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Wednesday, September 6, 2023





¿Estoy haciendo algo o enfrentando una reacción? En general, hay dos tipos de acontecimientos en la vida. Una persona (a) se enfrenta a la reacción de su acción pasada o (b) crea una acción completamente nueva. La cuestión es cuál es la fórmula mágica para distinguir entre ambas. Específicamente, cómo sabemos si estamos sufriendo una reacción a una acción pasada o generando un nuevo samskara por nuestra acción original actual.

La palabra clave en esta fórmula es singular: intencionalmente. Si no estamos haciendo nada intencionalmente y nos ocurre algo, entonces estamos sufriendo una reacción de una de nuestras acciones pasadas. He aquí algunos ejemplos.

Ejemplos de karmaphala (reacción)

Supongamos que Juan va caminando por la calle con toda normalidad en un día despejado y, de repente, le cae una rama en la cabeza. En ese caso, se trata claramente de un ejemplo en el que Juan se enfrenta a su propio samskara, o experimenta una reacción de su acción pasada. La razón es que él no tenía ningún plan para que esa rama cayera sobre su cabeza y no hizo ningún intento deliberado para que eso sucediera. Es algo que le sucedió.

Lo mismo ocurre si Shyam va caminando inocentemente por la calle hacia su trabajo cuando, de repente, le alcanza una bala perdida. En este caso, Shyam tampoco hizo nada para provocar la bala. Shyam simplemente caminaba por la calle -como hace siempre- y de la nada le alcanza una bala. Este es un claro ejemplo de Shyam enfrentándose a la reacción de sus acciones pasadas.

Lo mismo ocurre si alguien contrae cualquier enfermedad o se contagia del coronavirus. Nadie hace nada intencionalmente para causarse ese daño. Más bien, la gente quiere estar sana y ser feliz. Independientemente de su estilo de vida, si alguien contrae una enfermedad, es absolutamente una reacción a una acción que realizó en el pasado.

Otro tipo de incidente es cuando una persona está ocupada en sus asuntos y, de repente, se le acerca un desequilibrado y le lanza todo tipo de insultos. En ese caso, el receptor de esos insultos está sufriendo la reacción de una acción pasada.

Ejemplos de creación de una acción original

Exploremos ahora la antítesis. Veamos algunos ejemplos en los que una persona está haciendo algo intencionalmente, es decir, desempeñando un papel activo, en el que está creando una nueva acción y generando así un samskara.

Un ejemplo es cuando alguien planea aunque sea por unos pocos minutos hacer cosas buenas, entonces en ese caso también esa persona está claramente involucrándose en una nueva acción. En esa situación, su compromiso mental es una acción original. Entonces él está haciendo mentalmente algo que va a generar una buena reacción.

¿Fue intencionado o no?

De nuevo, el principio operativo en la ecuación es si alguien estaba planeando intencionalmente un acontecimiento concreto o no. Si eran completamente pasivos y algo les sucedió, entonces definitivamente están experimentando karmaphala, es decir, los frutos de sus acciones pasadas.

En cambio, si alguien realiza un acto a sabiendas y de forma activa -ya sea pequeño, grande, bueno o malo-, entonces está realizando una acción original, y un día tendrá que sufrir la reacción a esa acción, ya sea pequeña, grande, buena o mala.

En Él,

~ Estudio en profundidad ~

He aquí un punto muy singular respecto a la teoría del samskara de Ananda Marga.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life – 8, “Sádhaná”, Baba nos dice: Cuando la gente roba a los demás, o se entrega a la hipocresía, o engaña a la gente, o se entrega a las palabras altisonantes día tras día, están cometiendo acciones originales. Cuando un empleado del gobierno deshonesto acepta un soborno es una acción original, y cuando su hijo enferma y tiene que ser llevado rápidamente al médico es la acción reactiva (la reacción a la acción original). Cuando su hijo muere, se lamenta: “No he hecho nada malo a sabiendas. Señor, ¿por qué me has dado un castigo tan severo?”. Pero Dios no le dio ningún castigo – la profunda pena que sintió por la muerte de su hijo fue el resultado de sus acciones originales pasadas. (resumen en español)

Nagina y la venganza

#1: De manera relacionada, en el libro de Nagina Da hay una larga sección sobre sus interacciones con su jefe y cómo este solía maltratarlo. Nagina Da planteó este asunto a Baba. Y Baba advirtió a Nagina que ni se le ocurriera vengarse de su jefe. Pero uno puede apelar a las autoridades mundanas apropiadas para que revisen el caso, etc.

