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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Bhakta & relation with Parama Purusa + 3 more


Bhakta & relation with Parama Purusa


There are many accepted bha'vas (relations) in Ananda Marga sadhana: (a) Father-son / daughter relation, (b) friend relation, (c) slave relation, and (d) baby relation etc. However, it is madhura bha'va that can bring the bhakta to that pinnacled state of closeness with Parama Purusa. And that is the type of bha'va (relation) expressed in certain Prabhat Samgiita compositions.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Madhura bha'va is a very exalted bha'va, for this bha'va fills the mind with sweetness and bliss and leads the aspirant to the closest proximity of the Lord." (1)

This is not to say that the other bhavas (relations) have no place in the life of the sadhaka. All the bha'vas are meaningful. And in dhya'na we should always follow the one which feels most natural at that time. Forcing or pretending to follow a particular bha'va is meaningless; rather it is highly detrimental. Ours is the path of sincerity and naturalness.

At the same time, we should always have the theoretical understanding in mind that madhura bhava can bring us to the zenith point of divine realisation. All the other bhavas (relations), ultimately at the climax, must get converted into either dasya bhava or madhura bhava. This is the rule. 

The beauty of madhura bha'va

The inherent beauty of madhura bha'va is wonderfully expressed in Prabhat Samgiita. The key element is that the bhakta does not want anything from Parama Purusa, but He Himself. The bhakta does not want gold, or a job, or worldly relations, or prestige, or any type of mundane desire. The bhakta only wants that spiritual connection with Parama Purusa.

Yet, the sadhaka is not satisfied with the mere presence of Parama Purusa, or any lower type of relation. The sadhaka only wants an extremely intimate relation with Parama Purusa. So it is purely a personal relation. And the closer Parama Purusa comes, the more proximity the sadhaka wants with Parama Purusa..

That is the nature of madhura bhava: There is no satiation point until one finally merges in Him. In those higher stages of madhura bha'va, the bhakta is yearning and crying to have Him still more close. That is how the aspirant ultimately realises the goal of finally becoming one with Parama Purusa.

Every sadhaka should at least have this theoretical understanding. In dhyana, one may tend toward the Father-son relation, or one may like the Friend relation, yet all should have awareness that beyond that there is madhura bhava. And it is that bhava which is highlighted in numerous compositions of Prabhat Samgiita.


By Baba's grace, every sadhaka of Ananda Marga has the opportunity to get Him in a close and intimate way. That is the speciality of tantra. There is no intermediary between the aspirant and Parama Purusa. As the loving relation develops one is sure to attain Him, by His krpa.

In Him, 

Relation in Prabhat Samgiita

In Prabhat Samgiita all the songs are exclusively between the bhakta and Parama Purusa. There never is a third person or a third entity in any song. That is what makes Prabhat Samgiita so unique: There are countless songs which exclusively express the close communication between the bhakta and His Lord. While the various dogmatic followers often insert an extra voice into their poetry and songs. In that case, that composition is not the expression of intimacy between bhakta and Parama Purusa. 

In Prabhat Samgiita, there are numerous songs that focus solely on the madhura bhava relation where the bhakta is crying to get Parama Purusa closer and still more close. The bhakta only wants that most loving link with God, not any lesser relation, and certainly not any mundane gift or boon.

Prabhat Samgiita is for all levels of bhaktas. And by His grace and through the regular practice of kiirtan and sadhana and singing Prabhat Samgiita, one is sure to realize that stance of madhura bhava.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 27

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Hidden treasures

"A'mi ca'i na' kichu toma'r kache, ca'i ye shudhu toma'ke..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3273)


Baba, I do not want anything from You. I only want You. If You grant me something which is transitory, which comes and goes, that does not have any value for me. Because today I will receive it and tomorrow it will be gone. These ephemeral, worldly possessions will just cause me to cry in pain. All the jewels and pearls, the hidden treasures of the ocean, are not going to last long. So my only longing is that You should remain mine alone, in the core of my heart...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to create a world government

Prout philosophy states, "The question may arise, Is it possible to establish the world government and Ánanda Parivára without struggle? In reply I will say, “Yes.” The greatest social welfare for the human race will be accomplished if those who aspire to establish the world government or Ánanda Parivára engage themselves only in constructive activities and selfless service, instead of wasting their vital energy in the vortex of politics, or in political conflicts. They will have to go on rendering social service with steadfast commitment, without any ulterior motive in their minds." (1)

1. Problems of the Day #32

== Section 3: Links ==

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