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Monday, September 11, 2023

Communication with Parama Purusa + 5 more


Communication with Parama Purusa


   Ananda Marga ideology says, “If someone has pride inwardly that he is moving on by dint of his own strength, he is wrong. How little strength human beings possess! And with that little strength, how far can they move forward! Human beings really do not have anything to be proud of. If there is anything for them to be proud of, it is Parama Puruśa. They should think, “Parama Puruśa is mine, and I am His” – that is the only source of pride. Because of His grace, they will get energy or strength from Him, and with that strength they will move forward.”
   “Without His grace, no one can move even a single step forward. And for this people should always remember that by their own efforts they do not make any progress, rather it is due to the wish of Parama Puruśa that they make any progress at all. It is the duty of Parama Puruśa to help them to move forward. This 100% reliance on Parama Puruśa is called “Prapatti” in the scriptures. Sadhakas should always maintain the spirit of “Prapatti” and they will never develop any sort of pride in their minds. “Whatever takes place in the universe and whatever qualities I possess is all due to His grace. He is the Lord of everything; He is the machine-man, and I am simply a machine.”....if there is devotion, one can easily move forward without any difficulty; but a person who has no devotion, whose heart is as dry as a desert, will find it impossible to progress.” (1)

One should put forth proper effort, yet at the same time understand that it is all achieved by His grace. On the path of spirituality, when a sadhaka is involved in sadhana, an aspirant cannot even move one step forward without His grace - what to speak of attaining mukti or moksa. Nobody can achieve the Supreme Rank exclusively by their own doing - no matter how much they try. When one climbs the ladder of bhakti, a time comes when one inherently feels the need to ask for His grace.

No worldly gain or pleasure can bring lasting happiness

In PC (personal contact) Baba would ask all kinds of questions: What is your name, where do you live, how do you feel etc. These are the types of queries Baba would pose. Yet being omniscient, He already knew the answer. His only reason for asking them was to show that in love one communicates and asks questions. That is how a relationship grows. Of course this type of interaction is not limited to PC only. One of the reasons behind Baba's granting PC was to awaken and deepen the spiritual link by opening the pathway of communication.

Baba resides eternally in one’s heart and mind so during any sleeping or waking moment, one may communicate with Him internally, and He will give a response. It is not that the request will go into some deep void beyond. Rather, from one’s innermost core, they will feel His love and divine vibration. That is His response. One's inner sensitivities and feelings will feel satiated both in asking and in receiving His reply.

So this mystical experience of asking for His grace is so very important and an absolute need - an emotional need. Without that, one cannot make an inner link with Him - one cannot surrender and create a personal relationship with Him. Failing that - true happiness will always be at arm's distance, just out of reach, because no worldly gain or pleasure can bring lasting happiness. Only His love can satisfy our heart's desire. His love is infinite and our desires are infinite. So that is the perfect match - both mathematically, and, more importantly, emotionally and spiritually.

When has love for someone they like to satisfy their requests

Actually, Parama Purusa likes that we should place such a request before Him: To ask for His grace. Because, in bhakti, love is not unilateral. Rather two parties are involved - the Lord and the bhakta; and both have love for one another. And when one has love for someone then they like to satisfy their requests.

For example, if a mother has candy then she will certainly share that with her baby. And that will make her happy. But the mother will derive greater happiness if the baby first expresses the desire to have candy, then the mother will surely smile and feel greater joy in giving that candy to the baby. In either case, the baby is going to get the candy, but the mother feels more love and joy by hearing the baby's request and then satisfying it.

Same is the case with Parama Purusa in spiritual life. Parama Purusa is going to shower His grace and grant everything (i.e. salvation) to the sadhaka, in the due course. But Parama Purusa will feel more pleasure and a greater bliss if the bhakta seeks His help and requests Him to grant His grace. This is the way it works, it is very natural. When one has love for Him, then the innate desire arises to ask Parama Purusa for something, i.e. bhakti, and in satisfying that request Parama Purusa derives greater joy and more pleasure. This is blissful for both parties: bhakta and Bhagavan Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Those who ask for parábhakti or shuddhá bhakti will certainly acquire the things they need also. Thus due to their devotion, the devotees are always intelligent.” (2)

In Him,

There should not be any confusion

In Ananda Sutram, 3-11 Pra'rthana'rcana' ma'traeva bhramamu'lam, Baba guides us not to ask anything mundane from God. Here Baba is primarily talking about the dogmatic religions. The dogmatic religions have exploited the situation and capitalised on the emotional needs of their followers. The priests know that their followers feel the need to ask something from their god, but within the religious framework the requests are quite misguided and off the mark.

