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Monday, February 27, 2023

Crime by church + 3 more

Crime by church


Nowadays, there is a comprehensive review of the way native children were abused and pulled from their families by the dominant colonial powers. The evidence and anecdotal accounts are quite damning:

"Like many Indigenous people across Canada, Andrew Phypers, a criminal defence lawyer from the Lower Kootenay Band in the Canadian province of British Columbia, has a personal connection to “residential schools”. His mother attended St Eugene’s Mission Residential School, where ground-penetrating radar found 182 Indigenous children’s unmarked graves...From the late 1800s until 1996, Canada removed 150,000 Indigenous children from their homes and forced them into institutions run by church staff where they had to cut their long hair and were forbidden from speaking their language ….. Many were physically and sexually abused. Thousands of children are believed to have died." (Courtesy of Aljazeera, 08 July 2021)

In the wake of these shocking, horrific, and tragic revelations, we should review Prout’s guidelines on this topic.

In His Prout philosophy, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has issued three cardinal socio-political principles which apply quite clearly to the case of Canada’s long term abuse of native populations, as well as to the tragedies that have happened to the Eskimos of Alaska, the indigenous tribes of Mexico, the aboriginal peoples of Australia, and so many other native communities etc. Here are those three principles.

Children forcibly taken from their parents

In Australia, as well as in the US, France, Vietnam, Morocco, South Africa, etc, a dominant lifestyle has done irreparable harm to the native peoples. In particular, in Australia, one of the main techniques for breaking the aborigines was to take their children.

News report: "Thousands of Aboriginal children were forcibly taken from their parents and given to white families or institutions to raise between 1915 and 1969. The policy was aimed at forcing assimilation between Aboriginal and white communities." (Courtesy of AP News)

News report: "Moving children into a foreign lifestyle had devastating effects. 'They lost their link to their lifestyle. They lost their kinship ties to their families, their link to the aboriginal lifestyle, like a link to the land,'. " (Courtesy of World News)

Such a wretched policy of forcibly taking the indigenous children yielded horrific results and clearly goes against the cardinal socio-political principles of Prout. And so many other wrongs were done such as depriving native peoples of their livelihood as well as many other awful crimes. And again, Australia stands as just one place of many where such tragedies and injustices have occurred.

The reason this letter focuses more on Australia is simply because the Australian government was the first to come forward to issue a clear-cut apology. But unlike the Canadian government which gave billions of dollars in aid to their native peoples along with their apology, the Australian government has made no such motion. Just they used an oral apology to “clear-up” those past injustices, suppressive tactics, and crimes. Although the overall climate for the treatment of native lifestyle is getting better, there is still room for much improvement. And that is sure to come with the propagation of Prout philosophy.

How to rectify wrongs from the past

According to the teachings of Prout, in such cases of extreme mistreatment of native peoples, special programs must be put in place to bring such communities back on their feet. The upliftment of those entire peoples must be accomplished. That is the proper solution.

Prout philosophy states, "Special efforts should be made to protect the interests of [so-called] backward classes. For example, tribal people are among the most deprived of the [so-called] backward classes...Special steps should be taken immediately to enhance their socio-economic development. Such steps should include the removal of all educational inequalities; the widespread establishment of cottage industries; proper agricultural facilities, especially irrigation water; self-reliance in energy production, such as electricity; increased communication facilities, such as telephones; and better transportation infrastructure, such as railways." (3)

The above guidelines clearly directs us that numerous economic programs and supportive social structures must be advanced in various spheres of life to ensure the proper development of those downtrodden communities, like the native peoples, who have been harmed in the past and present.

So issuing an apology, as the Australian government did, is not enough. But even then it has to be recognised as a start because in the past such governments would not even recognise that any wrongs were committed. Hence, recognition is a good first step and soon with the influence of Prout grand programs will be in place to help all aboriginal lifestyles.


We should be forceful and brave in upholding the cardinal socio-political principles because only by this way will we create a bright, new world for all.

Prout philosophy says, "If any group tries to violate any of these three cardinal socio-political principles, you should immediately oppose them with a thundering voice and sufficient force. Victory will be yours, because you are supporting the collective psychology...So, you should ensure that these three cardinal socio-political principles are not violated. By doing this you will safeguard the welfare of society." (4)

In Him,

Prout philosophy has created a stir. Because of Prout, communism met its premature demise. And now we see the multi-century trend of exploiting native people slowly taking a new course. And verily the mere deliverance of Prout philosophy will affect so much more change and transformation.

