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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Info in Sr Ac Diary + 3 more


Info in Sr Ac Diary


Sadguru Baba has included an absolute wealth of knowledge and dharmic teachings in the Senior Acarya Diary.

(A) The Senior Acarya Diary also contains all kinds of social teachings including elaboration on yama and niyama, asanas, and a full range of topics such as ajagarii and madhukarii vrttis, how Wts should live like a python, and using asanas as remedies. And it is the duty of our acaryas to convey these social teachings to family margiis and other seekers. Here the point is that those acaryas will present that social information in their own words for the welfare of the society. They will not hand out actual pages from the Senior Acarya Diary.
(B) For instance, suppose an acarya is teaching asanas to a newly initiated person or an older sadhaka who needs help. Then naturally, that acarya will draw from his own knowledge gained from the study of the Senior Acarya Diary. That is the whole purpose of those Senior Acarya Diary. Baba has given that social information to acaryas to disseminate. To think that social information is to remain forever secret from the entire humanity is foolhardy. 

(C) Similarly, paraphrasing from the Senior Acarya Diary is the proper way to proceed in the written format. That means the acarya will write the basic idea of those social tenets from the senior Acarya Diary in their own words. They will never directly quote the Senior Acarya Diary.

(D) One should bear in mind that the Senior Acarya Diary has all kinds of social  teachings that are not directly sadhana related such as how to deal with a person who comes to your house to abduct your wife. Verily, Baba has given countless social teachings and philosophical tenets in the Senior Acarya Diary. And Wts are to study those tenets and preach and teach about them to margiis in various meetings etc, and then those margiis should spread those social teachings everywhere. Those guidelines are meant to be disseminated so all can be benefited.

What must remain secret

There are two basic aspects from the Senior Acarya Diary that must remain in confidence: 

#1: One must never share the exact pages or wording from the Senior Acarya Diary.

#2: One should never publicly share the very explicit instructions from the Senior Acarya Diary about the process of sadhana and the selection of mantra etc.

So the above two principles must be upheld. Beyond that, it is the duty of our acaryas to convey, in their own words, all of Baba’s social guidelines to interested parties through various seminars, workshops, writings, and speeches etc. That will yield tremendous benefits to the overall standard of sadhakas in our Ananda Marga Pracarka Samgha and will be a boon for the society on the whole.
in Him, 

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your irresistible, exquisite attraction

"Toma'rei a'mi bha'lobasi, toma'ri katha' koye ja'i..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0975)


Parama Purusa, I love only You and talk only about You. All my thoughts are goaded unto You. My days pass singing Your glory and spreading Your eternal teachings - Ananda Marga ideology. I am moving on Your path, day and night. It is Your grace. My aim is to always adhere to all Your do's and don'ts and aspire to follow all Your guidelines, i.e. the path of dharma. Besides You there is nothing. For me You are the only One. I don’t depend on money, wealth, power, and post---they are not going to save me; they are not my shelter. Baba, You alone are my Polestar. 

Unfathomable Entity, Your magnificence is resplendent across this entire universe - throughout the galaxies, nebula, stars, planets, and moon. Everywhere I see Your unparalleled greatness getting expressed. You are everything: The source and origin of life and the final Desideratum. Because of that, I long for Your blessing day and night, all the 24 hours. In my sadhana, in my dhyana, and in the deep core of my heart I long for Your close proximity and mercy.

Baba, Parama Purusa, the entire creation is within You. Everyone is in Your mind: In pain they are crying, in pleasure they are dancing. You have arranged all my needs and requirements. Nothing good in my life is due to my virtue. You alone are the Benevolent Cause. Because of Your irresistible, exquisite attraction and pull, I do sadhana, sing bhajans, chant Your kiirtan, and ultimately come close to You. It is all due to Your endless compassion.
Baba, I only love You and chant Your splendour…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Key role of art: awaken spiritual zeal

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Whatever the profound, philosophical implications of the word prema [“love”], the true characteristic of love is supra-physical – beyond the bondage of any limitation. When artists become absorbed in the essence of love and try to convey it to the people through their language, rhetoric and subtle suggestions, the sweetness of their artistic genius reaches the apex of expression. But then this creation of the artist cannot be regarded as popular literature or art, because the subtle sense which is capable of comprehending that transcendental feeling is, in fact, undeveloped in most people. We do find at places in the literature of Rabindranath Tagore some semblances of this pure, supra-physical love, but whenever Rabindranath tried to give expression to it, he became unintelligible to the masses. The transcendental thoughts and ideas of the sweet, graceful shlokas [couplets] of the Upanishads are also incomprehensible to the common people.” 
   “This sublime love has established itself for all eternity beyond the limits of time, space and person. Infinite love is the ultimate ecstatic expression of finite love. This sense that artists try to awaken in the popular mind, when they devote themselves to the task of establishing the link between the finite and the infinite, between the mundane and the transcendental – this awareness, though not purely transcendental, is of the greatest importance in the realm of art. Because it gradually leads that sweetness of the human mind which is apprehensible to ordinary intelligence to a dreamland that is beyond the senses.” (1) 

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section 4: Links ==