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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Special approach to learning + 3 more

Special approach to learning


In His elaboration of "See the bright side", Baba has explained that everything in this universe is a mix of the three gun'as: sentient (sa'ttvika), mutative (ra'jasik), and static (ta'masik). Everyone and everything contains at least some amount of both sentient qualities, along with mutative and static qualities. If sattvagun'a is more dominant, we call that person or thing "good"; and, if tamahgun'a is more dominant, we call that person or thing "bad".

Take the case of sentient food like rice, bananas, or spinach. That food is dominated by the sattvika quality, but it is not 100% sentient. All sentient foods have lesser quantities of mutative (rajasik) and static (tamasik) qualities. And when the static property dominates it means those sentient foods have become wilted, slimy, or rotten etc. In a similar manner, every inherently tamasik food item has some small degree of sentient aspects.

When one wishes to study painting and realizes that the top painting teacher is an opioid user then one has to overlook that drug habit of that teacher and embrace their unparalleled quality as a painting teacher. That is what is meant by, “See the bright side.” And, by this way, one will be able to learn a lot about painting from that teacher.

The great benefit is that ignoring the bad qualities and focusing on the good qualities allows us to learn easily.


Sadguru Baba has given us this great teaching, "See the bright side." If one wishes to learn something from anyone then one should overlook their bad qualities and try to find some good even in bad people. That is how to utilise, “See the bright side” formula. 

At the same time there are occasions when “See the bright side” should not be applied, such as when you want to bring someone on the right path or make that person better. Then don’t use, “See the bright side”, rather point out their flaws and sins, and force them to change.

at His lotus feet,

Where to use “see the bright side” and where not

Above an example was given where “See the bright side” enabled a person to learn. But there are many instances where “See the bright side” should not be used. Those who are naive think it should be used everywhere. And they invite misery.

Here is one tiny example. Take the case of an intruder who forcibly entered Tom’s house using military weapons. Seeing this, Tom was mesmerized by their shiny weapons. When reporting this incident to the police Tom showered effusive praise upon those the intruder for having ultra-modern weapons etc and forgot to tell what they stole. Everyone immediately understood that Tom is so foolish. The intruder took away all Tom’s money and still he is praising their weapons, talent, and ammunition.

So bear in mind that “See the bright side” is not used everywhere. The teaching, "See the bright side", should only be used when you have to learn from that person; and, it should not be used in other circumstances. But naive people do the opposite.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Journey of supreme love

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: In this song everything is expressed in a very poetic, artistic manner and should not be taken literally i.e on a mundane level.

"Gáner málá tomár tare, genthe rekhechi áj bhore, eso tumi karuńá kare, parábo paráń bhare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3323)


Parama Purusa, since the early dawn, I have prepared this garland of songs for You. My Lord, please be gracious and by Your karuńá come close. With heartfelt affection I want to garland You, my Adored One.

Divine Entity, in the hope and preparation of Your arrival, after bathing I wear my holy silk cloth and carefully collect flowers of bhakti. Prabhu, I have decorated the golden wicker tray with rhythm, melodies, and tunes to offer You. I have prepared everything for Your auspicious reception. Now I am gazing towards the path of Your arrival.

My Parama Purusa Baba, this flower of mine is not found in the garden. It does not bloom in the wild. This flower blossoms in the depths of my mind, in my heart - amidst streams of bhakti, in the charming magic upon the strings of the viina, on a secret journey of supreme love for the Unknown. Parama Purusa You are that Unknown Entity. When I cry in longing for You then this song flows from my heart.

I am waiting for You…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3323:

[1] Arcana: Some Hindu worshipers collect physical articles, lamps, and flowers and do certain rituals to honour and call the Lord. That is arcana. In our Ananda Marga that physical, external, and ritualistic approach does not belong. But if anyone is doing this spontaneously in their contemplation then it is approved - as it has a positive value. But this is not a song to be taken literally on the mundane level. Meditation is a psycho-spiritual practice and bhakti means gaining psycho-spiritual proximity with the Lord. If in their mind, one actually performs the steps outlined in this song then their mind will be goaded towards Parama Purusa. And ultimately the mind will become fully ensconced in deep samadhi where the bhakta feels oneness with Parama Purusa. So the above song can depict what a sadhaka is actually doing in their contemplative approach. If anyone is thinking about or engaging with someone then their proximity with that person increases. That is the practical teaching from this song. And that closeness is bhakti. A sadhaka feels Parama Purusa in the mind - His closeness to ultimately become one with Him.

