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Friday, July 14, 2023

Great people + 2 more


Great people


In the long history of spirituality on this earth, so many great sadhakas have taken birth. And they all tried to guide humanity, but their teachings were a mixed bag. Some of their teachings were beneficial, but many were dogmatic and led to the degeneration of society. Thus, the force of a Mahasambhuti - Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji - was the need of the day.

They preached dogma also

Consider the works of Tulsidas, Lord Buddha, Ramakrsna, Shankaracarya, etc: Some of their teachings were proper, and some were negative. In our AM scripture, Baba has embraced those teachings that were aligned with AM ideology, i.e. those guidelines that were positive and promoted the cause of universal welfare. But when their teachings veered from the path of dharma, Baba shined the light of neo-humanism on those dogmatic edicts in order to point out those shortcomings so society could advance. Nowadays, the general public still has a very high opinion of these monks, but, according to our standard in AM, we should use our discrimination when evaluating their teachings and lead society onto the proper path.

Tulsidas & beating

We must not forget that Tulsidas was strongly so-called brahmin-minded, and his main work, the Ram Charit Manas / Ramayana epic, has some dogma. In the Avadhi language, Tulsidas says, "Dhol ganva'r shudra pashu na'ri ye sab ta'dan ke adhika'rii". The meaning is: 'The drum, illiterates, so-called low caste people, animals, and females only understand the language of beating.’

Essentially, Tulsidas is saying that if you want to guide illiterate folk, so-called low caste people, animals, or females, then you must beat them like a drum. Sweet words will not do because they will not understand. To guide them they need to be beaten. By reviewing this teaching of Tulsidas, every Ananda Margii will realize that Tulsidas was not a neo-humanist. Rather, on certain points of so-called caste and gender issues, he was very dogmatic.

Ramakrsna & idol worship

Similarly, some of Ramakrsna’s teachings were good, but others were very problematic and harmful. For example, in his own life, he was chewing tobacco and, as a result, developed mouth cancer. Unfortunately, many followed that negative teaching, including his top monks like Vivekananda who also ate fish. Not only that, throughout Ramakrsna's entire life he was involved in innumerable negative rituals from all the dogmatic faiths and religions. Sometimes he practiced dogmatic idol worship; then, he would spend one week doing Muslim practices, and then another week doing Christian practices-- and many more. That's why, even today, Ramakrsna's disciples do not have proper guidelines to follow in their lives —they only know how to erect his statue and worship that.

Buddha ate pig

Lord Buddha’s teachings were also a mixture. For example, it is an historical fact that, before his death, Lord Buddha ate the meat curry of a baby pig. A farmer named Chund had invited Lord Buddha to take a meal in his house, and he offered the curry of a baby pig. After eating that meat curry, Lord Buddha suffered from serious blood dysentery and later died. From this story, it is evident that Buddha did not strictly adhere to only taking sentient food, otherwise he would have refused Chund’s offer of tamasik food. Hence, this proves that Lord Buddha was not a neo-humanist.

Shankaracarya & so-called caste divisions

Shrii Shankaracarya also propounded teachings that were both good and bad. For example, Shankaracarya created differences and divisions in human society by infusing the so-called caste system and idol worship, which horribly misguided the society. Moreover, Shankaracarya also introduced the dogmatic monist theory.

So, in the past, these monks gave a variety of teachings-- some of which were helpful to the society, but many of their preachings proved to be counterproductive and harmful. 


Ultimately, as Ananda Margiis, we are to follow the divine teachings of Taraka Brahma Baba and propagate the ideals of neo-humanism. It is Baba’s blessing on us that we have the opportunity to know, follow, and propagate this tantric cult of Ananda Marga.

Ananda Vanii says, "The despondent humanity, in the monumental task of searching for veracity, sees the beacon leading to the path of effulgence. This immense task makes humanityʼs existence resplendent and illumines its path of movement with the blazing tenderness of humanism. You are the blessed travellers on that effulgent path. Let the unique blending of your profound wisdom and intense urge for action rend asunder the mists of sinful deeds and smash to dust the jagged rocks of hypocrisy, and establish you in the realm of supreme fulfilment." (1)



Baba has shown the path of Ananda Marga - the path of bliss. We have been blessed to no end that He has graciously accepted us as His disciples. Through His ota and prota yoga, He is constantly with us: He cannot leave us-- not even for a moment. Thinking about the spiritual field, the idea floats in the mind about what were the circumstances and reasons why Parama Purusa Baba took advent as Mahasambhuti. And this He Himself has told; by that way, we could know what His purpose was for coming here. And that is what this letter has explained: He has come to propagate Ananda Marga ideology and eradicate the dogmas of old.

1. Ánanda Váńii #71

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Promiscuity: undoing of society

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "It does not require the harnessing of any elaborate logic or reasoning to convince people that the final outcome of permissiveness is not healthy. But it is also true that the result of free mixing in society, without self-control, is bad...Hence, along with the recognition of the freedom of the two sexes, a well-judged code of self-control will also have to be associated with their mutual mixing." (1)

Note: Baba's has given the dharmic code for how and when males and females may socialize. Remembering that all females are the mothers of males, all women-- regardless of their age-- are to be looked upon with utmost respect and reverence. At the same time, males must be ever-ready to lend their physical strength to protect and uphold the prestige of women. These are some of the basic points. Needless to say, loose gossiping between the sexes is not at all appreciated or supported by Baba's teachings. Unfortunately, still this looseness or casual way of dealing is evident in some of our sectors of our AM society, especially in the west. Unmarried males and females are living together and carrying on relations and sometimes even producing children out of wedlock. And even at our retreats this looseness between the sexes is clearly evident. The worst part being that it is rampant amongst our youths: 13 - 18 year olds. So all around this is a point of awareness. Because promiscuity is the undoing of any society. Now is the time we should rise to the occasion and step by step work to instill Baba's dharmic guidelines on this important aspect of life. This will be beneficial to all-- and a positive example for the society at large.

1. Human Society Part 1, Social Justice for Women

== Section 3: Links ==

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