~ In-depth study ~

Apology to native communities

Some years ago, the Australian government issued a formal apology in recognition of the wrongs committed to its tribal and native communities. Over centuries, the Euro-Australians have wielded untold injustices upon the aborigines. And for the first time ever, there was an admittance by the government that this has occurred. And that spurred the then US President to also issue an apology to Native Americans in 2009.

Sadly there is a dark history behind all this. Mass mistreatment and abuse to native populations occurred throughout North, Central, and South America, as well as across Africa and Asia etc. This type of rampant exploitation of native peoples happened on nearly each and every land mass throughout the world. So this is not an isolated trend or something related only with a particular continent. In sum, a dominant tradition came and ruthlessly subjected a weaker, native community to torture, slavery, and all sorts of repressive tactics. And for centuries this was permissible, even glorified.

But now, over the last decade, these injustices are no longer being tolerated. History is being rewritten and governments are being asked to atone for their sins. Now the question arises, how to undo all of these injustices? Is issuing a simple apology sufficient in the wake of the wrongs committed, as the Australian government did. Shall we as a global people accept a government's apology to native people as a fair and just conclusion after centuries of exploitation? Or are further steps warranted.

Prout philosophy says, "There are many instances where these three cardinal principles have been violated, causing much suffering and disturbance in individual and collective life." (2)

Exploitation: cardinal socio-political principles

Prout philosophy says, "There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated. First, people should not be retrenched from their occupations unless alternative employment has been arranged for them. Secondly, people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed. Occupation, spiritual practice and mother tongue are very important to human beings. If the sentiments associated with them are hurt, human beings will be deeply affected. So, you should never violate these cardinal socio-political principles." (1)

According to our Prout perspective, (a) livelihood, (b) freedom of religion, and (c) mother tongue must be honoured always. There is no time when any of these cardinal socio-political principles may be disregarded. Unfortunately, on this earth, there are no shortage of cases where these three cardinal principles have been transgressed.

'Stolen generations'

News report: "Thousands of Aboriginal children were forcibly taken from their parents and given to white families or institutions to raise between 1915 and 1969. The policy was aimed at forcing assimilation between Aboriginal and white communities." (AP News)

News report: "While aboriginal groups have welcomed the Australian government’s pledge to apologise to the 'stolen generations', they argue that the gesture should be backed up with compensation.." (News Wire)

News report: "Some 230 years have passed since Europeans first established a settlement in Australia. But Australians -- non-indigenous as well as indigenous -- are struggling to come to terms with the past, and therefore, the present." (New Service)

News report: "Indigenous campaigners have been seeking a billion-dollar nationwide compensation package for the policy." (AP News)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Elevating Backward Classes
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why Parama Purusa can’t do

In this darshan, Sadguru Baba raises the query why Parama Purusa cannot make create another omnipotent Entity. Then in response, one margii says that if Parama Purusa creates 2, 5, or 10 omnipotent entities then those omnipotent entities might create even more. In that case, there will be a plethora of omnipotent entities and some of them may cause huge chaos - even making or destroying the entire creation. That is why Parama Purusa cannot make a second omnipotent entity. That is the basic idea of what the margii says in the below section and Baba accepts the overall spirit of the  margii’s response.
[Ma'rgii replies==—"बाबा omnipotent परमपुरुष हैं | और, परमपुरुष अगर और एक omnipotent create कर दें—दस कर दिए, बीस कर दिए, हज़ार कर दिए, तो वे लोग भी अगर omnipotent होंगे, तो वे लोग भी जाने क्या-क्या कितने-कितने omnipotent create कर देंगे | जिनको omnipotent वे create करेंगे, वे create करेंगे, सारी सृष्टि—"]

[Baba says] “For the sake of His omnipotency, He cannot create a second Parama Purus'a. Yes, right you are.”

[Baba says]  এইটা হল উত্তর |

[Baba says] “For the sake of His omnipotency, in order to maintain the dignity of His omnipotency, He cannot create a second Parama Purus'a. So, it is not ultravarious to the spirit of omnipotency.” (1) (बाबा का मार्गियों से प्रश्न, Bábá ká Márgiyoṋ se Prashna, NP, EGD Delhi 10 September 1979)
1. बाबा का मार्गियों से प्रश्न, Bábá ká Márgiyoṋ se Prashna, NP, EGD Delhi 10 September 1979

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