This song describes how the sadhaka is engaging their mind in meditation. The song may be interpreted as a metaphor, or in a more direct manner because psycho-spiritually the sadhaka really is taking these actual steps in their contemplation. This depicts a bhakta’s strong desire to have the proximity of Parama Purusa. And when Parama Purusa is not coming close, then see how that bhakta ideates and communicates his feeling with Him. 

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Really, unite the various religions?

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Some intellectuals are in favour of respecting all religions. I say that such people cannot do anything to promote the solidarity of the human race, for most religions demand blind faith rather than rationality from their followers. “Don’t argue,” they proclaim. “Accept the teachings of the scriptures for they are the direct word of God.” The cunning intellectuals of the past imposed the importance of blind faith on the minds of their gullible followers. They told them to obey the teachings, rational or irrational, otherwise there would be no respite from the endless suffering of human life, no other path to take them to the eternal bliss of heaven.” (1)

Note: These days it is looked upon as great to respect all the religions. Especially when a tragic event occurs, the government organises various multi-faith prayer gatherings and rituals etc in an attempt to cultivate social harmony. But, as per Baba’s above teaching, that is the wrong approach. Indeed, these multi-faith types of gatherings featuring all the religions bring a fleeting tinge of good-feeling that is as temporary as a bubble of water. It will burst in a second. And then their internecine feuds and acts of exploitation rage on. 

The root cause is that those who strictly follow a religious doctrine do not use logic and reasoning, and they do not develop genuine love for humanity. Rather, they misguide their followers into believing that their outlandish belief and faith is the greatest, i.e. they alone have the real God, and all others are fake, just lowly heathens. So their approach is wholly defective. 

Then what is the way to proceed? The only way to unite all the peoples is to guide them that they must use their brain and become true human beings. Animals and religious followers do not use their rational intellect, only true humans do. So one should not follow any illogical precepts, regardless of the religion. If people understand and adhere to this fundamental code, the religions will fade away. People will realise this truth that humans evolved from chimps. And chimps have no race caste, colour, or difference; they are all one. With this understanding, there will not be anymore massacres on the basis of caste or race. The problem of human infighting will be solved. Unifying all the religions is a mirage. Religion will only bring disharmony in society. So the well-wishers of humanity should be keen to discard religion. As a dharmika, don’t try to unite the various religions.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Capitalists are diseased & Prout’s cure

Prout philosophy states, “The aspiration to become rich by exploiting others is always a kind of psychic ailment. Capitalists argue, “We amass wealth through our intellect and labour. Let others also amass wealth in the same way if they have the intellect or capacity to work. Who will stop them?” They do not want to accept that the number of consumable commodities in the world is limited, but all need their basic necessities. If one person is rolling in wealth this will generally mean that others will be deprived of even their minimum requirements. The failure to recognize the needs of others is itself a disease. But the victims of this ailment are also our brothers and sisters, members of the same human family. Either through human appeals or circumstantial pressure, these people must be cured of their psychic ailment. In order to do this we will have to channelize their obsession with material wealth in a mental and spiritual direction. At the same time as people’s physical hunger and thirst are being satisfied, everyone should be freely taught scientific processes to fulfil their psych[o-spiritual] longings.” (1)

Note: Here above Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar is pointing out the psychic defect of capitalists. They amass a huge amount of material wealth by exploiting others and justify their haul by inviting everyone else to do the same. Yet, the materials object of this world are finite. So their justification has no merit. It is not possible for each and every person to accumulate a huge amount of wealth, i.e. far more than they need. Ultimately these capitalists exploiters have to be cured of their mental disease. The solution is to divert the minds away from material wealth and towards the psycho and spiritual realms.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, The Responsibility of Society