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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Servicio de gran duración


Servicio de gran duración


Aquí hay un tema importante en formato de preguntas y respuestas relacionado con la vida, la muerte y el servicio a la humanidad.

#1: PREGUNTA: ¿Puede una persona fallecida realizar seva (servicio)?

RESPUESTA: Desde una perspectiva puramente literal o estructural, una persona no puede. Pero una persona, mientras viva, puede hacer un servicio que ayude a las personas en el futuro, mucho después de su propia muerte.

Por ejemplo, supongamos que un terrorista eliminó una sección clave de la vía del tren de un puente y luego se suicidó tomando veneno. Luego, una hora después, llegó el tren y cayó al río y murieron tres mil personas. En ese caso, el terrorista no puede escapar del pecado de esas muertes solo porque murió antes de que ocurriera el accidente. Tendrá que sufrir la reacción por haber causado todas esas muertes. Esto muestra cómo las personas son responsables de las repercusiones de sus acciones incluso después de su muerte.

De manera similar, una persona puede hacer un gran trabajo en su vida que tiene un efecto positivo recurrente en la sociedad por generaciones y generaciones. El hacedor obtiene el beneficio en su propia vida, e incluso después de su muerte puede obtener el resultado. Porque por su acción se sirve a las personas mucho tiempo después de la muerte de esa persona. Y, por supuesto, es cierto que después de la muerte una persona no puede realizar ninguna acción nueva para ayudar a los demás. Solo ellos pueden adquirir la virtud en base a las reacciones positivas recurrentes de su buena obra original.

Aquí está el resumen en español del discurso hindi de Baba, pravrtti aor nivrtti, ss 17-01, dmc 26 de febrero de 1984 mehraulii delhi:
Cuando uno ya no tiene un cuerpo, entonces uno no puede trabajar. Dado que el cuerpo ya no existe, la mente no puede participar en ninguna acción o trabajo. Cuando hay un cráneo y un cerebro, entonces funcionará la mente. Cuando no hay un cuerpo físico después de la muerte, entonces la mente humana no puede funcionar. Sólo queda el alma y seguro que puede funcionar. El alma seguramente puede hacer algo porque tiene poder, pero en forma sutil. (resumen en español)
Entonces, grandes personas realizan actos en sus vidas que sirven a la humanidad en un futuro lejano, muy lejano. Por eso Baba nos guía a hacer algo que tenga una naturaleza recurrente, duradera.

Estrictamente hablando, uno no puede hacer servicio después de muerto, porque no puede hacer un acto nuevo; pero, de manera poética, seguramente se puede seguir sirviendo a la sociedad haciendo algo que tenga un efecto positivo duradero y recurrente.

Virtud directa e indirecta

Las siguientes enseñanzas de Baba nos guían en este camino.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, "Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night" – 1, Baba nos dice: Pratyakśa puńya, o virtud directa, se adquiere cuando uno realiza una acción como alimentar a los hambrientos o servir a los enfermos. La virtud indirecta se adquiere cuando el servicio de uno tiene un efecto recurrente, como el servicio a la sociedad, plantar árboles, etc. Si se plantan árboles al lado de un camino caluroso y polvoriento, continuarán brindando refugio a los viajeros cansados durante mil o dos mil años.

Si el daño que uno hizo tuviera un efecto de naturaleza recurrente

En un resumen en español de  Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, "Sinners and Their Rectification", Baba nos dice: El shástra dice que la expiación adecuada para tal mahápátaka es: ¿qué? Lo primero es que no tiene derecho a vivir en sociedad. Debe sacrificar todo por la sociedad y servir a la sociedad desde afuera. Pero eso no es suficiente: esa es la expiación para un atipátakii. Entonces, ¿qué debe hacer? Debe inventar algo nuevo, y esa invención debe tener una naturaleza recurrente de efecto. Su efecto debe ser de naturaleza recurrente. Porque su fechoría tuvo un efecto de naturaleza recurrente, su buena acción debe tener también un efecto de naturaleza recurrente. (resumen en español)

Manera de ser libre de la esclavitud

#2: PREGUNTA: Dado que tanto las buenas como las malas acciones son vinculantes, ¿qué acción no es vinculante?

