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Monday, July 10, 2023

Animal service + 5 more

Animal service


Here is a very simple and practical way to help animals. 

(a) Purchase a stock of dry grains to serve to animals and keep this in your home.
(b) Whenever you sit down for a meal, first take Brahma bhava (Cosmic ideation) and take a small amount of that dry grains from your main stock (i.e. container A) and place it in a small container, i.e. container B.
(c) Before each meal, take a small amount from container A and put it into container B, until a moderate amount of food has been collected in container B.
(d) When time permits, take container B outside and place it in a strategic place where animals can find it and safely eat.
(e) By this regular practice, those animals are served and the person serving with proper ideation will gain mental expansion. The outcome will be more love and affection towards the entire creation.

Nowadays, a dogma is going on in certain parts of India: When people start their meal, they put their first morsel of food aside. That first morsel is noted as an offering to animals. And once that morsel is set aside, then those people eat their entire meal. Let's investigate how far this notion of setting aside the first spoonful of food is advantageous or not. Is this a viable way to serve those animals.

1. The food that is set aside often contains spices, sugars, and oils that are harmful to an animal’s health and well-being. Those animals - birds, dogs, and monkeys - are not meant to eat salty, oily, sugary foods etc. That is not animal food. If they eat that food they will get sick, suffer from disease, and die a slow, painful death.

2. In some cases, that food just gets wasted because it gets washed away in the rain, or there are no birds or street dogs around, or a person lives on the 10th floor so animals cannot reach their home etc. Plus we have to remember that any food that has become rancid will create terrible harm to the animal.

3. There are many big animals such as elephants, tigers, rhinos, and other wild creatures and they have voracious appetites. Serving a huge animal one spoon of food is essentially a meaningless endeavor.

Remarkably, due to their dogma, people feel that by setting aside a spoonful of their human food they are doing bhuta yajina (service to animals) - but this is just their mirage. As any rational-minded person can see, no real service is going on.

Congestion, fluid accumulation around the heart, and even death

See here what more can happen when certain animals eat oily foods: Birds, rabbits, and some large animals, including horses can suffer from respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the heart, and even death.

Grapes and raisins have recently been associated with the development of kidney failure in dogs. Eating too much salt can cause excessive thirst and urination in dogs and lead to sodium ion poisoning. Plus, when dogs eat too much oil they can lose all their fur. Moreover, all kinds of nuts like walnuts and macadamia nuts are detrimental to the health of most animals.

If the token spoonful of human food is actually fed to animals, in most cases it would be extremely harmful for them. So the whole notion of setting aside a spoonful of human food in honour of the well-being of animals is fraught with pitfalls and contradictions.

Baba has given PCAP

The real solution lies in administering a call to action and awakening people’s awareness to the plight and dire situation of animals and plants in today’s modern world. Token offerings are meaningless. Once people are educated about the problems then properly organised efforts can be made.

To this end, Baba has graciously given the guidelines for the formation and development of PCAP & CL – that wing of Ananda Marga for Prevention of Cruelty to Plants and Animals (PCAP) & Cheap Literature (CL). By this way, a dynamic movement can be made to truly improve the condition of non-human life forms.

Although Baba has given this ideal long back, it has yet to be properly developed. It is unfortunate that some in Ananda Marga are making token food offerings of a spoonful of human food to animals and thinking that their duty is over. But in true sense, their approach is completely dogmatic and impractical. If you are living around animals and birds and you want to regularly offer animal food to those creatures - and at the same time you are concerned about animal welfare, PCAP, & CL at large - then that is ok.


The overall spirit behind offering one spoonful of food to animals is very good, but unfortunately nowadays the practice has become dogmatic. Here is a solution to again make this a dharmic endeavour:
(a) Purchase a stock of dry grains to serve to animals and keep this in your home.
(b) Whenever you sit down for a meal, first take Brahma bhava (Cosmic ideation) and take a small amount of that dry grains from your main stock (i.e. container A) and place it in a small container, i.e. container B.
(c) Before each meal, take a small amount from container A and put it into container B, until a moderate amount of food has been collected in container B.
(d) When time permits, take container B outside and place it in a strategic place where animals can find it and safely eat.
(e) By this regular practice, those animals are served and the person serving with proper ideation will gain mental expansion. The outcome will be more love and affection towards the entire creation.
In addition, we should follow Baba’s guidelines about PCAP & CL.


