3) Balyaka'l: 5 to 14 (Childhood)”

    “4) Kaeshora: 14 to 16 (Youth)”

    “5) Paogan'd'a: 16 to 18 (Teenage / Adolescence)”

    “6) Yauban: 18 to 39 (Early adult life)”

    “7) Praor'hatva: 39 to 50 (Middle age)”

    “8) Ba'rdhakya: 50 to 72 (Older adult life / senior citizen)”

    “9) Jara': 72 to 100 (Elderly)”

    “10) Atharva: 100 + (Centenarian)” (16)

    Ma'trgarbha (Stage 1): In Varna Vicitra part 1, Baba comments that the duration of this first stage is ideally 10 months & 10 days. That is how long the fetus remains inside the womb, in the best of circumstances. If however, the fetus is born before this time, then the newborn will not be properly mature. In that case its physical and mental development has not occurred up to the optimal degree. This stands as yet another proof how human life begins in the mother's womb and therefore the act of abortion is not accepted in A'nanda Ma'rga.

    Balyaka'l (Stage 3): Due to the excess intake of protein and fat and due to chemicals in the food, the age of puberty in so-called developed countries is rapidly decreasing. Now some young girls reach puberty at the tender age of 8 and some boys begin puberty at the age of 9. The extremely early onset of adolescence is the result of terrible imbalances in lifestyle and ultimately this creates serious problems in the society. Because suddenly 10 year old girls are getting pregnant and producing their own babies, yet they themselves are still young children and completely unable to take care of their offspring. This is the tragedy unfolding in various so-called developed countries.

    Jara' (Stage 9): This means those whose bodies has begun shrinking.

    Atharva (Stage 10): This means those who are almost immobile.

    1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, You Must Live Glorious Lives
    2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, What Are the Noble Truths?
    3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Dagdhabiija
    4. Ananda Sutram, Sutra 2-5
    5. Discourses of Krsna and the Giita, 'Three Vital Factors'
    6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, You Must Live Glorious Lives
    7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Dagdhabiija
    8. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
    9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Dagdhabiija
    10. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Actions and Their Results (Karma and Karmaphala)
    11. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live
    12. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Witness-ship of Parama Puruśa Is of Supreme Importance
    13. A Few Problems Solved - 5 What Is Dogma?
    14. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Actions and Their Results (Karma and Karmaphala)
    15. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live
    16. Laghu Nirukta p. 349

    == Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

    Purview of Your mind

    "Moder dhará rúpe peyeche, tomár rúper sáje..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0324)

    Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a devotional vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.


    My Supreme Entity, this world has become beautiful because of Your infinite charm. That is why I behold You everywhere - in all Your variations. When I look at any expression then I see that You are there. You are manifesting Yourself in that form. Parama Purusa, You are presenting Your grandeur in the rupa of all these entities - animate and inanimate. You are One but Your disseminations are many. You show Yourself in innumerable shapes. You are hiding within Your creation.

    Divine One, You are present everywhere - in all the flows. Nothing is outside Your mental arena; everything is within the purview of Your mind. That is why nothing is ever lost. Baba, I am in Your domain and I do according to Your desire. This entire universe is in Your mental vision and I am one part of that, working according to Your wish. Because all is Your thought projection.

    Baba, You are present in each mental conception. Whatever human beings think is known to You since You are the Witnessing Entity of that very psychic process. You are extremely vast: all are encapsulated within You. You are so small and present in everyone's mental arena. You are more tiny than the most miniscule and more grand than the biggest. Even by mistake I do not think that besides You anything else exists. You are the totality.

    Prabhu, I always think that You are the quintessence, it is Your grace...

    ~ Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #0324 ~

    Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Neohumanism includes within its scope not only human beings and animate creatures, such as plants and animals, but all inanimate entities as well, for the scope of Neohumanism extends down to the smallest particles of sub-atomic matter...Why should the love and affection of developed human minds be restricted to human beings only? Why should it not include all living beings, including plant life? This is the new explanation of humanism - neohumanism - for within neohumanism the entire animate world is included...And that golden day is sure to come when that perfect stage of structure, that is, unit existence in the intra-atomic world, will be reached, when human intuition will realize that the essence in the sub-atomic world is pure Consciousness." (1)

    Note: Materialists think that everything comes from matter while Ananda Marga philosophy states that everything comes from Brahma. This then is the fundamental difference between the static world view of materialism and our spiritual outlook. Needless to say, our spiritual perspective changes the whole view of this universe as well as our relation with it. Materialists think that the world is for their self-satisfaction only whereas in Ananda Marga we think that we have come to this world to serve others since all are the expression of Parama Purusa.

    More about Prabhat Samgiita #0324: This is a neo-humanistic song given on 10 March 1983. This same theme was evident in the RU address and DMC discourse of 28 and 29 May, respectively. In both those discourses, this same type of idea was given but in greater detail. In that RU address, the idea was that everything is the expression of Parama Purusa, and that Parama Purusa is expressing Himself throughout this manifested universe.

    1. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 1, The Status of Inanimation in the Philosophy of Neohumanism

    == Section: Important Teaching ==

    Why psychic ailments common

    In this modern age, scientific development has made significant progress; in comparison, human psychic and spiritual growth has lagged far behind. In result, psychic problems and mental tension have multiplied in a geometrical progression. The final outcome is that nerve, brain, and heart diseases have become quite common; and anxiety, nervousness, and insanity are widespread in the society. The remedy for this has been given in our Ananda Marga ideology:

    Ananda Marga philosophy states, "While doing work one should ideate, 'It is the work of Parama Purusa; it is not mine. I am doing His work to please Him'. By following this approach mental tension, nervousness, and psychic diseases will never arise. And also samskaras will not be formed." (1)

    1. 08 April '84, Tattanagar DMC

    == Section: Current Affairs of 2018 ==

    (A) Rudranana's "Medical Leave"


    Message posted by Sunil Ananda in WhatsApp groups. 
    * "Rudrananda who hasn't taken any post on medical grounds, just visited Nepal, came back to India to fly to New York. He will stay almost a month in US, attend retreat on 1st July, and then will fly to Berlin to attend Europe Retreat.* "

    * "If he is not holding any post, in what capacity he is flying here, there and everywhere accorded a VIP treatment by SS, SOS and other office bearers...*"
    ~ Courtesy of WhatsApp ~

     Sunil Ananda has been posting many photos of Rudrananda in Facebook. He is a great spoon of Rudrananda.

    (B) Re: Kleptocracy of Rudrananda: AMPS

    Namaskar Baba : I love the way , the description etc, the TRUTH is presented to all who Love Baba.
    Baba NAm Kevalam.
    Nagaraja Rao (USA)

    - Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Kleptocracy of Rudrananda: AMPS

    (C) On Tattvavedananda

    Message posted in WhatsApp groups. 

    सेंटर के इशारे पर ही ततवेदानंद जी को टाटानगर  सुनील आनंद के घर पर   ठहराया गया उसके बाद Monthly कीर्तन में  पूरे सन्यासी ड्रेस के साथ उनका स्वागत किया गया उस समय भी मैं े मैंने उनका विरोध किया था कहां गया था centre ke W. Tलोगों का आदर्श एक  सन्यासी संस्था छोड़कर जाता है और गृहस्थ आश्रम में रहकर फिर संस्था मैं बिना किसी punishment   के आना क्या  यह तर्कसंगत है धीरे-धीरे करके बाबा के आदर्श को धूमिल किया जा रहा है अपने स्वार्थ सिद्धि के लिए आदर्श को ताक पर रखा जा रहा है
    ~ Courtesy of WhatsApp ~

    == Section 3: Links ==