They ask their god to (a) “make our religion successful in battle”, (b) “grant our people wealth and prosperity”, (c) “make us the chosen ones”, (d) “get my daughter married”, (e) “help my son get accepted into law school”, and (f) there are so many requests that dogmatic worshipers place upon their lord.

But such pleas are essentially useless and against the code of bhakti. It is such types of requests that Baba is rejecting. In Ananda Sutram (3-11) Baba is directing us to never place such selfish and mundane requests to the Lord. The only thing we are to request from Him is bhakti.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Once you realize His grace, then you are in Him, you are totally absorbed in Him, you have become one with Him. That is a total victory. That is the final victory. " (3)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Path unto the Abode of Beatitude
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Dharma Sádhaná

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How capitalists perpetuate their power

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The system of education prevailing today was formulated or evolved long ago, mainly with a view to suit the needs of the capitalist class. For the last three to four thousand years, the same type of education is being imparted. The main purpose behind this sort of educational system is to create persons with a slavish mentality to fulfill need of those capitalist exploiters. This sort of education is fundamentally defective. It is certain that this type of education which serves the capitalists' interests is not at all suitable. This sort of education creates obstacles in the evolution of humanity. We have to thoroughly revamp the entire educational system. A new educational system must evolve to produce sadvipras." (1)

Note: Those who are bragging about the standard of their education should know what type and what category of knowledge they have. In this regard, we should ponder Sadguru Baba's above guideline.

1. 11/29/70, General Darshan, transcribed from cassette

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Dharma & scripture

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is universally true, for all ages and all realms, that dharma is the main current of human life. It is the impetus of living beings; it is also their source of wealth and the guidance for their journey through life. In the pervasive sense of the word, all objects, animate and inanimate, have their respective dharma: that is, dharma denotes the very existence of an object. In its narrow sense, dharma is less manifested in inanimate entities and more manifested in animate ones. In animate entities, the manifestation of the dharma of non-human creatures is instinctive and inborn. But the dharma of human beings is much more than this: it permeates and penetrates each and every sphere of life. Hence in the realm of dharma, the only true guide and controller, motivating force and protector of the people, is an excellent and comprehensive ideology which provides definite, clear-cut and bold directions for all aspects of human life – from one’s personal daily routine, to one’s social activities and collective motivation, to the spiritual inspiration which brings one closer and closer to God. A scripture which does not fulfil these conditions is not worthy of being called a scripture at all. Such a scripture does not contain the light of consciousness according to the definition Shásanát tárayet yastu sah shástrah parikiirttitah [“That which liberates through discipline is called shástra, scripture”]. We should also remember that in the realm of dharma there must be clear-cut injunctions in the form of dharma shástra [scriptural treatises], and simultaneously there must be strict guardians who during their lifetimes guide themselves as well as others according to those scriptural injunctions." (1)

1. Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Special rule for building monolithic AMPS

WT conduct rule states: "We are all the children of the same Father, we are all the members of the same family. By fighting against all kinds of evil forces, we will establish the glory of our Father and the glory of our family." (1)

Note: A few bad Wts are going astray from this fundamental rule by spreading the poison of groupism and creating division throughout our AMPS and the greater society - all of which is against the ethic of neo-humanism. This is all happening due to greed, lust of power, desire for prestige etc. Unfortunately such persons are still walking around in WT garb and continuing to harm His mission. Such is the effect of their divisive ways. They have destroyed the sanctity and unity of the family. Now is the time for ideologically-minded margiis and Wts to rally and rectify such workers, thereby building a monolithic AMPS.

Note 2: Those who are sincere margiis adhere to this above cited rule since the spirit of this conduct rule is common to one and all.

1. Point #13 of '14 Points', WT Conduct Rules

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

नव्यमानवतावाद का गीत

प्रभात संगीत 2773 डाक दिये दिये बोले छिले, जेगे ओठो  जे आछो घुमिये...