So now is the time to inculcate the neo-humanistic ideals which Baba has given and truly develop meaningful programs under the banner of PCAP & CL. If in these beginning stages, we do not have a lot of resources, that is understandable. By taking proper steps, invariably the support – both human and financial etc – will follow.

First and foremost, we should not be involved in this dogma of putting a spoonful of human food aside thinking that our duty is complete. To the degree people suffer from that mindset is the degree to which they are lagging behind from the real service work that needs to be done.

Involving regularly in PCAP activities and feeding small amounts of animal food to the animals on a daily basis - in accordance with local laws and ordinances - is a fine and accepted pathway to serve.

In Him,
Sahadev Malakar

The overall spirit behind offering one spoonful of food to animals is very good, but unfortunately nowadays the practice has become dogmatic.

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Remove all my suffering 

“Tumi, háriye jáoár dakhin, háoá phire páoár álo…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0671)


O’ Parama Purusa, You are the soft, pleasing ocean breeze and the most precious jewel which was lost and found again. Baba, You are my assurance during my nights of sorrow. You give hope to the hopeless; You can wholly transform anyone’s bad days into good ones. No matter what is going on in my life, no matter how terrible things are, You graciously provide that soothing balm that gives me respite and relief. I love You so much.

On those cimmerian dark nights, with a golden lamp in hand remove all darkness. When times are toughest and I am at my lowest, You stay with me always and dispel all of my blackness. You lovingly remove all my physical, mental, and spiritual afflictions, as well as the soot and filth from my mind. 

O’ Lord, during my times of suffering and misery, with Your own hand You wipe away my tears. You remove all the stains like anxiety from my mental plate and my feelings of grief. Baba, You kindle the lamp of hope. Your mere presence is enough for me to know that everything will be alright and that blissful days are on the horizon…

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Recurring harsh syndrome strikes AMPS

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “You are possibly aware of the fact that there was a time when people used to bother too much about castes. And in this regard, they displayed terrible intolerance. Caste-discrimination was about to strangle humanism. In many cases this happened. People belonging to the so-called lower strata of society were not really considered human beings. In certain spheres they were treated worse than animals. It was not thought that a food item must be discarded – it is not considered so even now – when a mouse, a mole, a fly or mosquito touched it. But what to speak of it being touched by certain so called lower-caste people or their entering the kitchen or their sitting in the kitchen veranda – in certain cases, they were even barred from entering the courtyard of the house. Although it was loudly claimed that everything is the manifestation of Brahma, Sarvaḿ khalvidaḿ Brahma, in reality all kinds of casteism were concealed within the boundaries of religion.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In those days the boomerang of this religious bigotry did not spare even the heads of society. On the contrary, it was Brahmans who did the greatest injury to other Brahmans. The descendents of Krttivas Thakur (his nephew’s line) had to carry a social stigma because Krttivas Thakur had committed the offence of translating the Rámáyańa into Bengali. A high-caste Brahman was downgraded due to leaving his village to settle in another. Thus surnames like Banerjees became Kusháriis, Batabyals, Máscaŕaks; similarly, Chatterjees were downgraded to Káiṋjiilals, Pákŕáshiis; Bhattacharyas became Chakravartis. For a petty offence a person was expelled from his or her caste or expelled from his or her religion. People were forced to renounce their religion or undergo various kinds of persecution under pressure of circumstances. Looking more closely, it would seem that in those days the only job of one class of people was to find fault with others, to ruin people in the name of religion.” (2)

In AMPS also

Note: In the past, innocent people were harassed, expelled, tortured, outcasted, terrorised, and killed by their own religion - for various reasons and under various pretenses. These days unfortunately a similar thing is going on in AMPS. The various factions harass, threaten, beat, and expel those who are not their yes-men, i.e. those who do not participate in their narrow agenda.