RESPUESTA: Cuando el objetivo es complacer a Parama Purusa, esa acción no es vinculante.

En Él,

El Sr. A disparó a los miembros de su familia con rabia y luego se suicidó, mientras que los miembros de su familia sobrevivieron. Todos quedaron paralizados y postrados en cama. De modo que el sufrimiento sufrido por los familiares sobrevivientes será depositado de manera continua en la cuenta del culpable que se suicidó.

Buen efecto recurrente en la sociedad

En un resumen en español de Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, "Mysticism and Spirituality", Baba nos dice: El resultado del mahápátaka es de naturaleza recurrente. Si un hombre de negocios, por ejemplo, descubre un nuevo método de adulteración, comete mahápátaka. Mezclar semillas de papaya con pimienta negra está destinado a engañar a los compradores. El descubridor de este nuevo método muestra al mundo un nuevo camino en la esfera de la adulteración. El efecto de este acto está destinado a ser de naturaleza recurrente. La expiación por mahápátaka es como atipátaka, es decir, esta persona también debe renunciar a su vida mundana y debe ofrecerse al servicio de la humanidad. Sin embargo, hay una diferencia. Dado que el acto de esta persona es más grave, esta persona tendrá que inventar algo que tendrá un efecto positivo recurrente en la sociedad. La invención de la penicilina sería una caso en cuestión. No hay otra salida para el mahápátakii. (resumen en español) 

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Long-lasting service

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Helpful tool + 7 more

Helpful tool


Our time on this earth is temporary, yet many people remain oblivious of this fact. They think the qualities they have, i.e. their wealth, health, beauty, and power will last forever. That defective outlook causes so many problems.

Some falsely believe that their life and property are permanent and that leads them to become arrogant and hurtful towards others. They think that with their limited power they can do what they want and that their power will never wane. By this way, some torture, cheat, abuse, and rule over others - all the while thinking that their position is indestructible and lasting.

When the fact is that human life is temporary and this world is transitory. We may forget what is most important on this earth. We may get wrapped up in transitory gains instead of yearning for the Supreme. To think of this world as a permanent abode is common amongst human beings; yet, this is an illusory outlook. This mindset is not helpful for one’s all-round progress.

Skull reminds us

When people think their power is permanent they will abuse others day and night. In contrast, when people think that their qualities are temporary, they will adopt the right psychology and values in life. Then they will think that their life should be utilised for a benevolent cause, as there is no time to get mixed up in wrongdoing.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is a devotee to do? “Tyaja durjana sam'sargam” – you should give up the company of durjanas. Who is a durjana? I will explain. A man whose company will deteriorate or deprave the standard of others is a durjana for those persons." (1)

According to Baba, as bhaktas we are to surround ourselves with good people, and give up the company of bad people. The shloka goes on to say that we are to always remember that this world is temporary. That is the recipe for a proper life. When we constantly remember that this world is transitory - and having a skull visible day in and day out can help - then we are bound to set our sights on that which is permanent. In that case we will vigilantly goad our lives unto Him. Only Parama Purusa is eternal (nitya).

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Parama'tma' is nitya. The term nitya means that which is uninfluenced by the time factor i.e., beyond the periphery of past, present and future." (2)

So when Paramatma is the only eternal Entity then that is the stance we should attain - not any worldly status. By keeping a skull by our office desk - or some other prominent location - we will always remember that neither this world nor this body lasts forever. Nor do we even remain here very long. People only have a few years when they are at the peak of their life.

No one will stay forever

When we realise that life is indeed temporary then we will fully utilise our existence in the proper way.

The situation can be likened to visiting a new city. If you are going to be there for only one or two days then in a quick hurry you will see all the sights and learn all there is to know about that city, whereas if one lives in that city then they will feel relaxed and they will not go anywhere or see anything. They will think they have loads of time to do that later.

We should think of our time on this earth like the sightseer who is visiting a city for just 1 or 2 days. Then we will be vigilant to live life for the right ideal - and not be lackadaisical or apathetic about doing good deeds.

We will think that now is the time to act and realise Him because we will not be here much longer. Anytime death can come - there is no guarantee at all. We have no time for superficial, material pursuits and gratification etc.

