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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Inner science + 2 more


Inner science


Now and again we come across this guideline. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You have only one goal: to please Parama Puruśa in all possible ways whenever an opportunity presents itself.” (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Please Parama Puruśa through Your Service)

Seeing the above teaching, some new people might conclude that Parama Purusa is narcissistic and wants to be pleased, praised, and glorified in every moment, but a closer look gives a different perspective of the situation. To shine a light on this, let’s examine a worldly situation.

Boy benefits from pleasing mom

There were two high school graduates who were about to leave home to attend university. Both of their mothers warn their sons about the dangers of engaging in party behaviour (drinking, drugs, smoking, sexual crimes etc) while at college and tell them to attend to their studies. Both moms impart this guideline for the welfare of their respective sons, John and Pete. Yet, both boys, John and Pete, are interested in party life at college, but since John has a very close relation with his mother and wants to please her, he refrains from party life and attends to his studies. In contrast, Pete feels less connected to his mother so he disregards her wishes and indulges in party life, ends up in jail, and fails out of school. Ultimately, John graduates with high honours - and the key point was that due to his great love for his mother he felt he should act in a way that would be pleasing to her. And in the end, John got all the benefits: awards at graduation and a very good job.

Having a personal link is needed

And this same theory applies in spiritual life as well. When one has not yet embarked on the spiritual journey and has no link with the Supreme Entity, that person will have no inclination to please Parama Purusa. It is only when one becomes more committed to their spiritual practices and develops a link with Him by His grace that they will have the natural inclination or urge to please Parama Purusa. And that tendency is what is called bhakti.  

Yet, by this relation, Parama Purusa has nothing to gain - already He stands in His own glory. A unit jiiva can do nothing to add to the greatness of Parama Purusa. So it is only the bhakta who has something to gain by pleasing Parama Purusa strictly adhering to Sixteen Points.


Ananda Marga ideology states, “True devotees can think only of Parama Puruśa – their every action is to please Parama Puruśa.” (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, The True Devotee)

In Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

Pleasing Him

And this same theory applies in spiritual life as well. When one has not yet embarked on the spiritual journey and has no link with the Supreme Entity, that person will have no inclination to please Parama Purusa. And even for new sadhakas who just started learning sadhana, they too may not have the feeling to do something to please Parama Purusa. 

It is only when one becomes more committed to their spiritual practices and develops a link with Him by His grace that they will have the natural inclination or urge to please Parama Purusa. And that tendency is what is called bhakti. As their bhakti grows, then their each and every breath will be imbibed with the feeling that, “I should please Parama Purusa.” Such a person is truly blessed as most on this earth never get such a feeling. It is rare.

Yet, by this relation, Parama Purusa has nothing to gain - already He stands in His own glory. A unit jiiva can do nothing to add to the greatness of Parama Purusa. So it is only the bhakta who has something to gain by strictly adhering to the path of bhakti. Verily, when they develop that inner link with that Cosmic Entity, then their life becomes fully transformed ,and they yearn to remain close and please Him always. 

Here we have to remember that we should be patient with non-sadhakas and newcomers on the path. We cannot expect that they will immediately want to do something to please Parama Purusa - nor can we impose this idea on their psyche. Rather, this is a very natural phenomenon that mounts organically as one advances on the path and is graced to have an inner relation with Him. And that is His supreme blessing on that sadhaka. 

Verily, when they develop that inner link with that Cosmic Entity, then their life becomes fully transformed, and they yearn to remain close and please Him always.

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

After so long

“Eta din pare bandhuá eseche, ándhár gharete álo jharáte…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0386)


After so long, my cherished Bandhuá, my Lord, has graciously come, showering light and illuminating my dark cottage. All the deep despair has vanished, as He has infused this world with unparalleled hope and jubilation. He has come to win the hearts of all with His exuberant joy and intoxicating dance. His form shatters all limitations, and the beauty of this formless Bandhu overflows into the ocean of form.  

I can't understand His divine liila. By the mere mention of His name, He inundates this dry, dusty earth with blissful nectar. His grace touches each and every pore of this cosmos. There is no place that it does not reach. 

His compassionate and loving heart overflows and spreads everywhere. My Bandhuá is the base of all life. Every expression stems from Him. His form is boundless.

The Lord of music has come to emancipate all with the sweet rhythmic, melodious tunes of the heart. Baba, Your exquisite presence has transformed everything….

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0386

(1) Bandhuá: বঁধু, বঁধুয়া - ban̐dhu, ban̐dhuẏa - [ban̐dhu, ban̐dhuẏā] n (poet.) 

In the above song, the bhakta is expressing how his Divine Entity has come. The bhakta is referring to Parama Purusa as Bandhua - a very intimate relation.

== Section 3: Links ==

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