At the time of DMS, many in our AMPS may be facing this very situation. They may not be allowed to stay in certain places because they are not in a particular group, and they may not be allowed to attend a particular dharmacakra etc. And they may even be subjected to threats, attacks, expulsion, and worse.

In contrast, obedient supporters of those group leaders are rewarded with higher posts, regardless of their low character and sexual misconduct. Such yes-men become purodhas and high post holders etc, while qualified WTs, margiis, and LFTs are pushed aside, humiliated, threatened, and attacked etc. They face all sorts of problems and difficulties and are even barred from having their daughters married in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc: 23
2. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc: 23

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Role of sentiments in revolutions: AMPS & past despots

Prout philosophy states, “Revolution always takes place around a sentiment. If there is no strong common sentiment, a revolution cannot take place. Sentiment is always stronger than logic.”

“Communism propagates sentiments like workers of the world unite. Initially, people were attracted to such sentiments, but after some time they discovered that they were hollow, consequently intellectuals became dissatisfied with them. Communism is now unable to fight against the local sentiments that are coming up in different parts of the world because these sentiments are stronger than communist sentiments.”

Prout philosophy states “PROUT is based on a universal sentiment which is applicable for the whole cosmological order, and it is systematically moving towards the implementation of this sentiment. Who will make the local people conscious of their local sentiments keeping universalism in mind? Only PROUT can do this. Communists have no such idea. Only PROUT can tackle all local sentiments and lead everyone in the world to universalism by gradual stages.”

“Revolutionaries must be well-versed in arousing the sentiments of the people and channelizing the sentimental legacy of the society towards universalism. During the preparation for revolution, unstinting effort must go into arousing the sentimental legacy of the people, because sentiments inspire popular support for the cause of revolution, and infuse the revolutionary workers with tremendous power and conviction.”

“According to PROUT, there are two types of sentiments – positive sentiments and negative sentiments. Positive sentiments are synthetic in nature. They unite society and elevate humanity, enhance collective interests and encourage progressive development. Negative sentiments are narrow in scope and divide society.”

Prout philosophy states “Some important positive sentiments include anti-exploitation sentiment, revolutionary sentiment, moral sentiment, cultural sentiment, universal sentiment and spiritual sentiment. Some negative sentiments include communalism, patriotism, nationalism, provincialism, lingualism and racism.”

“Negative sentiments should never be used to divide people into castes and communities – to create artificial fissiparous tendencies in society. Rather, they should always be used to bring unity amongst people. Hitler used racism in an effort to unite the German people and he succeeded in the short-term, but because he used negative sentiments only and had no positive sentiments, his approach resulted in a world war and the near destruction of Germany. The path of negativity is extremely dangerous and harmful for society. Positive sentiments are the real weapons to build society. This must never be forgotten under any circumstances.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Negative sentiments should never

== Section ==

कुत्ते, गाय, और बन्दर आदि भी साधना करेंगे 

“आलोच्य विषय है---"साधना मार्ग, तन्मात्र, और संवृत्ति” | यह साधना, micrivitum नहीं करता है | साधना करता है मनुष्य का अहंतत्त्व | इसलिए कहा गया है, कि यद्यपि अहंतत्त्व और जीवों में भी है, मगर उनमें यह अहंतत्त्व अविकशित है | अविकशित होने की वज़ह, वह अपनी प्रधानता स्थापित नहीं कर सकता है | कुत्ते, गाय, और बन्दर, ऐसे कुछ जीव-जन्तु हैं, जिनमें अहंतत्त्व कुछ विकशित हैं, और-जीवों के बनिस्बत; मगर अधिक नहीं | हमें उम्मीद है कि निकट भविष्य में वे साधनामार्ग को अपना सकेंगे |” (1)