Who should have a skull

2500 years ago when a young prince first left his kingdom and saw people getting sick and dying on the street then he was forced to consider the temporary nature of life and reevaluate what he should do on this earth. It was then that his true quest began and he later became the Buddha, or Enlightened One.

Keeping a skull by our side gives that same stark reminder that our life is temporary and that we should not get caught up in relative luxuries and satisfaction. We are to spend our time striving for the Great.

For this reason, regardless of whether one was initiated yesterday or 40 years ago, we should keep a skull in their possession. Having some kind of skull should be considered indispensable.

Use of skull

One other benefit of having a skull is that it is good for one's daily tandava practice. When Baba would arrive at any airport then there would be a grand reception by local margiis and workers. Part and parcel of that dramatic and exciting time was dancing tandava with a human skull in reception of Sadguru Baba. Sadhakas in Ananda Marga are well aware about this.

In Ananda Marga, in our tandava dance, the human skull symbolises death. It is one of our dharmic tools. So keeping even a plastic skull has great value in the life of any tantrika. We have come here for a short time and must materialise great works. Keeping a plastic skull reminds us of the fact that just as a real human skull was one day a breathing, walking human being, soon our own head will be in that condition. One day we too will be like that skull - sooner, not later.

Here is one suggestion: keeping even a plastic skull in our bedroom or on our desk will be a constant reminder of the transitory nature of this world. By that way, we will always be involved in proper deeds on this earth. To help remind people that life is fragile, various companies and governmental departments depict a skull and crossbones. This is placed on chemical bottles, near electrical wires, and anywhere the authorities think people may be killed. By this picture (skull and crossbones) people understand that danger is ahead and if they are not careful they could die.

The skull is a very helpful reminder and effective symbol. Then people are forced to reflect on their own limitations and liabilities. And they lead a more meaningful life, not swayed by the trappings of the ego and self-gratification etc.


Our life is not long nor do we know when it will end. As sadhakas we should live in the present, always thinking and doing to please Him and not get caught up in long-term plans - nor let the minutes pass away thinking that we will have time in the future.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Grhiitvaeva keshes'u mrtyurn'a' Dharma'caret. "That is, during dharma'caran, i.e. dharmic pursuits [following yama and niyama, service, svadhyaya etc] one should think that the god of death has already started pulling one’s hair – that one’s death is imminent. And accordingly one should work sincerely and vigorously; one will have to do a great many noble deeds within a short period”." (3)

The following are the key points that Baba guides us to always bear in mind and never forget:
(a) leave bad company;
(b) keep good company;
(c) do virtuous deeds day and night, i.e think about Parama Purusa all the 24hrs;
(d) always remember that the world is ephemeral, i.e. death can come at any moment.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Where to get a skull

The question naturally arises: Where can I get a skull?

1. Medical Facility: You may contact a medical school, coroner's office, or medical lab etc and see if they have an extra skull.

2. Online / Specialty Stores: Around the globe, people collect all kinds of things and there are shops that cater to peculiar and unorthodox interests. Thus there are shops and businesses that sell skulls, especially for medical students. So this would be a good option for some sadhakas.

3. Permit: In some places one may need a government permit to collect peculiar items like skulls etc. Find out about the rules and codes in your area.

If getting a skull is too difficult or illegal then margiis should access Google images and print out a picture of a skull or find a good artist and get a skull printed or painted onto a piece of paper and hang that up on their wall. Or one can get hold of a plastic skull. All these options will help remind us that this world is temporary and in the limited time we have we should engage in meaningful works. That type of ongoing reminder is absolutely necessary otherwise one is bound to forget that one's death is imminent.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Puńya All Twenty-Four Hours
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Bhakti-Rúpa Setu (Devotion Acts Like a Bridge)
3. Subhasita Samgraha, part 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Chief weakness of democracy

   Prout philosophy states, “The fact that voters without political consciousness weaken the governmental machinery cannot be denied. In the interests of the general public, it is desirable that uneducated and less-educated people do not have the right to vote.”
   “Democracy is a mockery in a country of uneducated people. In such a country cunning, fraudulent persons very easily secure or purchase the votes of illiterate people. Moreover, the general public in such a country is easily misled by the propagation of casteism or communalism.” 
   “The success of democracy depends upon educated, sensible voters. Hence, in a democratic country, the spread of education is of the highest priority. For the convenience of the general public, the educational system must be free of cost. No overbearing government pressure should be exerted on the educational system, otherwise the party in power will continue to propagate its ideas through the medium of education.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #33

