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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

AM for today & tomorrow + 2 more

AM for today & tomorrow


Ananda Marga ideology is the panacea for all of the world’s problems, as well as the path for spiritual growth and supreme realisation. Yet there are some in AMPS who think that Baba’s teachings are not for the present era. They think their main duty is to pass those dharmic guidelines down to the next generation. While they willingly accept that Baba's teachings are great, they feel helpless to follow or implement those guidelines themselves. In this regard, they suffer from a defeatist complex.

Again, their basic psychology is that future generations will follow AM ideology, but it is not possible nowadays. They give various excuses and justifications. Here, we are not just talking about collective life such as the full implementation of Prout, but individual life as well. For instance, they say that Sixteen Points is too much to manage - that it is beyond them. Naturally, when they think that half-bath, fasting, and twice daily asanas etc are too difficult to follow in their personal life, then they do not even consider implementing Baba’s teachings on the societal level. They believe that it is strictly for the future. For instance, some Wts say that Wt conduct rules are for future Wts only. To the degree one falls prey to this type of psychology is the degree to which their mind is dominated by dogma.

Present & future use

Another dogma exists that there are specific departments in AMPS whose sole duty is to collect and keep Baba’s important teachings for the future generations. So they are keen to build storage units etc to hold those spiritual teachings. They think that is the best way to preserve them. But that will lead to a tremendous loss. People do not learn dharmic teachings from books, but by seeing the conduct of true practitioners. That means the present generation must embody those teachings. That is the best way to hand it down to the next generation. Thus, on many fronts, it is a complete loss to think that Baba’s divine teachings should be put in storage for future generations. 

Here, the key point is that dharma should be followed now, in this very moment. Every Ananda Margii should become a living example of Baba’s divine teachings. That will lead to their own welfare, as well as serve as a torchlight to humanity for how to lead a spiritual life. Then Baba’s teachings will both come to life and be preserved.

AM is for all

In the below guidelines, Baba is clearly instructing every Ananda Margii, and indeed our whole entire AM society, to live according to the ideals and teachings of AM:

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In our A'nanda Ma'rga, 'love for all' and 'humanity is one family' are the guiding principles." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In our Ma'rga the seeds of an ideal humanity are sown from the very beginning of life." (2)

Prout philosophy says, "In our Ma'rga spiritual practices are based on rationality." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The entire society of Ananda Marga is founded on a common ideal, the goal of becoming one with Brahma." (4)

So, in this way, it is clear that Baba's teachings are meant to be followed by members of the Marga. Thus, as Ananda Margiis, we are to instill all the teachings of AM into our practical lives.

Implement in one's own life

And the following directive also gives the guideline that we are all to incorporate Baba's teachings of Ananda Marga into our very existence; for this is the road to welfare.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "By adopting a sublime ideology in practical life, one can overcome all psychic afflictions." (5)

Here again Baba warns us that theory alone is not enough, rather it is essential to reflect that very philosophy in one's conduct.

Ananda Vanii guides us, "...Book-knowledge that cannot be utilized in life has no value." (6)

New margiis also know

Therefore, it is clearly evident that the expectation is for all present day Ananda Margiis to implement the teachings of AM into our everyday way of life. And this fact is not something hidden; indeed, even every new margii is aware of this. In so many places, Baba emphasizes this idea that we should always check to see we are living according to the ideals of AM.

Specifically, in every dharmacakra, we collectively ideate on this when we recite our Supreme Command-- "Every Ananda Margii will have to perform sadhana twice a day invariably…the Lord's command is also to follow yama and niyama". These holy lines stand as further testimony that Baba's teachings are for Ananda Margiis.

Help & serve suffering humanity

So, in each and every breath of life, Baba is encouraging and guiding us to incorporate the ideals of AM into our life's routine. And, here below, Baba is directing us that by following all the respective teachings of AM, we Ananda Margiis will be able to heal the wounds of the suffering humanity.

Prout philosophy says, "Innocent human beings are at the mercy of human demons. We have to solve this problem. We must solve this problem through PROUT, Neo-Humanism, Microvita, art, literature, songs, music and spiritual Sa'dhana'. These are the panacea to solve all these problems." (7)

Prout philosophy states, "What we want is the rule of rationality. Human society is one and indivisible...This is what the spiritual philosophy of A'nanda Ma'rga says. Only due to dogmas, people think in terms of heterogeneity. There is only one ideology in the world which is not only all-embracing but also all-pervading." (8)

And, here below, Baba is saying that AM ideology has identified all the weaknesses and provided all the answers of today's social ills. Hence, Baba has directed each and every Ananda Margii to lead by example and guide the society by spreading the teachings of AM throughout this entire expressed universe.

Prout philosophy says, "Both the problems and their solutions [of today's society] have been pointed out. Now it is our bounden duty to carry this message to all nooks and corners of this world. The wind is blowing in our favour. We should carry the message to each and every particle of marrow of this living world." (9)


Ultimately, it is quite clear that Baba's teachings are for all Ananda Margiis to follow in this  present era. That will yield positive results on multiple fronts, including the preservation of His ideology. In contrast, putting His teaching under lock and key in cold storage solely for future generations will only set our AM society backwards. By Baba's infinite grace and supreme compassion, we will be able to please Him by inculcating His divine guidelines in our own lives and building up one healthy human society.

At His lotus feet,

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 3, Social Psychology
2. Táttvika Praveshiká, Social Psychology 
3. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 1 Part 2, Social Psychology
4. Tattvika Praveshika, Social Psychology
5. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva’s Teachings – 2 (Discourse 13)
6. Ananda Vanii #7, Ánanda Púrńimá 1958
7. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 3 Part 12, The Rule of Rationality
8. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 3 Part 12, The Rule of Rationality
9. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 3 Part 12, The Rule of Rationality

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Curative effect of sleep

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Although bodily pleasures are perceived by the mind in the wakeful state, the objects of such pleasures always come from without, with the result that the privations of the external world will always stand in the way of real happiness, as the external world cannot always supply objects in accordance with the desires and wishes of the mind. Due to this the mind has to run up and down in search of them. It becomes very agitated in the process and peace becomes and impossibility. The influence of the external world is absent during the dreamful state, accordingly the amount of pleasure is due to want of efferent desires in the mind or increased organs (for that matter here the desire is not afferent either). In the state of sleep, as the internal activities of the mind are substantially less, the amount of happiness (Static happiness) is proportionately increased.” (1)

Note: In life sometimes tragedy comes. This happens to everyone. And you might have experienced what Baba explains in the above teaching. If you lost your wallet and after that you feel asleep then at least during that time of sleep you got some relief. For this reason, those who life is inundated with problems want to sedate themselves by sleeping a lot.

1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 4

== Section 3: Links ==