हिंदी, अप्रकाशित 4 June 1989 DMC Ananda Nagar

== Section ==

बाबा! उस रंग-बिरंगे बसंत ऋतु में जब मेरी कुटिया, बकुल के असंख्य फूलों से ढकी हुई थी

प्रभात संगीत 4320 तुमि ऐशेछिले मोर बकुल विताने, ना बोलिया गेले कार घरे…

(जो साधना का 6th पाठ नहीं करता, वह यह गाना नहीं समझ सकता )

हे परमपुरुष, बाबा! उस रंग-बिरंगे बसंत ऋतु में जब मेरी कुटिया, बकुल के असंख्य फूलों से ढकी हुई थी, तुम ने आकर कृपा की थी। पर तुम मुझे बिना बताये विल्कुल अकेला  छोड़कर उस दिन कहाॅ दूर चले गये थे?

 हे मेरे प्रभु! तुम्हारी दिव्य कृपा ने मेरे पूरे अस्तित्व को भक्ति के रोमाॅंच से भर दिया था और मेरी रक्तवाहिनयों में स्पंदन को जगा दिया था। बाबा ! तुमको इस प्रकार निकट से पाकर मेरा जीवन अर्थपूर्ण हो गया है। यह तुम्हारी कृपा है। बाबा! उस सुनहली प्रभात के तत्काल बाद तुम्हारी लीला ने अन्य रूप ले लिया। तुम मुझे विल्कुल अकेला रोते छोड़कर दूर चले गये। हे मेरे प्रिय! तुम उस दिन कहाॅ किसके घर चले गये थे?

हे दिव्य सत्ता बाबा! तब से मैंने असंख्य रात दिन तुम्हारी प्रतीक्षा में ढेरों फूलों की मालायें लिये, तुम्हारे इंतज़ार में अपनी खिड़की में बैठे हुये गुजार दिये हैं। पर वह सब व्यर्थ गया क्योंकि तुम आये       ही नहीं। यह बड़ा दुखदायी है कि मैं अब वह आकर्षक मधुर मुस्कान कहीं नहीं पाता हॅूं क्योंकि तुम तो बहुत दूर हो। मैं अब वह मधुर मुस्कान और अधिक नहीं देख सकता हॅंू जो तुम्हारे ओंठों पर उस समय देखा करता था जब तुम मेरे पास थे।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! तब से अब तक युग निकल गये आपकी याद  में, बसंत समाप्त होकर ग्रीष्म ने आ घेरा है और सब सुगंधित बकुल के फूल जो मैंने तुम्हारे स्वागत के लिये एकत्रित किये थे सूख कर विखर गये हैं। अब वही खिड़की जिस पर बैठा मैं तुम्हारी प्रतीक्षा करते तुम्हारे लिये मालायें बनाया करता था अब मकड़जाल में छिप गयी है। बाबा! यह बड़ा कष्टदायी और हृदय विदारक है कि तुम इतने दूर कैसे चले गये। मेरा मन तुम्हारी दिव्य उपस्थिति न होने से सूख गया है।

ए मेरे सर्वाधिक प्रिय! अपनी अहैतुकी कृपा बरसा दो और मेरे हृदय में उसी आकर्षण तथा भक्ति के अपनेपन  से प्रकट हो जाओ। तुम्हारे सिवा मेरा कोई नहीं है ।

1.    vitáne.- पेड़ों के बीच बनी लकड़ी की कुटिया।
2.    nidágha गर्म ऋतु. -इसे रूपक की तरह लिया गया है । जब भक्त की साधना अच्छे ढंग से नहीं होती है वह अपने हृदय में सूखापन का अनुभव करता है और जब साधना अच्छे ढंग से होती है तो मन प्रफुल्लित होता है और प्रत्येक वस्तु मधुर लगती है जैसे बसंत ऋतु हो। यह प्रत्येक साधक के साथ होता है , इस परिस्थिति में सबसे अच्छा यह होता है कि पूरे भक्तिभाव से बाबा को अपने निकट आने के लिये निवेदन करें।

== Section 4: Links ==

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