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How microvitum helps

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A person doing spiritual sádhaná or meditation cannot be attacked by negative microvitum. A person in the stage of meditation cannot be attacked by negative microvitum, but positive microvitum can work directly in the lunar plexus and it can move, rather it does move, up to the occult plexus (the Guru Cakra). But it cannot go beyond the occult plexus – it cannot touch the macro-propensive plexus.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Now these microvita – positive or negative – maintain the balance of the universe. In the universe, when the collective strength of negative microvita becomes more than that of positive microvita, the world moves towards degeneration, and where the collective effect of the positive microvita is greater than that of negative microvita, spiritual revolution takes place. If the lunar plexus is attacked by negative microvita, the world moves fast towards degeneration, and that degeneration is now active in this universe.” (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “You are to do something concrete to save the universe from its depraving effect, otherwise the future of not only humanity but of all living beings is dark. So you will have to become more active and work jointly with maximum speed and maximum zeal to do something concrete with the help of positive microvita. Negative microvita will not help you in this connection.” (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In cosmic space, both positive and negative microvita move through the inferences of the cosmic mind – the internal inferences of the cosmic mind – and also with the help of the cruder portion of ectoplasms. As you know, in the ectoplasmic structure there is the effect of both spirit and physicality. The cruder portion is closely associated with the physical structure and the subtler portion with spirituality.” (4)

1. Microvitum in Nutshell, Microvitum and Its Effect on Human Body and Human Mind, 31 December 1987 RU, Anandanagar
2. Microvitum in Nutshell, Microvitum and Its Effect on Human Body and Human Mind, 31 December 1987 RU, Anandanagar
3. Microvitum in Nutshell, Microvitum and Its Effect on Human Body and Human Mind, 31 December 1987 RU, Anandanagar
4. Microvitum in Nutshell, Microvitum and Its Effect on Human Body and Human Mind, 31 December 1987 RU, Anandanagar

== Section : Important Teaching ==

TP: Bangalization


The Tiljala in-charges have employed Bangalisation in a variety of ways. The following discourse, "Treading the Broad Path of Spirituality", stands as yet another example.

Below is an excerpt from the Electronic Edition publication of this discourse. Baba is telling a story about the King Akbar and his minister, Birbal. Tiljala Publications (TP) indicates that Birbal replied in Persian. But actually, Baba guides us that Birbal replied in Hindi. And although Tiljala publications printed Birbal’s reply in Hindi, those same publishers credited it as being Persian. This clearly depicts Tiljala publication's aversion towards mentioning of the term - Hindi. See here below that passage from the Electronic Edition:
Ananda Marga ideology states, "There is a fine story to illustrate this point. Once King Akbar said, “Birbal, can you please tell me something which will make a happy man unhappy and an unhappy man happy?” Birbal replied in Persian, “Aesá din nehi rahega” (Such days will not remain for ever). This can be said regarding everything of the world." (1)

It is sad Tiljala publication has printed Birbal's above reply in the Hindi language, yet said it was in Persian. Those who know Hindi will immediately recognise what Tiljala Publications has done. They printed the Hindi sentence - which Baba actually spoke in Hindi - yet labeled it as Persian. (2)

When something is clearly written in Hindi, it is deceptive and shameful to intentionally label it as Persian, in order to push down Hindi.

In Him,
Nandita’ Chakraborty

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 4, Treading the Broad Path of Spirituality (10 November 1978 morning, Kalikata.)
2. Baba actually has given this discourse in Bengali, in Kolkata. And this one statement of Birbal, Baba spoke in Hindi. Baba never said Birbal gave the reply in Persian; Baba simply spoke Birbal’s reply in Hindi. But Tiljala Publications could not accept or acknowledge the fact Baba spoke Birbal's reply in Hindi. So Tiljala Publications wrote that Baba replied in Persian. But that is wrong.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Re: My group is blessed!