हे प्रभु! तुमने अपने सिंहनाद से उन्हें उठने और जागने का आह्वान किया जो गहरे अंधेरे में सो रहे थे। हे प्रभु! तुमने कृपा कर यह ध्वनि उन तक पहुंचाई जो अविद्या माया के चंगुल में जकड़े थे। वे सोचते थे कि यह भौतिक जगत ही सब कुछ है। तुम्हारे दिव्य उद्घोष---‘‘ उठो , जागो और आनंददायी पथ का अनुसरण करो‘‘ से वे सब तुरंत क्रियाशील हो गये। तुम्हारी वाणी से आकाश  वायु पेड़ के नीचे की छाया और मरुस्थल भी संतृप्त हो गये। यह उद्घोष पृथ्वी की धूल से पर्वत की चोटी, पहाड़ों की ऊंचाइयों से समुद्र की गहराई, जलते हुए मरुस्थल से वर्फीले शिखरों तक सभी जगह गुञ्जित हो रही हैं। सभी कोनों में तुम्हारी ध्वनि सुनाई दे रही है ।

दिव्य सत्ता के उस सिंहनाद ने दोपहर के तपते मरुस्थल को सब ओर से स्पंदित कर दिया है। वही धार्मिक पुकार उषाकाल की सूखी ठंडी रेत और जंगलों तथा समुद्र किनारे की हरियाली तक पहुंच चुकी है। यह दिव्य सिंहनाद हृदयों को छू लिया है और  उसने बालों की चोटियों में सजे फूलों को भी हिला दिया है। उससे सभी दसों दिशायें कंपित हो चुकी हैं । हे प्रभु! जो गहरे अंधेरे में सो रहे थे, उन्हें तुमने अपने सिंहनाद से उठने और जागने का आह्वान किया।

हे प्रभु! तुम्हारी पुकार प्रेम के अमृत से  भरी है। वह दिव्य पुकार क्षितिज में पूर्वी सूर्योदय से लेकर पश्चिम  में सूर्यास्त के रंगों तक फैल गयी है। बाबा! हे परमपुरुष! तुम्हारी पुकार ने सृष्टि के प्रत्येक कण को छुआ है और प्रत्येक को आनंद में बदल दिया है। हे प्रभु! जो गहरे अंधेरे में सो रहे थे, उन्हें तुमने अपने सिंहनाद से उठने और जागने का आह्वान किया। 

जब परमपुरुष की दिव्य पुकार भक्त के हृदय को छूती है तो वह अनुभव करता है कि परमपुरुष सीधे ही उसे पुकार रहे हैं इस गीत में यही दर्शाया  गया है

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

People have great expectations from their fellow human beings

“People have great expectations from their fellow human beings. In order to fulfil those expectations, go on working without the least respite. Remember that a healthy human society, free from exploitation, hatred and malice, must be built. In this great task, the blessings of Parama Puruśa are sure to be with you.” (Ananda Vanii #35)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Religions spread lies like: damned to suffer eternal hell-fire

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Through nityánitya viveka, human beings become aware of the fleeting nature of transient objects. They observe that with change in time, place and person, corresponding changes occur in social, political, economic, and all other spheres of life take to which they have to adapt themselves. Those who are reluctant to adapt themselves to the changed circumstances are doomed to destruction. A religion or an “ism” is created in a certain age which itself is a product of the three factors of time, place and person. However, the religion does not recognize the necessity of adjustment with the change in social life. It refuses to realize that the old rules and regulations of the previous age are now only mere historical records, having lost their relevance in the present dynamic society." (1)

 Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "To stifle the progress of humanity, the followers of these religions play on human sentiments and other weaknesses. They want to perpetuate the hold of the vested interests by infusing an inferiority complex into the human mind. While preaching their religious ideas, some claim that the social, economic and political systems were direct creations of God and hence destined to be observed in all ages and all times with equal veneration. They pronounce that those who refuse to follow this divine decree will be doomed to burn in the scorching heat of God’s wrath, or dammed to suffer eternal hell-fire. To deny people the scope of verifying the rationality of different scriptures they declare that such-and-such scriptures are infallible and so nobody has the right to question their veracity. If the philosophical texts contradict the scriptures, then their propounders will be declared as atheists."

"So it is seen that in the absence of nityánitya viveka the propounders of religion want to thwart the intellectual progress of human society at large. They knowingly refuse to understand that any observation regarding the spatial, temporal and personal factors, from whatever person it might come, is bound to lose its relevance in a transformed situation." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life, Part 7, p.553

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