#2: Según la teoría del samskara de Ananda Marga, al pensar mal de los demás uno tendrá que afrontar las consecuencias.

#3: Prakrti actúa de acuerdo a los propios samskaras humanos; prakrti no arremete contra nadie innecesariamente. Así que hay una causa mayor en juego por la que Nagina Da fue maltratado.

#4: Tenemos todo el derecho – de hecho es nuestro deber moral – de cuestionar apropiadamente y apelar a nivel mundano cualquier injusticia contra nosotros.

#5: Cuando algunos sufren resultados que no les gustan, su primera reacción es culpar a Dios. Pero eso es completamente inapropiado y erróneo. Parama Purusa hace todo por nuestro bienestar, así que no hay lugar para culparle de nada. La respuesta última a por qué sufrimos cualquier tipo de sufrimiento es simplemente porque sufrimos las reacciones de nuestras propias acciones pasadas, es decir, la teoría del samskara. Esa es la respuesta a nivel cósmico a todo sufrimiento.

Conclusión: la sadhana es la solución

#6: La salida es hacer el máximo de sadhana y destruir todos los samskaras existentes que conducen a tal sufrimiento y tensión.

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha – 2, “The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 1”, Baba nos dice: El pensamiento constante de tu puro Ser interior te establecerá ciertamente un día en tu fuente original, y éste es el objetivo último de la Sádhaná. El Alma es por naturaleza característicamente pura. La mente se ata a los Saḿskáras (reacciones potenciales) debido a sus acciones, y por eso la el ser unitario se convierte en esclavo de la vida y la muerte. Cuando se destruyen todos los Saḿskáras mediante la Sádhaná espiritual y la purificación mental, se va más allá de la vida y la muerte a la región eterna de la inmortalidad, donde no hay diferencia entre el alma y Su Alma Suprema. (resumen en español)

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Sufferings

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Prout: change in psychology needed + 3 more


Prout: change in psychology needed


The main friend and tool of capitalism is the dogma that all the property in the world belongs to the rich because they earned it and others have no right to it. The exploited masses feel lower and suffer from an inferiority complex because of their family background, birth, job status, or financial poverty etc. Sadly, they have been horribly brainwashed.

The truth is that the system is skewed. All the moveable and immovable property belongs to Parama Purusa, and all of creation is His progeny. So all are deserving of their proper share as a paternal right. That is what the Propounder of Prout teaches us. Until this idea is wholeheartedly propagated amongst the common mass, capitalist exploitation will rage onwards.

The central idea is that now the exploited people suffer from the misunderstanding that they are unfortunate, and that is the cause of their lowly condition. In the very near future, however, they will start realising that their genuine share has been snatched away by a corrupt system. Then a new era will be ushered in. The root cause is psychic: So long as the exploited mass blames themselves for their woes, there will be rampant unemployment, poverty, and starvation. The exploited people must be taught the message expressed in the Prout teachings appended below. Once they understand that the universe is the common patrimony of all, the situation will be wholly transformed.

Constant brainwashing

The main hindrance in the propagation of Prout is the constant brainwashing by capitalists. They say capitalism is the only solution, and the proof they give is that communism is tortuous and deadly. Those capitalists proclaim, “See what happens in those communist countries.” By showing the terrible example of communist exploitation they try to legitimise capitalistic exploitation. Whatever proposal comes against the capitalists they label that concept as being leftist and pro-communist and shoot down and defame that program. By this technique, the exploited masses believe fully in that capitalist propaganda. The fact is that capitalism turns the common mass into beggars, and communism makes those beggars into beasts. Both of these economic theories (capitalism and communism) are extremely harmful. They are matter-centered philosophies and detrimental to humanity. We have to propagate Prout.