Baba : Many of these group scoundrels are sick and aged. Like it says when iron is hot you can make things. When bamboo is green you can make things out of it but when dry you can't. I think iron is very cold now and bamboo is all dried up. Each one has set themselves up and have drawn a line in cement and they are quite comfortable money, power and position wise and many have built homes for retirement to live like retired PM's and governors. They also have not forgotten their laokik families as (they are only sanyasis in clothes only) and basically they are all the worst blood-sucking immoral businessmen, the capitalists of the worst kind. Do not expect any change in their hearts. With them, there is left no Love for our BABA, may i say even an iota of it ..they lost it over 2 decades ago.
Baba has said peace is the result of...

N Rao

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: My group is blessed!

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

प्रति अणु परमाणु नये रंगों और सुगंधों से दोदुल्यमान हो रहा है।

प्रभात संगीत 135: जन्मदिने एइ शुभ क्षणे…


हे परमपुरुष बाबा! तुम्हारे जन्मदिन आनन्दपूर्णिमा के इस शुभ  अवसर पर, तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा से मेरा प्राण अपार आनन्द से छलक रहा है। मेरा हृदय तुम्हारे प्रेम से भरा हुआ है। प्रति अणु परमाणु नये रंगों और सुगंधों से दोदुल्यमान हो रहा है।  तुम्हारा दिव्य आगमन समस्त ब्रह्माॅंड के प्रत्येक अंश  को स्पंदित कर रहा है। तुम्हारे दिव्य आगमन से सम्पूर्ण वातावरण आवेशित  और स्पंदित हो गया है।

हे प्रभु! तुम्हारे दिव्य आकर्षण और सुन्दरता से हर व्यक्ति आनन्दितहोकर अपने आप को तुममें ही खो चुका है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति तुम्हारे अलौकिक आनन्द में मदहोश  रहा है, और तैर रहा है। तुम्हारी कृपा से, तुम्हारी विशिष्ट उपस्थिति से मेरा हृदय तुम्हें पाकर प्रफुल्लित होकर, तुम्हारे ही दिव्य लय में सब केसाथ नाच रहा है।

हे परमपुरुष! तुम प्यार से आए हो, तथा मेरे निकट विराजमान हो । तुम्हारी दिव्य उपस्थिति ने सब कुछ बदल दिया है। ए मेरे प्रभु! तुम ब्रह्म ज्योति छटा में सब के आनन्द में रहते हो।

बाबा! इस शुभ दिन पर मेरी तुमसे यही याचना है कि कृपा कर मेरे हृदय में निवास करो,  मैं अपना सब कुछ तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में अर्पित करता हॅूं।

- Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section: Prout ==

Starve to death bit by bit

Prout philosophy states, "We must not forget, even for a single moment, that the entire animate world is a vast joint family. Nature has not assigned any portion of this property to any particular individual. Private ownership has been created by selfish opportunists, as the loopholes in this system provide them with ample scope for self-aggrandizement through exploitation. When the entire wealth of the universe is the common patrimony of all living beings, can the system in which some roll in luxury, while others, deprived of a morsel of food, shrivel up and starve to death bit by bit, be said to have the support of dharma?" (1)

1. Problems of the Day, point #1

== Section: Bangla quote ==

সন্ধান পেয়েছি

“আর্য়দের আদি নিবাস ছিল রুস দেশের দক্ষিণাংশ, এবং মধ্যাংশ, যুরাল পর্বত মালার কাছাকাছি এলাকা | অন্য নাম caucasian | তাঁরা তখন মানে আজ থেকে অনুমানিক পোনেরো হাজ়ার ৰছর আগে যে ভাষায় কথা ৰলতেন, আজ আমরা সেই ভাষাকে ৰলি বৈদিক ভাষা | কেন বৈদিক ভাষা ৰলি ? সে ভাষার তো কোনও নাম ছিল, বৈদিক ভাষা এই কারণে ৰলি যে সে ভাষাতে কেবল মাত্র একটি ৰইয়েরই আমরা সন্ধান পেয়েছি, যে ৰইটার নাম বেদ | তাই ভাষাটার নাম বৈদিক |” (1)

1. MGD, 16 March 1980-03-16 Calcutta

== Section 3: Links ==

Mother's Day Dogma
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