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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Memory not in cranium + 2 more

Memory not in cranium 


Modern day scientists believe that a person’s entire memory is stored in the brain. But that is logically impossible. Everyone has a similar sized brain. Those who have written hundreds of books and have memorized countless facts and figures have a head no bigger than that of a normal person, or even an illiterate individual.

Think of it in this way. A physically weak person who is lean and thin cannot give a big blow with their fist. But those who are Olympic boxing champions can punch someone and deliver a serious blow. By their sheer size and muscular structure, it is clear they have tremendous punching power.  

Here the key idea is whatever aspect of yourself that you use most grows. Those who are professors and lawyers, and those involved in intellectual works, have a lot of knowledge. They use their brain to a high degree. So, by the aforesaid logic, their brain should be very big, far larger than that of a normal person. But that is not the case. An intellectual’s head is in the same size range as that of the common citizen. That is why scientists nowadays are flawed in their theory that all one’s knowledge, information, and memories are stored in the brain. That is impossible. Because an intellectual’s head does not grow in size as they learn and study more. Their body does not grow like the muscles of a boxer.

Memories stored in mind, not brain

The brain is like computer RAM in that it is short-term memory that lasts 15 - 20 days until it fades. It depends on how much importance you give to that short term memory. If you give a particular memory no importance then that memory will be quickly deleted etc. Even then that erased memory has been deposited somewhere where you can retrieve it. Because that memory is stored in the citta, according to Ananda Marga philosophy. All memories are stored in the mind, not the brain. That’s why the baby has access to those past life memories up to the age of 4 or 5, and in some cases up to 13 yrs of age. When a few month old baby smiles they are retrieving memories of their past life. They are not smiling because of an experience in their new life.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Q. 55 What is the base of memory?”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Ans.: – Memory is the re-creation of things already perceived. Once the citta has perceived an object, a certain vibration corresponding to that perceived object is imprinted in the nerve fibres. That experience remains in the citta in the form of seed. By recreating a congenial vibration in the nerve cells, and thus by invoking the same feeling in the citta, one experiences the process of memory. Thus the base of memory is not in the brain but in the citta. Vibrations of a perceived object remain imprinted in the nerve fibres for a few days and then gradually fade. Some people believe that memory is stored in the nerve cells in the form of “line”. If that were the case, however, the human brain would not be able to accommodate it. The cranium of those whose thoughts are multifarious would have to become larger and more complex to fulfil the needs of creating proper vibrations.” (1)

A healthy brain recalls / retrieves those memories that are stored in the mind.


1. Material scientists believe that all one’s knowledge and entire memory is stored in the brain.
2. According to Ananda Marga philosophy one’s memory is stored in the citta. Even if you forget a given fact or memory, still it remains in the citta. That is why sometimes you can again recall something that earlier you could not remember.
3. Just as wrestlers and boxers develop very large bodies due to extensive exercise etc, if knowledge was stored in the brain then the size of the cranium for intellectuals would be 100 times bigger.
4. All memory is stored in the citta. Alzheimer's patients cannot retrieve memory from their citta and that is why they forget. For them those memories are seemingly lost. But when Alzheimer's patients get a new life they can remember all those incidents from prior. Typically, a person has access to those past life memories up to the age of 4 or 5, and in some cases up to 13 yrs of age.
5. When a baby of a few months smiles they are retrieving memories of their past life, not because of new life experience.
6. All this leads in the direction that one’s knowledge and memories are stored in the mind, i.e. in the citta, not the brain.

In Him,
Seva’ Devi

1. Ananda Marga philosophy in a Nutshell - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, Question #55

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