Exploitation continues so long as people think that they themselves are at fault for their miserable condition. The instant they realise that the reigning exploitative system is at fault then the situation changes. For instance:

(a) When the slaves in the US realised how they were being exploited and overcame their complex, then they became victorious.
(b) When females in the west realised how they were being exploited and overcame their complex, then they became victorious.
(c) When Harijans in India realised how they were being exploited and overcame their complex, then they became victorious.

Here the main formula is that when a people's psyche grows, they toss aside the shackles of bondage and claim victory.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Real owner of property

Prout philosophy states, “None of the movable or immovable property of this universe belongs to any particular individual; everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma. All living beings can enjoy their rightful share of this property, like members of a joint family in the Dáyabhága system. As members of a joint family, human beings should safeguard this common property in a befitting manner and utilize it properly. They should also make proper arrangements so that everyone can enjoy it with equal rights, ensuring that all have the minimum requirements of life to enable them to live in a healthy body with a sound mind.” (1)

Greedy rich created private ownership

Prout philosophy states, “We must not forget, even for a single moment, that the entire animate world is a vast joint family. Nature has not assigned any portion of this property to any particular individual. Private ownership has been created by selfish opportunists, as the loopholes in this system provide them with ample scope for self-aggrandizement through exploitation. When the entire wealth of the universe is the common patrimony of all living beings, can the system in which some roll in luxury, while others, deprived of a morsel of food, shrivel up and starve to death bit by bit, be said to have the support of dharma?” (2)

How greedy rich are antisocial

   Prout philosophy states, “In a joint family every member is provided with adequate food, clothing, education and medical treatment, and amenities, as per their individual needs, according to the financial capacity of the entire family. If, however, any member of the family appropriates more grains, clothes, books or medicines than he or she requires, will that person not be the cause of distress to other members of the family? In such circumstances his or her actions will be certainly against dharma – certainly antisocial.”
   “Similarly, the capitalists of this modern world are anti-dharma, or antisocial, creatures. To accumulate massive wealth, they reduce others to skin and bones gnawed by hunger and force them to die of starvation; to dazzle people with the glamour of their garments, they compel others to wear rags; and to increase their own vital strength, they suck dry the vital juice of others.” (3)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #1
2. Problems of the Day, Point #1
3. Problems of the Day, Point #1

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Solution to imaginary health issue

Even though they do not have any physical problem, psychically diseased people mentally suffer and cry and complain about different imagined physical ailments. Such types of psychic diseases are called mania. There was no disease per se, but the person was convinced he was sick. Following is one example:

Sadguru Baba says, "There was another person I knew who was quite healthy and carried out his daily activities with ease, and yet he was under the impression, for no particular reason, that there was some trouble in his stomach. Actually there was no disease; he was in good health. Yet occasionally he used to come to me and complain that there was some disorder in his stomach. This was his [psychic disease] of mania." (1)

Herein lies the solution:

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "One of the numerous benefits of sa'dhana' is that it keeps the mind free from psychic disease." (2)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, The Faculty of Knowledge – 3
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, The Faculty of Knowledge – 3

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How incense is harmful

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "If peoples blind attachment to sacrificial rituals and love for outmoded customs are intense, they will not disappear when confronted with logical arguments or shaken by the first jolt caused by psychic clash. But if one can create a suitable environment of constant psychic clash their blind attachments are bound to disappear. Some people believe that the fragrance of the sacrificial smoke purifies the air and kills germs. This is not true. On the contrary, the increase in the amount of carbon particles makes the air more impure. A highly pungent smell is much more effective in destroying germs. Thus, due to the impact of constant psychic clash, people eventually understand the defects of old systems and ideas." (1)

Some have taken to the practice of lighting incense when doing meditation or in other gatherings etc. They do so under the dogmatic belief that it will make the air cleaner and the room more sentient. But nothing could be further from the truth. In His above teaching Baba clearly guides us that the burning of incense increases the level of carbon dioxide and pollutes the air. So there is not an iota of truth to the notion that incense cleans the air. That is just a dogma of religious ritualism. Everyone should be aware about this.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Struggle and Progress

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest