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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Basis of civilisation + 3 more

Basis of civilisation


Many recognise how today's modern society is out of balance and tragically moving towards destruction. This is the hour that we must pay heed to Guru's teachings on the relationship between civilization and science, and educate the masses and intellectuals about what is to be done. Failing that, so many more problems will arise.

The ideal scenario is that science should be controlled by civilisation; then society will prosper and grow properly. In that state there will be all-round development. Thus civilisation should have the upper hand and science should play a subordinate role. First of all, let us remind ourselves what is civilisation. There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

Civilised conduct based on logic & rationality

According to Prout philosophy, a person is civilised if their action and overall conduct is supported by logic, reasoning, and rationality. Here below Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout philosophy, describes what it means to be civilised.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, "I would say, the greater the support of judgement in action and behaviour, the better shall be the expression and development of civilization." (1)

Those actions supported by intellect and a keen sense of discrimination (viveka) are civilised actions. And those who conduct themselves in this way are civilised people.

Using the above formula we can identify certain life practices that are not civilised. For instance, according to logic and reasoning tobacco products are not good for one’s health. So those using tobacco products are not civilised because their action is not supported by logic and rationality. And verily, there are so many examples such as those who drink alcohol, those who do intoxicating drugs etc. All such persons are not civilised. There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

How civilisation & science are related

Science has been used to make tobacco products, intoxicating drugs, and other harmful agents that are widely available. So on this front science is hampering human progress and causing harm. Science is used for the production of tobacco products. And using those tobacco products is uncivilised. So science is destroying civilisation. When science is under the firm grip of civilisation, then those harming society with their scientific inventions will not get scope to continue in their ways. Science will not be allowed to be used in that manner. There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

In His teaching, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar guides us that there must be harmony between science and civilization, and warns us that when science is dominant over civilization, then that society is doomed.

Prout philosophy says, "How does the development of civilization take place? Civilization has an intimate relation with science. They progress together. But where scientific progress supersedes civilization, there civilization meets its Waterloo." (2)

There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

Ways science degrades civilisation: tobacco, porn etc

Unfortunately today, there are countless displays where science has the extreme upper hand on civilization. In the name of scientific progress, so many anti-social activities are taking place. In today's era where science is on top, the inhumane approach and use of science and technology is being highly funded and sanctioned. Verily. There are so many examples of how science is dominant over civilization. To clarify, Prout teachings have defined civilization in the following way.

There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

Civilization occurs when the finer and more subtle human expressions are encouraged in society. But today, science is undermining and destroying civilization. We commonly see how science is used for pornography as the internet, film industry and public advertisements are littered with sexually erotic and debased images. And science has utterly failed to properly address critical issues that concern our humanity like starvation, infant mortality, as well as various diseases in so-called third-world nations like cholera, tuberculosis, malaria etc.

We have the scientific and technological means to end these dire problems, but science is not used in this way. To cite more cases of the misuse of science, it is widely used to invent weapons to kill and destroy other people. At present, huge budgets are given to defense contractors for inventing more tools of war and destruction. This is another grave matter. There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

Taken altogether, there is no shortage of evidence how the use of science has wholly upended our human civilization. That is why Baba has issued the following decree.

Prout philosophy states, "In the present age, civilization is on the wane due to science enjoying the pride of place." (3)

Why ancient civilizations (Egypt & Greece) got destroyed

So we have to be a thousand times careful and reverse our course. Allowing science to degrade our human stature and fill the world with vices like pornography, gambling, disease, etc does not bode well for our humanity. In the past, no civilization could survive once science gained the upper hand over civilization. There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

Prout philosophy guides us, "Take, for instance, the history of Egypt and Greece. So long as the scientific progress of these two countries did not supersede civilization, civilization prospered very well. But when the ingredients of enjoyment grew up in abundance, the civilization of both countries got destroyed, because science had occupied a higher position than civilization." (4)

Tragically, there is a similar thing unfolding in our present-day society. The degraded ways of capitalism, materialism, debauchery, and indulgence are fast spreading all over the globe. In this way the misutilisation of science is ruining and demolishing our finer human expressions, i.e. civilization.

Why has science superseded civilisation. First and foremost, some greedy people are profiting from it. Unfortunately, once civilisation declines then it spirals quickly in that negative direction. Many people give the justification that, "Whatever science is doing that is fine - science has put a man on the moon and invented the internet so let science continue." There is no moral check on what science is doing. Just people pay a blind eye toward science as greedy capitalists steer it onwards for their own agenda and gain.

There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

Key to regulate science & value civilization

Here the Propounder of Prout outlines what needs to be done and how science should be harnessed.

Prout philosophy says, "What is science? That which teaches the proper use of material things is science. Where the development of civilization is utterly negligible and science gradually attains the apogee of development, science only paves the way for destruction instead of doing any good to humanity. And so, study and practice of science, though unavoidable, should not be given a higher place than civilization." (5)

There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

There should be clear-cut restrictions on what science can and cannot do. Science must not be allowed to destroy human life - whether in the form of the senseless use of megaton bombs or via the rampant spread of pseudo-culture.

Plus science should not be used to goad humans toward baser propensities like pornography, liquor, and gambling, etc. This is the absolute need of the day - there must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science. We must pay heed to Baba's warning lest our humanity meets its Waterloo. Once a balance is achieved between science and civilization, many good things will result, including a more sadhana oriented society.

Prout philosophy states, "If science and civilization are harmonized, intuitional progress gets accelerated. Therefore, people of wisdom should proceed and progress, blending these two. It is useless to think of intuitional progress without affecting the harmony between the two." (6)

There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.


Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has given the teachings for reining in the negative ways of science and ensuring that science is strictly used in a manner that benefits and enhances society.

Prout philosophy states, "In the present age, civilization is on the wane due to science enjoying the pride of place. But developed as science is today, if civilization is pushed up again to the top, people can reach a greater height than ever before." (7)

in Him,

There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

~ In-depth study ~

Science is very important as it helps humans move ahead towards their destination. Yet science is a blind force. It can enhance or undermine human progress.

Nowadays, because of science, food can be cooked, preserved, and packaged in a very healthy manner so people can eat food while traveling etc. This was not possible in the past. In that sense, life has become easier due to this scientific advancement.

There must be a strong moral force governing the ways of science.

Prout philosophy states, “The Christian or Roman civilization was also considerably higher on the ladder of development. Yet they were lacking in social outlook. There were no feelings of fraternity and equality. The slave system was rampant and human feelings were on the wane. Furthermore, the lack of a proper socio-economic theory generated a kind of fascist mentality in them. Those rolling in luxury and adverse to labour became indolent. Naturally they were defeated by a stronger and more strenuous force.” (8)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
3. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
4. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
5. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
6. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
7. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
8. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Future of Civilization

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Voting & elections

Here are a few key points related with politics, voting, and governance. 

First Baba guides us that we should not vote at all if the only available candidate(s) is dangerous to the overall well-being of society. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Rather than support an [[unworthy]] person, it is better not to exercise one's franchise because to invest an [[unworthy]] person with power means to push society towards destruction knowingly and deliberately." (1)

In His above guideline, Baba is referring to a scenario where at least 50% of the vote is needed to win the election. More about this is explained directly below. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In a democratic system securing the highest number of votes is proof of a person’s eligibility. However this eligibility is not adequately examined in all cases. In my opinion the popularity of a candidate securing the highest number of votes needs to be tested again if he or she polls less than half the total number of votes cast. In this, test arrangements will have to be made so that people can vote either for or against the candidate. If the candidate polls more favourable votes, only then will he or she be declared elected.” (2)

Next Baba guides us that elected officials must live up to their pre-election promises and stated proposals and strategies. Failing that, their election will be negated and they will be removed from office.  

Prout philosophy states, "A candidate must declare his or her policies in black and white. After an election, if it is found that a candidate is acting against his or her declared policies and this is proved to be the case in court, his or her election will be cancelled." (3)

1. Caryacarya II, Society, Point #27
2. Problems of the Day, Point #33
3. Problems of the Day, Point #33

== Section: Important Teachings ==

Why strict Islamists are brutal

In the following teaching, Sadguru Baba is indirectly talking about Islam where music, dance, drama and all such forms of artistic expression are not allowed. Due to the prohibition of music etc, strict Islamic followers become severely psychically diseased and ultimately very brutal and cruel. They become absolutely ruthless. So, we should take a lesson from this and encourage aesthetic science wherever we get the opportunity. In result, the finer human senses of love and compassion will develop for fellow human beings, and violence in the society will wane and be completely eradicated. This terror torn earth will be become loving, compassionate, and caring.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ”Humanity, in its all-out quest for this aesthetic science, attained spirituality. One must acknowledge this. Herein lies the excellence of aesthetic science. For this reason, I have given my whole-hearted and explicit support for nandana vijiṋána. You know that there are certain religions [Islam etc] which do not encourage aesthetic pursuits. You will notice that in those religions inertia, inferiority complexes and a sense of violence are predominant.” (1)

Some think that Islam includes those sufis who sing, dance, and play musical instruments, but that is wrong. In the Quran Sharif, songs are forbidden. And strict Islamists treat Sufis as heretics.

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 10, Yatamána – the Stage of Perseverance

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What will happen to religion

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You should be careful not to hurt the religious sentiments of others, even if in the future most people become A'nanda Ma'rgiis. Deities should be preserved in museums, and temples should be restored to maintain the cultural and historical heritage of the country." (1)

Note: With the coming rise of our Ananda Marga way of life we should not suppress or eliminate the various legacies and traditions of any people or community etc. All should be honoured and respected and taught the ways of neo-humanism.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section 4: Links ==
Other topics of interest